regarding seeds not growing in 1.0.1 as you probably already know from @jaredlll08 in json file you have to add "dimensionWhitelist":1 for it to work.
Where did he say that at?
I'm getting a jump on the compressed cobble early this time & moving some things around. I'm using the chest set up with hyper-rationing pipes. The initial cobble gen is feeding a reinforced cache while I go mine enough materials for all the world interaction & speed upgrades I'll need to get this flowing at a decent rate.
Why do you have that water waterfall like thing? A simple sorce block on the other side of the cobble would work just as well.
Oh and don't forget that with AE2s ability to support multiple crafting jobs it should be able to, with the right setup, produce the compressed cobble rather quickly. In theory.
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