[1.7.10] Material Energy^4

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out of curiosity - has anyone been able to get a weapon which would 1-shot fallen knights?

A few pages back, i posted screenshots of a broadsword that glitched and ended up with +50 attack and it would still take 2 hits to kill Fallen Knights. If only i could have glitched a rapier, it would one shot them i think.
out of curiosity - has anyone been able to get a weapon which would 1-shot fallen knights?
I'm using cleaver with full quartz +1x smite and I still will be able to get 1 more modifier. Now it's at +51attack so with the last modifier will be probably sth like +56 but still it's not even close to 1-shoting them. 1 hit takes about 75-80% of their hp only.
Maybe some1 has a better combination? Maybe rapier is the way to go here? Or maybe full smite instead of quartz?

My favorite so far has got to be the crossbow. It's wickedly good at taking down armored foes, and it's fast. I made up a bronze crossbow. Bronze arm, regular bowstring, and whatever body you want, the body choice only changes durability. I think I went with wood and then upgraded to iron later. Put as much redstone on the crossbow as possible, and as you level it up, keep adding more and more. I have managed to get mine such that the reload time is down to 0.25 second, which I think is the minimum possible.

For the bolts, I made mine with an iron tool rod that had bronze poured over the top. As they leveled up I added more and more quartz. The bronze/iron combo is very heavy (extra damage to armored foes) and cheap to refill when you run out of arrows. I added a diamond and emerald to increase ammo count. Once you get the rate of fire up a bit, you can go into some place like the hallway below Redstone Meltdown and just waste vanilla mobs in an endless stream to make it level up very rapidly. By now my crossbow deals about 67 damage per shot, (varies by range) punches through armor like it's not even there, and can shoot faster than I'm able to effectively aim.
Is it a glitch or inteded feature that some of the weapons/tools from RewardBags do not get ANY slots for modifiers even though they've been "leveled up" ?
I've got a good pick with maxed out haste by default but it gets no new modifiers or slots for them as it lvls up.
Is it a glitch or inteded feature that some of the weapons/tools from RewardBags do not get ANY slots for modifiers even though they've been "leveled up" ?
I've got a good pick with maxed out haste by default but it gets no new modifiers or slots for them as it lvls up.

I've noticed this too. For that reason, I actually prefer to make up my own tinker's tools and throw away all the ones the game gives me unless they have no levels on them, because I can control the progression. They level up pretty darn fast on their own.

Although, there is that one Oureclase frying pan with massive knockback on it that you can get from a basic bag... that was fun. :)
Just a heads up, dunno if it's a bug with minechem, but as i decomposed a whole bunch of carbon nanotubes(over 64 stacks), theres a glitch where carbon will continue outputting despite there being nothing to decompose...+side, u get unlimited carbon, -ve side, u cannot decompose anything else...just fyi

Not sure if this is actually a glitch or not, as carbon nanotubes will break down into a massive amount of regular carbon and the Decomposer has an invisible buffer that will fill up if there is no space to put the elements into. I'd hook up some kind of drain to the Decomposer to make sure it's actually all emptied out.
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Not sure if this is actually a glitch or not, as carbon nanotubes will break down into a massive amount of regular carbon and the Decomposer has an invisible buffer that will fill up if there is no space to put the elements into. I'd hook up some kind of drain to the Decomposer to make sure it's actually all emptied out.
Exactly my thoughts. I even tried to reproduce this but I can't. There is this kind of effect when last tube is already gone and for few seconds it is still spitting carbon from the buffer but it always stops after a while.
I just loaded Miner's Dream^4 and my fps just tanked to 6. It seems to lag the most when I look at the solid mass of stuff to the right of the entrance.
I just loaded Miner's Dream^4 and my fps just tanked to 6. It seems to lag the most when I look at the solid mass of stuff to the right of the entrance.
try adding fastcraft mod. I had similar issue in miners delight back in 0.7.0 - fps tanked to 12ish and after installing fastcraft it went up to 22-24 which is at least playable.
6) click 3x3 button (without this click it doesn't work)
Ok, this is beginning to irritate me now. In the screenshots (on the mod's page), when this button is clicked, it seems to remain highlighted, but it doesn't on mine. Does this mean that my setup is wrong? It's 3x3 (farm block in the middle, powered dirt on the sides, torches on the sides of the dirt), power in through the bottom, hooked directly up to my reactor, but nothing's happening.
Yo! Im an avid ME^4 Player, and I have one question. How the heck do fluxed crystals work?
I mean, I powered the machine and everything!
Just askin'
If u do all the quests which are about fluxed crystals and read all the notes along with, u should understand how they work...
If u are talking about that smth isn't working, that's another story. There are some bugs with that mod atm and if u check few pages back, mby you will find your answer
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Currently you don't have to craft powered soil. Just make the farm manager, and place dirt around it. It will change to powered soil once you click the button in the GUI.
Currently you don't have to craft powered soil. Just make the farm manager, and place dirt around it. It will change to powered soil once you click the button in the GUI.

Neet feature. All you need to do to make electric plants is to pump a few thousand volts into it. :p
You should get shocked if you stand on it though.. That would make for a neat mob trap.

Sure. Blue slime limbs, manyullyn large plate, usual bowstring, maxed it out with redstone to get 0.25 draw speed. That's the max u can get, didn't care bout other stats, but mby some1 has a neat idea what to put on coz I'm rebuilding the bow in new world slowly. As for the arrows, mannyullyn arrow head, bone rod and slime fetching, added a lot of quartz and 1 or 2 moss to make it restore itself. That's bout it, hope it helped

Knock back might be a good idea. If mobs get to close WAM get over there!
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Has anyone played with the cross compatibility of metallurgy and TConstruct? I've read some very interesting things about it but haven't gotten any specifics.
Just don't use metallurgy materials to make bows/crossbows/arrows, they tend to crush the game. Pickaxe seems to be fine
Hey Parcel,
Been playing ME^4 for a little bit and ran into a bug in the Fluxed-Crystals mod. When I can place down the farm manager and put powered soil in it but when i hit any of the farm options, (3x3,5x5,7x7,or 9x9) it doesn't do anything. It makes the clicking sound when I press the button but it does not place down the soil. I looked up the mod to make sure I am doing it right and I was. I even tried moving it to the the chamber chunks to see if that would help, it didn't. I tried giving it power before and after pressing the button and putting in the soil. I even tried to place the blocks down manually in the corrects spots that the farm manager would and then gave it power,still no results. Tried messing with the light levels to see if that matter because it's a farm but that didn't work either. I'm not sure if the mod is conflicting with any other mods or if anyone else is having this problem. I can't complete the quests for the mod without cheating items in for it because I can't get a farm to work.
If you find a solution or fix the problem please let me know. Thanks Parcel!
Can someone remind me where the Minime Lab Spatial Drive is. I cant remember the last time I played if it was in a reward bag or hidden

- Found it! It was in a Greater Reward Bag.
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@quietskillzz, read back a few pages. That problem has been reported multiple times, and Qcor posted a step-by-step on getting it to work.

(For those who have a crash on load after editing the .json's, make sure you put a comma on the previous line! Otherwise you'll get a malformed JSON and it won't run.)

@Exterminate7532, I'm not 100% sure but I believe I got mine out of a reward bag.