[1.7.10] Material Energy^4

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Ok then we are getting into some complicated business.
0. Go to your world save. You can find the general location it by going through edit mod pack> Open Folder.
1. Copy your world and put it somewhere safe.
2. Take a look at this list.
  1. null
  2. null
  3. null
  4. null
  5. null
  6. null
  7. null
  8. Chaser’s Memories
  9. Endside
  10. Inclusion Chamber
  11. Fade
  12. Reflection of Space
  13. Biosphere
  14. Miner’s Delight
  15. Rotunda
  16. Miner’s Delight^4
  17. Nethersphere
  18. Inclusion Chamber^4
  19. Rotunda^4
  20. Biosphere^4
  21. SAND
  22. Nethersphere^4
  23. null
  25. Wyld’s Dreams
  26. Minime Lab
  27. Vanilla Mining
  28. Amusement Park
  29. Thermal Mining
  30. Mob System
  31. Idea Machine
  32. End Swirl
These are the dem numbers of the stored arias.
3. Copy the numbered arias stored in \MaterialEnergy4\minecraft\template that you have not bin to. (Otherwise you will reset those arias too.) Including arias 1,-1,33-38,100,-100,310
And past them into your world save.
Load world and check.

Edit: Make sure the aria space is unloaded.
Ah, looks like the ForgeCraft area is dimension 38. Overwriting the files in my save with the corresponding ones from the "template" folder did it. Thank you!
So, I love this modpack, and I really would like to know where I can report a bug or two for it. Should I just do it here I was guessing... or is there a better place.
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The portals are around 1000, 1000 in the overworld. And other than using the second portal the quest gave you, no, there is no other way.

You use one to get to the Deep Dark, then another one to get to the Overworld. I've spawned in water, not even near those portals. Or did I do it wrong?
Oh, okay. Thank you. I did that and it finally worked. Got the matter ball, now to get the rest of the components.
I also cleared out the Idea Machine and, alongside a few ME drives I got reward bags. Out of those 2 items in particular stood out for me:
This ring is easily the best reward I have gotten. Unlimited flight? Oh god yes!
Then I got this...does anyone know how to check it's contents? I tried to put it into an ME drive and check it's contents, even going so far as to removing the other ME storage cells, but I did not get to see it's contents. Anyone know what to do?

It has 1 billion Boni's Bacon in it. It is actually WAYYYYY over capacity so anything you remove cannot be replaced to that disk. As others have said, just chuck it in an ME chest to see what is on it. I tossed it in my ME drives, set a ME interface to always keep 8 stocked for export and use a SFM machine inventory manager connected to a player interface to keep 8 bacon in my inventory at all times (also 32 torches, 4 empty buckets, and 8 magmatic florbs filled with blazing pyrotheum).
Regarding one of the very endgame quests...

Has anyone figured out how to get 50 octuple compressed cookies in a rational amount of time? I'm 90%+ done with all the different quest lines except the community spatial areas so maybe 48 octuple compressed cookies are stashed in one of those there are 4 stashed in redstone meltdown. I made a 9x9 wheat farm using a torcherino and EnderIO farming station with an octadic capacitor which is making 360 wheat per minute. Great except it would still take 2.73 years to get enough wheat together for 258,000,000 cookies. And before someone suggests making 10 such farms or 100 we are not even close to the right order of magnitude here so scaling isn't a good solution. I wouldn't even be happy with something which needed a month irl to complete. Do I just need to clear out all the other areas, come up with a massively faster way to farm cookies, or give up completing that particular quest?


Why not use the Universal World Seed to start farming cookies directly? You can even plant Quad cookies or higher and harvest them
While playing with the different nether generators, I noticed the x8 and x64 produce more RF per tick (like it should be) but for a duration far shorter: 2min for the normal one, 20 sec for the x8 and 2 sec for the x64. So, in the end, for one nether star the normal one produce a lot more energy... (something like 96M for the normal one and 6M for the x64)
Is this intended (the 64 produce faster but you have to give it a larger amount of stars) or is something wrong with my game?
Why not use the Universal World Seed to start farming cookies directly? You can even plant Quad cookies or higher and harvest them

Oh, I didn't realize that compressed cookies beyond triple compressed could be grown with fluxed crystals! Very interesting, thanks!
So, I love this modpack, and I really would like to know where I can report a bug or two for it. Should I just do it here I was guessing... or is there a better place.

The dev has disappeared from these forums. So I'm not sure posting bug reports would help.
I don't know what his situation is but someone should ask him if they could update the pack for him. That would help with a lot of the bugs.
Why not use the Universal World Seed to start farming cookies directly? You can even plant Quad cookies or higher and harvest them

Anbaric, can you please describe in some detail how to go about planting quad compressed cookies? I tried to infuse a universal seed in a seed infuser with 32 quadruple compressed cookies and clicking the infuse button does nothing. Ditto with 32 pentuple compressed cookies. I don't find an item in the ME^4 pack called universal world seed so perhaps there is a seed that can be any item that parcel removed from the pack?
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You use one to get to the Deep Dark, then another one to get to the Overworld. I've spawned in water, not even near those portals. Or did I do it wrong?
You use one to get to the Deep Dark, and use the same one from within the deep dark to get out and into the Overworld, at the portals. I've never placed the second one the quest gave me.
I'm almost done with the map so I thought i'd share some tips or tricks that you don't see in DW20 & Pahimar's series. But before that, I have to congratulate parcel on making a superb mappack. Really amazingly well done.

I'm not an expert, these are just some things that I've found useful.
In random order...

1/ Save your Epic & Legendary reward bags till you have enough to make the infused seeds. (5 for epic, 10 for legendary). If you've got the seeds, make more seeds.
You can automate them a litle bit: place 3x3 farm with autonomous activators around them and a vacuum hopper in the middle. Use AA to place and another AA with crystal hammer to break. Use a vacuum chest to pick up the rough shards. Use item conduits to import rough shards into a gem cutter. I didnt quite get them to automatically put them in the refiner so i've done this manually.

Even without the cutter & refiner, you get random bags directly from the seeds occasionally.

Put a torcherino in the middle block of your 3x3 farm and set it to 400% speed (right click or shift right click w empty hand). I get hundreds of legendary bags in less than an hour and I dont even bother with the chunks anymore. You can expand the farm but w a torcherino, its not even worth it.

Once you've gotten this done, all ages are easy. You get Fairy Wings and great armor & weapons. Ive played through the ^4 versions since biosphere without dying once. This map pack actually gets easier once you progress.

2/ Farm Greater bags in hopes of getting world interaction upgrades. They make _excellent_ cobble gens. There are bags w 5 or 6 stacks of WIU. If you're lucky enough to get some, you get octuple compressed in a matter of hours.

3/ Start MineChem early on and learn to use the Fission and Fusion reactors in the Chem Lab. You can get rare resources easily by dividing or adding the right atomic number. Use the real table of elements. Google it. MineChem btw, is AWESOME.

4/ If you have your first torcherino, the sugar cane quest is easiest. I've set up 4x4 annihilation planes, importing into 2 64k drives in an ME drive connected to a ME controller. Use a dense energy cell to power it or just connect to your main power network using an energy acceptor. Took me a couple of hours but you get 2 torcherino's from it.

5/ Torcherino is not as hard as it looks. I've managed to get one by the time I unlocked Biosphere^4. Perhaps it can be done sooner but I was a noob in the beginning. :) The hardest part is the octuple compressed cobble.

6/ EXPLORE THE USER AGES!! I can't stress this enough. There are HUGE amounts of resources. In one of them, there's like 16 ME drives with a bunch of storage cells. Don't bother making them.

7/ Enchant your armor if you dont have acces to legendary bags yet. DW20 has talked about this but never done so, its absolutely worth it. Use the Ender IO enchantment things. Also, start storing your XP in tanks & drain early on. Don't lose it while dieing.

8/ You can "cheat" by quarrying out the spatial IO area's. Ive done this with the SAND age. But move your spatial input area before you start doing this. Bad things will happen if you dont. You can also quarry out the other ages but that kinda ruins itt. :-)

9/ In orde to get the dirt seed, which was one of the hardest ones for me, believe it or not!, ive used a quarry without a world hole upgrade to replace all blocks w dirt. The i requarried the area w the world hole upgrade and got enough dirt to make the seed.

10/ Explore ALL the area's. Melons! And look below...

11/ Use a rapier and level it up! This will make killing the carmite (carmonite?) zombies a lot easier and the knockback effect doesnt count when using a rapier. Also put beheading and looting III on it. Once you get to Rotunda^4, just spawn a bunch of zombies, let them chase u, punch out an ethereal glass and stab them w your rapier. They'll drop lots of their awesome armor, you'll level up your rapier like you wouldnt believe. This is usefull if you havent gotten the legendary bags thing under tip 1 done yet.

12/ Make a bow early on! Spend time leveling it up. Once you can oneshot mobs, things will get a lot easier.

13/ Necessary items for exploring: 64 Cobble, 64 gravel (or sand). Dont bother killing all the mobs, focus on the spawners instead. Tunnel above them, near the ceiling where arrows wont hit you, using cobble. Use gravel to drop around the spawners, go down, break spawner, repeat, kill remaining mobs. Ive used lava buckets and orbs, but pyrotheum is better.

14/ Make a pump, tank and energy cell (you should have plenty from bags). Make drums. Import all liquids in the huge tanks into drums. They'll be useful later on.

15/ Fill your reactor w gelid cryotheum.

16/ Exploring is a walk in the park if youve got angel wings. By that time, you'll have awesome armor. The sanginuite armor works really well but I prefer the dark plating set. Just make sure you repair it in time.

17/ In order to kill enderman early on: use broken spawner, combine w ender io spawner, set it to capture and put soul vial in, use your ender io sword (they wont teleport that way).

18/ Use the exchanger to find forgotten trophies. The bags arent really worth it anymore by the time youll be able to make the exchanger.

19/ Make a builders wand! This is ofcourse very usefull for expanding your area. You wont fall down as easily. And its also usefull when exploring.

20/ Take your time setting up your infrastructure before you go explore the spatial io area's. Automate as much as possible. Its always nice coming back from an exploring trip seeing you've gathered a lot of resources because you've set up a good automating structure.

Just my 2 cents :)
You use one to get to the Deep Dark, and use the same one from within the deep dark to get out and into the Overworld, at the portals. I've never placed the second one the quest gave me.

There's already a portal in the deep dark. I also never found a need for the 2nd one that the quest gave me.

Weird thing with that though. When I portal to the deep dark, I appear in a blank zone. I found that if I IMMEDIATELY quit my game (leave my world, but not exit the whole game) and then join back in, I arrive in the room where the portal is.

If I wait too long to log out, I'll appear down below on the normal Deep Dark floor.