Has anyone managed to automate the inscriber for Engineering Processor & Calculation Processor using EnderIO conduits and a chest in version 1.0.4? I did it like in
this video but whith a chest that contains all the components instead of a AE2 crafting setup. Like in the video, the basic item filters whitelist the Printed Logic Circuit for the top, the redstone for the middle and the Printed Silicon for the bottom slot. But it always only takes either the Printed Logic Circuit or the Printed Silicon and first puts one in the middle and then one in the top slot. If I only connect a single item conduit to the bottom and none to the side or the top, it doesn't do anything - it never puts anything into the bottom slot, I also tried using a transfer pipe before.
Has anyone else had this problem before and can confirm that it is bugged?
I've only ever done it with AE2 itself, using ME Interfaces, Import and Export busses. Since you already have an ME system fully set up, I strongly recommend you just stick to AE2 for it.
For some reason I can't find the video I used to learn but basically, stick the 5 Inscribers next to each other, place ME Interfaces on the back of 4 of them, place the Printed Circuit Patterns in them, and put an Encoded Pattern in the ME Interface that one Silicon/Gold/Quartz/Diamond equals the printed equivalent.
For the 5th one, you want an Export Bus on the back and bottom, for Redstone and Printed Silicon, respectively. (You can add a Crafting upgrade to the bottom Export Bus, so that even if you run out of Printed Silicon, it'll automatically make one). Then, you place an ME Interface on top, with Encoded Patterns for Printed Gold/Quartz/Diamond Circuits to their finished version.
Then, you place Import Busses on the front of all of them, and you're done. Fully automated.
Important Note: All of the Interfaces and Import/Export Busses add up to more than 8, so you can't just connect them all to one line of regular cable. What you could do is connect all the Import/Export Busses to one cable line to the Dense Cable, and the Interfaces together to another section of the Dense Cable.
If you plan on needing a lot of Circuits, consider adding Speed Upgrades to the Inscribers.