[1.7.10] Material Energy^4

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I managed to collect all the wool, so I'm grinding through the extra quests in lost in space/time. I'm missing nearly all of the bottom half set of trophies. Are they in the main areas or are they hidden among the disc areas? Should I just start tearing everything down that isn't bedrock? I could probably set up a farm for most of them(I have a few zombie, spider, and skeleton trophies from killing), but I feel like they are hidden somewhere.
I managed to collect all the wool, so I'm grinding through the extra quests in lost in space/time. I'm missing nearly all of the bottom half set of trophies. Are they in the main areas or are they hidden among the disc areas? Should I just start tearing everything down that isn't bedrock? I could probably set up a farm for most of them(I have a few zombie, spider, and skeleton trophies from killing), but I feel like they are hidden somewhere.

They are hidden in buffers. Grab a block exchanger and go after the walls ceilings and floors.
Looking for advice on making more compressed cookies. I've collected all the wools, and 2 19x19 wheat farms + minechem making wheat on 20k RF/t just aint cuttin it. I mean, not even close. I've avoided Flux-Crystals so far, seems like a really complicated setup for triple compressed cookies (I could be wrong, but I'm guessing it's still not great). So far, seems my best bet is farming the Wither quest for 3x quintuples, but that's going to be a LONG grind just to get my torcherino.

Am I missing something obvious? Are there massive compressed cookies hidden away somewhere? I really enjoyed the spatial IOs and the exploration, but this cookie thing is just absurd. At this rate, I'm better off running a server for a few days and come back later when I've grown enough wheat/cocoa.
If you are looking for easy ways to get cookies and I mean the big ones go into redstone meltdown the community spacial area. Might be something of intestinal there for you.
I had the same issue, but when i downgraded to 1.0.3 and reloaded 1.0.4 to fix the main menu texture, the compressed cookie texture was fixed at the same time.

Is there a good way to automatise the fluxed crystal seeds? I'm going to try it with Steve's factory manager because that seems to be the best way.
I fixed it. turns out that anisotropic filtering does weird things
If you are looking for easy ways to get cookies and I mean the big ones go into redstone meltdown the community spacial area. Might be something of intestinal there for you.

Probably would be something intestinal if I ate that many compressed cookies!

Thanks for the tip though, I haven't gone through all the community spatials yet, as I was trying to save the cookies for the quests.
I've only ever done it with AE2 itself, using ME Interfaces, Import and Export busses. Since you already have an ME system fully set up, I strongly recommend you just stick to AE2 for it.

For some reason I can't find the video I used to learn but basically, stick the 5 Inscribers next to each other, place ME Interfaces on the back of 4 of them, place the Printed Circuit Patterns in them, and put an Encoded Pattern in the ME Interface that one Silicon/Gold/Quartz/Diamond equals the printed equivalent.

For the 5th one, you want an Export Bus on the back and bottom, for Redstone and Printed Silicon, respectively. (You can add a Crafting upgrade to the bottom Export Bus, so that even if you run out of Printed Silicon, it'll automatically make one). Then, you place an ME Interface on top, with Encoded Patterns for Printed Gold/Quartz/Diamond Circuits to their finished version.

Then, you place Import Busses on the front of all of them, and you're done. Fully automated.

Important Note: All of the Interfaces and Import/Export Busses add up to more than 8, so you can't just connect them all to one line of regular cable. What you could do is connect all the Import/Export Busses to one cable line to the Dense Cable, and the Interfaces together to another section of the Dense Cable.

If you plan on needing a lot of Circuits, consider adding Speed Upgrades to the Inscribers.
Thanks for the detailed explanation but honestly, I see no point in setting up an automatic crafting system with AE2 just for the spatial IO quest.

The way I automate this is to use 3 inscribers per circuit type each with 3 acceleration cards because I'm impatient for autocrafting. Have an ME interface with the crafting recipe dump to a chest. Use EnderIO item conduits to pull from the chest and dump to the back of three inscribers. Each outlet needs an item filter to restrict the gold/diamond/pure certus quartz to the top inscriber, the redstone to the middle, and silicon to the bottom inscriber. Then use a single piece of EnderIO item conduit to pull from the sides of the top and bottom inscriber and push to the top/bottom of the middle inscriber the one with the redstone already sitting in it. Finally, the item conduit connected to the middle inscriber is inlet/outlet and its outlet dumps back to the ME interface. The five blocks will make a plus sign with an ME interface center an inscriber above/below and to the left and the chest to the right. Make one of these for each circuit type and you're done. These craft super fast compared to more complex one inscriber setups.

If you happen to be running short on channels the whole setup only takes three channels.
Also thanks for the explanation. I set it up in a similar way, just dumped all the circuits, printed silicon,... into a chest and then had item conduits with item filters put everything into the right sides.
Weird as it is, it looks like it only works properly if the contents of the chest are already in the right order, so if the chest is on the right (like in my screenshot): All the gold circuits in the first slot, the redstone in the second and the printed silicon in the third. Otherwise it either ignores the item filters completely or only puts in one of the items into the middle slot of the inscriber.

Looking for advice on making more compressed cookies. I've collected all the wools, and 2 19x19 wheat farms + minechem making wheat on 20k RF/t just aint cuttin it. I mean, not even close. I've avoided Flux-Crystals so far, seems like a really complicated setup for triple compressed cookies (I could be wrong, but I'm guessing it's still not great). So far, seems my best bet is farming the Wither quest for 3x quintuples, but that's going to be a LONG grind just to get my torcherino.

Am I missing something obvious? Are there massive compressed cookies hidden away somewhere? I really enjoyed the spatial IOs and the exploration, but this cookie thing is just absurd. At this rate, I'm better off running a server for a few days and come back later when I've grown enough wheat/cocoa.
You can set up a farm with the uber-fast spawners from the ^4 areas, as you get 20 quintuples from killing a few dire wolves if I remember correctly.
If you want to go the Wither route: You can get a spatial area with a Wither spawner from a green or blue reward bag, then you at least don't have to collect wither skelly skulls.
Afaik, you can also get really lucky and find compressed cookies in legendary bags.
I can still recommend getting into Fluxed-Crystals, since you get triple compressed cookies, even though you can't automate the harvesting and most of the processing. That's how I set it up:
Huge farm with only triple compressed cookie seeds on the top level of the observatory (at least you can automate the soul sand part), they grow pretty fast, so I keep going there and right click all the fully grown ones while I'm preparing stuff for other quests. I then dump all the crystals into an autonomous activator, another one (that has the hammer in it) breaks it and a vacuum hopper collects everything. I also have 5 of each of the machines that process the rough and smooth shards and can then just put in one stack of the shards after another into the machines. Sadly, it doesn't look like you can put in/pull out items automatically, so you have to do it by hand.

How did you set up your cocoa bean farm? I still need lots for the compressed minechem element quest.
My cocoa bean farm is pretty basic but works really well. I made a checker board pattern of jungle wood in a 7x7 area and put an ender IO farming station in the middle (on the same level as the wood which was only one tall). It will plant and harvest the cocoa beans just fine. Then in the center I have an autonomous activator with a gap of one space above the farming station and a reinforced watering can inside.
Having a nasty graphical issue, only happens in this modpack so far.

And when I manage to get into game, and try to connect to my server...
This happens.
I have so far tried copying client configs to server configs, no luck.
Also, TIL, don't copy the entire client over the server... It's not terribly fond of that.
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Having a nasty graphical issue, only happens in this modpack so far.

And when I manage to get into game, and try to connect to my server...
This happens.
The title screen can be fixed by downgrading to the previous version then upgrading again. Can't help you with the server issue.
And when I manage to get into game, and try to connect to my server...
This happens.

This message is telling you that the server and the client don't agree on the version of the mod CompactMachines in use. One is 1.16, one is 1.12. They must match. IIRC the server one is old, so take the file compactmachines-1.7.10-1.16.jar from your client's mod folder, and copy it into the server's mod folder. Be sure to remove the compactmachines-1.7.10-1.12.jar file from your server's mod folder. Easy fix.
This message is telling you that the server and the client don't agree on the version of the mod CompactMachines in use. One is 1.16, one is 1.12. They must match. IIRC the server one is old, so take the file compactmachines-1.7.10-1.16.jar from your client's mod folder, and copy it into the server's mod folder. Be sure to remove the compactmachines-1.7.10-1.12.jar file from your server's mod folder. Easy fix.
Will do, still in the middle of the downgrade trick
This message is telling you that the server and the client don't agree on the version of the mod CompactMachines in use. One is 1.16, one is 1.12. They must match. IIRC the server one is old, so take the file compactmachines-1.7.10-1.16.jar from your client's mod folder, and copy it into the server's mod folder. Be sure to remove the compactmachines-1.7.10-1.12.jar file from your server's mod folder. Easy fix.
Worked perfectly, thank you guys.
You can set up a farm with the uber-fast spawners from the ^4 areas, as you get 20 quintuples from killing a few dire wolves if I remember correctly.

20 direwolf slain yeilds 20 quadruples on 5 hour cooldown
1 wither slain yields 3 quintuple on 4 hour cooldown
The cooldowns I assume are Minecraft hours, which ends up being just a minute or two for each CD. Very farmable, but annoying to wait.

If you want to go the Wither route: You can get a spatial area with a Wither spawner from a green or blue reward bag, then you at least don't have to collect wither skelly skulls.

I have Wylde's Dream. This is really useful. There are also wither spawners in the Nether Sphere^4 cube.

Afaik, you can also get really lucky and find compressed cookies in legendary bags.

Found wings, woot! But no cookies from bags. /sadface

Also, Redstone Meltdown was a bust. I found a bunch of chests, but I don't think I made a net gain on cookies. Still working on the Community cubes though.

How did you set up your cocoa bean farm? I still need lots for the compressed minechem element quest.

I originally had a reinforced watering can here, but it produced WAY more beans than I was producing wheat, so I moved the can to my wheat farm. These 3 layers are still outproducing my 2x 19x19 wheat farms with 2 reinforced watering cans + Minechem using 20 kRF/t for making wheat. Le sigh.

Redstone meltdown was a bust for me too. I doubt I got more than a few compressed cookies out of it. The last thing I have to try is the flux crystal cookies. Withers are by far the fastest way so far. Thank you for the exchanger suggestion. I turned my entire space station into cobblestone and am now the proud owner of all the trophies (Which don't quite fit on the preset area haha).
Redstone meltdown was a bust for me too. I doubt I got more than a few compressed cookies out of it. The last thing I have to try is the flux crystal cookies. Withers are by far the fastest way so far. Thank you for the exchanger suggestion. I turned my entire space station into cobblestone and am now the proud owner of all the trophies (Which don't quite fit on the preset area haha).

You could have turned the blocks back when you were done. :D
This is amazing.. I took a long break from MC/FTB but always just played the Mindcrack or Ultimate packs ... I just started with ME^4 last night and am up to the nether sphere spacial.. I didn't know mod packs like this existed.. Insanely good so far.