Didn't get approved. I didn't use Twitch to load the pack. since then I've had terrible internet. serves me right for foolishly going with vodafail........... I've finally got some internet, first time in over a week so found your reply.
On the positive side, its given me a chance to make even more changes to the original since it has a new name anyway. Its much more versatile than the original with less emphasis on growing crops. Its been a balancing act though trying not to make changes that are similar to the follow up pack. I'm trying to keep them as different to each other as I can.
I'm including a spoiler of the major changes so far. There's lots of other smaller changes under the hood as well that don't require mentioning.
1: Renamed Marooned to ???? as someone else managed to use the name Marooned for their new pack. Also renamed the version to 1.0.0 as it now has a new name making it a new pack. Updated the custom menu to reflect the new name and also changed the alternating image to the Ice Plains as there is no longer a biome that shows red sand on its surface.
2: Fixed not being able to get into the End Portal from the skyplatform.
3: Removed Cold Taiga due to mobs not spawning on snow. Changed Savanna's red sand to its own savanna sand and changed the main image in the HQM to the new savanna sand. This now leaves only the Ice Plains having red sand under its hardened ice layer.
4: Removed all oasis's with the exception of the Savanna. Added a possible horse den to the larger oasis to give savanna players a chance to breed them from a more desirable location.
5: Gave each smaller oasis the possibility of a different kind of fruit to give this biome a unique flavour. Players will generally have to travel long distances in order to find them.
6: Changed the original oasis jungle wood to ghost wood to keep the intended flow of this biome on track.
7: Added jungle logs with cocoa growing on them to some shelters and dungeons in the jungle biome to give it a special bonus the other biomes don't have.
8: Increased red sand layers to 3 in Ice Plains to allow players to make 'safe' tunnels under the ice layer.
9: Gave each flatlands biome an individual Spud to better reflect the difficulty each biome provides. Also added active Nether gate to SPUDS to discourage players from entering the nether before they have opened the gate blocking it. Added warning notice in disclaimer about danger of using their own gate. Also changed Nether Daze Quest to reflect the new gate changes. NB: Some SPUD's now open much sooner than previously. Its a good idea to check the main entrance to see if some areas have opened.
10: Altered Temples so they no longer contain nether gates. Instead they contain randomly spawned hanging 'heads' along with extra treasures to encourage players to enter them. Made mention of it in the 'NEWS' section of the Disclaimer.
11: Made an area in the Ice Plains biome SPUD that opens after the TAINT NUTTIN quest is completed to allow players in this harsh environment to grow their oreberries in relative safety.
12: Made recipe for packed ice using snow. [This allows players to replace packed ice in the Ice Plains biome if they want an area to remain untouched, or if they simply want to build something in any biome using packed ice.
13: Added randomly spawned large volcanoes to the sky platform biome that float on the ocean to give players an alternative way to find Lava Slimes.
14: Changed the sandstone quests to require less sand as its an early quest that rewards players with an axe.
15: Decided to limit each biome to just 2 specific gardens in order to create a greater difference between each biome. Although the sky platform also has only 2 specific gardens, they will be randomly generated from any of the 4 Flatlands biomes, giving the sky platform more variety for subsequent playthroughs. NB: This reduces the number of quests that require hand ins but also reduces the number of available recipes that can be made.
16: Added an extra repeatable quest to allow players to get extra gardens in the event they manage to accidentally harvest them all. Unlinked killing quests from gardens now that there are multiple ones for each section. Linked killing quests to each other and other mainline quests to delay their availability when required. Also reworded the crop hand-ins to let players know there was no hurry to complete them.
17: Updated hidden recipe challenges to only include recipes that can be done with the crops available for each particular group of gardens along with vanilla crops.
18: Restricted fruit/nut sapling rewards to just 6 varieties. Two are automatic rewards. One is a choice between the 4 most useful palm type trees and the other 3 are a choice between the remaining most useful fruit trees NB: Although this might seem too restrictive, the idea is to give players a choice of saplings to grow without them having to create a huge area for their orchard. This number of trees makes it possible to set up just one automatic harvester to service the entire orchard.
19: Changed a number of food recipes to allow players to make some of them using the restricted crops now available. Also changed food requirements for Goth girl to foods all biomes will have.
20: Added some food ingredients to some reward bags and certain quests to give players an opportunity to get some ingredients they might not have access to in their particular biome.
21: Added free cranberry and rice seeds to latter quests to allow player to more easily complete the repeatable seed and crop quests on the secrets page. NB: This still requires the player to complete at least one of the quests first time around though. Also added new quests for growing said crops from the seeds.
22: Reduced garden drops from 5 to 4 now that they are mainly used for voluntary recipe making. This makes converting cotton to cloth's a more streamlined operation as players won't have to worry about the left over piece they formally were left with.
23: Made melons harvestable using an axe.
24: Replaced all hanging oreberries in ruins with iron ingots or actual planted oreberries. This now ensures that new unplanted oreberries have to come via the Taint Nuttin. It also encourages exploring early to find much needed iron ingots.
25: Changed making paperbark saplings to an exotic seed due to it having jungle leaves. This also makes it somewhat easier to get as sand can be readily obtained via a cobblestone generator which the player should have shortly after getting a sieve. It also makes it less labour intensive for players who want more than just one. NB: Rubber saplings are now made using birch seeds. Also changed wording in disclaimer feedback to show paperbark now comes from exotic seeds.
26: Changed watering can offer in the Ore Inspiring quest to 4 raw plastic in order to make the choice more evenly matched.
27: Changed the stick in the mortar and Pestle to a [Tinkers] stone tool rod so that player will need to choose whether they will make the saw or M&P first. Added 2 extra stone shards to intermediate quests so both can still be made without needing to have a Stencil Table and Part Builder first, as stone tool rods can also be made using a Part Builder.
28: Linked POT LUCK and GRINDING TALE to the FISHING FRENZY and EYES HAVE IT quests so that the mortar&pestle quest will probably already be open when the saw quest comes available to allow the player a distinctive choice of how to use the first 2 stone shards they receive. NB: This is required so that players who wish to also make a watering can can decide whether they will make the M&P sooner in order to make more bonemeal.
29 Added extra gravel in some early flat lands rewards to give player enough material to make clay for the M&P without having to make a cobblestone generator first.
30: Updated rapier exchange to weapons that are more evenly matched and have significant improvements on the previous ones.
31: Added auto repair to the long and broad swords in the 'Building a Reputation' quest and changed them to flint to prolong its use during the early game establishment phase.
32: Changed the shortbow quest rewards to various already levelled up shortbows to give players something new to try out.
33: Included more variety in the level ups for weapons and bows. Also changed % chance so that less desirable traits only have a very rare chance of occurring.
34: Increased tinkers tools/weapons 'descriptive' level ups from 5 to 9. Increased random modifiers from 5 to 6. Limited manual modifiers to just one in the final level up. NB: The idea is for the random bonuses to be predominant, but to give the player an opportunity to add their favourite modifier in the event an otherwise great weapon/tool didn't get it.
35: Changed Foiled Again to require both First Blood and Ore Inspiring to be completed to give the rapier more time to level up before being available to trade in.
36: Changed linking of both bow hand in's from First Blood to Building a Reputation to allow enough time for players to get their first crop gardens from fishing which should trigger the secret recipes. If this is triggered first then the Secrets Revealed page will open to a blank page unless a secret recipe has already been discovered.
37: Changed the latter stages of the safari quest to make it easier to complete by combining the last 5 stages into just 2, effectively eliminating 12 of the original 20 more difficult mob requirements.
38: Removed Agricraft, MyFit and Small Boats from mod. Updated ruins to remove agricraft items along with Pams fruit and nut saplings.
39: Removed Extra Utilities Micro Blocks due to the saw glitching and duplicating the saw with each crafting. Added new custom items 'saw' that takes different damage depending on what item is crafted.
40: Made glowstone slab to help compensate the loss of the glowstone covers that could be made with original saw. This will allow players to have a light giving cover on the water supply for their crops without it blocking them when walking over it.
41: Made recipe for sink and replaced the now defunct MyFit quest with it. NB: Although its expensive, it provides a permanent supply of water which is otherwise not available in this pack.
42: Replaced Xeros minimap with Voxels NO RADAR map to bring back sense of danger. Increased waypoint viewing distances to 2500 metres.
43: Changed recipe for wooden bowl to only accept acacia wood and mixing bowl to require orange dyed planks. Changed some early rewards to help player get ingredients required to make dyed planks.
44: Removed Catwalks and Storage Drawers mods to create a greater difference between both packs, as ?-Again has catwalks and no railcraft and storage drawers but no BB's.
45: Changed the trigger of the garden bushes to an actual crop that is given at the same time as the gardens in the GOURMET GARDENER quests to ensure that if it doesn't initially trigger the secret recipe quests, it will eventually as these crops will continually be collected by the player.
46: Replaced ingot requirement in ORE INSPIRING to nuggets to speed up this early section of the game and reduce the huge wait between the killing quests. Moved the spruce seed to the BUILDING A REPUTATION killing quest to slow down the progress of the sieve as it would otherwise be able to be done too early.
47: Linked final Treasure Hunt chests to the IMP quests and Don't Get Lost to prolong the time it takes to get the Travellers Armor. Also added a new Skeleton Key they'll need to make to retrieve their prize.
48: Changed Vibrant crystal to recipe that will take time to gather all ingredients to slow the progression of the Dark Steel Armor as its used in the first required upgrade. Without this all other armors in between could be ignored along the way.
49: Made new vibrant emerald that replaces the vibrant crystal in all other recipes. Its recipe is exactly the same as the former crystal recipe.
50: Had to make an alternative recipe for ender crystals as its only other recipe that requires using a vibrant crystal in a soul binder.
51: Made alternative recipes for the angel wings for players who do not wish to use unstable ingots.
52: Added separate TAINT NUTTIN for skyworld that has hand ins that can be found in the nether. Also changed their repeat time to 8 days to compensate for reduced Ore Inspiring quest.
53: Changed RECALL REQUIREMENT so that once its completed, a new quest titled THE BECKONNING TWILIGHT will open offering players an alternative option to search for key fragments that will remove the gate on the Twilight Forest portal. Its not a rigid either or as they can also choose to do a combination of both Nether and Twilight quests as it suits them.
54: Made all portals that lead to Nether and Twilight Forest, blastproof.
2: Fixed not being able to get into the End Portal from the skyplatform.
3: Removed Cold Taiga due to mobs not spawning on snow. Changed Savanna's red sand to its own savanna sand and changed the main image in the HQM to the new savanna sand. This now leaves only the Ice Plains having red sand under its hardened ice layer.
4: Removed all oasis's with the exception of the Savanna. Added a possible horse den to the larger oasis to give savanna players a chance to breed them from a more desirable location.
5: Gave each smaller oasis the possibility of a different kind of fruit to give this biome a unique flavour. Players will generally have to travel long distances in order to find them.
6: Changed the original oasis jungle wood to ghost wood to keep the intended flow of this biome on track.
7: Added jungle logs with cocoa growing on them to some shelters and dungeons in the jungle biome to give it a special bonus the other biomes don't have.
8: Increased red sand layers to 3 in Ice Plains to allow players to make 'safe' tunnels under the ice layer.
9: Gave each flatlands biome an individual Spud to better reflect the difficulty each biome provides. Also added active Nether gate to SPUDS to discourage players from entering the nether before they have opened the gate blocking it. Added warning notice in disclaimer about danger of using their own gate. Also changed Nether Daze Quest to reflect the new gate changes. NB: Some SPUD's now open much sooner than previously. Its a good idea to check the main entrance to see if some areas have opened.
10: Altered Temples so they no longer contain nether gates. Instead they contain randomly spawned hanging 'heads' along with extra treasures to encourage players to enter them. Made mention of it in the 'NEWS' section of the Disclaimer.
11: Made an area in the Ice Plains biome SPUD that opens after the TAINT NUTTIN quest is completed to allow players in this harsh environment to grow their oreberries in relative safety.
12: Made recipe for packed ice using snow. [This allows players to replace packed ice in the Ice Plains biome if they want an area to remain untouched, or if they simply want to build something in any biome using packed ice.
13: Added randomly spawned large volcanoes to the sky platform biome that float on the ocean to give players an alternative way to find Lava Slimes.
14: Changed the sandstone quests to require less sand as its an early quest that rewards players with an axe.
15: Decided to limit each biome to just 2 specific gardens in order to create a greater difference between each biome. Although the sky platform also has only 2 specific gardens, they will be randomly generated from any of the 4 Flatlands biomes, giving the sky platform more variety for subsequent playthroughs. NB: This reduces the number of quests that require hand ins but also reduces the number of available recipes that can be made.
16: Added an extra repeatable quest to allow players to get extra gardens in the event they manage to accidentally harvest them all. Unlinked killing quests from gardens now that there are multiple ones for each section. Linked killing quests to each other and other mainline quests to delay their availability when required. Also reworded the crop hand-ins to let players know there was no hurry to complete them.
17: Updated hidden recipe challenges to only include recipes that can be done with the crops available for each particular group of gardens along with vanilla crops.
18: Restricted fruit/nut sapling rewards to just 6 varieties. Two are automatic rewards. One is a choice between the 4 most useful palm type trees and the other 3 are a choice between the remaining most useful fruit trees NB: Although this might seem too restrictive, the idea is to give players a choice of saplings to grow without them having to create a huge area for their orchard. This number of trees makes it possible to set up just one automatic harvester to service the entire orchard.
19: Changed a number of food recipes to allow players to make some of them using the restricted crops now available. Also changed food requirements for Goth girl to foods all biomes will have.
20: Added some food ingredients to some reward bags and certain quests to give players an opportunity to get some ingredients they might not have access to in their particular biome.
21: Added free cranberry and rice seeds to latter quests to allow player to more easily complete the repeatable seed and crop quests on the secrets page. NB: This still requires the player to complete at least one of the quests first time around though. Also added new quests for growing said crops from the seeds.
22: Reduced garden drops from 5 to 4 now that they are mainly used for voluntary recipe making. This makes converting cotton to cloth's a more streamlined operation as players won't have to worry about the left over piece they formally were left with.
23: Made melons harvestable using an axe.
24: Replaced all hanging oreberries in ruins with iron ingots or actual planted oreberries. This now ensures that new unplanted oreberries have to come via the Taint Nuttin. It also encourages exploring early to find much needed iron ingots.
25: Changed making paperbark saplings to an exotic seed due to it having jungle leaves. This also makes it somewhat easier to get as sand can be readily obtained via a cobblestone generator which the player should have shortly after getting a sieve. It also makes it less labour intensive for players who want more than just one. NB: Rubber saplings are now made using birch seeds. Also changed wording in disclaimer feedback to show paperbark now comes from exotic seeds.
26: Changed watering can offer in the Ore Inspiring quest to 4 raw plastic in order to make the choice more evenly matched.
27: Changed the stick in the mortar and Pestle to a [Tinkers] stone tool rod so that player will need to choose whether they will make the saw or M&P first. Added 2 extra stone shards to intermediate quests so both can still be made without needing to have a Stencil Table and Part Builder first, as stone tool rods can also be made using a Part Builder.
28: Linked POT LUCK and GRINDING TALE to the FISHING FRENZY and EYES HAVE IT quests so that the mortar&pestle quest will probably already be open when the saw quest comes available to allow the player a distinctive choice of how to use the first 2 stone shards they receive. NB: This is required so that players who wish to also make a watering can can decide whether they will make the M&P sooner in order to make more bonemeal.
29 Added extra gravel in some early flat lands rewards to give player enough material to make clay for the M&P without having to make a cobblestone generator first.
30: Updated rapier exchange to weapons that are more evenly matched and have significant improvements on the previous ones.
31: Added auto repair to the long and broad swords in the 'Building a Reputation' quest and changed them to flint to prolong its use during the early game establishment phase.
32: Changed the shortbow quest rewards to various already levelled up shortbows to give players something new to try out.
33: Included more variety in the level ups for weapons and bows. Also changed % chance so that less desirable traits only have a very rare chance of occurring.
34: Increased tinkers tools/weapons 'descriptive' level ups from 5 to 9. Increased random modifiers from 5 to 6. Limited manual modifiers to just one in the final level up. NB: The idea is for the random bonuses to be predominant, but to give the player an opportunity to add their favourite modifier in the event an otherwise great weapon/tool didn't get it.
35: Changed Foiled Again to require both First Blood and Ore Inspiring to be completed to give the rapier more time to level up before being available to trade in.
36: Changed linking of both bow hand in's from First Blood to Building a Reputation to allow enough time for players to get their first crop gardens from fishing which should trigger the secret recipes. If this is triggered first then the Secrets Revealed page will open to a blank page unless a secret recipe has already been discovered.
37: Changed the latter stages of the safari quest to make it easier to complete by combining the last 5 stages into just 2, effectively eliminating 12 of the original 20 more difficult mob requirements.
38: Removed Agricraft, MyFit and Small Boats from mod. Updated ruins to remove agricraft items along with Pams fruit and nut saplings.
39: Removed Extra Utilities Micro Blocks due to the saw glitching and duplicating the saw with each crafting. Added new custom items 'saw' that takes different damage depending on what item is crafted.
40: Made glowstone slab to help compensate the loss of the glowstone covers that could be made with original saw. This will allow players to have a light giving cover on the water supply for their crops without it blocking them when walking over it.
41: Made recipe for sink and replaced the now defunct MyFit quest with it. NB: Although its expensive, it provides a permanent supply of water which is otherwise not available in this pack.
42: Replaced Xeros minimap with Voxels NO RADAR map to bring back sense of danger. Increased waypoint viewing distances to 2500 metres.
43: Changed recipe for wooden bowl to only accept acacia wood and mixing bowl to require orange dyed planks. Changed some early rewards to help player get ingredients required to make dyed planks.
44: Removed Catwalks and Storage Drawers mods to create a greater difference between both packs, as ?-Again has catwalks and no railcraft and storage drawers but no BB's.
45: Changed the trigger of the garden bushes to an actual crop that is given at the same time as the gardens in the GOURMET GARDENER quests to ensure that if it doesn't initially trigger the secret recipe quests, it will eventually as these crops will continually be collected by the player.
46: Replaced ingot requirement in ORE INSPIRING to nuggets to speed up this early section of the game and reduce the huge wait between the killing quests. Moved the spruce seed to the BUILDING A REPUTATION killing quest to slow down the progress of the sieve as it would otherwise be able to be done too early.
47: Linked final Treasure Hunt chests to the IMP quests and Don't Get Lost to prolong the time it takes to get the Travellers Armor. Also added a new Skeleton Key they'll need to make to retrieve their prize.
48: Changed Vibrant crystal to recipe that will take time to gather all ingredients to slow the progression of the Dark Steel Armor as its used in the first required upgrade. Without this all other armors in between could be ignored along the way.
49: Made new vibrant emerald that replaces the vibrant crystal in all other recipes. Its recipe is exactly the same as the former crystal recipe.
50: Had to make an alternative recipe for ender crystals as its only other recipe that requires using a vibrant crystal in a soul binder.
51: Made alternative recipes for the angel wings for players who do not wish to use unstable ingots.
52: Added separate TAINT NUTTIN for skyworld that has hand ins that can be found in the nether. Also changed their repeat time to 8 days to compensate for reduced Ore Inspiring quest.
53: Changed RECALL REQUIREMENT so that once its completed, a new quest titled THE BECKONNING TWILIGHT will open offering players an alternative option to search for key fragments that will remove the gate on the Twilight Forest portal. Its not a rigid either or as they can also choose to do a combination of both Nether and Twilight quests as it suits them.
54: Made all portals that lead to Nether and Twilight Forest, blastproof.
So to sum up, I'm still hopeful of getting this pack published. I believe the amount of changes that have been made to the original pack will make it play differently enough to warrant another playthru for anyone who played it before.