[1.7.10] Marooned

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
First episode of Marooned Again is now live

I see you're already up to episode 3. Its been fun watching your antics. As always I have to put out my own disclaimer to let others know that the copy you're playing will have been altered by the time it reaches the launcher.

Your observance of the spiky cactus reminded me that I meant to change the recipe as I think a coral shouldn't craft into cocoa beans, that was the default the mod came with. In future it will be possible to craft a cactus using the spiky coral with a green slimeball since they are cousins after all. [The coral, not the slimeball]

After hearing you complain about the flimsy hatchet I decided to re-instate the tiger axe that I had removed from the 'Tiger' quest due to its taking so long to get the two tin ingots it requires in its recipe. Mind you, I didn't put it back into the quest, just let players know its available to make.

I also changed the obsidian nugget recipe to cut down on all the leg work it previously required.

Oh, and after hearing you commenting about your desire to set up a coral farm near your base, I decided to 'give' some coral blocks in an early challenge as I think its possible that by the time you get your pick, you might not need coral as much anymore.

One last thing, I noticed the dismissive way you mentioned 'sealant' when it was stacked up against redstone dust as an optional choice for a reward. I'd suggest perhaps you check out its recipe first as recipes rarely stay vanilla in Marooned bwa haa haa.....:cool:

Elder Sign

I see you're already up to episode 3. Its been fun watching your antics. As always I have to put out my own disclaimer to let others know that the copy you're playing will have been altered by the time it reaches the launcher.

Your observance of the spiky cactus reminded me that I meant to change the recipe as I think a coral shouldn't craft into cocoa beans, that was the default the mod came with. In future it will be possible to craft a cactus using the spiky coral with a green slimeball since they are cousins after all. [The coral, not the slimeball]

After hearing you complain about the flimsy hatchet I decided to re-instate the tiger axe that I had removed from the 'Tiger' quest due to its taking so long to get the two tin ingots it requires in its recipe. Mind you, I didn't put it back into the quest, just let players know its available to make.

I also changed the obsidian nugget recipe to cut down on all the leg work it previously required.

Oh, and after hearing you commenting about your desire to set up a coral farm near your base, I decided to 'give' some coral blocks in an early challenge as I think its possible that by the time you get your pick, you might not need coral as much anymore.

One last thing, I noticed the dismissive way you mentioned 'sealant' when it was stacked up against redstone dust as an optional choice for a reward. I'd suggest perhaps you check out its recipe first as recipes rarely stay vanilla in Marooned bwa haa haa.....:cool:

Oh yes, I learned about the sealant after that episode, but for really choice words I recommend waiting until I go to craft a watering can......


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
looking forward to Marooned again, hopefully you wont have too much to do once Elder has found all the exploits!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
looking forward to Marooned again, hopefully you wont have too much to do once Elder has found all the exploits!

The main problem now is getting it on the Curse Launcher. As far as i can see they don't have at least 2 of the mods used in Marooned again listed on their 'approved' site. If I'm unable to launch it there, I might try seeing if it can be included in the same area that the original Marooned is.

I'm still trialing the 3 new regular worlds to make sure they are different enough from each other to warrant including. So far so good though..

I'll keep you posted....

Elder Sign

I know that a previous pack of mine had a couple of mods that weren't approved but it got hosted with a minimum of fuss, I just needed to supply some screenshots of permissions for the mods in question


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I know that a previous pack of mine had a couple of mods that weren't approved but it got hosted with a minimum of fuss, I just needed to supply some screenshots of permissions for the mods in question

Good to know, I'll certainly try it out. BTW, I just watched ep4 titled, 'Finally a Furnace'. Gotta say, didn't see you getting a furnace, though I did notice you getting a finger lickin good poundin' from a few choice mobs.... The way you\re going, I'm wondering if the next ep will be titled, 'Finally, a new world to begin again on' :rolleyes:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
looking forward to Marooned again, hopefully you wont have too much to do once Elder has found all the exploits!

I've been thinking that as I'm now having problems even logging onto curse with my account for some unknown reason, rather than making you wait even longer while I sort them out, I'll make the preliminary prototype of 'Marooned Again' available to a limited number of players who would like to trial it for me in a similar way to Elder Sign. Making a video however is optional unless you really want to have one published on here.

I would however like to receive a critique of the new Marooned so I can better judge whether it warrants actual publishing due to my being totally biased.o_O

I've just uploaded a complete version onto Dropbox with all worlds finished and available for testing. Hopefully, there won't be too many bugs. so far from watching Elder's video's he hasn't come across any that I haven't already fixed.

If you're interested in trialing a copy , open a conversation and I'll send you the link.

Please don't re-distribute the link to others....



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Judging from the videos, it looks pretty cool. The only problem it has is probably the same as the original Marooned had, depending on your luck you sometimes have to wait a long time to get that one oreberry to grow. I hated those times in the original , where I couldn't do much except for more exploring which caused more pain and hunger. :D

Question: What is the way here to get your early cobble? Is it intended to let creepers blow up stone or is this just the way Elder Sign bypasses the progression as usual ?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Judging from the videos, it looks pretty cool. The only problem it has is probably the same as the original Marooned had, depending on your luck you sometimes have to wait a long time to get that one oreberry to grow. I hated those times in the original , where I couldn't do much except for more exploring which caused more pain and hunger. :D

Question: What is the way here to get your early cobble? Is it intended to let creepers blow up stone or is this just the way Elder Sign bypasses the progression as usual ?

Getting creepers to blow up cobble is by design, same as the new marble blocks and any ores you're lucky enough to have them blow up for you as well.

In the new worlds you can also find certain oreberries growing in caves and sometimes even on the surface or underwater. As usual, you tend to get rewarded for exploring. Also there are many more early quests you can go on while waiting for those blasted berries to grow. Its all about choices as to how you approach your early game. If you use the mini map properly and change the hostile mobs to a colour easily seen on the map, plus change the 'zoom' level depending on what you are doing, you'll be better able to avoid getting caught by them while exploring. Its one of the main reasons I chose this map as it shows you where hostiles, passives and 'drops' are. Its also why I have mine set to the bottom right hand corner as for me I find I tend to look more at the bottom area of the screen rather than the top area.

Personally the way I play is entirely different to the way Elder does, That why he makes a good tester, as he doesn't follow my intended course, sometimes to his detriment. But then, his way does have some unintended bonuses that I was originally unaware of. Its doubtful he'll find as many exploits as he did in the original Marooned, but then again...........


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've been thinking that as I'm now having problems even logging onto curse with my account for some unknown reason, rather than making you wait even longer while I sort them out, I'll make the preliminary prototype of 'Marooned Again' available to a limited number of players who would like to trial it for me in a similar way to Elder Sign. Making a video however is optional unless you really want to have one published on here.

I would however like to receive a critique of the new Marooned so I can better judge whether it warrants actual publishing due to my being totally biased.o_O

I've just uploaded a complete version onto Dropbox with all worlds finished and available for testing. Hopefully, there won't be too many bugs. so far from watching Elder's video's he hasn't come across any that I haven't already fixed.

If you're interested in trialing a copy , open a conversation and I'll send you the link.

Please don't re-distribute the link to others....


I'd like to extend a big thanks to cannajan who has volunteered to test the alpha Marooned Again. Hopefully she won't get too lost in the new environment while exploring the new worlds. I look forward to hearing about her exploits...


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2015
Marooned 1 is finalized (available on the Legacy launcher only, as far as I know). Not sure about Marooned Again.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there any word on this pack?

Actually as its taken me so long to get onto Curse, another pack creator has managed to hijack the Marooned name which has caused me to consider a name change. Since I was changing the name I thought i might update the original while I was at it. Came up with some new ideas I wanted to try out and I'm currently testing it. Almost done. As for Marooned Again, its ready to go, but i will obviously have to change its name as well to have continuity for the series. Elder Sign has made some videos about the new pack which will give you some idea of what to expect. Having said that, i have made a few more changes since he started his version.

It also seems from what Elder has said, that I may have some problems getting either pack accepted due to its being a 1.7.10 version and using some pretty old mod versions to boot. Still, I can only try.

I'll keep you updated but the last couple of months have been pretty hectic and with the name change and all the ancillary changes that entails, it will still be a while yet. I intend though to release the original under the new name first and soon after release the follow up pack which I personally think is better than the original, but I'm biased.....

Oh and yes the original is apparently still under the Legacy Launcher which is something at least. I'll let you all know the new name AFTER its been published. Wouldn't want to have to do another renaming so soon............


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2015
Very much looking forward to this, as the Legacy Launcher may have issues with the new Java update that just rolled out.

(EDIT: If you're taking suggestions, 'Abandoned' just rolled through my brain. Although something that simple might have been nabbed already.)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Very much looking forward to this, as the Legacy Launcher may have issues with the new Java update that just rolled out.

(EDIT: If you're taking suggestions, 'Abandoned' just rolled through my brain. Although something that simple might have been nabbed already.)

Abandoned was also a name I toyed with but in the end the one I came up with fits in better with the theme of the pack being a game show. At least I think it does and it hasn't been used anywhere on minecraft in so as far as my searches have disclosed.

The fact is both versions are now ready to go but I'm STILL having problems working out how to get it loaded onto Curse. I've checked out video's and sites that show you how but the ones I've seen were made for the Curse launcher and now it seems I have to go thru Twitch and just finding the first place to start is no longer the same as the ones showing. FTB was so easy by comparison, at least for me. Hopefully someone will come to my rescue and lend a hand getting it published. Elder offered some time ago but I think he's grown bored of 'Marooned' having played it so much and to be fair I did say I'd try myself first as I kinda like to find out how things are meant to work.

Anyway............ I'll keep researching and once I get it done I'll link the new site to the old one for those still following this site..


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Very much looking forward to this, as the Legacy Launcher may have issues with the new Java update that just rolled out.

(EDIT: If you're taking suggestions, 'Abandoned' just rolled through my brain. Although something that simple might have been nabbed already.)

Quick update. I've managed to upload the new version of marooned under its new name onto Curse. Just submitted the form for approval. I fully expect it to be rejected as I'm still not sure what is required to get it approved but at least its a start. Hopefully now that its in the system the new name will be protected from being used elsewhere.

I'll let you know if/when its been approved for distribution along with the new link to the web page......................
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