[1.7.10] Marooned

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You might consider the better boat mod if you make boats non-craftable. At least then boats break into boats and are far less likely to accidentally break due to desync. Otherwise somebody will visit an island, think the boat is going to safely go one way, then jump out only to see the boat do a 180 and then ram into the island, turning itself into kindling. Which is very annoying even when you can craft boats. :)

Of course if somebody boats out to an island to clear a cavern and then dies out there they're still royally screwed since they won't have a boat to go back to get their stuff. They can build a glider though and carry a few stacks of blocks and then just nerdpole glider hop from island to island, I suppose. That's probably better than a boat anyhow, as long as it doesn't turn to night mid-flight. One related note is that you can get lily-pads with an mfr fisher and a lily pad is placeable on water so you'd be able to build a sleeping platform anywhere in the water if you had to. Angel blocks work too I suppose although feathers are quite rare in skyblock since the only source in 1.5.0 is zombie jockeys. There are ways to kill the baby zombie and grab the chicken. I also have a few eggs from somewhere which could be the start of a chicken farm so maybe feathers aren't as rare as I thought they were.

I did consider making a more difficult recipe to prolong its use after I'd added the 2 new quests that award the boat and if the new system proves to be too difficult I'll revisit it again. The way it stands now you get a boat from each quest and as the earlier quest is repeatable and only requires handing in crops that are actually much easier to grow in the skyworld than they were in the land based worlds, it shouldn't take too long to get a few boats before heading off to explore. So travelling somewhere by boat won't be as difficult if players wait until they have 2 or more boats to take with them when exploring the ocean world. I've just been doing another run through in the newest skyworld and am amazed that I'll have the first crop quests finished before I get my ores grown. the plains biome seems to churn them out at a fast pace. I doubt I'll even need the watering can for this world.

I actually tried the better boat mod way back in 1.7.3 beta. It took some trial and error to get a boat to have just the right amount of strength back then, but I did enjoy the mod. Forgot all about it for this pack as it wasn't needed up until we switched the then prototype skyworld from a void to an ocean. Thanks for reminding me about it, I'll revisit it and may include it in a future update if its compatible and worth including just for the one world. considering its now a requirement to go out exploring the many islands dotted around the environment, I may need to do some serious thinking about it. Especially now that they're all generated randomly.

Lily pads have been introduced in the new skyworld as a randomly spawning ruin along with water gardens. Th gardens are in the 1.5.0 version by default as ocean biomes spawn them naturally.

As for feathers, I doubt anyone will want to continue playing 1.5.0 after 1.5.2 is released, but then again, who knows...........
I'm using railcraft water tanks and they're producing water to fill my agricraft tanks.

You're right. I made one and assumed I had to leave the top open to collect water, lol. Didn't get a drop. When i just read your post I went back and put a lid on it and it started filling with water. I then checked the version and discovered we are using duoh. teach me for answering posts at 1:28am when I should be asleep.

Looks like its back to the drawing board with that one. I don't think I'll remove it, just try to prolong when it can be made. I was happy for players to be able to get heaps of water from the agricraft tanks and I think having the railcraft tank to replace or supplement it is a good idea.
They're pretty slow and they're not exactly cheap early game unless you have ready access to slimes. Sure, in skyblock there is a slime island right there... but there is also an ocean right there too so water isn't a challenge. Getting it where you need it can be a pain, though.
They're pretty slow and they're not exactly cheap early game unless you have ready access to slimes. Sure, in skyblock there is a slime island right there... but there is also an ocean right there too so water isn't a challenge. Getting it where you need it can be a pain, though.

I've made a new recipe for them. Decided they should be made only from spruce wood as its the closest match to the tanks. Swapped the slimeball out for sealant and replaced the iron ingots with alumite to bring it into a similar time line to the agricraft tanks.

Oh, and I also changed the sealant recipe just for good measure. Easy enough to make once you are established enough. Already added to the update provided I was in time. we'll only find out once its released... Time to go back to bed its now 3:20am but I wouldn't have been able to sleep anyway until i got this one nailed down...................

EDIT: No sooner got back to bed and it dawned on me I should also include a boat recipe. Made a new recipe using sealant, wouldn't want our boat leaking would we? Checked it and discovered I hadn't actually removed the old one, not sure how that happened but we now have either the old easy recipe or the new slightly harder recipe in the 1.5.2 update. Either way, there won't be any reason to get stranded on an island..
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Ok, so I was playing on my little jungle world yesterday and after a couple of fails I found myself with 1 life left, so I decided to give up the world and wait for the new release instead. Before that I took the liberty to have a little "creative" look at the SPUD.

First of all I like the way you divided the whole place into levels. What I do not like is that a lot of it can not easily be used and I know you redesigned the place. Some of the walkways between rooms are to complicated, I prefer larger and more simpler rooms. Am I later in the pack able to break those prismarine blocks or did you design them that they will be unbreakable forever?
Then there were this single blocks in the floor, I forgot their name, not sure what those were about.
I like the tunnel level, also gives you tons of free dust :D
Also liked the room with the Twilight portal. Found a lot of animals in there.
If there is a nether portal, then I probably missed it.
I am excited to see how you redesigned it. The current form seems a bit to complex to build a good base in it. Especially the staircases in the middle make it a bit more complicated I think.

Some feedback so far to the three biomes I played, savanna, jungle and swamp. I like the swamp the least and the single reason is that I am not a swamp fan in general, I don't like the colors and that it is usually darker. So my play on that map lasted 2 minutes. Not your fault.
Savannah is cool, I went for that because of horses, but then I also realized that it takes ages to get one and that saddles are not even craftable. I guess the questbook gives me one later. There is a couple of jungle logs near spawn, which allows me to get an early barrel for some dirt.
My preference right now is the jungle. First of all, grass in the jungle looks just cool. Then water is also nice because I can just spam barrels once I got the acazia. And then there are the two bee things close to spawn and the slime island. Unfortunately one of my apiaries did not produce a bee grub in the last run and as far as I can see in NEI, the only way to fix that is to find another apiary in the world.

One thing that bugs me about this pack, and I get that this is a design decision on your end, is the fact that a lot of items are not craftable. I would prefer recipes for more items, that are currently only accessible via questbook in a way, that the recipe requires a further progression down the line. So it is not about getting it early, but being able to get them at some point in time, maybe only because you lost them. The last quest I did where I noticed that is the one where I had to choose between different parts of the travellers stuff. Also in one quest you have to choose between a garden trowel (which is craftable) and a magnifying glass (which is not craftable) and a reward bag, Interesting thing is: I never used the magnifying glass ever before and I think it is probably more or less useless ( I don't even know exactly what it does), but I took it only for the fear that I might need it and then cant get it anymore.

Same holds for example for all those Pam trees. I have half a dozen quests open, because I do not know so far what trees I get offered in quests that I cant see yet. I also dont know whether I need all trees at some point for a quest. I know that Pam's market is not craftable and I have no idea whether I get it somewhere down the line. This holds me a bit back in my play. I could also just grab the reward bag choices in all those quests and then I don't get all the trees. Is that bad or good? I have no idea. :D
So issue is less that I have to take those risks, more that I probably cant fix them. But then again that is probably just a problem of my playstyle. :D
This pack puts me a bit outside of my comfort zone. (Which is actually a good thing)
I usually like the concepts of skyblocks, where you can always get your stuff back, as long as you still have one piece of dirt and a sapling. Makes me feel safe, so whatever I screw up I can always fix it. :D
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Ok, so I was playing on my little jungle world yesterday and after a couple of fails I found myself with 1 life left, so I decided to give up the world and wait for the new release instead. Before that I took the liberty to have a little "creative" look at the SPUD.

First of all I like the way you divided the whole place into levels. What I do not like is that a lot of it can not easily be used and I know you redesigned the place. Some of the walkways between rooms are to complicated, I prefer larger and more simpler rooms. Am I later in the pack able to break those prismarine blocks or did you design them that they will be unbreakable forever?
Then there were this single blocks in the floor, I forgot their name, not sure what those were about.
I like the tunnel level, also gives you tons of free dust :D
Also liked the room with the Twilight portal. Found a lot of animals in there.
If there is a nether portal, then I probably missed it.
I am excited to see how you redesigned it. The current form seems a bit to complex to build a good base in it. Especially the staircases in the middle make it a bit more complicated I think.

Some feedback so far to the three biomes I played, savanna, jungle and swamp. I like the swamp the least and the single reason is that I am not a swamp fan in general, I don't like the colors and that it is usually darker. So my play on that map lasted 2 minutes. Not your fault.
Savannah is cool, I went for that because of horses, but then I also realized that it takes ages to get one and that saddles are not even craftable. I guess the questbook gives me one later. There is a couple of jungle logs near spawn, which allows me to get an early barrel for some dirt.
My preference right now is the jungle. First of all, grass in the jungle looks just cool. Then water is also nice because I can just spam barrels once I got the acazia. And then there are the two bee things close to spawn and the slime island. Unfortunately one of my apiaries did not produce a bee grub in the last run and as far as I can see in NEI, the only way to fix that is to find another apiary in the world.

One thing that bugs me about this pack, and I get that this is a design decision on your end, is the fact that a lot of items are not craftable. I would prefer recipes for more items, that are currently only accessible via questbook in a way, that the recipe requires a further progression down the line. So it is not about getting it early, but being able to get them at some point in time, maybe only because you lost them. The last quest I did where I noticed that is the one where I had to choose between different parts of the travellers stuff. Also in one quest you have to choose between a garden trowel (which is craftable) and a magnifying glass (which is not craftable) and a reward bag, Interesting thing is: I never used the magnifying glass ever before and I think it is probably more or less useless ( I don't even know exactly what it does), but I took it only for the fear that I might need it and then cant get it anymore.

Same holds for example for all those Pam trees. I have half a dozen quests open, because I do not know so far what trees I get offered in quests that I cant see yet. I also dont know whether I need all trees at some point for a quest. I know that Pam's market is not craftable and I have no idea whether I get it somewhere down the line. This holds me a bit back in my play. I could also just grab the reward bag choices in all those quests and then I don't get all the trees. Is that bad or good? I have no idea. :D
So issue is less that I have to take those risks, more that I probably cant fix them. But then again that is probably just a problem of my playstyle. :D
I usually like the concepts of skyblocks, where you can always get your stuff back, as long as you still have one piece of dirt and a sapling. :D
That was quite a comprehensive writeup you provided. the least I can do is try to answer some of the problems you encountered. this of course will involve devulging some secrets that you were meant to discover for yourself, so I'll put it all in a spoiler so others won't have to accidentally read it as well.
Swampland: wanted to have a darker biome for players who like that kind of thing. If all biomes were the same there wouldn't be any point in having more than one would there? It also provides more loot in the way of different types of slimes so I wanted to include a trade off for that as well.

Saddles: You can find saddles in dungeon chests. I didn't actually remove saddles as a crafting recipe, it never had one in the first place. But I take your point, I may either make a recipe or at least have a saddle as an optional reward somewhere.

Bee grubs: I've provided quests for getting extra grubs or royal jelly and also made recipes for them. They didn't have recipes by default apart from turning spent bees into jelly which is still there.

TRAVELERS ARMOR: Its too overpowered compared to other armors and basically makes them redundant so I chose to remove their recipes and give them as a reward for completing quests. This way players could still make use of all the other armors available to them while working towards getting their hands on the travelers gear. As for choosing between the boots or goggles,I'm sure many players would rather be given a choice than just having to take whatever I wanted to give them.
I originally tried to just give them a more appropriate recipe but they're designed in such a way that changing the recipe not only removed their special abilities, it also made the game crash when you tempted to wear any of it.

The magnifying glass is just there to provide an ascetic balance to the reward. I could have just not offered anything extra for this quest but I like to give players choices even when they're not so hot.

FRUIT TREES: Rest assured I would not make you choose any reward that is an absolute requirement of the game. All the quests that require handing in produce or recipes are there because you will always be given at least 1 of each variety of tree that uses those recipes. The choices are there to allow you to either select a new variety that isn't a requirement but may be nice to have or to add to your existing stocks, especially if a particular tree manged to grow and not produce a fruit.

NETHER PORTAL: There isn't one in the SPUD. When you eventually get to the quest that requires visiting the nether, you'll be told you can either make your own or activate the one in the temple and use that. Again, its all about choices.

Those blocks are Castle Rune Bricks. I thought they added a bit of flair to the dungeon. yjey also serve another purpose and that is you can remove them and replace them with elevators. Mark the location and go find where the other elevator should be placed to allow you easy access up and down through the SPUD. In the update, I've made it more obvious by placing them above a 2 space gap with either a spawner or block of sand where the elevator could go. think of them as signs showing the way. I've tried to convey this idea by placing them above the entrance to the lowest level where access to the Twilight portal and underground stone areas are now located.

although some sections of the SPUD are complicated and harder to navigate, the idea is you make your main base at the upper level where there is more room and its quite open and you use the lower levels to get dust and also oyou can do lots of stuff in the vastness of the space you can carve out around the SPUD.

If you care to do some more digging, you'll also discover you can make a pretty nifty dugout on top to the SPUD that even has 'cutouts to allow some access beyond it for surface tunnels.

The prismarine blocks are designed to basically replace bedrock. I thought players might prefer a brighter colour for the bases rather than having dull old bedrock. Although they can be mined eventually, it takes sooooooo long its not worth doing unless you absolutely want to make a space for something.

I think I've answered all your concerns. If not let me know what else I can help you out with.

First of all, don't get me wrong. I love this pack, it is unique and awesome. And most of all, I normally hate Pams Harvestcraft, which is a boring mod that brings almost nothing special to the table, but your pack is the first that makes it actually interesting to explore.

Thanks for all the detailed answers. I like how much thought you put especially into the SPUD design. I am not sure what you mean with the cutouts, but I guess I will find out eventually.

I guess in my next play I will go for more reward bags, I haven't got a single one yet that wasn't giving me useful stuff. Total contrast to many other packs, where you sometimes get a lot of crap in the bags. Here you at least get some food or something which helps in some way. One of the first bags I opened in my last jungle gave me one of each oreberry bushes. How awesome is that? :D

Regarding the bee grubs. The recipe allows me to make a jelly from a spent bee and to make a bee grub from a jelly, something like that. So if I dont get a grub, I have to wait for a quest or find a new one. There isnt a recipe to make a new one from something else. Except for that recipe with 8 honey around a yellow heart. That's what I meant. But then of course exploring is a big part of the pack.

I haven't actually explored that much. Now that I got my sleeping bag, the chest thingy that follows you around and some better armor, I was finally ready to explore more and also visit some of those nasty dungeons. I tried in one playthrough to explore more at the start, but usually I run out of food or inventory space. And those dungeons are quite hard with starter stuff.
And when you get some stuff going like sieving and all you become lazy and dont want to explore at all. Or you do and go down to 1 life. :D
I guess if the harder dungeons give some really useful loot, this encourages people to explore also in later stages of the game. A piece of string, wax and two basic bags might not be the best motivation. (That example was mentioned before by someone)
First of all, don't get me wrong. I love this pack, it is unique and awesome. And most of all, I normally hate Pams Harvestcraft, which is a boring mod that brings almost nothing special to the table, but your pack is the first that makes it actually interesting to explore.

Thanks for all the detailed answers. I like how much thought you put especially into the SPUD design. I am not sure what you mean with the cutouts, but I guess I will find out eventually.

I guess in my next play I will go for more reward bags, I haven't got a single one yet that wasn't giving me useful stuff. Total contrast to many other packs, where you sometimes get a lot of crap in the bags. Here you at least get some food or something which helps in some way. One of the first bags I opened in my last jungle gave me one of each oreberry bushes. How awesome is that? :D

Regarding the bee grubs. The recipe allows me to make a jelly from a spent bee and to make a bee grub from a jelly, something like that. So if I dont get a grub, I have to wait for a quest or find a new one. There isnt a recipe to make a new one from something else. Except for that recipe with 8 honey around a yellow heart. That's what I meant. But then of course exploring is a big part of the pack.

I haven't actually explored that much. Now that I got my sleeping bag, the chest thingy that follows you around and some better armor, I was finally ready to explore more and also visit some of those nasty dungeons. I tried in one playthrough to explore more at the start, but usually I run out of food or inventory space. And those dungeons are quite hard with starter stuff.
And when you get some stuff going like sieving and all you become lazy and dont want to explore at all. Or you do and go down to 1 life. :D
I guess if the harder dungeons give some really useful loot, this encourages people to explore also in later stages of the game. A piece of string, wax and two basic bags might not be the best motivation. (That example was mentioned before by someone)

With that string and wax you could make candles to set those basic bags on fire. what more could you ask for?:rolleyes:

With regards the bees, at least now you can make something you haven't already got, even though its very expensive. You can also get more by completing certain quests. I did this cause like you, I have found myself looking at a full apiary with no grub to continue the cycle.

I did think afterwards that I should have mentioned if you only ever take the reward bags rather than a few saplings, you'll find you may be waiting quite a while for some of the required ones so its always worth considering trying to get at least one of the spice type saplings earlier.

The harder dungeons usually just have more rewards you can find. Some have special rewards, but not many.

Time for me to get back to my skyworld to find yet another Nitro creeper to blow me up. :p
One change you might consider is removing Fiery from the attributes that can be randomly applied to a TiCon weapon. It pretty much ruins any weapon you want to use in a traditional skyblock mobfarm. Every weapon I've tried to level has gotten it.
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One change you might consider is removing Fiery from the attributes that can be randomly applied to a TiCon weapon. It pretty much ruins any weapon you want to use in a traditional skyblock mobfarm. Every weapon I've tried to level has gotten it.

Funny you should mention this, I actually like getting fiery on my first rapier as it helps prolong the time before it breaks by reducing mobs health. But when my subsequent blades get it as well it makes it less appealing. I think a compromise would be a better solution as I'm sure not everyone would like to see it gone. In the next update that I'm already working on, I'll reduce the possibility for a weapon the get fiery. That should at least stop all weapons getting it. I've just looked at the config and it does seem to have a higher chance to activate. So do some of the other attributes. I'll do some more research and adjust them to try to make them better.

Now for the good news!

The 1.5.2 update has been approved and is now ready for downloading............

1: Changed ocean biome to plains biome to allow passive animal spawning.

2: Added random ruins to the Skyplatform biome to add greater diversity to world.

3: Removed boat recipe to discourage players exploring ocean too early in the game.

4:Added boats as rewards in repeatable FLAVOUR SAVOURS quest and also the BACK TO THE NETHER quest.

5: Added a one off silkworm reward to the MAYBE MAPLE skyworld quest for players who might want to make ghostwood fletchings for arrow making. For those that don't they can always cook and eat them instead.

6: Removed desolated Desert biome as it doesn't really add enough to the game to warrant remaining.

7: Remodelled the SPUD to make it even more versatile to use.

8: Added Salvage Chest that is made using Treasure Chests.

9: Changed oreberry bushes to trigger after Shear Ability and Saw Point to help remove possible bottleneck of having to wait for bushes to grow just to get a needed oreberry.

10: Changed Taint Nuttin time delay from 8 to 6 hours to speed up oreberry and bush production.

11: Changed Imp Stew recipe to use mango instead of plum.

12: Added Custom LootMod and changed chest rewards to more suitable ones for the pack.
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I usually get Bane of Arthropods, which means 1-2-hitting spiders and still 6-8 hits for creepers. :D
Or luck on a shovel. :D

Looking forward to start a new map this evening. Probably jungle again. Need some more time on the land based maps before I hit the skyblock. :D
Funny you should mention this, I actually like getting fiery on my first rapier as it helps prolong the time before it breaks by reducing mobs health. But when my subsequent blades get it as well it makes it less appealing. I think a compromise would be a better solution as I'm sure not everyone would like to see it gone.

But it wouldn't be gone. You can always add fiery to a weapon yourself if you want it. That way the choice is up to the player, not a random number generator.

What you can't do is remove it when it ruins a weapon you've spent hours leveling.

If you're worried about getting that blaze powder early game you can always give it to players with a quest. :p

Playing the skyblock version of the pack I spent most of the early game in the Nether where every mob has fire immunity, so not only was fiery a weapon-ruiner mid/late game it was an entirely wasted slot early game. When I started my first mob farm it had wooden spikes on the bottom of it, so each mob would be down to 1-heart, which allows me to 1-hit them with just about anything, again, fiery just a waste. I do that to save on food early game, killing mobs chews through saturation if you have to kill them entirely by hand.

I also added the Numina library to the pack. One of its features is it removes the FoV changes from any haste buff/debuffs. Really don't like FoV changes when they're rare, but when you've got MyFit they're permanent.

Disabled MFR harvester sounds which historically have been a large source of client lag.

Just quality of life stuff.
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I've started a skyblock map on 152, and I'm having some trouble. I saw on elder's LP that the nether natura trees require netherrack as opposed to tainted soil to grow, and I'm wondering how I'm supposed to harvest the 'rack for transport to the overworld. Explosions don't seem to work and usable pickaxes aren't available yet. I know I could just farm the trees in the nether, I just would massively prefer not being there and instead grow them in the skyblock if it's at all possible.
You're not, you're supposed to farm those trees in the Nether until you can make a pick, as far as I can tell. That is why you hear about nitro creepers, lol. They've slain many, many lumberjacks.

In other news I'm stuck at a point in HQM where the only quests that "unlock other quests" are some really tedious multi-step mob kill quests. You think you're finally done, but nope, another set of kill orders. Then you think you're done but nope, another kill quest with multiple kill orders. Hopefully some of these are just placeholders. They're not that bad when it is regular mobs that spawn frequently but when you have to wait hours/days for that ender creeper you start to lose interest.
You're not, you're supposed to farm those trees in the Nether until you can make a pick, as far as I can tell. That is why you hear about nitro creepers, lol. They've slain many, many lumberjacks.

In other news I'm stuck at a point in HQM where the only quests that "unlock other quests" are some really tedious multi-step mob kill quests. You think you're finally done, but nope, another set of kill orders. Then you think you're done but nope, another kill quest with multiple kill orders. Hopefully some of these are just placeholders. They're not that bad when it is regular mobs that spawn frequently but when you have to wait hours/days for that ender creeper you start to lose interest.

Which quest are you referring to? There are no Ender Creeper requirements in 1.5.2 so I'm assuming you are still playing 1.5.0 which may have had one. I really can't remember. Either way by the time you get to that particular quest you are are basically being given these kill quests so that you still have a reason to kill mobs. They are no longer attached to any other lines in the quest that would prevent you moving forward towards your end goal. It may prevent you opening the actual 'end' goal but you are still free to pursue other quest lines in the meantime.

As for not being able to get netherrack early game, I would have preferred to have ghasts still be able to blow up blocks but the only way I could find to allow this was to also have creepers blow up blocks as well, including your sky platforms. As far as I can tell ghast and creeper explosion effects are linked and so far I haven't been able to find a way to separate them. I'd love to hear if its possible and of course how to do it. It might even prompt me to reduce fiery to a 1% chance [just so you don't get too comfortable].
Actually I'm on 1.5.2 and kill quests are the only quests I currently have that "unlock other quests". I'll take some screenshots.

Checking the quest book the only quest that I have that unlocks quests elsewhere is Mob Slayer, which currently is just normal mobs, thankfully.

I've got the two quest-blocked walls on the starter island that I can't open and I found an island that had part of its underground system blocked off with quest walls too. Have made keys from the bits found in chests but doesn't appear to be any way to use them at this point in time.

Not sure what I'm supposed to be doing now.
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Actually I'm on 1.5.2 and kill quests are the only quests I currently have that "unlock other quests". I'll take some screenshots.

Checking the quest book the only quest that I have that unlocks quests elsewhere is Mob Slayer, which currently is just normal mobs, thankfully.

I've got the two quest-blocked walls on the starter island that I can't open and I found an island that had part of its underground system blocked off with quest walls too. Have made keys from the bits found in chests but doesn't appear to be any way to use them at this point in time.

Not sure what I'm supposed to be doing now.

Sounds like something may have gone wrong if this is happening to you. I'll try to clarify to ehlp you get back on track if I can in a spoiler to avoid others who want to work things out for themselves.

Lets start at the beginning. You should have done the quest on 101 that gets tyou to build your first sky platform out to the closest issland. If you read the quest you will have seen that it tells you not to remove the cover platyes until you have made usre the TAINT NUTTIN has been unlocked. Hopefully you did this. If not then go grab a glowstone cover plate and unlock that section of the quest line.

Secondly, the gates on the starter island will only open if you choose to take the harder ending to the game so ignore those gates for now. The second island you found if its the one opposite the first island opens just before the first quest requiring killing cave spiders comes up. If you're now up to mob slayer, then those gates should be open. If you're talking about a third set of gates that you found behind some double doors, then they aren't due to open until after you have completed the main quest line in the Location Vocation quest. Again you really need to read the quests to work out the clues to when things happen.

One thing you need to know is that the only way I could have two separate quest lines intermingling was to have a common 'trigger' that would allow them to come together onto the main quest line. The cover plates were the first trigger and the Flint and Blaze is the second. Apart from telling players they should hang on to these items until the quests open up, there's nothing else I could do. They generally open automatically but HQM isn't perfect and if you only have the killing quests left open then something hasn't opened for you as I've deliberatly made 2 lines of quests so players will always have more than just one quest they can do at any time.

As for quests that say they unlock quests elsewhere, sometimes you still need to do a quest that may be linked to another on the same page. Although most of them are obvious, sometimes a quest links along the vertical in the middle of the book and isn't obvious.

Its sad that you made more than one key as one is all you'll need to unlock a future quest. For future fragments you can look up what else they can be used for. You also want to look up the treasure chests and see what you can make with them as well.

Have you completed the crop quests that have you handing in wheat etc as they open up more quests.

Its difficult to advise you further without knowing how many quests you have already done. I'm making assumptions that you've basically completed all or most of the first five pages of quests. They all generally have between 20-30 quests per page and there shouldn't be great gaps on any page.

Screenshots of each quest page would really help. I should be able to nail down if there's a problem or something you've missed.

I look again tomorrow as its now 2:51am and I need to get some sleep....

Hope that helps......
Here are screenshots. The percentages for the first chapter seem kind of wonky as I don't know where you'd fit 47% more quests.


The only quests not completed are some cooking quests, safari, and the yellow/green heart canisters I think. None of the ones not completed open up quests elsewhere, at least according to the book.

As far as the HQM quest walls go, I've got the two by the gate which have never changed and 2-3 on a island you know where which is probably the end game thing you're referring to.

I threw all the treasure chests in the ocean, they didn't seem to have a purpose until this version.
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