[1.7.10] Marooned

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Here are screenshots. The percentages for the first chapter seem kind of wonky as I don't know where you'd fit 47% more quests.


The only quests not completed are some cooking quests, safari, and the yellow/green heart canisters I think. None of the ones not completed open up quests elsewhere, at least according to the book.

As far as the HQM quest walls go, I've got the two by the gate which have never changed and 2-3 on a island you know where which is probably the end game thing you're referring to.

I threw all the treasure chests in the ocean, they didn't seem to have a purpose until this version.

I'm assuming you have done the BACK TO THE NETHER quest on the Location Vocation page. I may have changed its name but its the one in the middle of the page. You need to get the Flint and Blaze that was given to you for completing that quest and put it in your inventory. Then open the book to make sure it has triggered the next phase of your quest line. You'll know it if it has. If you've already used the Flint and Blaze, you'll need to repair it first for it to work.

Don't worry about the percentages showing on some of the pages. They still contain hidden 'Trigger' quests that haven't been completed yet. They won't show up but as more of them are completed the % will increase until it reaches 100%.

Shame about the Treasure chests, my fault, I forgot to add the update list when I posted that 1.5.2 was available. I'd posted it to the moderators when requesting the update and somehow that managed to convince me I'd posted it for everyone. My bad.

Thanks to you posting this problem, it prompted me to go back and change the wording of the two quests that open that phase of the quest line. It also made me realize that when I moved the oreberry bush swap quests from the main line to the side line, that I forgot to add some for the sky platform line. Now that's an even bigger problem for me as I don't have enough spare quests left in the completed book and either have to do a lot of editing with the reserve book or change something elsewhere. I'll have to give this one some deep thought.

Hopefully you didn't also throw the Flint and Blaze in the ocean and you'll be able to use it to continue your quest. Thanks for bringing this to my attention as its helped to improve the pack for future players......
I've started a skyblock map on 152, and I'm having some trouble. I saw on elder's LP that the nether natura trees require netherrack as opposed to tainted soil to grow, and I'm wondering how I'm supposed to harvest the 'rack for transport to the overworld. Explosions don't seem to work and usable pickaxes aren't available yet. I know I could just farm the trees in the nether, I just would massively prefer not being there and instead grow them in the skyblock if it's at all possible.

Sorry about the delay but I got tied up dealing with twisto51's problem. I generally like players to experiment themselves to find out what they can and can't plant their saplings etc on, as there's nothing like the feeling you get when you discover something new, especially when it helps give you an edge in minecraft. I will however say this, although you won't be able to transport netherrack for some time, its still possible to grow your darkwood trees in the overworld. Think about it and you'll soon have that light bulb moment...........
Yeah I have the flint and blaze in a chest somewhere.

Putting it back in my inventory opened a bunch of quests. Is that an HQM bug/oversight? I mean it had to be in my inventory at some point in the past for me to have dumped it in a chest.
Thanks Spaman, all I wanted was to know that it's possible, I have no problem trying to find it myself. Now I just need to try: Crushed rack, gravel, heatsand, soulsand, and any possible crafts using those in NEI I missed.

EDIT: Figures that as soon as that gets sorted something else breaks. I died, and no gravestone spawned, thus deleting all my items and forcing me to restart the world entirely.
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Thanks Spaman, all I wanted was to know that it's possible, I have no problem trying to find it myself. Now I just need to try: Crushed rack, gravel, heatsand, soulsand, and any possible crafts using those in NEI I missed.

EDIT: Figures that as soon as that gets sorted something else breaks. I died, and no gravestone spawned, thus deleting all my items and forcing me to restart the world entirely.

There's always a gravestone. Sometimes it just spawns in strange places. It can even spawn under lava if you were near it when you died. As for trying another growth source, you'll kick yourself when you finally find it.:cool:
Yeah I have the flint and blaze in a chest somewhere.

Putting it back in my inventory opened a bunch of quests. Is that an HQM bug/oversight? I mean it had to be in my inventory at some point in the past for me to have dumped it in a chest.

Yes its a bug. It works most of the time but not always. I've been thinking I should find a better trigger, something that can't be used. Hopefully the new information in the quest will help the situation.

Awesome. Started new jungle. The first reward bag I got from quest 1 had one of each ore berries in it. :D

Such luck, and here's me having to wait forever just to get a gold oreberry. The situation was so desperate I concentrated on doing the quests to open up the oreberry swap just to get one. Typically the good reward bag i got from the Hammer Time quest gave me the same reward you just got. Great timing i thought as I then chose the half heart reward for the oreberry swap.

Apart from that I'm doing really well, only got down to my last life twice so far. You'd think I'd be better at this game by now, but my problem is I get overconfident or careless or a bit of both, especially when I need a certain mob or two to complete a quest and take unnecessary chances to complete it.

Hope your luck holds out..............
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I popped into creative and ripped out every block in a 9-block radius of my death waypoint. Nothing. So I gave it up as a glitch and started over, found the proper soil for saplings to not pop up -and in the process managed to find and replant all four bushes, which is nice- and have a nice platform lit by glowstone waiting for trees and berries now. Hopefully my food holds out long enough to get enough wood to make it to the slime island. Also discovered the water gardens and the temple thing, and that for whatever reason there's lava in the portal platform.
I popped into creative and ripped out every block in a 9-block radius of my death waypoint. Nothing. So I gave it up as a glitch and started over, found the proper soil for saplings to not pop up -and in the process managed to find and replant all four bushes, which is nice- and have a nice platform lit by glowstone waiting for trees and berries now. Hopefully my food holds out long enough to get enough wood to make it to the slime island. Also discovered the water gardens and the temple thing, and that for whatever reason there's lava in the portal platform.

The Gravestone mod makes a log-file that includes the coordinates of any player graves - worth it if you end up in a similar situation.
I found bug in the desolate desert world. Maple plank covers change to trading post covers. It happened absolutely randomly, so I don't know the reason. Those trading post (ExU) covers are permanently there and can be harvested normally.
I found bug in the desolate desert world. Maple plank covers change to trading post covers. It happened absolutely randomly, so I don't know the reason. Those trading post (ExU) covers are permanently there and can be harvested normally.

I've struck that bug before in other biomes too. Seems to be a bug with the mod itself, either conflicting with another mod or possibly being an inherent one with the mod itself. Not much we can do about it apart from removing the mod itself. I did think about making a recipe so players can exchange the trading post covers for something else but it hardly seemed worth it for such easy to make items.

Thanks for taking the time to post the bug.........
I hate you for making this pack. Seriously I died after finally feeling able to head into the dungeon. Finally starting railcraft.... But seriously more packs need to be made like this. This is the pack I'm judging all others on.

Now I'm curious if you've made any headway on the nei crash bug. Or know what casues it?
Been playing this pack for a few days. Had to restart a few times after getting the hang of things. A couple questions.

I've watched a couple of youtube videos and I have seen them find stone. But I have yet to find stone anywhere. Are there areas that you can find stone better than others? I'm playing in a Jungle biome and all I find is Runic Blocks or Prismarine.
I just completed the quest to give me a Spruce sapling. Lucky me, when I chopped the tree down I got no saplings in return. Am I screwed?
Lastly, I'm getting to a point where I need Iron but I only have 1 ingot that I received from a Reward bag. I have like 3-4 Tin, Copper, Gold and Aluminum oreberry bushes but not a single Iron oreberry bush. Am I screwed?

This modpack is quite tricky and I don't know if the difficulty is because I don't know some of the mods or just bad luck.

Edit: Oh, I did find some Bedrock and I thought I might be able to dig under it. But it was surrounded by Prismarine.
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Been playing this pack for a few days. Had to restart a few times after getting the hang of things. A couple questions.

I've watched a couple of youtube videos and I have seen them find stone. But I have yet to find stone anywhere. Are there areas that you can find stone better than others? I'm playing in a Jungle biome and all I find is Runic Blocks or Prismarine.
I just completed the quest to give me a Spruce sapling. Lucky me, when I chopped the tree down I got no saplings in return. Am I screwed?
Lastly, I'm getting to a point where I need Iron but I only have 1 ingot that I received from a Reward bag. I have like 3-4 Tin, Copper, Gold and Aluminum oreberry bushes but not a single Iron oreberry bush. Am I screwed?

This modpack is quite tricky and I don't know if the difficulty is because I don't know some of the mods or just bad luck.

Edit: Oh, I did find some Bedrock and I thought I might be able to dig under it. But it was surrounded by Prismarine.

The video's you watched were probably of earlier versions of the pack when it was still possible to find stone, not by design but thru a mod flaw with the sewage pools conflicting with the ruins that sometimes caused the ruin to break thru the bedrock below into the underworld. That has since been fixed so no stone for you!

You're only screwed with the spruce not giving you a sapling if you have foolishly used it all up and nopt saved some to make the much needed sieve. Once you get a sieve you can sift dirt to get another spruce seed.

Just keep doing the Taint Nuttin and you'll get iron oreberries. There are more of them in the reward bags than other berries so you've been extremely unlucky not getting an iron bush but have faith, you'll get one eventually. Zombies also drop the occasional iron ingot but that's more of a long shot. As for getting one in a reward bag, I wasn't aware I'd included any in them.
The video's you watched were probably of earlier versions of the pack when it was still possible to find stone, not by design but thru a mod flaw with the sewage pools conflicting with the ruins that sometimes caused the ruin to break thru the bedrock below into the underworld. That has since been fixed so no stone for you!

You're only screwed with the spruce not giving you a sapling if you have foolishly used it all up and nopt saved some to make the much needed sieve. Once you get a sieve you can sift dirt to get another spruce seed.

Just keep doing the Taint Nuttin and you'll get iron oreberries. There are more of them in the reward bags than other berries so you've been extremely unlucky not getting an iron bush but have faith, you'll get one eventually. Zombies also drop the occasional iron ingot but that's more of a long shot. As for getting one in a reward bag, I wasn't aware I'd included any in them.

Thanks for the quick reply!
Funny enough, shortly after I posted this I got 3 Iron oreberry bushes in a Taint Nuttin reward bag!! LOL I guess I need to start posting about things I'm not getting and so that I'll get it.

As to the stone, okay, that makes sense. I'll be building my sieve soon. I saved all my spruce just in case! I'm not familiar with Ex Nihilo so that will be fun to learn.

As to the Iron Ingot, you are correct. It WAS a zombie drop. (I remembered correctly once you mentioned that.)

Keep up the good work! It's been a challenge to play and I enjoy a good challenge! I hope I can survive long enough on 1 Heart to get enough for another.
I hate you for making this pack. Seriously I died after finally feeling able to head into the dungeon. Finally starting railcraft.... But seriously more packs need to be made like this. This is the pack I'm judging all others on.

Now I'm curious if you've made any headway on the nei crash bug. Or know what casues it?

If you hate me now, I can only imagine what you'll think when I release the next update. Enjoy your railcraft quests, they've been changed for the update to include a choo choo train, woo woo.....

That dungeon is a killer, I don't know what possessed me to create it. Oh and its been updated yet again, but unsurprisingly, I think its even better than before, but then I would wouldn't I?

We've done some work on making NEI less buggy but to date I haven't had any crashes relating to it myself. I do recall having a crash problem with something that caused black sections in the world that could cause crashes when new ruins tried to spawn over them but Elder Sign came up with a suggestion that we used to fix it.

If you get a problem, apart from the shear frustration of trying to get into the SPUD, let me know........
The NEI bug I'm talking about is the one where if you press "U" to get the uses it freezes up and becomes unresponsive. I know there was reports earlier that you knew about. If it was fixed, I am stilling getting the bug.

Yep just tested on 1.5.2 as I typed this and still freezes.

P.S. when you going to update to a forge version higher than 1558. I personally hate all other minimaps besides journey and have to downgrade from the latest to use it in the pack :D personal preferance on this one.

EDIT: To go along with my test. When I tested I was on the ground full health surronded by walls. When I reloaded. I was dead with no gravestone. Even going off minimap death xyz bedrock to skylimit its gone.
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Do the prismarine stairs have a different blast resistance than the prismarine blocks? In my last game I had a creeper down the stairs and when it blew up it took out half of the stairs and I didnt get all of them back. I assume you made the prismarine blocks blast resistant so that we cannot bomb our way through them, but did you forget the stairs? I hate blowing up nicely built structures. :D
P.S. when you going to update to a forge version higher than 1558. I personally hate all other minimaps besides journey and have to downgrade from the latest to use it in the pack :D personal preferance on this one.

The initial 5.0.0 release of Journeymap works and has most of the features of the current build, well at least most of the features I want, lol. You probably already know this but it might save some time for others looking to add it to their game.

I can't play a pack like this without a mapping mod that remembers where I've been already. That means Journeymap. Used to use mapwriter a bit too but development for that seems nonexistent.
The NEI bug I'm talking about is the one where if you press "U" to get the uses it freezes up and becomes unresponsive. I know there was reports earlier that you knew about. If it was fixed, I am stilling getting the bug.

Yep just tested on 1.5.2 as I typed this and still freezes.

P.S. when you going to update to a forge version higher than 1558. I personally hate all other minimaps besides journey and have to downgrade from the latest to use it in the pack :D personal preferance on this one.

EDIT: To go along with my test. When I tested I was on the ground full health surronded by walls. When I reloaded. I was dead with no gravestone. Even going off minimap death xyz bedrock to skylimit its gone.

I honestly either didn't know about the 'U' thing or forgot as I don't recall hearing about it. Anyway I just tested it on my computer and it worked fine. However, I'll look into it to see if there's a fix for it somehow. In the meantime you might just try highlighting the item required in the sid emenu of NEI and left clicking your mouse button to find out what can be made from it.

We tried updating to a later forge and in every situation the game crashed. Updating forge means updating many of the mods and using trial and error to get ones that not only work with it but with all the other mods in the pack. We spent hours and hours on it and in the end decided that as what we have is working, it wasn't worth continuing for the small amount of advantage it could result in.

I tried the Journeyman map and decided it didn't fit in with the pack as well as the mini map we're currently using. I'm sure many out there will disagree as the Journeyman has many more features, sadly some of which I'd prefer not to have available at this time. I may revisit it in the future when I have more time to devote to really getting to grips with it. I'm always willing to listen to ideas, that's why we have many of the new features since the games inception.
Do the prismarine stairs have a different blast resistance than the prismarine blocks? In my last game I had a creeper down the stairs and when it blew up it took out half of the stairs and I didnt get all of them back. I assume you made the prismarine blocks blast resistant so that we cannot bomb our way through them, but did you forget the stairs? I hate blowing up nicely built structures. :D

The prismarine stairs have the same blast resistance of the blocks. Sadly for some reason they are treated differently as I've also personally found out. In the meantime I've updated where creepers can't spawn in the SPUD in the update. They can of course still take out those stairs on the outside. I'll do some testing on slabs to see how they fare and may change to them if they hold up under creeper blasts. I also experienced having a creeper explode in the SPUD managing to take out one of the castle rune blocks. Again, nothing I can do about it for the outside, but I have added a couple of the blocks as optional reward choices in the game for players wishing to replace any that had been blown up. If the slabs are a no go, I'll also include some prismarine stairs as an optional choice for replacements.

The stairs generally have either bedrock or prismarine blocks under them so you still can't get into the structure via them, at least this is the case in the update.