[1.7.10] Marooned

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I got luck on my shovel, yeah. :D

Infesting trees by putting infested leaves next to them, hm, could have thought of that.

edit: As far as I know that only works if it is from the same type of tree, but I am not 100% sure about that.
Well I'm finding it quite tough to stay alive, the nether is challenging, I'd kill for a bow here!
I've been making a hole in the nether and growing trees while looking for those dratted berries, lots of dying involved as I cant find them. I'm enjoying the battle to survive once again! TY
Well I'm finding it quite tough to stay alive, the nether is challenging, I'd kill for a bow here!
I've been making a hole in the nether and growing trees while looking for those dratted berries, lots of dying involved as I cant find them. I'm enjoying the battle to survive once again! TY

The berries definitely are the most footwork early game. If you work on some other stuff for awhile first at least the ones in chunkloading range will have grown some and be much easier to spot.

Lost my first world to dying right next to the portal on the nether side to a warrior ghast. Well, I had some lives left but decided to start over instead of dealing with that. Second world have only died to Nitro creeper once and accidentally aggroing pigmen once. Have cobblegen and a pick now so I feel like I'm over the early game hump.

Noticed that the watering can works on those pam's gardens.

Lol, master rapier with +10 knockback, bane of arthropods 3 and and think repair 2 or 3. Good for heatscars, but not much else.
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Well I'm finding it quite tough to stay alive, the nether is challenging, I'd kill for a bow here!
I've been making a hole in the nether and growing trees while looking for those dratted berries, lots of dying involved as I cant find them. I'm enjoying the battle to survive once again! TY

Glad you're enjoying it. I found if you're making a largish base in the nether, its safer to put slabs over as much of your base as possible to prevent mobs spawning in there.

I was in a really small area the other day, testing out new seeds for a future update and as I 'thought' I was safe behind my door, I stopped to grab a quick drink. Only away for about 20 seconds and came back to find I had been blown up by a creeper.

Whoever thought starting in the Nether was a good idea?:rolleyes:

On a side note, I've just finished designing the prototype for SPUD MkII. Will it never end?
I like how you keep adding stuff to the pack. The only thing I am waiting for is that some FTB guy finally decides that it is time to put your pack into the official FTB 3rd party pack list.
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I got luck on my shovel, yeah. :D

Infesting trees by putting infested leaves next to them, hm, could have thought of that.

edit: As far as I know that only works if it is from the same type of tree, but I am not 100% sure about that.

Unless there's something special in the configs, it'll spread just fine. I've got a fully infested Birch tree in a test world that's just started to infest an Oak tree I planted next to it.
If you really need a lot of string what you can do is put a row or two of infested leafblocks down in the floor and then shear a bunch of leaf blocks from your tree farm and then place them over the row of infested blocks, then just harvest the new ones you placed, leaving the old to infest the next batch. Did that in Galactic Science for something.

Oh, and you need to put rows of wood between the infested blocks in the floor so that they don't decay. So horizontal row of wood, row of infest blocks, repeat for however big you want the farm.
If you really need a lot of string what you can do is put a row or two of infested leafblocks down in the floor and then shear a bunch of leaf blocks from your tree farm and then place them over the row of infested blocks, then just harvest the new ones you placed, leaving the old to infest the next batch. Did that in Galactic Science for something.

Oh, and you need to put rows of wood between the infested blocks in the floor so that they don't decay. So horizontal row of wood, row of infest blocks, repeat for however big you want the farm.

I think there's a 4-block radius on leaf decay, so you could probably use much less wood than that. Think basically of the bottom layer of leaves on a regular tree as your 'field', and then cover it all over with a layer of sheared leaf blocks.
If you really need a lot of string what you can do is put a row or two of infested leafblocks down in the floor and then shear a bunch of leaf blocks from your tree farm and then place them over the row of infested blocks, then just harvest the new ones you placed, leaving the old to infest the next batch. Did that in Galactic Science for something.

Oh, and you need to put rows of wood between the infested blocks in the floor so that they don't decay. So horizontal row of wood, row of infest blocks, repeat for however big you want the farm.

It might only happen in my test worlds but I've never gotten any string from harvesting infested leaves like you do in other packs. I looked in the config to control string drops but there wasn't any, so I just left it as it came.

I'd be interested in hearing if anyone else has manged to get string from infested leaves in Marooned..........
No string for me, and with no silkworms either the only use I've seen for infested leaves in this version is for the quest that asks for 50 of them.
No string for me, and with no silkworms either the only use I've seen for infested leaves in this version is for the quest that asks for 50 of them.

That and the ability to craft infested leaves into Ghostwood Fletchings that can be used to make arrows. I personally don't use them but I thought some players might like being able to make more arrows this way.

I added silkworms back when there were crooks and although I could have removed them when I had to remove the crooks I decided to just leave them as an added feature.
There might be the possibility that infested leaves on maple trees don't give special output at all, neither silkworms nor string, if harvested by crooks. Maybe the silkworms we got when we had the crook were just the normal silkworms you get with crooks anyway no matter whether it is infested or not. Maybe infested infested oak trees drop string. No idea. Just a random guess.

I would assume that the string drop is default, but maybe you only tested it on maple.
But there is no need for string to drop anyway. There are enough spiders around. :D

My last attempts on the Savanna map failed miserably. I usually do well for some time and then I get careless and that is when bad things start to happen.
Yesterday I was like 1200 blocks away from spawn after my initial exploring and then I died. Had even found 2 or 3 apiaries. When I respawned at spawn I got immediately attacked by a large zombie and a baby zombie and died. Guess what happened after I respawned again? :D
There might be the possibility that infested leaves on maple trees don't give special output at all, neither silkworms nor string, if harvested by crooks. Maybe the silkworms we got when we had the crook were just the normal silkworms you get with crooks anyway no matter whether it is infested or not. Maybe infested infested oak trees drop string. No idea. Just a random guess.

I would assume that the string drop is default, but maybe you only tested it on maple.
But there is no need for string to drop anyway. There are enough spiders around. :D

My last attempts on the Savanna map failed miserably. I usually do well for some time and then I get careless and that is when bad things start to happen.
Yesterday I was like 1200 blocks away from spawn after my initial exploring and then I died. Had even found 2 or 3 apiaries. When I respawned at spawn I got immediately attacked by a large zombie and a baby zombie and died. Guess what happened after I respawned again? :D

I've tested infested leaves on every variety of tree in the game. Still got nada.

As for respawning amidst more mobs, I can easily guess cause it just happened to me. Respawned after deciding to go after a slime in the distance only to get chased by three spiders. Took them on only to discover one was poisonous. That done me in. Respawned and started making my way back to to my death point only to be greeted by 3 mini zombies, one of them a fire mob. Took off like a bat out of hell wondering if I could reclaim my stuff quickly enough before they caught up with me. I really didn't relish trying to fight off 3 of them barehanded with one of them trying to set me alight. As if that wasn't bad enough, as I approached my death point, the fastest giant zombie I have ever seen decided to join the hunt. As it got closer I could see how much health it had. More than enough to see me off once again. Teach me for being overly greedy........
Sometimes I just pillar up at night and stay there if it gets too dangerous. But that doesn't work if you are already getting attacked by mobs with bows or spiders. But so far almost any death could have been prevented. Most are carelessness or stupidity. Or respawning where a lot of mobs are.

It would actually be easy to build a little save spawn area with the glowstone cover and some sand as walls. Have to do that next time.

I seem to find a lot of nice dungeons in my last play attempts. But I usually just set a waypoint and decide to come back later. :D

When does the first wall of the spawn dungeon open up? Haven't been able to get there in the questbook yet.
It's a really bad idea to pillar up, it's better idea to dig down and hide in a small hole and cover it over, you are a lot safer and you can get more done during the night assuming you have some basic supplies to work with
I am basically talking about the first day where I explore and instead going back to spawn to build a house, I try to stay there to collect more stuff the next day. I try to craft not so much then, because it clutters up my inventory really fast, so I have to go back. Pillaring up works fine if you do it while you are still safe and not already surrounded by mobs.

Digging down works too, but then I need to get some slabs or wood to cover it up. And it takes time to break it the next day, I usually dont like to leave it.
Sometimes I just pillar up at night and stay there if it gets too dangerous. But that doesn't work if you are already getting attacked by mobs with bows or spiders. But so far almost any death could have been prevented. Most are carelessness or stupidity. Or respawning where a lot of mobs are.

It would actually be easy to build a little save spawn area with the glowstone cover and some sand as walls. Have to do that next time.

I seem to find a lot of nice dungeons in my last play attempts. But I usually just set a waypoint and decide to come back later. :D

When does the first wall of the spawn dungeon open up? Haven't been able to get there in the questbook yet.

Pillaring up should really only be used as a last resort as it takes a lot of energy to jump so much. You'd be better off gathering even 2-4 logs during the day, making a crafting table, then some slabs, digging down 2 blocks, and placing slabs a half space above the hole you can use as a viewing area for mobs. Its also a good idea to have an enclosed area where creepers can't see you in a section of your mini bunker. Digging out of your hiding hole in the morning uses less energy than you'd use jumping up high enough to get safe. Your glowstone cover will light your mini base to stop mobs spawning in on you. This way you'll be in a position to safely attack some mobs that get too close. Just be careful around those creepers.

As for when the first barrier opens up, you really wouldn't want me to spoil the surprise would you? But I will give you a hint. If the barrier is still closed after you've killed your 10th EnderDragon, you've done something drastically wrong.......:eek:

But I will say this about the barrier. Even after its open, it still prevents mobs coming through. It will also stop you getting past if you place blocks up against it as you can't remove them from the other side of the barrier. Its one of the reasons why I've either made them bigger than they really need to be, or made them in pairs.