[1.7.10] Marooned

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What mods would you believe I could most easily remove from the pack without breaking progression? For example, the only item I've seen so far from Openblocks is the sleeping bag [which I don't choose over the bed], but would pulling that out entirely break the game because it is featured in a quest? Other mods I don't use and am considering removing include Tinker's Mechworks, Ironchests [I'm willing to lose the dirt chests in some dungeons given that this mod does almost nothing that drawers and barrels don't do better], Catwalks, and SimplyJetpacks.
What mods would you believe I could most easily remove from the pack without breaking progression? For example, the only item I've seen so far from Openblocks is the sleeping bag [which I don't choose over the bed], but would pulling that out entirely break the game because it is featured in a quest? Other mods I don't use and am considering removing include Tinker's Mechworks, Ironchests [I'm willing to lose the dirt chests in some dungeons given that this mod does almost nothing that drawers and barrels don't do better], Catwalks, and SimplyJetpacks.

Word of advice? Don't delete any mods that add items to the pack, if you are having lag issues then first start with custom main menu and ingame info, notenoughcodecs should also be good to remove. If you remove too many mod related items that are in the quest book, either as a quest target or as a reward then HQM may decide to simply give up and crash your instance when you load a world....
I was afraid of that. The main reason I want to remove mods is to reduce block count, for three reasons: First, RAM usage. Second, cleanliness -I don't like items I never use cluttering up NEI. Finally, NEI's 'Usage' function lags very noticeably with large numbers of blocks to scan, whereas in other modpacks I've never had this problem despite them having such recipe bloaters like Chisel, as well as more mods.
Thanks for the suggestions, I'll give those a shot -keeping backups, naturally.
What mods would you believe I could most easily remove from the pack without breaking progression? For example, the only item I've seen so far from Openblocks is the sleeping bag [which I don't choose over the bed], but would pulling that out entirely break the game because it is featured in a quest? Other mods I don't use and am considering removing include Tinker's Mechworks, Ironchests [I'm willing to lose the dirt chests in some dungeons given that this mod does almost nothing that drawers and barrels don't do better], Catwalks, and SimplyJetpacks.

Adding to what Elder has just told you, and he's right by the way, you need to understand that some mods are in the pack simply because they are required by another mod that we wanted to have. An example would be INpureCore as InGameInfo and Creeper Collateral wouldn't work without it. The mod developer has made a lot of mods and to save him duplicating a lot of required code for each individual mod he made INpureCore to handle them all. In his own words he said:

This mod is just a core library for all current and future projects I release. This helps me not pointless duplicate code across multiple projects.

I recall going through each mod to see which ones we could dispose of and the ones that seemingly didn't contribute much tended to have dependency's relying on them being in the pack. I have a vague notion that Iron Chests was one of them but I wouldn't swear to it.

As for other mods that you mention. Simply Jetpacks uses some of its components to make Angel wings from another mod so you also wouldn't be able to make them anymore.

I think Tinkers Mechworks is a required mod to make the other Tinkers mods work properly. I could be wrong but when we were choosing mods for the pack, I would question SirJAH's choices when I couldn't see a use for one and he'd sometimes explain that it was required for another mod that we did want. Its easy enough to look online to see whether a particular mod is a stand alone mod or has a dependency or provides one.

....and we come to Open Blocks that you would remove because you don't take the sleeping bag. Well, you might be surprised to hear that it also has a couple of other 'useful' items that are actually required to be made in the quest book. Below is a list of the ones I quickly found just by doing a quick search in the Open Blocks section. There may be more that I've missed.

elevators - healer - luggage - map controller module [for the luggage] - tank [for agricraft tanks] - vacuum hopper - xp bucket - xp drain - xp shower along with that sleeping bag you don't like.

So in response to your question, I'd strongly recommend NOT removing any mods as they may break the pack. Even if they don't, you probably won't be able to complete all the quests and more importantly, may not even be able to continue along the main quest line.

, I don't recommend adding mods either as they may not play nicely with the ones that are already there..

Now its time for me to go back to re-designing those temples and the other ruins that will house the 'treasure' chests containing the key fragments for the new update. So many ruins, so little time.........
Word of advice? Don't delete any mods that add items to the pack, if you are having lag issues then first start with custom main menu and ingame info, notenoughcodecs should also be good to remove. If you remove too many mod related items that are in the quest book, either as a quest target or as a reward then HQM may decide to simply give up and crash your instance when you load a world....

Remove CUSTOM MAIN MENU? Do you have any idea of how many hours I spent designing that cover? apart from that, it doesn't add any items to the game. You're breaking my heart here suggesting it be removed!!!!

I've got a good mind to send you off to the sin bin until you come to your senses...........:eek:
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So in response to your question, I'd strongly recommend NOT removing any mods as they may break the pack. Even if they don't, you probably won't be able to complete all the quests and more importantly, may not even be able to continue along the main quest line.
This is exactly why I asked. I'll be adding Openblocks back now that I know it's a requirement for some quests -as opposed to a reward I don't mind losing out on. Tinker's mechworks as I remember is an addon, not a coremod, to Construct, but if I see a quest that calls for it I'll add it back in as with the others. Thanks for the quick feedback, I look forward to your next update, where you can be assured I'll not be ripping mods out immediately so as to preserve the intended play. I tinker mostly to see what can be done without breaking HQM as it stands now.
This is exactly why I asked. I'll be adding Openblocks back now that I know it's a requirement for some quests -as opposed to a reward I don't mind losing out on. Tinker's mechworks as I remember is an addon, not a coremod, to Construct, but if I see a quest that calls for it I'll add it back in as with the others. Thanks for the quick feedback, I look forward to your next update, where you can be assured I'll not be ripping mods out immediately so as to preserve the intended play. I tinker mostly to see what can be done without breaking HQM as it stands now.

There are 2 other things that you could try

the first is open your inventory, click on the NEI options button on the lower left of the screen, then click the bottom option on the next screen and then toggle both options to false, they won't affect normal gameplay but seemed to get rid of some of the lag for me when I tried it (specially the lag spike that happens when looking up an item's usages)

the other would be to dig through the extra utilities config and turn off the multi block option, it should be in there somewhere, this should get rid of 1000+ blocks from NEI for you, mainly custom fences, pipe jackets and impossible objects aka spheres
Remove CUSTOM MAIN MENU? Do you have any idea of how many hours I spent designing that cover? apart from that, it doesn't add any items to the game. You're breaking my heart here suggesting it be removed!!!!

I've got a good mind to send you off to the sin bin until you come to your senses...........:eek:

You know I am still waiting for the bedrock/spawner world you promised me......
Wow thanks Elder! That first suggestion cleared it right up! I'll hit the second option up just to be sure then add in those other mods I had removed now that it's working so much better. Also, on an unrelated note. On your How to Skyblock playthrough, try standing 'inside' the cobblestone in your generator, by stepping into the space before the block forms. You only suffocate if your head is in a block, and this will give you better odds of the cobble not falling in lava when using a pick.
You know I am still waiting for the bedrock/spawner world you promised me......

I made it and wanted to try it out to see how secure it would be. Problem is I got stuck in it for several weeks before starving to death. Wouldn't want to put you thru that, but then again, you DID suggest removing my beloved custom main menu....
Wow thanks Elder! That first suggestion cleared it right up! I'll hit the second option up just to be sure then add in those other mods I had removed now that it's working so much better. Also, on an unrelated note. On your How to Skyblock playthrough, try standing 'inside' the cobblestone in your generator, by stepping into the space before the block forms. You only suffocate if your head is in a block, and this will give you better odds of the cobble not falling in lava when using a pick.
... or you could just whack a hopper below the cobblestone block like the quest book suggests. Then you get 100% of the blocks mined. On a side note, I'll look into Elder's suggestions re: the NEI and extra utilities cfg to see if I can setup the game to come with those aspects already in place. TBH, I dislike having the NEI in the pack but was told no one would play it if it wasn't there.

We now have 2 temples setup for one world with new button locations etc and no more hedges. Did them differently this time around. Less clutter. They take so long to sort out I think I'll leave it at just 2 to play around with and concentrate on finishing off the rest of the ruins.

Gotta hand it to Elder, he's a wealth of information. Cheers........
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There are 2 other things that you could try

the first is open your inventory, click on the NEI options button on the lower left of the screen, then click the bottom option on the next screen and then toggle both options to false,

Okay, I've checked out the NEI. Its not exactly as you've described so I thought I'd let you know what I found to confirm its what you're talking about.


Disable Recipe Handler

Options for Developers

Show Ore dictionary names for Items
show Item usage in Ore dictionary

So assuming this is the same as you've got, I imagine you're saying to 'de-activate' all 5 options showing.

Just checking. If it is then it'll be the default in the update.

Thanks Elder....

Now to find the EU cfg.

Found this in the cfg:


It was set to false.

Assuming this is it, I'll leave it as true. My problem here is I have my minecraft restricted to not go over 60fps and it tends to stay there regardless of what I'm doing so I have no idea whether these measures will work or not. Hopefully it'll improve lag for other players.
Okay, I've checked out the NEI. Its not exactly as you've described so I thought I'd let you know what I found to confirm its what you're talking about.


Disable Recipe Handler

Options for Developers

Show Ore dictionary names for Items
show Item usage in Ore dictionary

So assuming this is the same as you've got, I imagine you're saying to 'de-activate' all 5 options showing.

Just checking. If it is then it'll be the default in the update.

Thanks Elder....

Now to find the EU cfg.

Found this in the cfg:


It was set to false.

Assuming this is it, I'll leave it as true. My problem here is I have my minecraft restricted to not go over 60fps and it tends to stay there regardless of what I'm doing so I have no idea whether these measures will work or not. Hopefully it'll improve lag for other players.

Options for developers is the tab that I meant, I was running off of my memory and half asleep when I wrote that, setting both to false seems to really help NEI run smoother and since I figure that most people that play your pack aren't going to use it as a platform to develop a mod it's a safe way to increase performance
Options for developers is the tab that I meant, I was running off of my memory and half asleep when I wrote that, setting both to false seems to really help NEI run smoother and since I figure that most people that play your pack aren't going to use it as a platform to develop a mod it's a safe way to increase performance

Thanks Elder. Figured that was the case as the first 3 options had reappeared on a restart anyway. Will keep the developers options to false in the update.

Just spent a frustrating couple of hours trying to get the new ruins converted to the new biomes. Finally done, still have to test to make sure they'll still work under actual game conditions.
I'm about ready to do Marooned again. Do I wait for 1.5? :)

Decisions decisions. Read this and then decide if its worth playing around with a new world or waiting a bit longer.

I think I'm almost ready to release the new update. Just have to make the new worlds for the umpteenth time since adding the twilight portal to the new SPUD. Then test it to make sure all the ruins are still there. Also want to make sure the new sands will actually appear on other players worlds. Thankfully Elder tested the quest gates earlier to make sure they work as intended and has agreed to check out the sands for me when he gets time and I manage to get them done for him. So if you're wondering why its taken sooooo long to get this minor update ready, consider this..

Changing the colour sands meant changing all 462 existing ruins to accommodate them. Then after doing that I came up with the idea of moving the twilight portal and rather than having to go find it, players can now hunt for key fragments in various ruins until they find enough to make a portal key. That meant changing even more ruins [approx 50] to add the fragments. Then I thought about changing the Nether portals so that players didn't have to risk being transported back to an unexplored portal when returning from the nether. I could have just de-activated the gates but decided instead to also change the layout to make it more open and of course change the way the barriers are unlocked. Now that took about a day for each ruin so I've decided to just have two of them now. Then there's the recipes for all the new additions and a couple of old ones that had to be made, and lets not even mention all the changes to the quest book. Individually they don't take too long but when added up it really becomes a logistical nightmare as things manage to find a way to somehow revert or even stop working even after multiple tests have shown them working perfectly.

So there you have some of it in a nutshell. Speaking of which, its been driving me a bit nuts too. Thankfully the end is near [hopefully] and the release draws ever closer.

Almost forgot. I'll also be experimenting with a hardcore map reset mod in the hopes of being able to provide players with an easy way to get a backup of their worlds rather than having to either have saved copies of re-downloading again.

I tried it before and it didn't perform as I would have liked but this time around I'll spend more time on it as I think a compromise using it may be better than not having it at all.

I'm about ready to do Marooned again. Do I wait for 1.5? :)

Thought I'd give you a quick update on the pack. Its now as ready as it can be for distributing. Hopefully with all the bugs ironed out. I've just finished adding a new mod that I think will be well received. It doesn't work exactly as I'd have liked but it gets the job done anyway and that's the main thing. Hopefully it'll stand up under multiple players demands, but we won't find out until its put through its paces. Below is a brief description of what it is and does.

Added HardcoreMapReset mod to save players having to keep backups of new games. To start a new game the player now must first click on the 'Create From Template' button and select from one of the six saved games. They can give it any name they choose. After that their chosen game will be showing whenever they click on the LoneWolf button from the main menu. This leaves the original saves intact and ready to be used again if required.

To start a new skyworld biome, the player simply clicks on the 'Create New World' button. This takes them to another screen where they can choose a name, and click on the second 'Create New World' button that will have appeared.

NB: The 'Re-Create' button does NOT re-create the world you have highlighted. It will ALWAYS create a new skyworld biome instead. When you want to re-start a particular biome you must use the 'Create From Template' button instead.

Sadly my attempts to disable the Re-Create World button have been unsuccessful. If anyone knows of a way to do this I would be grateful to hear about it.

I've deliberately left the saves folder empty for a number of reasons.
1: Saves increasing the size of the zip file.
2: Gets players familiar with the template options faster this way.
3: Lets you start off with your own chosen names for worlds.

Once I've managed to get Elder to test the new changes to make sure they're working as designed on other computers, I'll release it for public consumption.

Hope you all find it was worth the wait..........
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