[1.7.10] Marooned

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Exactly the opposite there. "desert island" theme would dictate that you wouldn't be picky about eating the same thing over and over, because you are trying to survive. I understand the point is to make things more "difficult" (tedious is more accurate), but it's by no means fitting the theme of a desert island survival. TBH, I put hunger overhaul in the same boat as enviromine. Difficulty through tedium. Just not my style I guess, as I hate both mods.

Edit: correction on the mod name "hunger overhaul". I meant "Spice of life"

delerium, yes comparing it to a desert island is problematic, as if I were on a desert island the need for a vast variety would not be a huge concern. Yet in a true survival circumstances we'd be investing a huge percentage of our days establishing a stable food supply. Spice of life also requires us to work a bit in order to establish a stable food supply, rather than planting a plot of spuds and being set for the life of the map.

This system also rewards conservative gameplay. Where in many minecraft games you'll see players running, jumping , and fighting willy nilly. In the early game at least spice of life re-wards you for conserving energy and thinking a bit about your choice of activities.
I found Clay in the chest at the top of the Clay spires filled with cave spiders, I know its more adventurous to climb the middle of the spire but those are tiny poisonous spiders so I nerd pole myself to chest height and over to the treasure.

You didn't climb through the middle of the spire? I'd call you some choice names for taking the easy way up, but then I'd have to call myself the same names as I only did it once. After that I did the same as you. Especially when there are cobwebs blocking the way and you don't have something to easily remove them.

Hmmmm, that gives me an idea. Think I might have to change those spires so you have to go through the middle if you want to get the prize at the top. Easy enough to do with a few strategically placed bedrock blocks. But then............ do I really want to do that to myself as well?

Stay tuned.....................
You've got it spot on. I've tried to make a game that gives players a choice of how they want to play. Adventuring can give greater rewards but will probably cost you a few lives.

I'm not sure comparing a dying planet to a desert island would be an accurate description, especially when that planet could have a snow biome, a rain biome, a desert biome and in the update, a swampland biome.

Its funny you mention a plot of spuds as I remember almost exclusively eating cooked spuds in Agrarian Skies. That was my first exposure to FTB and I really loved it. Was lost half the time as I had no idea how to power my machines. Was so disappointed when we started making Marooned for 1.7.10 and SirJAH said we couldn't use the pipes that I'd spent so much time learning about in Agrarian Skies. But life moves on and so does Marooned, more than I ever expected as I keep coming up with new ideas. Can't wait to release the new update.
So, does biome directly effect spawn rates? I decided to hit the pause button on my frozen river map and take a crack at the savanah. On frozen river I got such poor spawn rates I built a rudimentary string farm around a cave spider spawner in order to complete my sieve..... I don't believe I'll need to do that in the savanah. I've got oodles of mobs looking for their drops to be added to my inventory.
I agree with all of you about the need for spice of life to ramp up difficulty, I just felt like it's memory was set a bit high is all. I find it tedious to cycle through a bunch of food with hardly any benefits just to cycle back to food that gives me higher hunger. I can't make any food items really without all of the cooking appliances I can't make yet, so I'm just feeling a bit frustrated at the "need" to eat different types of food is all.

Personally, I just feel spice of life's system to be broken, tedious, and inaccurate. It would make more sense if instead of producing less satiation per duplicate food eaten, it instead contributed to a nutrition score, which effected things such as stamina regeneration rate, expenditure rate, health regen rate, etc. Basically, what you would normally encounter with poor nutrition. But I digress.

My initial question may have seemed to be about water, but to be honest, the water was purely secondary, and a means to an end. What I was really having a problem with was needing a way to acquire/produce multiple blocks of clay, and the wooden barrel method requiring water was the only way I know of to do that. I guess with the savanna map, I need to just bite the bullet and make a metal one first. It just felt backwards considering the quest line was leading you down the path of "make a clay bucket". Maybe that quest could be changed to be fuzzy and accept either clay or metal buckets, perhaps with some description about "which you make depends on where you started"?
I had an unfired clay but no furnace to finish it. I got a metal bucket long before a furnace.
Have you ever considered modifying the lantern recipes to take obsidian torches? It is a minor thing, but I for one prefer lanterns over torches/candles/jack o lanterns.
It just felt backwards considering the quest line was leading you down the path of "make a clay bucket". Maybe that quest could be changed to be fuzzy and accept either clay or metal buckets, perhaps with some description about "which you make depends on where you started"?

Firstly, not all quests need to be completed to finish the game. An easy way to tell if a quest is optional is to see whether it 'Unlocks' another quest elsewhere when its at the end of a line of quests. Fluid flavour is an optional quest so you don't need to do it to progress. BTW you'll be pleased to hear its gone in the update and the clay bucket has been moved to the furnace quest. I initially put it in early to alert novices to the fact they will eventually need a bucket and more importantly to let them know about making metal ones instead. Metal bucket info has now been moved elsewhere.

Food requirements is there to add purpose to growing food in the first place. If you didn't need to eat you probably wouldn't bother growing it. The gardens do take a long time to grow and you'll find in the update it has been addressed with the watering can being introduced much earlier and now you don't have to hand in precious metals to get one. I've made the food so it counts value of food eaten rather than items so its always best to eat the highest value foods you have, especially early on when you have the buffer you can use to eat the same stuff over and over.

Elder Sign made a good point when he said after eating something, you should always wait until the 'glowing' effect has gone before eating again, even when your hunger is low. He said it prolongs the effect until your hunger starts going down again.
Have you ever considered modifying the lantern recipes to take obsidian torches? It is a minor thing, but I for one prefer lanterns over torches/candles/jack o lanterns.

TBH, I never even looked at the Lantern recipe. Be assured I am now looking into it. Also reminds me, I meant to change the Jack-o-lantern recipe to a candle. Will check to make sure I've done that too.

Thanks for the heads up.......
So, does biome directly effect spawn rates? I decided to hit the pause button on my frozen river map and take a crack at the savanah. On frozen river I got such poor spawn rates I built a rudimentary string farm around a cave spider spawner in order to complete my sieve..... I don't believe I'll need to do that in the savanah. I've got oodles of mobs looking for their drops to be added to my inventory.

It might do, but if it does its set by the actual game, not me. Spawn rates did seem to go down after I introduced different biomes and I know they certainly affect the new Swampland biome as regular slimes spawn in it. I've been playing around trying to find ones with higher spawn rates and the Frozen River will become the Ice Plains as my logic tells me that mobs tend not to spawn so much in rivers but they do on a plain. I didn't want to have 2 plains as that's just too plain for me so the Plains is going to be a Taiga biome instead.

If you love mob drops, wait till you get all the new stuff from the special mobs. Redstone, torches, potions, greater chance to get blown up. The list goes on. When dirt creepers blow up they leave about 30-40 blocks of dirt. What a shame that nasty developer thought it was too much and removed them.
Perhaps a system like discussed in the link below to keep things interesting while trying to pillar up? I'd suggest it would represent defensive fire from skeletons defending the spire..... http://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/180186/rain-arrows-in-random-positions-within-bounds

Hmmmm, I'm liking your thinking. Whack a skeleton spawner in the ruins so there's a logic to why arrows are falling in the first place. I'll play around with it and see how it stacks up. It would certainly add something new to the game without making it harder for players who simply choose not to try and breech the perimeter.
Oh believe me, I'm quite aware. My favorite pack of all time is blood and bones..... In which such mobs play a major role. TBH im playing other packs because the nether in BnB won't run on my "toaster". For the longest time I was playing blood and bones in hardcore mode, but I just couldn't deal with the unforgiving nature of the nether with the lag I was seeing.

speaking of the jack-o-lantern recipe, they are craftable with obsidian torches. I have a large number of them on my frozen river playthrough.
as far as special mobs, are you planning on including the drowning creeper? It is rather exploitable on maps where water is an important resource.
as far as special mobs, are you planning on including the drowning creeper? It is rather exploitable on maps where water is an important resource.

Drowning creeper managed to get suffocated when the dirt creeper blew itself up so I sent them both to the naughty corner along with Dirt creepers accomplice gravel creeper, where they will remain indefinitely, so all three will no longer be making an appearance in the pack.

I've finished checking out the arrows. Even though there were heaps and heaps falling it really was't that hard to make my up the outside. In the end it just wound up with hundreds of arrows stuck in the ground everywhere and I couldn't help thinking how much lag that might cause to players whose computers are a bit dated. Decided to go with my original plan and whack in some strategically placed bedrock. None of it shows and it still looks similar to before.

Looked at the lantern recipes. They would all have to be included separately and MTRM doesn't distinguish between a recipe that is made in the middle column if there isn't anything in the left column so the recipes wouldn't match each other. Kinda not inclined to do it now that certain mobs drop torches. Will think about it. Is there any particular material you like to use for your lanterns?

You can still find an alcove by climbing up the outside that isn't accessible from the inside.
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Drowning creeper managed to get suffocated when the dirt creeper blew itself up so I sent them both to the naughty corner along with Dirt creepers accomplice gravel creeper, where they will remain indefinitely, so all three will no longer be making an appearance in the pack.

I've finished checking out the arrows. Even though there were heaps and heaps falling it really was't that hard to make my up the outside. In the end it just wound up with hundreds of arrows stuck in the ground everywhere and I couldn't help thinking how much lag that might cause to players whose computers are a bit dated. Decided to go with my original plan and whack in some strategically placed bedrock. None of it shows and it still looks similar to before.

Looked at the lantern recipes. They would all have to be included separately and MTRM doesn't distinguish between a recipe that is made in the middle column if there isn't anything in the left column so the recipes wouldn't match each other. Kinda not inclined to do it now that certain mobs drop torches. Will think about it. Is there any particular material you like to use for your lanterns?

You can still find an alcove by climbing up the outside that isn't accessible from the inside.

I have only ever bothered making stone lanterns. You know, now that I think on it, with dark creepers included there will likely be sufficient torches available.

*remembers the time he had an ender creeper show up in his smeltery room....*

Wonerfully vile little creatures that can appear in a carefully constructed base and really cause mischief.
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Not to push, but for the next update is it more like putting the finishing touches on it? or is there still a lot of content you want to add before releasing it?
Not to push, but for the next update is it more like putting the finishing touches on it? or is there still a lot of content you want to add before releasing it?

Mostly finishing touches, adding a few things or removing others to give the game a better flow. Major changes are the new biomes, thicker bedrock to try to prevent unintentional accidental exposure to the stone underneath when new ruins are formed. Inclusion of Special Mobs and Fast Leaf Decay. More ruins and alterations to others to give more variability within each ruin. Its basically ready, just testing a few more ruins to make sure they haven't been adversely affected by the thicker bedrock.

As far as content is concerned, I'm limited to exactly 200 quests as the book no longer lets me add more. Basically to add a new quest I have to change an existing quest to make room for it. An example is the new Safari quest hunting down special mobs. I combined the Head Honcho and Totem Pole quests to gain a spare place for it. Its a pain but the version I'm using is the latest one I could find that seemed to work properly.

I've just posted a 'What's coming' spoiler on the front page that you can check out to see the main changes.
So going through a ruin and finding a spot to dig under for normal mining is not intended?

edit: with 1.30 by the time you get shears, why would you need to gather bushes to make planks?
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So going through a ruin and finding a spot to dig under for normal mining is not intended?

edit: with 1.30 by the time you get shears, why would you need to gather bushes to make planks?

Going through certain ruins is intended and will still be available in the update. Elder Sign found an area on the surface where a 'pool' and a ruin had spawned together and it had penetrated below the 6 layers of bedrock. Its a really rare occurrence and should never happen and I'm hoping another couple of layers of bedrock will stop it happening in future.

Yes, its unlikely people will want to harvest dead bushes to make planks. I haven't actually added it into the game, it was always possible to harvest dead bushes using shears. I've simply added a recipe for those dead bushes and pointed it out so players can 'choose' to make use of all the bushes in the Swampland if they so desire.

BTW: Its possible to be able to make sheers in the first night. All you need to do is get a couple of obliging zombies to drop ingots for you. Possible, but really unlikely.........