[1.7.10] Marooned

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I had a quest book the first time, but it was telling me that Quest mode was not active and you need cheat commands to activate. Not sure what map that was, it could have been an older one. I cleared my save folder and redownloaded, to get fresh saves. After changing the config UseEditor to false, everything seemed fine and I had 2 quest books.

On a side note, Frozen map, I'd gone creative and was flying to explore, and that also crashed me to desktop a few times.

Glad to hear you've solved some of the problems. I've since uploaded a new update and made a new Swampland biome since yours crashed and included an extra quest book in all 4 saves just to make sure everyone gets at least one to start with. It'll probably take a few days to get it approved. If you get your Swampland one to work properly you won't need to DL the update unless you want to. I neglected to update the actual version number for 1.3.1 but as my brother used to say, 'That's what you call a bit of bad luck for the customer'.
Most other HQM packs I've played/seen also have a crazy-easy recipe for the Quest Book in NEI, using things that are commonly available and usually a 2x2 grid.

Yea, at one point I made a recipe using the disclaimer book, but it caused a glitch with MTRM as it wouldn't recognise the disclaimer an forced me to use a 'any' enrichidon book. I could make it return the disclaimer but it still showed as a conflict so I replaced it with books on racks at the spawn point. Eventually for this update I decided it would be acceptable to simply have new books spawn as ruins around the world. Kind of make players search for a new book as a penance for managing to lose their old one. Then pip69 mentioned not getting one so since I had to update to make the book usable, I decided to add an extra one at the spawn point just in case others didn't get a book too. Kind of an each way bet. The book still has its original recipe as well so I think its enough.

Now I'm kinda perplexed that the new Swampland biome still has Witches huts as I thought I'd managed to successfully remove them by modifying the flat world parameters. It did in a fixed 'seed' that I used to test it but I've just been playing the new one I made due to pip69 mentioning the swampland in the first update crashed his world. The thing is the hut is made predominantly from spruce planks. For now I'm content to just leave things as they are. The swampland has now become the easiest biome to play. My only viable option in an update would be to revert the sieve back to requiring Acacia again. I'm really not inclined to make any more changes though, especially this soon after introducing this update.....
I had a quest book the first time, but it was telling me that Quest mode was not active and you need cheat commands to activate. Not sure what map that was, it could have been an older one. I cleared my save folder and redownloaded, to get fresh saves. After changing the config UseEditor to false, everything seemed fine and I had 2 quest books.

On a side note, Frozen map, I'd gone creative and was flying to explore, and that also crashed me to desktop a few times.

That can happen. I'm thinking its due to the ruins being created at a faster rate because you're moving faster and the game not being able to keep up. sometimes it can also be because the game is trying to spawn a 'pool' of either sewage or sludge in the same location as its trying to spawn a another ruin. This happens more often than you would think as the white sand you find in the game is a result of a ruin spawning over a pool.
1.3.1 is now available for downloading.

Ignore the fact it says 1.3.0 on the main page.
Is there a server file for this or would I have to file all the mods and configs into the forge server by hand? Just askin'
Is there a server file for this or would I have to file all the mods and configs into the forge server by hand? Just askin'

I don't have server setup for the game. Someone mentioned this waaaay back when I first started and I said they were welcome to create their own if they wanted to host it. I won't be doing it myself. The game is predominantly designed for single players but can accommodate multiple ones if they want to organise it themselves.
Grr..... Iguana tweeks really needs a way to counter acquired tool traits...... nothing like getting fiery as the first "upgrade" to your battleaxe.......
Fiery is ok, unless you want to fight enderman. But yeah, it would be nice if there was a remove option, even if nothing replaces it. Better would be a re-roll though.

@Spaman Those secret quests; well designed, excellent use of HQM. A pain to figure out, but well played.

Edit: Nevermind fiery on the battleaxe, why did I get luck on my short bow? 3 times!?!?
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Fiery is ok, unless you want to fight enderman. But yeah, it would be nice if there was a remove option, even if nothing replaces it. Better would be a re-roll though.

@Spaman Those secret quests; well designed, excellent use of HQM. A pain to figure out, but well played.

Edit: Nevermind fiery on the battleaxe, why did I get luck on my short bow? 3 times!?!?

Luck on your shortbow? I guess you were just lucky. I actually hate getting repair on that and the longsword as there's nothing worse than lining up for a kill only to have your weapon decide to repair itself midway through the action.

It seems we can either have the auto upgrades or not have them. I can remove specific ones. In fact I removed knockback for the next update as I find its not helpful when dealing with skeletons when you only have the one weapon. As far as fiery is concerned, its actually more useful when you consider it even works when your weapon is broken. I'll assume most people actually fight endermen from a protected enclave to make it easier to dispatch them and can't use fiery as it just drives them away. No problem, if you get fiery on your only weapon you can make wooden hammers and use then to take out those endermen.
While I'll gripe about it I kind of enjoy having to make due with the unexpected. The fiery axe caused me to alter my early play-style. Fire is rather handy in simple early game pit traps even if it doesn't make a great "walking around" weapon.

Regarding luck on the shortbow, you could always use it to finish off trapped mobs...... a lucky shortbow may be handy when the mobs only need to be tagged to get player drops.

But yes, it'd be nice to be able to remove traits, as when it comes time to build a "proper" weapon the axe will be retired.
if you get fiery on your only weapon you can make wooden hammers and use then to take out those endermen.

Or punch them in the kneecaps. If you're in that protected enclave, they can't get to you to hit back.
I have not had to in this pack, but in the past I've had some luck suffocating endermen. Shouldn't be too hard to setup such a system if you didn't want to use the solutions above.
Grr..... Iguana tweeks really needs a way to counter acquired tool traits...... nothing like getting fiery as the first "upgrade" to your battleaxe.......

I've got good news and bad news. I'm working on an update which will change things up a bit. One of the new quests will allow you to swap an unwanted flint sword for a new one. This includes of course swords with upgrades. You can even change its type.

That's the good news. The bad news? Well you may have noticed I used the word 'sword'. For people who played the very early versions, they may remember the first choice of weapon was a sword rather than the somewhat overpowered choices they now get. It won't be exactly the same as players will start with a self repairing rapier and will be able to choose their secondary weapon after completing the FIRST BLOOD quest. As compensation, each 2nd choice sword will already have a specific upgrade added to them to help balance them out.

I'll be posting a 'What's coming' on the main page soon with a more detailed explanation.
Can you do something like that for the short bow? Or let us use wood to make a new one?
I've got good news and bad news. I'm working on an update which will change things up a bit. One of the new quests will allow you to swap an unwanted flint sword for a new one. This includes of course swords with upgrades. You can even change its type.

That's the good news. The bad news? Well you may have noticed I used the word 'sword'. For people who played the very early versions, they may remember the first choice of weapon was a sword rather than the somewhat overpowered choices they now get. It won't be exactly the same as players will start with a self repairing rapier and will be able to choose their secondary weapon after completing the FIRST BLOOD quest. As compensation, each 2nd choice sword will already have a specific upgrade added to them to help balance them out.

I'll be posting a 'What's coming' on the main page soon with a more detailed explanation.

Sweet, I'll miss the axe, but letting us get such a weapon right off the back does seem a bit generous. Letting us swap out early weapons for which we get unlucky "upgrades" is a nifty little benefit.
Can you do something like that for the short bow? Or let us use wood to make a new one?

I could, but it would mean replacing an existing quest to do it. The HQM is stuck at exactly 200 quests and simply won't allow me to add any more. I had to replace a quest to make the sword swap and chose the Trade 'n Save quest that lets players trade eyes and string for arrows as there's the other one still available that lets players trade undamaged regular bows for arrows. I can't simply make a recipe to exchange or make a new bow as MTRM doesn't register Tinkers weapons correctly. You just get a blurred image that doesn't work. The same applied to the swords and that's why I had to use a quest to make the exchange.

Considering you also get 'other' bows from skeleton drops that you can use which can sometimes be pretty good, I'm not inclined to either sacrifice another quest or try to combine 2 existing quests for a bow swap.

Considering you also get 'other' bows from skeleton drops that you can use which can sometimes be pretty good, I'm not inclined to either sacrifice another quest or try to combine 2 existing quests for a bow swap.


Combining two partly-used bows is still a thing, right? (Either with or without an anvil.) Because a skele-grinder would give a pretty much unlimited supply of 'undamaged bows'.