[1.7.10] Marooned

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What about just adding the dead bushes to the list of items that can go in the barrels for composting?
For me, I'd gone through a long and convoluted ruins and at the very bottom there was a couple of stone spots that let me dig under.
I get some Willow sapling from that ruins, and it being a nice green color I wanted to build using it. Only problem is that the Planter won't plant them.

Once you have shears, composting bushes wouldn't be really worth it unless you can fill a barrel with only 2-4 of them.

A suggestion for the bushes is make recipes to be able to craft some of the other saplings. 7 bush, 1 oak, 1 spruce, with the position of the oak/spruce giving different saplings.
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For me, I'd gone through a long and convoluted ruins and at the very bottom there was a couple of stone spots that let me dig under.
I get some Willow sapling from that ruins, and it being a nice green color I wanted to build using it. Only problem is that the Planter won't plant them.

Once you have shears, composting bushes wouldn't be really worth it unless you can fill a barrel with only 2-4 of them.

A suggestion for the bushes is make recipes to be able to craft some of the other saplings. 7 bush, 1 oak, 1 spruce, with the position of the oak/spruce giving different saplings.

Sounds like you found your way through the only other ruin that lets you under the bedrock. It is a long and convoluted ruin and you'll discover the reason soon enough if you make your all the way through it.

I agree with not using dead bushes to compost. Besides that would require my editing a mod which I'm not at liberty to do. If there isn't a config file for me to make changes then I basically can't do anything. There might be a way but I haven't found one yet. I'd have liked to also be able to melt leaves into water in a crucible or even compost maple leaves but alas, unless someone on here knows how to do it, I'm stuck with having to make do with new recipes.

I do like the idea of incorporating dead bushes into new saplings. Might give that one some more thought. I've already got splicing and dicing with the palm saplings so its a possibility. I'm just wondering why anyone who already has saplings would bother? I'm not likely to give players easy ways to make fruit saplings or introduce 'other world' saplings into the mix so what else is there apart from a select variety of Natura ones? Any suggestions?
Mostly I was thinking just for alternate building materials. The beginning is all about survival, but at some point we want to survive in style.

If you want to water from leave look at http://balyware.com/index.php/ex-compressum/ it also does other stuff you might be able to use.

So mining under that long ruins isn't an exploit, but a reward?
Sounds like you found your way through the only other ruin that lets you under the bedrock. It is a long and convoluted ruin and you'll discover the reason soon enough if you make your all the way through it.

I agree with not using dead bushes to compost. Besides that would require my editing a mod which I'm not at liberty to do. If there isn't a config file for me to make changes then I basically can't do anything. There might be a way but I haven't found one yet. I'd have liked to also be able to melt leaves into water in a crucible or even compost maple leaves but alas, unless someone on here knows how to do it, I'm stuck with having to make do with new recipes.

I do like the idea of incorporating dead bushes into new saplings. Might give that one some more thought. I've already got splicing and dicing with the palm saplings so its a possibility. I'm just wondering why anyone who already has saplings would bother? I'm not likely to give players easy ways to make fruit saplings or introduce 'other world' saplings into the mix so what else is there apart from a select variety of Natura ones? Any suggestions?

Have you ever seen the Ancient Trees mod? You can get a pretty good amount of different wood choices and the ability to grow some really epic trees, plus the mod also comes with a package that can be found as dungeon loot, using the package has like a 2-4% chance of giving the player either a vanilla sapling or one of the saplings from that mod.
I had to chuckle recently as I was using a nearby slime Island as a platform to hammer up grout materials, the view reminded me a bit of a heart Subliminally sending messages to the alien overlords? Obviously in hindsight it at best is a rather passing resemblance, but as the screenshot was taken I figured I'd post it in case it strikes anyone else's funny bone.
Mostly I was thinking just for alternate building materials. The beginning is all about survival, but at some point we want to survive in style.

If you want to water from leave look at http://balyware.com/index.php/ex-compressum/ it also does other stuff you might be able to use.

So mining under that long ruins isn't an exploit, but a reward?

Checking it out now. I've since decided the easiest solution to dead bushes is to simply be able to craft them into sticks. That's something we all can use regardless of how advanced we are n the game. Its not that we need to its just that we can if we want to and it could come in handy when exploring and we forgot to bring some wood along.

Yes, its a reward for taking the time to go down that detour and finding it. Being able to mine underground was always my intention, otherwise I'd have just made the entire planet out of bedrock with the red sand on top. If a player wants to try their hand at battling against the odds early in the game to mine underground then that possibility is there for them. Its actually easier to just build up your resources above ground in relative safety until you at least get a pick and enough light sources to mine underground, but doing it with a hammer is always an option. I've always liked the idea that players shouldn't have to follow a strict linear quest and should be able to find shortcuts or at least have their own ways of progressing.

I've only just finished re-modelling the Twin Peaks and it now has a really large underground area where players could base themselves, especially if they want to do a lot of underground exploring. I've even left a 'working' elevator for them to use to get back up to the surface once they have conquered the underground fortress. I'm sure some players will enjoy using it.

Better get a move on and check out the 3 new mods players have suggested.
I had to chuckle recently as I was using a nearby slime Island as a platform to hammer up grout materials, the view reminded me a bit of a heart Subliminally sending messages to the alien overlords? Obviously in hindsight it at best is a rather passing resemblance, but as the screenshot was taken I figured I'd post it in case it strikes anyone else's funny bone.
View attachment 26614

Ahh love is in the air............

You might want to consider your map position as that's where the Jetpack information shows by default once you get one. Of course by then you could always just move it down a bit to allow the jetpack info to show..........
Ahh love is in the air............

You might want to consider your map position as that's where the Jetpack information shows by default once you get one. Of course by then you could always just move it down a bit to allow the jetpack info to show..........
Yeah, I've got awhile before I'll be messing with a jet pack, and next play through I think I'm going to disable the map entirely. Thanks for the advice though.
Checking it out now. I've since decided the easiest solution to dead bushes is to simply be able to craft them into sticks. That's something we all can use regardless of how advanced we are n the game. Its not that we need to its just that we can if we want to and it could come in handy when exploring and we forgot to bring some wood along.

Yes, its a reward for taking the time to go down that detour and finding it. Being able to mine underground was always my intention, otherwise I'd have just made the entire planet out of bedrock with the red sand on top. If a player wants to try their hand at battling against the odds early in the game to mine underground then that possibility is there for them. Its actually easier to just build up your resources above ground in relative safety until you at least get a pick and enough light sources to mine underground, but doing it with a hammer is always an option. I've always liked the idea that players shouldn't have to follow a strict linear quest and should be able to find shortcuts or at least have their own ways of progressing.

I've only just finished re-modelling the Twin Peaks and it now has a really large underground area where players could base themselves, especially if they want to do a lot of underground exploring. I've even left a 'working' elevator for them to use to get back up to the surface once they have conquered the underground fortress. I'm sure some players will enjoy using it.

Better get a move on and check out the 3 new mods players have suggested.

You know the Pam's has a mod called need moar sticks that may take care of that for you.
Yea but its much easier for me to just make recipes of anything I want turned into sticks. Saves adding an extra mod.

Good point, and with agricraft the more ways to get sticks the better......friggin cropsticks.......
So with the new maps, which one would be considered the easiest?

Edit: Maps crashing to desktop when loading. Pastebin has the FTB launcher log.


Edit 2: It seems the new pre made maps (Taiga, Savanna, Iceplains) are ok, but trying to load my old world or create a new one (swamp) crashes to desktop.

Edit 3: Quest book not enabled by default. The config UseEditor=true
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So with the new maps, which one would be considered the easiest?

Edit: Maps crashing to desktop when loading. Pastebin has the FTB launcher log.


Edit 2: It seems the new pre made maps (Taiga, Savanna, Iceplains) are ok, but trying to load my old world or create a new one (swamp) crashes to desktop.

Edit 3: Quest book not enabled by default

Easiest is a subjective thing. To give you an idea, the more layers of sand in a world, the harder its likely to be to play.

The Taiga and swampland both have rain. They have 2 layers of sand above the bedrock.

The Ice Plains has snow which presents its own unique problems. It has 4 sand layers.

The Savanna doesn't have rain but it does have precipitation that grows fruit on the Saguaro cacti. The world darkens a bit when there is precipitation. It has 6 sand layers.

Its unlikely your old worlds will load. That's why the new update is 1.3.0. As mentioned on the first page. Any time we use a new 2nd number eg; from 1.2.? to 1.3.? its because it has new save games which are specifically designed for the game.

The quest book is enabled by default. Each world was created with a quest book and should be in your inventory. We've experienced this problem before. Some ppl reported not getting a book while others said they received 2. To overcome this potential problem we added a couple of books to the earlier versions. Since this problem appeared to have been fixed we decided to make new ruins with spare quest books hanging on them for players to find in their travels. They will be scattered randomly in the world.

Sadly its impossible for us to know if books are going to disappear from some peoples game when they start a new world until the update has been uploaded. Bear in mind, you don't actually create a new world, you simply load a saved game. This also applies to the one you 'make' yourself so its doubtful having HQM supply a new book when starting a new world will have any effect. Regardless we still make sure it is on by default, just in case.

As for the Swampland crashing to desktop, it not something that has been reported before and we're hoping its an isolated case. It works perfectly on our computers but we will be doing tests by downloading the save game and making sure it still works as inteded. Seems a bit odd when its the same files as the ones we already use though.
You quoted my post as I was editing it again, the config file "editmode" has UseEditor=true
You quoted my post as I was editing it again, the config file "editmode" has UseEditor=true

Yea IC Unbelievable. I would have checked that file at least a dozen times before compressing it for uploading and still somehow I managed to overwrite or edit it unintentionally. This is the problem with doing constant changes.

Thanks for pointing it out. Obviously I'll have to upload another version now. since I'll have do yet another update, I might also hang HQM books back on racks if you didn't get one in your version. You wouldn't believe how often I've checked that particular file to make sure it was not editable.

Can't help thinking this modpack has a gremlin in it determined to make me give the whole thing away. I'm soooo pi**ed off right now, I simply can't believe how it happened.

Sorry everyone. I somehow managed to leave the quest book in edit mode so its currently unplayable. If you do anything while its in edit mode it will not be recognised when you switch over to the 1.3.1 update which is now awaiting approval.
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I had a quest book the first time, but it was telling me that Quest mode was not active and you need cheat commands to activate. Not sure what map that was, it could have been an older one. I cleared my save folder and redownloaded, to get fresh saves. After changing the config UseEditor to false, everything seemed fine and I had 2 quest books.

On a side note, Frozen map, I'd gone creative and was flying to explore, and that also crashed me to desktop a few times.
Sadly its impossible for us to know if books are going to disappear from some peoples game when they start a new world until the update has been uploaded. Bear in mind, you don't actually create a new world, you simply load a saved game. This also applies to the one you 'make' yourself so its doubtful having HQM supply a new book when starting a new world will have any effect. Regardless we still make sure it is on by default, just in case.

Most other HQM packs I've played/seen also have a crazy-easy recipe for the Quest Book in NEI, using things that are commonly available and usually a 2x2 grid.