Winky you might, but I gotta tell ya, the update is going to be tougher than before, especially if you choose the Savanna world. NO rain but there is invisible precipitation to ripen the fruits on the saguaro's. I added salt ores hidden around the savanna to compensate for the lack of early water, then realised they were the Railcraft ones that require an iron level pick. Changed them to Pam's and wouldn't you know it, just testing the changes and for some so far unexplained reason the Railcraft are still spawning. Grrr,, been through every savanna ruin and now have to check every generic ruin to see where that blasted ore is hiding.
Also had to add the ability to make snowballs as there is no snow in the upper atmosphere at a height where one could build a platform in the savanna.
On the positive side, I'm almost done. Everythings been tested a number of times, so far as I can test everything. ruins are harder. Easy to test in beta, but not so easy under actual play conditions. They don't always spawn the same way when creating a world as they do when simply testing them.
EDIT: Problem solved. Me getting too pickled to keep going. Me forgot to close down FTB and restart game. Not same as when making changes and only have to quit game. Doh!