[1.7.10] Marooned

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Thanks for the reply Spaman. Do I have to start a new world for the next update?

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Yes you will as I've decided to give players a genuine difference in choosing a world rather than just different layers of sand. The entire HQM book is undergoing a change in direction as well. Still testing it but so far liking the changes.

Probably still worth your while playing around with in the meantime, either just don't get too attached to it or re-name the main folder before downloading the update when it comes out so you can still go back to it if you want to.

Yes you will as I've decided to give players a genuine difference in choosing a world rather than just different layers of sand. The entire HQM book is undergoing a change in direction as well. Still testing it but so far liking the changes.

Probably still worth your while playing around with in the meantime, either just don't get too attached to it or re-name the main folder before downloading the update when it comes out so you can still go back to it if you want to.


Okay, then better don't get attached to the current world :P
Anyone got far in the pack? I'm wondering if the quest book guide you through the automation or you'll need to figure it out yourself...

If you've done Ex Nihilo automation in any other packs you'll know what to do. The basic components of that are covered in the questbook but not in the order I approach it so YMMV. I had auto-sieving and a smeltery setup before I even unlocked those quests, for example.

The critical path is the repeatable quest in the first chapter that gets you oreberry bushes/harvestcraft gardens every time you do it. Doing that every time it is available will give you the food you need to survive and the initial metals you need to start building automation/utility. After you've gotten one or more sieve+autonomous activator combos setup + a smeltery start thinking about getting beneath the bedrock layer. After that your choices open up and you can work on practically anything you want to.

Hmm, what else? Make a point of killing blue slimes every chance you get, at least until you locate a slime island and can get slime saplings. I think blue slime tool rods are probably the best early game option, plus you need slimes for porcelain clay which is important to get past some of the early progression gates. Specifically you need porcelain clay for a juicer and a mortar and pestle. Need the juicer to keep your bee production going(for wax for torches, etc.), and need the mortar and pestle to make TiCon patterns.

When you build your defenses do so with an eye towards facilitating the harvesting/gathering of mob drops. Bones are important for early game tools(and repairing them) and speeding up tree/crop growth, zombie flesh for food, leather, and composted dirt, gunpowder for that all important repeatable quest. Because these drops are so useful early on I think it is best to avoid sleeping through the night once you have a bed until you don't need those drops. Additionally until you have a permanent water source you might need the rain. :) Might even consider going for a sleeping bag instead initially since exploration will net you some items/resources that greatly speed progression. I suppose the viability of that option will vary depending upon how far you built from spawn.
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Alright, I'm really enjoying the pack but I'm a bit stuck. I've got an igneous extruder producing cobble, giving it to a pulverizer which then hands over gravel to an auto-thingamajig which then sieves the gravel. Fine and good. But there doesn't seem to be an ender-hopper. What can I use to gather all the goodies?
Alright, I'm really enjoying the pack but I'm a bit stuck. I've got an igneous extruder producing cobble, giving it to a pulverizer which then hands over gravel to an auto-thingamajig which then sieves the gravel. Fine and good. But there doesn't seem to be an ender-hopper. What can I use to gather all the goodies?

Are you looking for an 'ender' hopper, or a 'vacuum' hopper? (Can't check NEI at the moment, so I'm not sure if that's available either.)

Another possibility would be to set up a sluice system to simply wash the drops down to a regular hopper and chest.
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Are you looking for an 'ender' hopper, or a 'vacuum' hopper? (Can't check NEI at the moment, so I'm not sure if that's available either.)

Another possibility would be to set up a sluice system to simply wash the drops down to a regular hopper and chest.


I forgot the name... thanks!

Also... yeah, that was the conclusion I came to as well... I just finished rigging up water pushing the bits into a regular hopper.

I forgot the name... thanks!

Also... yeah, that was the conclusion I came to as well... I just finished rigging up water pushing the bits into a regular hopper.

Since there is a quest requiring the making of a vacuum hopper anyway, you might want to make one now as the quest is a detection one and should remember you've already made it.

Glad you're enjoying the pack. Your post has already prompted me to make yet another change to the update. I always liked the extruder, but couldn't for the life of me remember its name when I was looking for auto cobble generation so chose the Transfer node instead. Oddly enough, the thing I never really liked about the node is it makes cobblestone waaaay too quickly but I had to have something.

I know quite a few people are saying they are getting ahead of the quests and by the time they come up, they've already made what they needed. The thing is we all play at different speeds and I have to allow for the people who are actually trying to play their way through the quests as intended, because without the progression system as its laid out, it would be very hard to learn how to automate without either prior knowledge or constant referring to web pages to see how certain things work.

I imagine most of the people who are trying out the game here have already played many other similar games and are familiar with what the various machines do and once they get that all important sieve, set about getting what they want ASAP and then think about which quests they want to do next. If this game ever goes public then the quest book will probably be followed a bit more closely by more players.

In the meantime all I can do is make modifications where they're needed. The feedback is terrific as I've been able to gain more knowledge about some machines I hadn't even considered before and its only thanks to all the members contributing here that I've been able make so many improvements to the game.

:) Might even consider going for a sleeping bag instead initially since exploration will net you some items/resources that greatly speed progression. I suppose the viability of that option will vary depending upon how far you built from spawn.

Just wondering, if you only had a choice between a bed and a sleeping bag, with a revamped recipe balanced against a bed's recipe, which would you prefer?

I'd also like to hear from other players about this option.........

Just wondering, if you only had a choice between a bed and a sleeping bag, with a revamped recipe balanced against a bed's recipe, which would you prefer?

I'd also like to hear from other players about this option.........


Personally I was thinking that you might remove the recipes for both and make a quest where you have to choose one or the other as your reward, it would make the choice more important as well as making it important that you protect the only way that you have to skip the night, beds can be blown up easily and sleeping bags have a durability that goes down when you get attacked while trying to sleep....
Personally I was thinking that you might remove the recipes for both and make a quest where you have to choose one or the other as your reward, it would make the choice more important as well as making it important that you protect the only way that you have to skip the night, beds can be blown up easily and sleeping bags have a durability that goes down when you get attacked while trying to sleep....
Interesting idea. I just got done changing the recipe for the sleeping bag as I decided [on behalf of EVERYONE] that since so many players tend to make their base at the spawn point [unlike me] that a bed re-spawn point wouldn't be much use to them. On the other hand, encouraging players to venture beyond the safety perimeter of their bases if they can hunker down for the night wherever they end up, might be a more worthwhile option. Didn't really consider making it tougher for them, but I gotta say, the more I think about it, the more I like it........
Interesting idea. I just got done changing the recipe for the sleeping bag as I decided [on behalf of EVERYONE] that since so many players tend to make their base at the spawn point [unlike me] that a bed re-spawn point wouldn't be much use to them. On the other hand, encouraging players to venture beyond the safety perimeter of their bases if they can hunker down for the night wherever they end up, might be a more worthwhile option. Didn't really consider making it tougher for them, but I gotta say, the more I think about it, the more I like it........

Just remember, as Winky the Friendly Witch says 'DOOMED!!'
Just remember, as Winky the Friendly Witch says 'DOOMED!!'

Winky you might, but I gotta tell ya, the update is going to be tougher than before, especially if you choose the Savanna world. NO rain but there is invisible precipitation to ripen the fruits on the saguaro's. I added salt ores hidden around the savanna to compensate for the lack of early water, then realised they were the Railcraft ones that require an iron level pick. Changed them to Pam's and wouldn't you know it, just testing the changes and for some so far unexplained reason the Railcraft are still spawning. Grrr,, been through every savanna ruin and now have to check every generic ruin to see where that blasted ore is hiding.

Also had to add the ability to make snowballs as there is no snow in the upper atmosphere at a height where one could build a platform in the savanna.

On the positive side, I'm almost done. Everythings been tested a number of times, so far as I can test everything. ruins are harder. Easy to test in beta, but not so easy under actual play conditions. They don't always spawn the same way when creating a world as they do when simply testing them.


EDIT: Problem solved. Me getting too pickled to keep going. Me forgot to close down FTB and restart game. Not same as when making changes and only have to quit game. Doh!
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Personally I was thinking that you might remove the recipes for both and make a quest where you have to choose one or the other as your reward, it would make the choice more important as well as making it important that you protect the only way that you have to skip the night, beds can be blown up easily and sleeping bags have a durability that goes down when you get attacked while trying to sleep....

Had a rethink on the rethink and decided to go with your choices option, but with additions. In the update there will still be the Food bank quest handing in QDS's full of fruit and nuts as well as a new quest handing in surplus seeds. Both these repeatable quests gave a healer as a reward. They both have 50 day resets, so take a long time to do and a long time to get to do again. In the update they will both offer either a bed, sleeping bag or healer as a reward. This gives players an opportunity to get another sleeping option or to replace their existing one if its destroyed. The catch of course being that they would have to forego getting the healer.......

Watcha think?
Just wondering, if you only had a choice between a bed and a sleeping bag, with a revamped recipe balanced against a bed's recipe, which would you prefer?

I'd go with the sleeping bag. I typically don't die so setting my spawn isn't important.
Had a rethink on the rethink and decided to go with your choices option, but with additions. In the update there will still be the Food bank quest handing in QDS's full of fruit and nuts as well as a new quest handing in surplus seeds. Both these repeatable quests gave a healer as a reward. They both have 50 day resets, so take a long time to do and a long time to get to do again. In the update they will both offer either a bed, sleeping bag or healer as a reward. This gives players an opportunity to get another sleeping option or to replace their existing one if its destroyed. The catch of course being that they would have to forego getting the healer.......

Watcha think?

I love it! Should be interesting to have to make that choice after spending so long collecting the fruits/nuts or the seeds.
Winky you might, but I gotta tell ya, the update is going to be tougher than before, especially if you choose the Savanna world. NO rain but there is invisible precipitation to ripen the fruits on the saguaro's. I added salt ores hidden around the savanna to compensate for the lack of early water, then realised they were the Railcraft ones that require an iron level pick. Changed them to Pam's and wouldn't you know it, just testing the changes and for some so far unexplained reason the Railcraft are still spawning. Grrr,, been through every savanna ruin and now have to check every generic ruin to see where that blasted ore is hiding.

Also had to add the ability to make snowballs as there is no snow in the upper atmosphere at a height where one could build a platform in the savanna.

On the positive side, I'm almost done. Everythings been tested a number of times, so far as I can test everything. ruins are harder. Easy to test in beta, but not so easy under actual play conditions. They don't always spawn the same way when creating a world as they do when simply testing them.


EDIT: Problem solved. Me getting too pickled to keep going. Me forgot to close down FTB and restart game. Not same as when making changes and only have to quit game. Doh!

I definitely know which map I will be playing in my LP, limited resources always seem to make it more fun for me. c:
Just wondering, if you only had a choice between a bed and a sleeping bag, with a revamped recipe balanced against a bed's recipe, which would you prefer?

I'd also like to hear from other players about this option.........


What is this 'sleep' you speak of?
What is this 'sleep' you speak of?
This sleep is something I haven't been getting much of since returning to Oz. No wait, that's a different type of sleep. The sleep of which I speak is the sleep in Minecraft where you make a bed, place it in a secure well lit room, right click on it at night and drift off to sleep for about 10 seconds and voila, wake up the next morning to hear all those lovely skeletons and zombies burning up in the daylight.

Open Blocks introduced a thing called a sleeping bag which does a similar job to the bed but doesn't reset your spawn point, has durability, is portable and sends you to sleep at night when you right click while holding it. You can also place it in your chest slot at night to sleep but that's more awkward and not something the average player would bother to do.

Of course the problem has already been solved by Elder Sign, as his suggestion to give the player a choice in a quest has already been added to the update.
I definitely know which map I will be playing in my LP, limited resources always seem to make it more fun for me. c:

The snow biome is no pushover either. It may have an unlimited water resource just lying around everywhere, but that also makes it harder to kill spiders as you have to wait till they leap off the snow at you to hit them. Having said that, I'm really enjoying playing the Savanna, especially having to figure out the best way to get early water.

In my last test world I only managed to get one recalcitrant Tin oreberry which produced just 2 nuggets, enough to make either a saucepan or skillet handle. This is after doing the Taint quest about a dozen times. My food free ride was over and I had to concentrate more on finding new food recipes than other resources. This was the time I discovered the lack of snow and after exhaustive testing came to the conclusion I'd have to include a new recipe for making it. Chalk up another victory for the drying racks. Yes it seems incredulous that a snowball hanging on a rack in a desert environment would manage not to melt, but dem dere drying racks got magic in dem I tells ya. Thankfully I was also making more changes to the quest as I went and once again those changes blocked my re-entry into the game so I've had to start yet another test game. Its a good thing I don't get too attached to my worlds........

I would suggest when you make your LP that you don't tell people about 'such and such' that you 'expect' to find in a ruin that you found in the previous version of Marooned as it may no longer be 'quite' the same as before. Think 'wells' and you'll get what I mean.
The snow biome is no pushover either. It may have an unlimited water resource just lying around everywhere, but that also makes it harder to kill spiders as you have to wait till they leap off the snow at you to hit them. Having said that, I'm really enjoying playing the Savanna, especially having to figure out the best way to get early water.

In my last test world I only managed to get one recalcitrant Tin oreberry which produced just 2 nuggets, enough to make either a saucepan or skillet handle. This is after doing the Taint quest about a dozen times. My food free ride was over and I had to concentrate more on finding new food recipes than other resources. This was the time I discovered the lack of snow and after exhaustive testing came to the conclusion I'd have to include a new recipe for making it. Chalk up another victory for the drying racks. Yes it seems incredulous that a snowball hanging on a rack in a desert environment would manage not to melt, but dem dere drying racks got magic in dem I tells ya. Thankfully I was also making more changes to the quest as I went and once again those changes blocked my re-entry into the game so I've had to start yet another test game. Its a good thing I don't get too attached to my worlds........

I would suggest when you make your LP that you don't tell people about 'such and such' that you 'expect' to find in a ruin that you found in the previous version of Marooned as it may no longer be 'quite' the same as before. Think 'wells' and you'll get what I mean.

I will try and make sure I don't go into it expecting anything to be the same, I'm planning on using the quest book as my guide as well and not just leap frogging over quests to advance faster and further than is intended, that said I will make sure to point out any hints as needed, like on how to maximize your food saturation and so on. Protip: Don't eat until the gold outlines are completely gone even if you still have more hunger bars to fill.... c: