I'm working towards building a larger RC boiler, but I haven't found a nether fortress yet. Reading through online documentation it would seem I should be able to collect Cinderpearl and craft it to blaze powder, however this doesn't seem to work. I'm guessing this function of Thaumcraft is disabled for balance purposes or is this an undocumented feature? Our server is running 2.0.10 I believe.
Also, regarding Nano armor, is it possible to just wear the chestplate and leggings and then wear other boots and headgear or must it be the entire suit to get the protective benefits of the nano armor? I started looking into the Nano armor, and immediately shed a few tears for all of the tiny piles of ash that I had tossed in a void chest because I ran out of room to store it
We also discovered that fish traps are pretty great. If you've got a couple slime balls to make leads they are dirt cheap to make. I put 3 of them in a small pond in my base. In one night I filled 2 double chests full of fish, saddles, glass bottles (handy for the MystCraft that has been added to our server), and also a bunch of trash. I've also filled another double chest with enchanted bows, fishing rods, and enchanted books. I haven't even built an enchanting table yet and I have 4 Inifinity bows. I was figuring on building a redstone powered fishing machine for AFKing sooner or later, but no need now. I might still build a ThaumCraft golem fishery though since then I could have them pick up only the desirable loot (enchanted books).
Other than that kudos to the InfiTech team. I haven't been this hooked on a game in a while, and I'm just barely touching the tip of the MV stage. My sleep schedule hates you though![]()
You don't have to use entire nano set to get protection and bonuses. As for which armor to choose, I made nano one because it's relatively cheap to make (mostly carbon plates which you can make with dark ashes from bronze blast furnace) and you can upgrade chestplate to advanced one. I mentioned it several pages ago, it includes advanced jetpack and can store 3M EU's to use for tools. Works great with adv. diamond drill. I'm using nano helmet (night vision), adv. nano chestplate, nano pants and boots of the traveller atm.
I'm going to test dark steel armor at one point, but dark steel production is pretty time and energy consuming and my EBF is always busy cooking silicon and stainless steel dusts up.
Fish traps are totally OP. I made 3 a while ago and added simple sorting system using ender IO conduits. So far I got like 20 stacks of fishes and tons of enchanted bows, fishing rods, books etc. It would work even better if we had MFR disenchanter in this pack

Btw. I finally found Iridium vein (and second Tungstate one too). I don't know if it's my bad luck or something has been changed in world generation in newer (2.0.10+) packs but I found all those rarer ores in newly generated chunks.