[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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I'm working towards building a larger RC boiler, but I haven't found a nether fortress yet. Reading through online documentation it would seem I should be able to collect Cinderpearl and craft it to blaze powder, however this doesn't seem to work. I'm guessing this function of Thaumcraft is disabled for balance purposes or is this an undocumented feature? Our server is running 2.0.10 I believe.

Also, regarding Nano armor, is it possible to just wear the chestplate and leggings and then wear other boots and headgear or must it be the entire suit to get the protective benefits of the nano armor? I started looking into the Nano armor, and immediately shed a few tears for all of the tiny piles of ash that I had tossed in a void chest because I ran out of room to store it :(

We also discovered that fish traps are pretty great. If you've got a couple slime balls to make leads they are dirt cheap to make. I put 3 of them in a small pond in my base. In one night I filled 2 double chests full of fish, saddles, glass bottles (handy for the MystCraft that has been added to our server), and also a bunch of trash. I've also filled another double chest with enchanted bows, fishing rods, and enchanted books. I haven't even built an enchanting table yet and I have 4 Inifinity bows. I was figuring on building a redstone powered fishing machine for AFKing sooner or later, but no need now. I might still build a ThaumCraft golem fishery though since then I could have them pick up only the desirable loot (enchanted books).

Other than that kudos to the InfiTech team. I haven't been this hooked on a game in a while, and I'm just barely touching the tip of the MV stage. My sleep schedule hates you though :p

You don't have to use entire nano set to get protection and bonuses. As for which armor to choose, I made nano one because it's relatively cheap to make (mostly carbon plates which you can make with dark ashes from bronze blast furnace) and you can upgrade chestplate to advanced one. I mentioned it several pages ago, it includes advanced jetpack and can store 3M EU's to use for tools. Works great with adv. diamond drill. I'm using nano helmet (night vision), adv. nano chestplate, nano pants and boots of the traveller atm.

I'm going to test dark steel armor at one point, but dark steel production is pretty time and energy consuming and my EBF is always busy cooking silicon and stainless steel dusts up.

Fish traps are totally OP. I made 3 a while ago and added simple sorting system using ender IO conduits. So far I got like 20 stacks of fishes and tons of enchanted bows, fishing rods, books etc. It would work even better if we had MFR disenchanter in this pack :p

Btw. I finally found Iridium vein (and second Tungstate one too). I don't know if it's my bad luck or something has been changed in world generation in newer (2.0.10+) packs but I found all those rarer ores in newly generated chunks.
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Yes progress has been made! Only not really as I've been distracted by stuff for a while and kind of not done much, although the bug I reported was fixed so you can actually make proper shaped recipes now. Important for dusts that. I'm doing some more of it now though, just reported the bug caused when you feed magic into the fission reactor as it crashes the server and continues to crash it whenever you attempt to open the GUI. Probably if you destroy the reactor and pick up the items too given the similarity to a prior bug. So even if it is done soon no attempting to split the magical atoms!

On a different note I just noticed there is a server for this pack, may look into that. Need one that won't suddenly die on me.
What machine do i need to get the "Pulverization" recepies from Gregtech, e.g. this one:

Do i need the EV Macerator?

Is there a way to convert RF to EU?


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The HV Macerator has the 10% bonus output. The EV Macherator has the 10% bonus and also gives some more Stonedust.

RF to EU is possible with Galacticraft convertern or with Pneumaticraft.
What Galacticraft converter? Im not able to find it...
Energy Storage Module or Energy Storage Cluster(better). Can convert both ways but at limited capacity (around 225 eu/t for the cluster, I forget the exact amount)

Worth mentioning that we recently asked the GC devs to implement lossiness on these modules, which they've done, so you can possibly expect a future version to not convert at quite as nice a ratio as it does right not (4RF:1EU)
i found diamonds within a week of setting up shop, i found tungstate that i dont currently need last week while on a flyby to find nodes for my charging room :p
last time i had to compress coal to get diamonds for macerators lol.
How does one make what was once called an autarchic gate? I see gates with autarchic pulsars installed, but NEI is not helping me figure out how to make them...
How does one make what was once called an autarchic gate? I see gates with autarchic pulsars installed, but NEI is not helping me figure out how to make them...
Last I checked this was busted. In theory you use the Integration table with (I believe) a pulsating chipset on a Gate.

Edit: to be clear, my info is a couple weeks outta date. This was working fine several versions ago and fell apart at some point. Might be fixed again.
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How does one make what was once called an autarchic gate? I see gates with autarchic pulsars installed, but NEI is not helping me figure out how to make them...

Nevermind. I just did what logic dictated, namely put a pulsating chipset and a gate in an integration table, and it made what I wanted.
I'm well into the MV stage now and I'm doing more things that require and produce gasses. Right now I'm using EnderIO tanks to store gas and move things around, which work great but only 16000Mb each. I thought of making a few RC iron tanks along a wall and using EnderIO conduits to fill them and extract out of them. Does anyone have a more elegant/simple solution for Oxygen/Hydrogen/Chlorine gas storage and distribution they'd like to share?
I'm well into the MV stage now and I'm doing more things that require and produce gasses. Right now I'm using EnderIO tanks to store gas and move things around, which work great but only 16000Mb each. I thought of making a few RC iron tanks along a wall and using EnderIO conduits to fill them and extract out of them. Does anyone have a more elegant/simple solution for Oxygen/Hydrogen/Chlorine gas storage and distribution they'd like to share?
Chlorine to a good extent you can just jettison. It has virtually no use and never will in GT5

For the others, I use Drums, which hold 256 buckets each. That oxygen in particular can be very useful later on, since the EBF and arc furnace both use it in very large quantities.
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If you process ilmenite ore for titanium / iron youre going to get alot of oxygen, same with making aluminium from bauxite and gold/iron from magnetite.
im almost tempted to dump one of my four drums of o2 ... >.<
I have just finished the new GT OreGen Book guide. I am quite pleased with it. You will be able to click on the ore you want to look info about and will take you to that page. Also it will contain the promissed information about which material you need to mine certain ores. So you will not need to go and look through wiki for that :)

edit: No ETA on release for the v2.1.4 because I am sick and its hard to focus on anything. And pack update requires bit of focus...
Im still thinking about a late game infinite energysource...
I calculated a bit about naquada reactors:
One enriched naquada (naq+) ingot equals 8 bolts which equals 2048eu/t for about an hour.
To produce a naq+ ingot you need 4050 naquada combs. So for continuos 2048eu/t you need 4050 combs/h. Im not sure how productive you can get bees in a single alveary but i assume you will need lots of bees for that. Can you help me with those calculations? I dont know anything about bees anymore, ive never used them since 1.4.7 (FTB Ultimate)

There are other possible infinite energysources:
Uranium (harvested from bees), i currently dont know enough about the changed IC2 nuclear stuff to calculate anything.
Yellorite/other big reactors stuff (is it renevable at all? Which bees produce it?)
Oil (from bees) (10 combs equal 1bucket of fuel but im not sure whats the best conversion to EU so i cant calculate how much you will need for 2048eu/t)
Biomass/Biofuel/Ethanol/Methane (easy to make renewable, but i dont know much about the energydensity)
Charcoal (the problem are the extremly slow coke ovens or the inefficient alloy furnaces)

Can you help me with whats the most efficient way to use a fuel? E.g. there are so many things that can use charcoal like boilers (in different sizes) from Gregtech or Railcraft. Maybe someone figured that out allready...

First; Jason awesome work on this pack I enjoy it ALOT! It's all I've been looking for. =)

No to my problem to the community;
I just built my first Large Bronze Boiler, and I got it working.. sort of. It chews up maybe half a stack of charcoal before it turns off. And I can not for the life of me get it to run again except breaking a block and do the whole maintenance thing setting it up fresh. I must be missing something.

// Just solved it 3 min later;
If anyone has the same problem; it was the muffler. It was turned to wrong way and didn't have the block faced the right way.

Muffler has air block, Charcoal as fuel. Steady stream of water into the boiler.
I use enderIO conduits for import\export.
The whole boiler is on same chunk.

I don't know.

When I whack it with a soft hammer it just blinks on and then turns of again.

Any help is appreciated.

Thanks \\
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Im still thinking about a late game infinite energysource...
I calculated a bit about naquada reactors:
One enriched naquada (naq+) ingot equals 8 bolts which equals 2048eu/t for about an hour.
To produce a naq+ ingot you need 4050 naquada combs. So for continuos 2048eu/t you need 4050 combs/h. Im not sure how productive you can get bees in a single alveary but i assume you will need lots of bees for that. Can you help me with those calculations? I dont know anything about bees anymore, ive never used them since 1.4.7 (FTB Ultimate)

There are other possible infinite energysources:
Uranium (harvested from bees), i currently dont know enough about the changed IC2 nuclear stuff to calculate anything.
Yellorite/other big reactors stuff (is it renevable at all? Which bees produce it?)
Oil (from bees) (10 combs equal 1bucket of fuel but im not sure whats the best conversion to EU so i cant calculate how much you will need for 2048eu/t)
Biomass/Biofuel/Ethanol/Methane (easy to make renewable, but i dont know much about the energydensity)
Charcoal (the problem are the extremly slow coke ovens or the inefficient alloy furnaces)

Can you help me with whats the most efficient way to use a fuel? E.g. there are so many things that can use charcoal like boilers (in different sizes) from Gregtech or Railcraft. Maybe someone figured that out allready...

For Naquadah, you indeed need a lot of bees, with the best traits, in upgraded Alvearies or Gendustry Ind. Apiaries to make enough Naq. to make 2048 eu/t. constantly. But, it's not any more spammy than any of the other options. The infrastructure required is about on par with several of the other options you mentioned.

  • Yellorium bees are part of ExtraBees. Enable Binnies to enable them.
  • Oil bees are straightfoward. Centrifuge --> Fluid Extractor --> Refinery/Distillery --> RC boiler --> RC Steam Turbine. I did this a few worlds ago.
  • Ethanol is fun, but takes a lot of tree breeding and infrastructure. It's a great excuse for Forestry + Binnies or Gendustry breeding. Otherwise, oil bees are easier. I did this last world and it was a lot of work, but a lot of fun.
  • Charcoal is very powerful if you convert to it Alumentum and burn in a Tungstensteel boiler. You can make 2048 eu/t without spamming too many coke ovens. I'm using this option now this world until I get Yellorium bees.
  • I haven't messed with IC2 biochaff yet. @Pyure may have.
  • Uranium is doesn't scale well enough, but Plutonium in MOX scales well. Just need 2 or 3 reactors to meet or exceed 2048 eu/t. There's bees for that, too. Did this with @Pyure a couple of worlds ago.
Of all those, BigReactors with Yellorium bees backing them up is probably the least spammy / smallest infrastructure option.
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