[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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Which mod adds all those microblocks? It says "Forge Microblocks" ingame but there is no such mod in the files. I want to try to disable it, i doubt that will mess up other recepies...
Its Forge Multipart, and you cant disable it, because it will get autodownloaded because of few other mods (projectRed, ChickenCore, and maybe some others)
Wait what? I thought the Grinder was disabled (or did i just put it in my self to the configs?) well, eh, i would think it should be disabled, or the ore doubling change lowered in the pack, because, well it's a bit too easy and exploity.
You can only grind certain ores (mostly those with regular names like Tin Ore, Iron Ore, Copper Ore, Nickel Ore etc... you cant grind Cassiterite and others). The chance was 90% and I lowered it to 75%... You might think its easy and exploity... but you need to stand there and grind it manually (if you are not far in Thaumic Energistics/Thaumcraft research, and when you will be that far to be able to automate the cranking, you will probably have some other processing already in place).
Wait what? I thought the Grinder was disabled (or did i just put it in my self to the configs?) well, eh, i would think it should be disabled, or the ore doubling change lowered in the pack, because, well it's a bit too easy and exploity.

Well, it wasn't distabled and it doesn't work with most of the GT ores, so it's only useful in the beginning for basic stuff like copper, iron, gold, coal or ingots grinding.
Which mod adds all those microblocks? It says "Forge Microblocks" ingame but there is no such mod in the files. I want to try to disable it, i doubt that will mess up other recepies...

If you have the problem of it cluttering your NEI, as I had, just look for the subsections, in NEI, and disable showing the recipes, there.
Which mod adds all those microblocks? It says "Forge Microblocks" ingame but there is no such mod in the files. I want to try to disable it, i doubt that will mess up other recepies...
It's Forge Multipart, I believe you can disable it by removing the jar file in the 1.7.10 folder in the mods folder. I've never tried it, so I don't know if Project Red will recreate the jar file.
So, I haven't begun to make anything GregTech related, choosing to stabilize my food situation. I'm now ready to get started, mining some materials as I wondered around.

Here is a screenshot of all my ore (http://prntscr.com/616s5j).
Three crushed iron ore, three impure piles of iron.
Nine copper ingots, nine crushed copper ore and 6 impure piles of copper.
Nine ingots of bronze, and more tin ore than I think I need.

What would you guys start off making?
I would use the iron to get myself a wrought iron hammer. I would also get flint tools. I would also make an AE Grindstone and grind some of the tin. By the way, I see you made some juice, but I can't see a juicer. Appears you threw it away. Though I can clearly see a bunch of stone dust. What's up with that?

Three(3) Necrotic Frames in an Apiary are almost as good as a single Oblivion Frame. And, they are equivalent if your bees have the Shortest Lifespan trait, i.e. they also cause the queen to "die" in 1 bee tick. For longer lifespan bees, they may take 1 or 2 additional bee ticks.

Thanks for the tip, although not sure that I will follow it. They need quite some stuff to craft, some bees to cross-breed, and also to look for Deep Hives.

I'm thinking that a better option would be an Alveary with mutator and nether stars, for the few mutations that I have left. The Mutatron from Gendustry requires way too much royal jelly than I can produce, at the moment.
If you have the problem of it cluttering your NEI, as I had, just look for the subsections, in NEI, and disable showing the recipes, there.
How exactly do i do that? I looked int the NEI config but im not sure if thats the right place...
I would use the iron to get myself a wrought iron hammer. I would also get flint tools. I would also make an AE Grindstone and grind some of the tin. By the way, I see you made some juice, but I can't see a juicer. Appears you threw it away. Though I can clearly see a bunch of stone dust. What's up with that?
I keep my juicer is a chest with my food. The stone dust I get from all the small ore I've dug up.
@starwolf you said GT oregen works in twilight, how aboit Hollow Hills? Are they also sonehow grrgtrched, or is it untouched with dozens of vanilla ores?

Edit: geez i cant type this early in the morning...

Hollow hills have a couple of ores in them, the couple I hit had a few vanilla redstone, some glowstone, some chests and some salt. They had a bit of another ore I didn't bother mining or remembering. Not the cash cow they were in 1.5. Would be fun if they had some of the rarer GT ores in it.

I haven't explored everywhere yet, with the new progression system you're unable to travel freely until you've defeated each boss in turn. Configurable but fun.

Twighlight chests I haven't found to contain GT loot yet. Mostly twighlight stuff, and the steel leaf makes for a good pick once you macerate all the tools/armor you loot. I'm waiting until at least nano armor to progress further, as the minotaur dungeon still holds my best set of tools/armor to date in my gravestone, and I can't retrieve it yet :P

You can turn off GT oregen by dimension in the configs, but I've left it on. Feels very terra-crafty in the oregen. Just wish we had a proper prospectors pick or some indication on the surface of what's underneath. Sinking shafts to bedrock every three chunks is getting old.

I added in MFR as well, config to use the Ender IO recipes. I'm not really into thaumcraft, and wanted a tech-equivilent to thaumcraft farms (forestry farms are something I'll look into in the future).

Really gold intensive unfortunately. I loves my rednet, though the channels don't properly translate into enderIO channels- they do interface, though Ender IO insulated redstone doesn't remember the state and gets locked "on" sometimes.

Just wish we had some better liquid pipes with higher throughput. With everything so steam-centric, the piping really falls short, and am unable to feed HV gt steam turbines properly without a 9x9 square of ender fluid conduits extracting from a RC tank into my array.

I'm really pushing to get to tungstensteel for big reactors, and RF transmission. Just finished up my first run of tungsten last night, waiting on it to process through the vacuum freezer. Great pack.
How exactly do i do that? I looked int the NEI config but im not sure if thats the right place...

Open up your NEI, click on the "NEI Subsets" tab at the top of your screen, and right-click the mods that clog up your NEI. Microblocks, BC facades and AE facades are biggies.
Thanks for the tip, although not sure that I will follow it. They need quite some stuff to craft, some bees to cross-breed, and also to look for Deep Hives.

I'm thinking that a better option would be an Alveary with mutator and nether stars, for the few mutations that I have left. The Mutatron from Gendustry requires way too much royal jelly than I can produce, at the moment.


The Necrotic Frames are super-easy if you do just a couple of research topics in the MagicBees tab of Thauminomicon plus a few research topics in Thaumcraft proper.

The Thaum-based recipe for Necrotic Frames does not show up in NEI since it's a Thaumcraft recipe. You have to use the Thauminomicon to see how to make Necrotic Frames.
I wasnt here yesterday on the count of being sick and having no internet too, but on the subject of steam machines:
I found setting up a buffer using BC tanks was very helpful in keeping an alloy smelter going when using smaller boilers, this way i was able to use 2 or 3 steam machines at the same time, while still being able to keep an eye on how much fuel i have left thus it is well worth the pursuit of sand for glass, even though you seem to no longer be able to macerate it from cobble anymore :p
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anyone come across a division sigil yet? Not found one at all after looting perhaps 80 chests.
Funny story: you're not going to find one ever. You need to kill the Wither to get one, who drops them at 100% or close enough as makes no difference.

The reasoning for this is actually fairly sensible: tools like the destruction pickaxe are otherwise so compeltely over-the-top easy to get and overpowered.

(sucks not having the builders wand tho)
boo. Wanted it for the cursed earth. Guess I'll figure out something else for the mob farm lol. Need massive amounts of gunpowder and can't find a lick of saltpeter anywhere.

Never used the destruction pickaxe, I made one just for the challenge crafting with unstable ingots, but other than the cursed earth the builder's wand is the only other thing worthwhile.
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The Necrotic Frames are super-easy if you do just a couple of research topics in the MagicBees tab of Thauminomicon plus a few research topics in Thaumcraft proper.

The Thaum-based recipe for Necrotic Frames does not show up in NEI since it's a Thaumcraft recipe. You have to use the Thauminomicon to see how to make Necrotic Frames.

Wow there, fella. Well, I didn't know about the Thaumcraft recipe, and I have almost zero experience in that mod, and I have tried to get by without it, so far.

Unfortunately, we don't have the Mutator, here, so I might try it. (what is up with that thing, no Extra Bees?)

Later: Oh, man, you're breaking my bones! Couple of researches, vis, aspects, and the Infusion Altar! I'm scared of that thing.

So now I have 3 options - 40+ apiaries / shitload of imperial bees, for Mutatron / Necrotic Frames.
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