[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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I think in any, but you can check it by typing /mt loot and it will generate minetweaker log file with loot, weights etc.

Thanks, I have tried that, and I found just the following loot types: bonus chest, dungeon chest, mineshaft, naturalist (?), pyramid desert, pyramid jungle, workshop and 2 types from the Stronghold. The only mentions of Oblivion Frames are in the Stronghold, but I am sure I found some in the Thaumcraft dungeons, and it doesn't say anything about the ones from the End, from the Hardcore Ender Expansion.
Thanks, I have tried that, and I found just the following loot types: bonus chest, dungeon chest, mineshaft, naturalist (?), pyramid desert, pyramid jungle, workshop and 2 types from the Stronghold. The only mentions of Oblivion Frames are in the Stronghold, but I am sure I found some in the Thaumcraft dungeons, and it doesn't say anything about the ones from the End, from the Hardcore Ender Expansion.
That might be true, probably because MT doesnt support mod loot chests, or (what is more likely) mods are refering to the vanilla loot tables. So TC dungeons and End chests might be included indeed within Stronghold. If you really want to know, i guess its best to ask Mod devs from HEE and TC directly so they can confirm that.

Three(3) Necrotic Frames in an Apiary are almost as good as a single Oblivion Frame. And, they are equivalent if your bees have the Shortest Lifespan trait, i.e. they also cause the queen to "die" in 1 bee tick. For longer lifespan bees, they may take 1 or 2 additional bee ticks.
If I'm playing single player, several solar boilers. Otherwise several coal boilers.

The Alloy Smelter is a major steam hog; not only does it want a large share of any steam you're creating, but its demand can also overwhelm early steam piping infrastructure. So even if you're producing enough steam, its not necessarily reaching the smelter. Be prepared to either dedicate some boilers to a smelter on a seperate "network" or shut down things like your macerators while smelting.

I've used GT fluid pipes in all my previous worlds and they work OK. This time, I tried the entry-level eIO fluid conduits (yeah, the non-pressurized ones), and they work beautifully as long as your steam source (reservoir) is same height or higher than your steam consumer. While not as 'realistic' in some regards as the GT fluid pipes, they don't derp, i.e. backpressure in odd ways.

The eIO basic fluid conduits lasted well into the electrical age this world without a single machine starving for steam.
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The eIO basic fluid conduits lasted well into the electrical age this world without a single machine starving for steam.
This is a function of your distribution network (decentralizing) or your machines not running simultaneously.

A single alloy smelter consumes around 64% of a basic fluid conduit's throughput by itself.

(BTW: Even in the nuclear age I still use these conduits for many tasks; there's no need to be using ender fluid conduits everywhere when 50 mb/t throughput will suffice)

Edit: Want to correct myself. It consumes 64% of a basic fluid conduit's extraction, not throughput. If you have multiple extraction points, it can consume only 16% of its throughput. Someone like me who tends to build only a single alloy smelter and a 7-8 other (less-hungry) steam machines might be able to get by on this.
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Edit: Want to correct myself. It consumes 64% of a basic fluid conduit's extraction, not throughput. If you have multiple extraction points, it can consume only 16% of its throughput. Someone like me who tends to build only a single alloy smelter and a 7-8 other (less-hungry) steam machines might be able to get by on this.

Thanks for the clarification. I failed to mention that I'm drawing from the bottom of an RC tank with many tank valves. I believe my starting number of extraction ports was 5 or so from the bottom of an iron RC tank, placed higher (1 floor up) from my machine room. I now have 20 or so on my steel RC tank and am using the Tier 2 (pressurized) conduits. It's overkill, but it works.
Thanks for the clarification. I failed to mention that I'm drawing from the bottom of an RC tank with many tank valves. I believe my starting number of extraction ports was 5 or so from the bottom of an iron RC tank, placed higher (1 floor up) from my machine room. I now have 20 or so on my steel RC tank and am using the Tier 2 (pressurized) conduits. It's overkill, but it works.
Its only overkill if they converge into a single pipe, at which point the magical number is 4:1 (extractions to a given line)
Im considering to play this modpack, but i have some questions first:
I plan to add a mod like mystcraft or Aromas miningworld but i would need something to transport items/fluids/energy interdimensional, like tesseracts from thermal expansion. Is there something like that included in this pack?
Is there something to detect ores from far (e.g. a lategame item)? I dont want to dig through 1000 chunks to find a specific ore...
Im considering to play this modpack, but i have some questions first:
I plan to add a mod like mystcraft or Aromas miningworld but i would need something to transport items/fluids/energy interdimensional, like tesseracts from thermal expansion. Is there something like that included in this pack?
Good question; regarding items you can send them via thaumcraft. Not sure if there's a liquid/energy transportation method (other than converting them to items first)

Is there something to detect ores from far (e.g. a lategame item)? I dont want to dig through 1000 chunks to find a specific ore...
The OV scanner can detect and summarize nearby ores for you at a range of I think 16 blocks, but other than that, exploratory mining is certainly part of the game.
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Im considering to play this modpack, but i have some questions first:
I plan to add a mod like mystcraft or Aromas miningworld but i would need something to transport items/fluids/energy interdimensional, like tesseracts from thermal expansion. Is there something like that included in this pack?

What @Pyure said. Thaumcraft can teleport items, but AFAIK, there's nothing early or even mid-game to teleport fluids and energy, and that's by design. This is a long-duration pack and interdimensional transport beyond the relatively pokey Thaumcraft mirrors is 'balanced' to be very expensive. For many, interdimensional transport is one of the key mechanics that results in greatly sped up progress, hence greatly accelerated worlds and worlds ending sooner.

However, feel free to re-enable the eIO Dimensional Transceiver. This is a great pack regardless of the intended balance mechanics.

Is there something to detect ores from far (e.g. a lategame item)? I dont want to dig through 1000 chunks to find a specific ore...

To add to what @Pyure said:

The Thaumcraft Pickaxe of the Core can detect at a medium range. The IC2 Advanced Miner is also pretty good about selectively extracting useful ores. However, GT 5 oregen is a key part of this mod and defeating its random distribution would defeat the intended purpose of the pack : to take a long time to "finish". You may be happier enabling PFAA. It has a (slightly ? somewhat ?) easier oregen and finding specific ores is tons easier. The major drawbacks to PFAA are:

  • It's ugly, IMHO (even the mod author admits it !)
  • It replaces almost all stone with its own mostly useless stones

And, another tip regarding GT 5 oregen : once you have flight, the Nether is far easier place to explore for ores. You just have to look closer since they are not always easy to spot.
Looks like we should be able to send stuff via an AE2 Quantum Network Bridge. However, it requires ( 100 EU/t, 400 RF/t ) to function, so this isn't going to be a reasonable solution for most cases.
Im considering to play this modpack, but i have some questions first:
I plan to add a mod like mystcraft or Aromas miningworld but i would need something to transport items/fluids/energy interdimensional, like tesseracts from thermal expansion. Is there something like that included in this pack?
Is there something to detect ores from far (e.g. a lategame item)? I dont want to dig through 1000 chunks to find a specific ore...

I added mystcraft for world migration, I.e. making a new base, thus avoiding the terrain gen issues and such (my initial starting point was full of magical forests and mushroom biomes, so I tweaked the biomeweights into something more interesting).

It destroyed my terrain though, and the age I put all my stuff into was a permanent darkness, charged age with explosions. Made packing everything up interesting. Played it off as a cataclysm in survival on the server.

It's a bit of work to pack everything up, move the contents of your world folder into a mystcraft age, then pop through a portal into a fresh new world The big issue with mystcraft in 1.7 is DO NOT USE THE FLAT WORLD SYMBOL. Ever. It WILL corrupt your world and you'll have to edit your NBT file to remove the forge array.

Gregtech automatically detects dimensions such as twighlight and does it's own oregen in them, so it's up to you. I keep mystcraft for utilitarian purposes, I.E. no more quarry holes everywhere.

It's buggy in 1.7 though and unless you write an extrememly well-written age, it will create instability. I removed it and kept twighlight. The new progression system (and how expensive jetpacks are in this pack) forces you to play it hardcore. Very fun.

Also, with GT oregen when you do find a vien of ore it's quick to kill it with a quarry, and you can mostly do them underground... tetrahedrite notwistanding.
So, I haven't begun to make anything GregTech related, choosing to stabilize my food situation. I'm now ready to get started, mining some materials as I wondered around.

Here is a screenshot of all my ore (http://prntscr.com/616s5j).
Three crushed iron ore, three impure piles of iron.
Nine copper ingots, nine crushed copper ore and 6 impure piles of copper.
Nine ingots of bronze, and more tin ore than I think I need.

What would you guys start off making?
My initial approach is always scavenge for villages to get some steel for a high pressure boiler and various things, then work until I get to a macerator before diving into thaumcraft for the best method of getting steel. Seriously poke around a bit and it's not too hard to start rolling in iron/steel with the right recipes, you'll probabl want some redstone if you have plans to automate it though.

But by that point I've got unlimited steel and iron and ready to move into later ages so it's all fine.
@starwolf you said GT oregen works in twilight, how aboit Hollow Hills? Are they also sonehow grrgtrched, or is it untouched with dozens of vanilla ores?

Edit: geez i cant type this early in the morning...
So, I haven't begun to make anything GregTech related, choosing to stabilize my food situation. I'm now ready to get started, mining some materials as I wondered around.

Here is a screenshot of all my ore (http://prntscr.com/616s5j).
Three crushed iron ore, three impure piles of iron.
Nine copper ingots, nine crushed copper ore and 6 impure piles of copper.
Nine ingots of bronze, and more tin ore than I think I need.

What would you guys start off making?

Craft AE2 grindstone if you want to save some materials - 75% chance for doubling your dust output and you can grind ingots to dusts to mix them into alloy dusts. Mine deeper (around level 14-15), mark every large vein that you find and sooner or later you'll find one that contains iron, pyrite and chalcopyrite (you can get copper and iron from them). Additionally there are some small redstone veins at this level too and you'll need several stacks of it when you start your electric era.

As for tools, you can make hammer from bronze that you have, grind some tin and copper ingots or ores to get dusts, mix them and smelt more bronze ingots. Make bronze file, then pickaxe and you're good to go mine most of the ores that you (hopefully) found so far.
When you find more iron you can make tools from it (a bit more durable then bronze) or, once you have some spare charcoal, from wrought iron (iron ingot->nuggets, smelt iron nuggets into wrought ones and craft ingots from them).

Alternatively, find more iron and use tools made from TC shards. You need thaumium ingots (crafted into rods) to make them, but they are higher level than iron/bronze tools and have some additional properties, e.g. aqua has fortune III and terra is very durable.

Also, create RC coke ovens to make charcoal and use IC2 sticky resin for torches, if you haven't already.
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What is Thaumcraft method of steel generation?
It gives you the ability to turn iron nuggets into steel nuggets for one ordo each IIRC. Combined with the method of swapping what metal nuggets are and you're a good halfway to EE2 for metals with the ability to turn basically any metal into any other, getting the ordo for steel can be a little tricky but glass can be used to get it for an easy method if memory serves, either that or using excess metal to get it as with the right combinations of recipes can generate more metallum then you put in for loops that output more then what you put in which can be a good source of metal along with a supply of ordo.
Which mod adds all those microblocks? It says "Forge Microblocks" ingame but there is no such mod in the files. I want to try to disable it, i doubt that will mess up other recepies...