[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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Impure dust is best to smelt to get ingots
If you will get pure dust sometimes the smelting output is not an ingot but 4 nuggets
Smelting crushed ores you will get 10nuggets if the ore is "classic" (like Tin, Iron). If you will try to smelt crushed Chalcopyrite for example, you will get only 3 tin nuggets.

So make pure dust only if you want it to use in some alloying recipe (or centrifuge or basically any other machine)

That does depend on what youre smelting, things like crushed iron, copper and tin are more profitable in early game to smelt directly from the crushed form - you get 10 nuggets which is more than a bar.
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So I've started going through and figuring out what everything is worth, I'm just recording them to JSON so I can easily write a script to convert it to a minetweaker file as it also makes it much easier to record and update.

My current issues are as follows:

  • There are several fake elements that I don't know what to do with. Should I add them with high numbers or what?
    • Nt (Neutronium)
    • Nq (Naquadah)
    • Nq+ (Enriched Naquadah)
    • Ma (Seems to be magic)
    • X (Combines with Naquadah to make Naquadria)
  • Carbon has different values in GT and minechem. In GT Coal is worth 2 dust and charcoal 1 dust but in Minechem they're both worth 8 carbon.
  • Uranium-235 and Plutonium-241 are isotope forms of their elements so are unsupported, allowing conversion to U-238 and Pu-241 may introduce issues.
  • Should I add molecules for the different alloys and gems or just make them composed of the elements? Some stuff like pyrite and olivine already have molecules in minechem.
  • A lot of alloys have ratios that don't mesh well with minechem's 16 element per ingot count. Invar as a basic example with 10 Iron/5 Nickel and 12 Iron/6 Nickel being the closest. What should I do for them? Slightly random outputs seem like the best option with it weighted so that it equals the correct amount in the long run.
  • Wrought Iron = Pig Iron = Iron. Does this matter? In a similar vein Damascus Steel = Steel.
  • Redstone has massively different components in minechem and GT. CuFe2O3 in Minechem and SiFe5S10CrAl2O3Hg3 or something crazy like that for GT. This needs to be resolved for some dusts to work. This issue also occurs with ender pearls from what I've seen so far.
  • What to do about magnetic dusts for synthesizing? Should it be possible?
  • I'm not sure how to tell what metals shouldn't be craftable as I can add minechem stuff for them so you can get anything if wanted. Current stuff I haven't figured out how to get though and so how to tell what the proportions are.
    • Blue Alloy
    • Osmiridium
    • Sunnarium
    • Adamantium
    • HSLA Steel
    • Infused Gold
    • Duranium
    • Tritanium
    • Meteoric Iron (What's the difference from normal iron?)
    • Dark Iron
    • Firey Steel
    • Firestone
  • Yttrium Barium Cuprate magics up oxygen, does that matter?
  • Unreliable conversion rate between GT gases and Minechem chemicals, I've been going 1 bucket = 8 molecules but Minechem gives more then a bucket of components sometimes. On that note should I try to add conversion between them?
  • Minechem Emerald contains about 4x as much stuff and a bit of vanadium and chromium. What do you want?
  • On a related note should I try and tweak Minechem to be more inline with GT? I'm already doing it for ruby at least due to radically different recipes.
That's from checking through the first third or so of them. Here is a link to what I've done in case you want to check any of them.

Edit: Updating this as I keep going through them. I'll stop when someone replies to the thread to keep it easier to monitor the changes.
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  • Uranium-235 and Plutonium-241 are isotope forms of their elements so are unsupported, allowing conversion to U-238 and Pu-241 may introduce issues.
  • Should I add molecules for the different alloys and gems or just make them composed of the elements? Some stuff like pyrite and olivine already have molecules in minechem.
  • A lot of alloys have ratios that don't mesh well with minechem's 16 element per ingot count. Invar as a basic example with 10 Iron/5 Nickel and 12 Iron/6 Nickel being the closest. What should I do for them? Slightly random outputs seem like the best option with it weighted so that it equals the correct amount in the long run.
  • Unreliable conversion rate between GT gases and Minechem chemicals, I've been going 1 bucket = 8 molecules but Minechem gives more then a bucket of components sometimes. On that note should I try to add conversion between them?
  • What to do about magnetic dusts for synthesizing? Should it be possible?
  • On a related note should I try and tweak Minechem to be more inline with GT? I'm already doing it for ruby at least due to radically different recipes.

My two cents on a few of your notes:
  • U-235: Hard to get in GT from 238, so direction conversion would be imbalancing and undesirable.
  • Molecules: Whichever is simplest
  • Alloy ratios: minechem does that too sometimes, i think you have the right idea
  • GT Gases: already don't work properly with minechem. Any Oxygen you produce in minechem will *not* work with GT recipes at this time. Don't waste too much time worrying about this one yet
  • Magnetic dusts: Magnetetic iron would decompose into iron. Nothing should synthesize magnetic iron (its not an element nor molecule nor compound per se)
  • GT: Yes, targeting GT for this pack is definitely ideal :)

You've embarked on a rather difficult mission here Xavion. Great stuff you've collected so far, good luck :)
Impure dust is best to smelt to get ingots
If you will get pure dust sometimes the smelting output is not an ingot but 4 nuggets
Smelting crushed ores you will get 10nuggets if the ore is "classic" (like Tin, Iron). If you will try to smelt crushed Chalcopyrite for example, you will get only 3 tin nuggets.

So make pure dust only if you want it to use in some alloying recipe (or centrifuge or basically any other machine)

There's only one way to know what to do with your ores, and that is NEI. Every ore acts in a different way, and there's no universal rule to apply.

Impure dusts that SHOULDN'T be purified/centrifuged are:
-possibly some others, I can't remember more now
These ores should be smelted instead, since after purifying they yield much less stuff.

The rest is safe to purify, and most have to be purified to be of any use (bauxite, redstone etc).

I recently finished my automatic ore processing line, so it's a fresh topic for me. It uses GT machines, EiO conduits and conduit filters and RR block extenders. That's all, nothing more is required :) Most ores go through:
1. Universal Macerator
2. Ore Washing Plant
3. Thermal Centrifuge
4. Universal Macerator #2
5. Electrolyzer/Furnace/Imported to ME system (depending on ore)
5a. All tiny piles go to a packaging system, stone dust is voided.

It's still not 100% efficient since I'm not using Chemical Bath and Electromagnetic Separators, but it's fine for me because I have a lot of gold :)
So I've started going through and figuring out what everything is worth, I'm just recording them to JSON so I can easily write a script to convert it to a minetweaker file as it also makes it much easier to record and update.

My current issues are as follows:

  • There are several fake elements that I don't know what to do with. Should I add them with high numbers or what?
    • Nt (Neutronium)
    • Nq (Naquadah)
    • Nq+ (Enriched Naquadah)
    • Ma (Seems to be magic)
    • X (Combines with Naquadah to make Naquadria)
  • Carbon has different values in GT and minechem. In GT Coal is worth 2 dust and charcoal 1 dust but in Minechem they're both worth 8 carbon.
  • Uranium-235 and Plutonium-241 are isotope forms of their elements so are unsupported, allowing conversion to U-238 and Pu-241 may introduce issues.
  • Should I add molecules for the different alloys and gems or just make them composed of the elements? Some stuff like pyrite and olivine already have molecules in minechem.
  • A lot of alloys have ratios that don't mesh well with minechem's 16 element per ingot count. Invar as a basic example with 10 Iron/5 Nickel and 12 Iron/6 Nickel being the closest. What should I do for them? Slightly random outputs seem like the best option with it weighted so that it equals the correct amount in the long run.
  • Wrought Iron = Pig Iron = Iron. Does this matter? In a similar vein Damascus Steel = Steel.
  • Redstone has massively different components in minechem and GT. CuFe2O3 in Minechem and SiFe5S10CrAl2O3Hg3 or something crazy like that for GT. This needs to be resolved for some dusts to work. This issue also occurs with ender pearls from what I've seen so far.
  • What to do about magnetic dusts for synthesizing? Should it be possible?
  • I'm not sure how to tell what metals shouldn't be craftable as I can add minechem stuff for them so you can get anything if wanted. Current stuff I haven't figured out how to get though and so how to tell what the proportions are.
    • Blue Alloy
    • Osmiridium
    • Sunnarium
    • Adamantium
    • HSLA Steel
    • Infused Gold
    • Duranium
    • Tritanium
    • Meteoric Iron (What's the difference from normal iron?)
    • Dark Iron
    • Firey Steel
    • Firestone
  • Yttrium Barium Cuprate magics up oxygen, does that matter?
  • Unreliable conversion rate between GT gases and Minechem chemicals, I've been going 1 bucket = 8 molecules but Minechem gives more then a bucket of components sometimes. On that note should I try to add conversion between them?
  • Minechem Emerald contains about 4x as much stuff and a bit of vanadium and chromium. What do you want?
  • On a related note should I try and tweak Minechem to be more inline with GT? I'm already doing it for ruby at least due to radically different recipes.
That's from checking through the first third or so of them. Here is a link to what I've done in case you want to check any of them.

Edit: Updating this as I keep going through them. I'll stop when someone replies to the thread to keep it easier to monitor the changes.
Wow, awesome job.
  • IF there are some futuristic elements (like naquadah or neutronium), feel free to add these elements. But only the core one... so dont care about Enriched Naq and the X thingie
  • Honestly, this one I dont understand what you mean :)
  • Uranium235 no conversion, thats for sure
  • If there is already an element (molecule) in MNinechem (like Pyrite molecule) Then decompose the Pyrite into Pyrite. For others which dont have molecules in minechem, just decomp it to elements (or even some other molecules if there are some). Dont add unnecesary new molecules.
  • For this I just say yes. Random weighted output seems like a best solution.
  • With this just decomp it all to the same amount and for synthesis make "shaped" versions for each. So for example normal iron = 16,-,-/-,-,-/-,-,- Wrought iron -,16,-/-,-,-/-,-,- . I know wrought iron is obtainable by smelting iron, but its not that big a deal, because you are working with expensive machine.
  • With stuff that GT and Minechem has totally diferent (like redstone or enderpearls), look for Centrifuge/Electrolyzer recipes and utilize that for decomp/synth
  • magnetic dust = decomp to normal (magnetic iron = 16Fe); do not synthesize
  • I would say for those dusts which are bit wierd, dont care about it.
  • I would say dump out the Oxygen part
  • Can you give me an example?
  • "Nerf" it towards GT
  • It is a GT pack so inline with GT is the correct way
Did anyone managed to make a Clay Bee, in an apiary, in this pack? I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, I have a Diligent and Meadows tolerant to Damp, in a Damp biome, with flowers and Clay blocks. I had at least 30 tries, already, and nothing.

Edit1: I just found out that the block of clay has to be UNDER the apiaries. Trying it now..

Edit2: It worked! Finally.
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Here's my list of decomposes for the alloys/unknown metals:
  • Blue Alloy - Nikolite could be CoFe2O3 instead of CuFe2O3, as redstone gets its color from copper and nikolite could get its color from possibly a blue metal like cobalt. Add to this the metal needed for the blue alloy alongside the nikolite (can't remember) and boom.
  • Osmiridium - You could add a new molecule for this, Osmiridium(OsIr) and it would output 8 of it.
  • Sunnarium - Sunnarium is made from UU-Matter and should be undecomposable/unsynthesizable.
  • Adamantium - This metal is fictional and needs Metallurgy to work, in which Metallurgy counts it as one of the rarest ores. Plus Metallurgy isn't included in this pack. Should not have a recipe.
  • HSLA Steel - Should output what normal steel outputs with your Damascus Steel = Steel thing you got.
  • Infused Gold - This, along with Annealed Copper, both should decompose to their original metals such as Gold and Copper as they are smelted in a blast furnace to be created.
  • Duranium - I thought Greg intended for this to be unavailable.
  • Tritanium - I think Greg also intended for this to be unavailable, but could be fixed with a Galacticraft addon which could have a rocket which can travel to a star systen where one of the planets is named Argus X and ore for this metal can spawn there.
  • Meteoric Iron - The only difference between normal iron is that it spawns in the moon and probably could include a stronger material like Titanium. My answer is Fe12Ti4.
  • Dark Iron - This one is from Metallurgy and along with Astral Silver these should output what their original metal is.
  • Fiery Steel - Fiery steel is unobtainable unless you have Twilight Forest, which isn't in the pack. Either should work with the =Steel thing, or have no recipe.
  • Firestone - This makes energy, potentially leading to an infinite energy loop. Should have no recipe.
For the elements:
  • Nt (Neutronium) = Should be added as element number 115, also known as Ununpentium. Should also decay into Flerovium after 2 secs(mentioned below)
  • Nq (Naquadah) = Should be added as element number 117, also known as Ununseptium. Should also decay into Livermorium after 2 seconds(mentioned below)
  • Nq+ (Enriched Naquadah) = Should be added as element number 118 (Ununoctium) and should be obtained by fusing Uus(Neutronium) with X(Hydrogen) in a Minechem fusion reactor. Should also decay into Naquadah after 2 seconds, so getting this stuff from Naquadah with Minechem would be extremely tricky unless you use pipes exploiting the dropped item/pipe/fusion reactor/fission reactor no decay bug.
  • Ma (Magic) = I remember I struggled with what Ma could mean a couple months ago (What an idiot I was) and found a lead that it could be Masurium which was the old and replaced name for Technetium. So possibly make recipes output an element like Technetium (Technetium is a pretty interesting element, so maybe it could fit by itself.)
  • X (Nq + X = Nq+) = As I mentioned, Hydrogen.
Some new elements which would make sense to add:
  • Flerovium: Element 114, should decay into Ununtrium after 5 seconds.
  • Livermorium: Element 116, should decay into Neutronium/Ununpentium after 2 secs.
Speaking of which, the uneven alloys:
  • Invar: Fe10Ni6 would be more realistic.
  • Stainless Steel: Fe12Cr1Mg2Ni1 would be more realistic.
  • Nichrome: Ni12Cr4 would be more realistic.
  • Kanthal: Fe5Al6Cr6 would be more realistic.
  • Magnalium: Mg4Al12 would be more realistic.
  • Soldering Alloy: Sn14Sb2 may not be more realistic, but in real life fits the percentage of Antimony.
  • Battery Alloy: Pb12Sb4 has the same rule above.
As for the carbon chances per ingot/dust:
  • Steel: 98% Fe16, 2% Fe15C1
  • Tungstensteel: 99% W8Fe8, 1% W8Fe8C1

These are just ideas and not meant to be the final product's outline. These could be worked on/worked with.

Edit: Forgot to mention Charcoal/Coal conflict. Change the Minechem recipe for Coal to give 16C, then try to work with that.
Edit edit: Also forgot to mention some ideas I had for new real life elements, added them above.
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So I shouldn't make Naquadria obtainable? Okay. That means my fictitious element list is just Naquadah, Neutronium, and Magic (Any suggestions for a better name for that?). Any thoughts on how they'd be obtainable with fusion reactors? As in should they be obtainable? Because currently I've got Naquadah being obtainable with a number of 126 and Neutronium being obtainable as the fusion of two Naqudah but Magic has a high enough atomic numbers it isn't, I've strongly considered making Naquadah unobtainable through fusion but people who are actually experienced on end-game GT will probably know better, I can remove the ability to get neutronium as well if you want it to be unobtainable still. I've also considered adding a bunch of effects to magic to go with the fact you've got a vial of pure magic, I'll probably end up doing it. I have to investigate super high elements some more though as I've managed to crash the server and the client at the same time currently by playing with them, suspect a possible bug in MineChem related to the fission reactor when there is nothing half it's size.

For conversion rates the biggest one is that 1000L of a fluid is worth 1 dust in GT but dusts are worth 16 atoms and 1000mB of a fluid is worth 8, that's a major issue though if compatibility is wanted, otherwise I can just treat GT fluid as worth twice as much as minechem fluid. Other stuff like the fact that water buckets decompose to twice as much water as it needs to make them, although I think this is just due to your change.

Also can I change charcoal to only need 4 carbon or coal to need 16? Because it's needed to make carbon dust somewhat balanced, it won't really be due to the masses of carbon that are easily obtainable from cellulose but at least a little effort would be good.

Thoughts on things like ruby, emerald, or diamond dust. Should I make them decomposable and synthesisable? Note this is particularly important for ruby as a component of redstone.

Also what's with the weirder new nether star recipe? I could make that includes magic as well if you wanted, it's only obtainable from magical items which is basically just thaumcraft stuff.

What should I do on the materials added by other mods that I could make obtainable? Like most of the twilight forest materials and a lot of the metallurgy ones have simple components according to gregtech that I could very easily make it possible to get them, you'd need a synthesiser and a bunch of magical components to get the magic needed for those examples but it would be perfectly possible to make a lot more materials available. Osmiridium I was just planning on adding as a osmium iridium hybrid for example in the vein of Naquadah alloy where it's 1 osmium + 1 iridium = 1 osmiridium.

As far as molecules go I'll be at least adding the ones GT states exist in it's formulas, I'll avoid adding any but some may need to be added.

For synthesis for ones with weird formulas it's an issue, I'm just going with mass synthesis from the looks of things, so you can only synthesise redstone in lots of 25 for example.

Apparently I forgot to post this earlier, oh well.

Quick mention on the most recent two posts, Naquadria and Enriched Naquadah are isotopes of Naquadah so unobtainable unless it's wanted for me to add them. Both Naquadah and Neutronium are not radioactive as well as being super late game materials which was why I made Neutronium only obtainable from Naquadah and considered Naquadah being unobtainable from fusion. I'm also going to be going through and any material that from other mods isn't usable in a pickaxe per the ftb page isn't getting in as they're useless, someone might want astral silver tools or something though so they're staying. I'm also keeping Ma as a super element, currently it's number 777 and I'm doing so to try and keep it requiring magical sources to obtain, as is it's a way of creating stuff like shards or thaumium from magical substances and the only way of getting things like mithril or midasium. Not including anything for firestone or firestone dust is fine, if anyone who knows more about later game gregtech chimes in I could do meteroic iron containing trace amounts of titanium just fine.
Neutronium isn't available by default but making it available is trivial, just make it requiring fusing two Naquadah was my suggestion. It's mainly useful as a stupidly high durability material, it can also be used to make the max voltage machines just in case it's worth having those available. I'll change so Naquadah is unobtainable but that can be modified if anyone feels it should be obtainable from fusing elements. I'll also just skip duranium and tritanium for now, they're not the only ones I am by any means but they're one of the few that can make tools and is.
Since I am currently at work, so can't really read through all the stuff posted :) But all in all... Don't be much keen on doing it too much complex. I dont want to turn this into Minechem based modpack instead of GT based :D
Is there any particular reason why Growthcraft rice paddies can't be crafted? I couldn't find any minetweaker script or config option turning them off, so maybe it's bugged?

Also I just started up an Ifnitech2 2.1.1 server, currently no whitelist. I'm a total newbie when it comes to GT and the world is only a day old, so feel free to join if you're into that kind of thing! ;) Forum thread is here.
Is there any particular reason why Growthcraft rice paddies can't be crafted? I couldn't find any minetweaker script or config option turning them off, so maybe it's bugged?

Also I just started up an Ifnitech2 2.1.1 server, currently no whitelist. I'm a total newbie when it comes to GT and the world is only a day old, so feel free to join if you're into that kind of thing! ;) Forum thread is here.
Your thread link is broken sir.
Which mod is causing mobs to take damage if packed in too tightly? I'm losing half my cows when they rush up to feed when I breed them :p

*Edited for spelling
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Oops, sorry. That is the right link - apparently it is currently awaiting moderation as it was just posted, so that's probably why it's not working. There's also this reddit thread if you like.
Thanks. I remember a setting in a config file but couldn't find it. I like the mechanic, but it doesn't blend well with vanilla breeding mechanics. I'll still spread them out into pastures and such, but I'd rather not lose half the herd at feeding time.
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What's everyone using for power other than steam? I'm approaching the HV age (well into MV stage here, looking for an endgame solutioun). Is everyone on biofuel/ethanol or are we using diesel? Big reactors? Bees? I'm currently on Enderio powered charcoal/tree farm and looking to upgrade. Can't power both my EBF and MV processing setup with 2x 36hp RC boilers and was looking at upgrading rather than expanding my current setup.
What's everyone using for power other than steam? I'm approaching the HV age (well into MV stage here, looking for an endgame solutioun). Is everyone on biofuel/ethanol or are we using diesel? Big reactors? Bees? I'm currently on Enderio powered charcoal/tree farm and looking to upgrade. Can't power both my EBF and MV processing setup with 2x 36hp RC boilers and was looking at upgrading rather than expanding my current setup.
You should be able to get more power out of whatever tree farm you have currently. Bear in mind that LP boilers are considerably more efficient than HP, so having 4x36LP instead of 2x36HP might wring some more life out of your farm.

Some interesting and unusual alternate options:
* nitrodiesel. You can get crazy amounts of oil from a single well. Set up a bunch of BC refineries (they're more efficient) and convert it to nitro using LV machinery.
* IC2 nuclear: A MOX reactor can easily surpass 800 eu/t safely. What's crazy is they breed plutonium too, so, make several? I've never had one explode on me but you might want to build far from your base since IC2 explosions are...interesting.
* IC2 Biomass: I never did get around to trying this, because treefarm/steam is just so absurdly OP. But it looks fun and worth trying.
* Minechem fuels: NEI "burn time" some time. You'll find neat things like trinitrotoluene (TNT) with a crazy burn time of 5000 or something. You could easily rig a system to make this stuff and toss it in your existing boilers.

Personally I'm doing big reactors this time around. I've never really gotten into them before so I'm having a riot. My current reactor is giving me around 20k RF/T (5000 eu/t with current conversion rates but we're looking to adjust that a bit in the near future). That same reactor is probably capable of doing 80k rf/t once its fully loaded out with the best electric coils and 2 more turbines.
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