[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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I'm thinking about doing some serious bee and tree breeding for the first time in my MC playthroughs. Should I fiddle with 'vanilla' forestry mechanics or use gendustry/genetics instead ? If no.2- which of those mods would you recommend ?
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Yeah not been very satisfied with BOP this edition.

Same. I've done two worlds with too many mushroom biomes and magic biomes. This time, I disabled BoP and EXBL and have been happier overall. While I don't have the cool-looking, craggy biomes, I don't have to deal with nearly useless biomes like mushrooms. And, I can actually find ocean, jungle, and desert biomes !

Note, though, if you disable (remove) BoP and EXBL, you will need to update the scripts in the /scripts folder. Send me a PM if you're interested and I'll send you my scripts.
Galacticraft compressed plates, yes, are made in the implosion compressor. I recommend setting up a TNT factory of some sort.

Agree completely. GC will use a lot of industrial TNT. For gunpowder, there's many ways to skin the cat. A mob spawner (creepers), bees, Minechem, saltpeter, etc.,.
I'm thinking about doing some serious bee and tree breeding for the first time in my MC playthroughs. Should I fiddle with 'vanilla' forestry mechanics or use gendustry/genetics instead ? If no.2- which of those mods would you recommend ?

You'll be starting off with Forestry regardless, with just a dash (touch) of eithr MagicBees or ExtraBees for the mutation frames (Metabolic or Soul, respectively). Then, for the 2% and 1% species, I recommend Gendustry for your time through bees.

And, don't get discouraged. It's a numbers (odds) game. For the difficult species, do many (at least 3 or 4) breeding attempts in parallel until you get Gendustry going. I recommend:

20% or greater chance : just 1 Apiary with 3 Soul or Metabolic
10% or greater : 2 Apiaries
5% or greater : 3 Apiaries
2% or greater : 6 Apiaries
1% or greater : LOL. Just use Gendustry ;-)

...in parellel. Otherwise, you will need many serial attempts. And, serial attempts are frustrating for most.

For Gendustry, you need just 1 attempt. Gendustry is successful 100% of the time, though it requires a *ton* of energy in this pack. It's basically an HV or EV-era technology.
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I've checked the Ender IO config, and crafting dimensional transcievers is set to true, but they're not showing up in NEI. Are they disabled with a script or am I just derping?
I've checked the Ender IO config, and crafting dimensional transcievers is set to true, but they're not showing up in NEI. Are they disabled with a script or am I just derping?
Not derping at all. If you really hate this nerf you can remove these lines from scripts/enderio.zs

thanks. Yeah.. I don't see a way around tesseracts unless someone mods in a trans-dimensional locomotive or something.
Modpack update v2.1.1 - Pretty much just fixes and updates
Still recommended is 2.0.10. If you want to play 2.1.1 you need to select it from the version dropdown menu in FTB launcher
Updated Mods:
- Binnie Mods to 2.0-pre5
- Buildcraft to 6.3.3
- Carpenter's Blocks to
- Chisel 2 to
- ChiselFacades to 2.10
- EnderIO to
- EnetBridge to 1.6
- ExtraCells to 2.2.47b73
- Galacticraft to
- Immibis Core to 59.0.7
- IC2 to 2.2.666
- MalisisDoors to 1.4.3
- NEI Integration to 1.0.5
- OpenComputers to
- OpenModsLib to 0.6-296
- PneumaticCraft to 1.5.3
- RandomThings to 2.2.4
- ttCOre to 0.1.0-60
- WailaPlugins to 0.0.1-12
- Yampst-InfiTech 2 to 2.1.1

Config Changes/Fixes
- Fixed infitech.zs script file by removing Enchiridion entries from it.
- Fixed occasional Crash with Malisis Doors on dedicated servers
- Fixed Carpenter's Blocks not keeping information with NBT registered items/blocks

MIssing items/blocks in update 2.1.0 => 2.1.1:
2x chisel
You'll be starting off with Forestry regardless, with just a dash (touch) of eithr MagicBees or ExtraBees for the mutation frames (Metabolic or Soul, respectively). Then, for the 2% and 1% species, I recommend Gendustry for your time through bees.

And, don't get discouraged. It's a numbers (odds) game. For the difficult species, do many (at least 3 or 4) breeding attempts in parallel until you get Gendustry going. I recommend:

20% or greater chance : just 1 Apiary with 3 Soul or Metabolic
10% or greater : 2 Apiaries
5% or greater : 3 Apiaries
2% or greater : 6 Apiaries
1% or greater : LOL. Just use Gendustry ;-)

...in parellel. Otherwise, you will need many serial attempts. And, serial attempts are frustrating for most.

For Gendustry, you need just 1 attempt. Gendustry is successful 100% of the time, though it requires a *ton* of energy in this pack. It's basically an HV or EV-era technology.

Thanks :) I'm in the GT 'MV era' at that moment, but I have some ender IO machines and energy generation too, so maybe I'll be able to power Gendustry stuff with RF, if it accepts that kind of power in this pack.
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Thanks :) I'm in the GT 'MV era' at that moment, but I have some ender IO machines and energy generation too, so maybe I'll be able to power Gendustry stuff with RF, if it accepts that kind of power in this pack.
Oddly, we were only able to power Gendustry stuff with GT power of all things. Can't really explain it. This was two versions ago.
Honestly in theory you should be able to power it with EU, MJ and RF. Only config I am able to find for gendustry specifies Shown Power Units, which is set to EU.

Anyway... RF is something "minor" in the pack, so even if this config option makes Gendustry machines to only accept EU, its not an issue :D
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Ok thaumnerds, @SpwnX mentioned this mod on the IC2 forums. Someone should test it and let me know if its stable/cool :p
It lets you track nodes in a pretty gui. I like the look of it even if it is thaumcraft, which is devilry. I run away from it as fast as I can (using my boots of traveller and thaum-harnest for extra speed)
What has your experience been with the charged node mechanic / feature ?
These: (if you look at the date of the screenshot you can see how old those are...)
Before energizing

After energizing

a lovely 7³ cube for a month or two leads to these. All teh power i ever need for magicks.
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Honestly in theory you should be able to power it with EU, MJ and RF. Only config I am able to find for gendustry specifies Shown Power Units, which is set to EU.

Anyway... RF is something "minor" in the pack, so even if this config option makes Gendustry machines to only accept EU, its not an issue :D

Well, it surely isn't an issue, it will just slow my progress a bit, just like other 'no-shortcut' tweaks (e.g. lack of ender io silicon or creating dark steel in EBF) :) I got my (almost)full automatic setup of nitro-diesel production going, so it's just matter of getting chrome for stainless steel and dusts for better batteries.

Btw. how do you produce and store large quantities of EUs ? Higher tier generators or clusters of LVs (if yes, how do you connect it to minimize energy loss) ? So far I created one MV diesel generator to get my EBF going at full speed and 2 LVs for other machines, but higher tier ones seem to be pretty inefficient when compared to those LVs. I guess that I wouldn't really notice much difference while doing regular GT stuff, but with every Gendustry operation taking 5M EUs (according to NEI) it starts to matter more.
Well, it surely isn't an issue, it will just slow my progress a bit, just like other 'no-shortcut' tweaks (e.g. lack of ender io silicon or creating dark steel in EBF) :) I got my (almost)full automatic setup of nitro-diesel production going, so it's just matter of getting chrome for stainless steel and dusts for better batteries.

Btw. how do you produce and store large quantities of EUs ? Higher tier generators or clusters of LVs (if yes, how do you connect it to minimize energy loss) ? So far I created one MV diesel generator to get my EBF going at full speed and 2 LVs for other machines, but higher tier ones seem to be pretty inefficient when compared to those LVs. I guess that I wouldn't really notice much difference while doing regular GT stuff, but with every Gendustry operation taking 5M EUs (according to NEI) it starts to matter more.
Generating eus isn't really a huge issue in this pack, but storage presents lots of interesting problems.

I've been using 4 MFSUs for several weeks now, for a total of 160,000,000 eu. They're connected front-to-back right now so that I can easily monitor my energy supply, but this setup is starting to show its limitations badly. First off, it means I'm limited to 2048 eu/t in and out, and my industry now demands more than that all the frigging time (even bearing in mind that I have battery buffers all over the place, but they drain more quickly than they can share 2048 nicely). Also, I just want more storage than 160 mil.

I probably should have done a parallel setup instead, giving me 2048*4 in and out, but I haven't figured out a good way to say "my total energy storage is now 25% full" doing that.

Last night I created my first IV machine: an Insane Voltage Battery Buffer (16x). This thing outputs 8192eu/t for each battery it has. Sadly this thing takes Lapotronic Energy Orbs, which take an obscene number of lapotron crystals to make, so its gonna be just 6amps for a while. I just need to figure out how I'd like to output that energy (whether to convert it straight back to IC2 immediately to prevent lossy transmission or what)
Final noob question I promise: I can't for the life of me figure out how to make iron in the EBF. I've tried connecting oxygen to the input hatch, the EBF itself, putting iron in the input hatch and the gui, to no avail. Do I have to use oxygen cells or does it not take fluid oxygen?
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@SpwnX Wow ! That's one huge node !

My first charged node was just a . I wanted to keep making progress in Thaumcraft. The new wand foci improvement mechanic, for instance, requires a charged node. I also wanted a more reliable way to charge my sceptres.

The charged node I have cooking *now*, though, already has greater potential. It would reduce down to about a if I charged it now. I'll keep it going for as along as I can.