I'm thinking about doing some serious bee and tree breeding for the first time in my MC playthroughs. Should I fiddle with 'vanilla' forestry mechanics or use gendustry/genetics instead ? If no.2- which of those mods would you recommend ?
Yeah not been very satisfied with BOP this edition.
Galacticraft compressed plates, yes, are made in the implosion compressor. I recommend setting up a TNT factory of some sort.
I'm thinking about doing some serious bee and tree breeding for the first time in my MC playthroughs. Should I fiddle with 'vanilla' forestry mechanics or use gendustry/genetics instead ? If no.2- which of those mods would you recommend ?
Not derping at all. If you really hate this nerf you can remove these lines from scripts/enderio.zsI've checked the Ender IO config, and crafting dimensional transcievers is set to true, but they're not showing up in NEI. Are they disabled with a script or am I just derping?
You'll be starting off with Forestry regardless, with just a dash (touch) of eithr MagicBees or ExtraBees for the mutation frames (Metabolic or Soul, respectively). Then, for the 2% and 1% species, I recommend Gendustry for your time through bees.
And, don't get discouraged. It's a numbers (odds) game. For the difficult species, do many (at least 3 or 4) breeding attempts in parallel until you get Gendustry going. I recommend:
20% or greater chance : just 1 Apiary with 3 Soul or Metabolic
10% or greater : 2 Apiaries
5% or greater : 3 Apiaries
2% or greater : 6 Apiaries
1% or greater : LOL. Just use Gendustry ;-)
...in parellel. Otherwise, you will need many serial attempts. And, serial attempts are frustrating for most.
For Gendustry, you need just 1 attempt. Gendustry is successful 100% of the time, though it requires a *ton* of energy in this pack. It's basically an HV or EV-era technology.
Oddly, we were only able to power Gendustry stuff with GT power of all things. Can't really explain it. This was two versions ago.ThanksI'm in the GT 'MV era' at that moment, but I have some ender IO machines and energy generation too, so maybe I'll be able to power Gendustry stuff with RF, if it accepts that kind of power in this pack.
These: (if you look at the date of the screenshot you can see how old those are...)What has your experience been with the charged node mechanic / feature ?
Honestly in theory you should be able to power it with EU, MJ and RF. Only config I am able to find for gendustry specifies Shown Power Units, which is set to EU.
Anyway... RF is something "minor" in the pack, so even if this config option makes Gendustry machines to only accept EU, its not an issue![]()
Generating eus isn't really a huge issue in this pack, but storage presents lots of interesting problems.Well, it surely isn't an issue, it will just slow my progress a bit, just like other 'no-shortcut' tweaks (e.g. lack of ender io silicon or creating dark steel in EBF)I got my (almost)full automatic setup of nitro-diesel production going, so it's just matter of getting chrome for stainless steel and dusts for better batteries.
Btw. how do you produce and store large quantities of EUs ? Higher tier generators or clusters of LVs (if yes, how do you connect it to minimize energy loss) ? So far I created one MV diesel generator to get my EBF going at full speed and 2 LVs for other machines, but higher tier ones seem to be pretty inefficient when compared to those LVs. I guess that I wouldn't really notice much difference while doing regular GT stuff, but with every Gendustry operation taking 5M EUs (according to NEI) it starts to matter more.
That's the direction I'm leaning too. A few dozen eu out of 8192 is fairly irrelevant, and any transforming I do to/from ic2 is going to incur loss anyway.anything beyond MV have little loss, you should just use IV wiring. or EV since its cheaper.
Are Ender Rails enabled?thanks. Yeah.. I don't see a way around tesseracts unless someone mods in a trans-dimensional locomotive or something.