[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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YADQ. How does one move IC2 machines? For example, I built a fluid/sold canning machine to make that IC2 coolant (thanks for the tips, guys). I wanted to move it, but the GT wrench didn't seem to be doing the trick and WALIA said to use a pick axe, which of course broke the machine into a casing.
Speaking of the GD GT wrench, is there a config to turn off the "I touch this chest with a wrench and it poops all of its contents (and itself) into the world" behavior?
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Guys, silly question: at some point did various metal Block-type items get removed from GregTech? Apparently we used to be able to make Titanium blocks and such (which would be compatible with big reactors), but they don't seem to exist anymore in NEI nor does the block-extruder-shape work with titanium as expected.
I believe they got removed in GT4, but I can't even recall metal blocks back then. I was thinking of making an addon to GT which adds metal blocks, or make a separate mod as like a universal metal block mod with OreDictionary. There was also invar blocks, platinum blocks, electrum blocks etc in GregTech. The last time I remember using them was back in 1.4.7, where I got so OP with UU Matter that I made a base out of the blocks.,

EDIT: Never mind. Greg said he's adding them. http://forum.industrial-craft.net/index.php?page=Thread&postID=178940#post178940
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YADQ. How does one move IC2 machines? For example, I built a fluid/sold canning machine to make that IC2 coolant (thanks for the tips, guys). I wanted to move it, but the GT wrench didn't seem to be doing the trick and WALIA said to use a pick axe, which of course broke the machine into a casing.
I hate the ic2 wrench mechanic. You need to right-click the "correct" face of an ic2 machine and it will remove it. Sometimes the correct face isn't the one you think it is. Sometimes you're just trying to rotate a machine and you pick it up. Sometimes you do this 14 times in a row before posting a reminder on the ic2 forum that their wrench mechanic needs to beg Greg's permission to do some cloning.
I believe they got removed in GT4, but I can't even recall metal blocks back then. I was thinking of making an addon to GT which adds metal blocks, or make a separate mod as like a universal metal block mod with OreDictionary. There was also invar blocks, platinum blocks, electrum blocks etc in GregTech. The last time I remember using them was back in 1.4.7, where I got so OP with UU Matter that I made a base out of the blocks.,

EDIT: Never mind. Greg said he's adding them. http://forum.industrial-craft.net/index.php?page=Thread&postID=178940#post178940
oh, cool, and neato :)
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I hate the ic2 wrench mechanic. You need to right-click the "correct" face of an ic2 machine and it will remove it. Sometimes the correct face isn't the one you think it is. Sometimes you're just trying to rotate a machine and you pick it up. Sometimes you do this 14 times in a row before posting a reminder on the ic2 forum that their wrench mechanic needs to beg Greg's permission to do some cloning.

Okay. I thought Greg was an IC2 dev. Can't he just cut and paste or something?
Hey so I just updated my server, and now cobblestone is macerating into stone dust instead of sand. Did I mess something up or is this just a change I didn't see mentioned in the change log?

Is there a config I can change to put this back? I am lazy and I like not having to harvest sand. :P
Using Large Bronze Boiler is the worst you can do. All Large Boilers use the same amount of fuel, but the Tungstensteel boiler produces 2.5x as much Steam. The Tungstensteel boiler is even a little bit more efficient as an full size RC boiler. Before you can affort a tungstensteel or at last a titanium boiler

Yes, but is tungstensteel available without a massive investment in time and energy?
Neither are steel and titanium, those are later in the game.
Bronze is useful in early game as a turbo, and like i said, once you start on the stepping stone towards electric steel manufacture, if youre for any reason unwilling to shell out the steel or wait for titanium to make a large boiler, then the bronze one is always an option, not one id recommend myself either - but i did do it, simply as part of an experiment on an early testing world.
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Yes, but is tungstensteel available without a massive investment in time and energy?
Neither are steel and titanium, those are later in the game.
Bronze is useful in early game as a turbo, and like i said, once you start on the stepping stone towards electric steel manufacture, if youre for any reason unwilling to shell out the steel or wait for titanium to make a large boiler, then the bronze one is always an option, not one id recommend myself either - but i did do it, simply as part of an experiment on an early testing world.

I have never made a Large Bronze Boiler. At first, you make steel in the Bronze Blast Furnace, with charcoal, so you don't need large amounts of steam, for that. You can get by with High Pressure Steam Boilers until you get enough steel for a Large Steel Boiler. I think that that much titanium is way harder to get, even late game, not to mention tungstensteel. Steel is a good balance, but I don't see the point in rushing the bronze one.

YADQ. How does one move IC2 machines? For example, I built a fluid/sold canning machine to make that IC2 coolant (thanks for the tips, guys). I wanted to move it, but the GT wrench didn't seem to be doing the trick and WALIA said to use a pick axe, which of course broke the machine into a casing.

Shouldn't it work with the Electric Wrench, on lossless mode? I haven't tried yet, but the normal Bronze Wrench has definitely a chance of giving only the casing.
Modpack Updated to 2.1.0
- Beta release. If everything goes ok with it, it will be pushed to recommended in a week. Available selection in the version dropdown menu
Updated Mods:
- Automagy to 0.18
- Binnie Mods to 2.0-pre4
- Biomes'o'plenty to
- CodeChickenCore to
- EnderIO to
- ExtraCells to 2.2.40b66
- Galacticraft to
- Gendustry to
- HEE to 1.7
- Nuclear Control to 2.1.2a
- Immibis Core to 59.0.6
- Malisis Core to 0.10.5
- Malisis Doors to 1.4.2
- OpenBlocks to 1.3-544
- OpenComputers to
- OpenModsLib to 0.6-294
- ProjectZulu to 1.4a
- SuperCraftingFrame to
- Thaumcraft to
- Thaumic Energistics to
- Thaumic Tinkerer to 2.5-440
- ttCore to 0.1.0-56
- WAILAPlugins to 0.0.1-11
- Yampst-Infitech 2 to 2.1.0

Removed mods:

- Enchiridion (compatibility issues)

Config changes/fixes:

- Disabled decomposition of any GT dusts (it was yielding only Cellulose). Can be hardcoded with minetweaker, if someone will want to make the scripts, feel free to do so.
- Did quite extensive Minechem Overhaul with lots of fixes and lots of tweaks.
- Fixed crafting of IHL Ace. it now needs Lapis plates instead of Lazurite.
- Added back the GC Refinery, due to unique ability to fill partially filled GC Canisters
- Fixed crash when looking recipes for Liquid DNA if Binnie mods and Gendustry are both enabled.
- Disabled GC Helium, because its registered by GT.
- Disabled Diamond dust decomposing.
- Journeymap webserver on clients disabled by default. Can be re-enabled in-game.

List of items missing in update 2.0.9(10) => 2.1.0:
- enchiridion:*
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[Feedback for 2.1.0]
I really suppose this is a personal preference thing. The bug generation when clearing grass/leaves seems pretty high. It was fun at first, but man... loads of bugs.
You have to set the version to 2.1.0 manually. It's not the recommended version yet. :)
EDIT: I don't actually know what mod adds the bugs.
My desire to update all the mods in the pack to the latest version is getting tempered by my desire to be lazy. I don't know how mod authors keep up with them all.