[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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Ok swore I read in here earlier about how to break monster spawners but for the life of me I can not find it.

So the question is how do I break spawners? Friend is into thaumcraft and is getting annoyed that he can not access the loot chest below the greatwood spider trees. Have I overlooked something? Thought it was suppose to be a dimaond pickaxe at a slow but that isn't having any success.
Honestly some picks may be better than others but mostly its a matter of patience. They really can take a few mins to break.
Ok swore I read in here earlier about how to break monster spawners but for the life of me I can not find it.

So the question is how do I break spawners? Friend is into thaumcraft and is getting annoyed that he can not access the loot chest below the greatwood spider trees. Have I overlooked something? Thought it was suppose to be a dimaond pickaxe at a slow but that isn't having any success.

Dark steel picks work for me.
Is there a way to prevent Red Rock Brick from spawning in the Mountain Ridge biome? I'm not sure if it's supposed to spawn naturally, but it doesn't look right with the rest of the biome.
He figured it out.

Also taking two minutes to mine a single spawner is a little excessive in my thoughts. Is there a config file to change the hardness?

Also I Apologize for being 'that' guy that always asked questions ><
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Okay, so rather than taking filled GC canisters with you, you just take a drum, fluid conduit, fueler, and GC batteries? If so, it sounds doable, but at a cost of inventory slots. More backpacks I guess. No big deal.

To fuel a rocket, you'll need a fueler, aye.
With all the different mods, what are most people using for storage in the LV/MV age? I just set up a new world now that I got the hang of GT (and changed a few configs), and was going to set up a massive refined relocation chest/barrel bank.
I use Logistics Pipes. Extremely simple and gives me nostalgia. Only downside is power, which it doesn't need constantly unlike AE.
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He figured it out.

Also taking two minutes to mine a single spawner is a little excessive in my thoughts. Is there a config file to change the hardness?

Also I Apologize for being 'that' guy that always asked questions ><

Yup, it's in gregtech.cfg in the gregtech config folder. "hardermobspawners" is the specific setting.

Also, you don't have to break the spawner to get the loot... you can always just break the chest itself...
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Ok swore I read in here earlier about how to break monster spawners but for the life of me I can not find it.

So the question is how do I break spawners? Friend is into thaumcraft and is getting annoyed that he can not access the loot chest below the greatwood spider trees. Have I overlooked something? Thought it was suppose to be a dimaond pickaxe at a slow but that isn't having any success.

Uhhh break the chest instead...
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If youre talking about spawners in mines, i actually ended up using TNT to breach a large enough gap around the spawner to place torches ... then just wailed on it with a pickaxe, problem sorted.
Though, i will note it is much much faster with efficiency 5.
With greatwood trees? yeah, second the motion of breaking the chest and getting the hell out of dodge before the spiders spawn.
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*Self-promotion activated* Season 2 of my Infitech LP is starting up today at 17:00 GMT+1. If everything goes as I have planned, IT episodes will be up every second day... with some other stuff in between. So there will be something to watch every day :) *Self-promotion disabled*

Harderspawners are simple because of little balancing issue. You have quite high chance that the spawner will drop for you to use in Powered Spawner, so thats the main reason of that :)
With greatwood trees? yeah, second the motion of breaking the chest and getting the hell out of dodge before the spiders spawn.
Exactly. I was once breaking the spawner with my iron pickaxe and after couple of seconds i realized: "What the hell I am doing, why not just break the chest underneath it" :D
Spider chests --> stainless steel

Those spiders chests are where the bulk of my Manganese comes from. Without spider chests, stainless steel would take a *lot* longer. I've only ever found a single Manganese vein out of about 5 worlds.
I want to setup a Nitrado-Server with Infitech2.

Normal Installation should be:
1. Stop the Nitrado server and delete everything from nitrado /minecraft
2. rename ********.jar into minecraft.jar
the Infitech2-server.zip has 2 jars included?! minecraft_server.1.7.10.jar and server-1.7.10-1232.jar
which one is right?
3. upload the content to your nitrado server
4. start the server - have fun

Problem: The Server is not starting correctly. It always restarts.
What am I doing wrong?
Good news for us lightly warped thaumaturgists, when the next minor update gets applied to the pack this will be in place!

from the change log:
warp events will now steadily reduce in frequency and eventually stop if you refrain from gaining warp or doing any warp related activities. The moment you gain warp again this resets.
Also there is two listed crash bugs for an even newer update so don't go testing these out on the public dev server until the next pack update can include it:
- fix for crash caused by mods that add copper or silver ore.
- re-added old, dead code since apparently Thaumic Tinkerer was using it. Directly accessing non-api code is bad m'kay.
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I want to setup a Nitrado-Server with Infitech2.

Normal Installation should be:
1. Stop the Nitrado server and delete everything from nitrado /minecraft
2. rename ********.jar into minecraft.jar
the Infitech2-server.zip has 2 jars included?! minecraft_server.1.7.10.jar and server-1.7.10-1232.jar
which one is right?
3. upload the content to your nitrado server
4. start the server - have fun

Problem: The Server is not starting correctly. It always restarts.
What am I doing wrong?
A) You need to accept eula (generated file eula.txt) on the first start of the server
B) You want to start the server using the server-1.7.10-1232.jar but you need both jar files to be present
C) If the server will not start even after this, contact the server providers, or someone familiar with Nitrado for help
So I recently set up a private server for myself and my friends using this pack. Firstly I want to say this pack is amazing! I've mostly played Direwolf20 packs, and I find I tend to get bored of them after a few weeks. Whereas in this pack, I'm 3 weeks in and I've only just begun entering the MV era.

So this is my first time using Gregtech. As I mentioned I am in the process of beginning the transition from LV to MV power. As such I'm finding my already taxed steam production to be grossly insufficient for power. So far I have small network of simple solar boilers feeding into a railcraft iron tank.

For a few days now I've been looking into power generation that will suit me I'm just not making much headway. Part of the problem is I just don't know what my options are in this pack. So I was really hoping someone would be willing to take the time to give me some insight into my options and best practices.

Here are the power production options I am aware of, and why I'm not thrilled with them and still seeking out others. Please let me know of any mid to late game power production options I'm missing, or if there is something I don't know about any of these.

Large GT Boilers -> Steam Turbines - These produce more than enough steam, but I am extremely adverse to setting up charcoal farms for power, and I can't think of any other way of running the boiler without spending all my time mining coal. Also, If I was going to do this I'm not what would be best to use to automate the tree farming. EnderIO Farms are a bit pricy powerwise, and because of reasons I am forbidding myself from using thaumcraft for the moment. Are there other options in this pack?

Diesel generators - I have no oil anywhere even remotely near my base, and without some form of tesseracts (which seem to have been removed from EnderIO in this pack) I do not see a way to get it to my base easily. Long term I plan to get into bee breeding extensively (I love bees) but I don't want to do that till much later.

Big Reactors - As I understand it, these produce RF only which cannot be transformed to GT EU or IC2 EU?

IC2 Nuclear Reactor - This functions in this pack, right? And can be converted to GT EU with a transformer? This is the most appealing option I have found so far, but I was really hoping to stick purely to GT as much as possible until I reach endgame. Is there a GT nuclear system? I cannot seem to find it in NEI but I know have seen it mentioned before somewhere.

Railcraft Steam production / Turbines - I know these are more efficient than the GT boilers, but AFIAK I would still need a large supply of charcoal, and if I was gonna do that, I would just stick to the GT large boilers out of a misguided sense of purity.

Solar Panels (GT, not the IC2 one) - I'm confused by this one. I can only find a recipe for the simplest one in NEI. I assume then that all the bigger ones are disabled in this pack? Is that correct? And the simplest one isn't really going to be able to do much is it? (I assume you'd have to build a zillion of them and it would risk seriously lagging the server)

High Pressure Lava Boiler -> Steam Turbines - I'd have to build like 17 of these to even supply MV power constantly and even then would eat through lava reasonably fast. I cannot imagine these working for anything past MV.

A few others questions about power:
  • Are GT fusion reactors in this version? I cannot find it in NEI.
  • Is the IC2 Solar panel disabled? I don't see a recipe for it in NEI.
  • Can I power my Genedustry machines from RF?
  • Can I power my AE2 network from RF?
  • What are people using for final endgame GT power production?

Sorry for the huge amount of questions, thanks for the help!
I was able to produce a tidy packet of power with a handful of RC turbines and boilers, roughly 18 coke ovens will produce enough charcoal to keep at least one boiler running, creosote can be converted into fuel as well, thaumcraft is your best bet for a tree farm, other than the forestry multiblock farms - use enderio to automate all of it and you wont have to worry about it again unless you run out of fertilizer.

GT boilers frankly, are good for a "turbo boost" on steam production and nothing more - they burn through so much fuel it just isnt worth it - though i will note that you can recycle your bronze blast furnace plated brick blocks to make part of the large bronze boilers shell.

GT Hasn't had an effect on nuclear stuff for a while now, you could make ic2 turbines and run power that way, Mysterydump on youtube has a decent enough tutorial on ic2 pressure reactor turbine systems, but she has yet to do one on pressure vat reactors - i'm not sure if the reactors are configured to only produce 50% eu when in "magic box mode" (ie connect cable to box = eu) on this pack.

I do keep solar boilers as a backup source of steam, i had 12 of them on one world ... came back from vacation to find they were the only thing left running in my base lol.

For oil, if you can build yourself a thamostatic harness and fly out looking for wells, build yourself some ExU drums and a BC pump, carry the oil back to base in the drums and store it - it will keep you going for a while if you find sufficient oil, on the subject of fuel oil; Ethanol also works well, if you want to put the time into making it a profitable setup (ie fruit juice, breeding the best tree for biomass etc etc) - failing that, yes you can always use bees, but that is equally time consuming (though, probably less time than ethanol, @MigukNamja will probably either confirm or shoot this one out of the sky, he may also recommend Naquadah bees ...)

To answer your other questions:

  1. I don't think the GT fusion reactor is in the current release version.
  2. IC2 solars are replaced by the GT ones, which essentially with GT's power loss as masochistic as it is in v5 - they won't produce any power (you build a panel and slap it on a machine block) - GT solar's beyond 1eu/t are disabled by default and 1 eu/t would never run even the most basic GT machines, the other GT solar panels ARE in the pack - but disabled by default.
  3. Gendustry *should* run with eu or RF
  4. AE2 has not changed, it will run on anything.
  5. Most of us i think are using a mixture of ethanol / charcoal / creosote / diesel fuel - either in a buttload of GT LV diesel gens or RC boilers & Turbines, since the GT efficiency feels a bit stupid on higher technology variants, some of us have used nuclear reactors (@Pyure ) and almost everyone has used ic2 for transmission because of the excruciating loss of eu/m on anything lower than HV in GT cables.
@Kieroshark...yes you can always use bees, but that is equally time consuming (though, probably less time than ethanol, @MigukNamja will probably either confirm or shoot this one out of the sky, he may also recommend Naquadah bees ...)

This is a full-on "bee" pack. Fuel (oil) bees are in the pack and are a viable option. I did Ethanol last world simply for the research and build challenge. It's about the slowest way to make decent power. Oil (fuel) bees - while not as quick of a route as charcoal - are a server-friendly way to make power.

In this pack, unless you're willing to pump oil, make a full press for bees, use charcoal, spam solar boilers, or spam lava boilers, there's not many other way to make GT power. IC2 power-wise, you can certainly make MOX reactors. You can then then convert that IC2 power into GT power using transformers. @Pyure made an amazing-looking nuclear reactor coolant tower one world and it easily housed three MOX reactors - there was room for a good nine or so in there. At over 800 EU/t each reactor, that was powering us well into the HV age.

I think GT solar is in this pack, but it's not very cost-effective IIRC.

And, you *can* convert RF to EU via Pnuematicraft or Galactricraft (GC). GC does it at the lossless 4:1, though some (including myself) feel that's slightly "cheaty". This is a GT-centered pack, after all.

@Kieroshark - Curious, why no Thaumcraft ?
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Spider chests --> stainless steel

Those spiders chests are where the bulk of my Manganese comes from. Without spider chests, stainless steel would take a *lot* longer. I've only ever found a single Manganese vein out of about 5 worlds.

A spessartine vein is a good source of Manganese and easier to find.

So I recently set up a private server for myself and my friends using this pack. Firstly I want to say this pack is amazing! I've mostly played Direwolf20 packs, and I find I tend to get bored of them after a few weeks. Whereas in this pack, I'm 3 weeks in and I've only just begun entering the MV era.

So this is my first time using Gregtech. As I mentioned I am in the process of beginning the transition from LV to MV power. As such I'm finding my already taxed steam production to be grossly insufficient for power. So far I have small network of simple solar boilers feeding into a railcraft iron tank.

For a few days now I've been looking into power generation that will suit me I'm just not making much headway. Part of the problem is I just don't know what my options are in this pack. So I was really hoping someone would be willing to take the time to give me some insight into my options and best practices.

Here are the power production options I am aware of, and why I'm not thrilled with them and still seeking out others. Please let me know of any mid to late game power production options I'm missing, or if there is something I don't know about any of these.

Large GT Boilers -> Steam Turbines - These produce more than enough steam, but I am extremely adverse to setting up charcoal farms for power, and I can't think of any other way of running the boiler without spending all my time mining coal. Also, If I was going to do this I'm not what would be best to use to automate the tree farming. EnderIO Farms are a bit pricy powerwise, and because of reasons I am forbidding myself from using thaumcraft for the moment. Are there other options in this pack?

Diesel generators - I have no oil anywhere even remotely near my base, and without some form of tesseracts (which seem to have been removed from EnderIO in this pack) I do not see a way to get it to my base easily. Long term I plan to get into bee breeding extensively (I love bees) but I don't want to do that till much later.

Big Reactors - As I understand it, these produce RF only which cannot be transformed to GT EU or IC2 EU?

IC2 Nuclear Reactor - This functions in this pack, right? And can be converted to GT EU with a transformer? This is the most appealing option I have found so far, but I was really hoping to stick purely to GT as much as possible until I reach endgame. Is there a GT nuclear system? I cannot seem to find it in NEI but I know have seen it mentioned before somewhere.

Railcraft Steam production / Turbines - I know these are more efficient than the GT boilers, but AFIAK I would still need a large supply of charcoal, and if I was gonna do that, I would just stick to the GT large boilers out of a misguided sense of purity.

Solar Panels (GT, not the IC2 one) - I'm confused by this one. I can only find a recipe for the simplest one in NEI. I assume then that all the bigger ones are disabled in this pack? Is that correct? And the simplest one isn't really going to be able to do much is it? (I assume you'd have to build a zillion of them and it would risk seriously lagging the server)

High Pressure Lava Boiler -> Steam Turbines - I'd have to build like 17 of these to even supply MV power constantly and even then would eat through lava reasonably fast. I cannot imagine these working for anything past MV.

A few others questions about power:
  • Are GT fusion reactors in this version? I cannot find it in NEI.
  • Is the IC2 Solar panel disabled? I don't see a recipe for it in NEI.
  • Can I power my Genedustry machines from RF?
  • Can I power my AE2 network from RF?
  • What are people using for final endgame GT power production?

Sorry for the huge amount of questions, thanks for the help!

About Big Reactors, I have recently made a pretty good setup. 13x13x4 in size, producing steam (you need a lot of water, I have used 23 Ender IO reservoirs), feeding into 3 RC turbines. From there you can use lossles IC2 HV cable to wherever you want, then MFSU > GT transformer, and you have HV power.
Note that you need quite a bit of resources for this, including being able to make tungstensteel for the reactor.
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