Not more than just a few research points. I'll have to read up on 1.7 thaumcraft and figure out what it was then. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
Not more than just a few research points. I'll have to read up on 1.7 thaumcraft and figure out what it was then. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
Engage!... you choose to go full warp.
Yeah. Guess I got it from either the little bit of research I did or... the zombie brains I ate when I was starting.
Was starving and spawned nowhere near bushes/ect. Like how this modpack is similar to terrafirmacraft though.
was insta-killed just trying to say high to some cool looking cult members
Thnx ill try that in a singleplayer world. I did already saw that recipe on the wiki but when i tried it in the ic2 machine (forgot the name) that required it it didn't work ill try the gregtech way . Any reason why the recipe isnt showing up? Thought that NEI read all available recipes at startup.The recipe for fluid coolant is not in NEI. Use distilled water and lapis dust in the solid/fluid canner.
Another noob question: Gregtech wrench won't remove gregtech cabling. What am I doing wrong? Right-click/ect. doesn't work. Hitbox shows up but does nothing when I hit it, unlike machines.
Tooltips are getting confused on some blocks/items... I tend to ignore that and I use logic: Machines = wrench, wires = wire cutter.Thanks. Tooltip says "wrench" but yeah, makes sense now. I accidentally placed a red alloy cable when the "autofill" feature popped up and couldn't remove it. They're quite expensive at this stage for me.
Tooltips are getting confused on some blocks/items... I tend to ignore that and I use logic: Machines = wrench, wires = wire cutter.
2.0.10. And, it doesn't seem to happen for everyone. @Tyriael_Soban on my server gets wrought iron (as he should). I'm guessing there's a race/competing recipe output for smelting iron nuggets to wrought iron or steel.
Also, I noticed wrought iron nuggets don't show up in NEI for me, at least not directly. I have to click on a wrought iron ingot to see the recipe using 9 wrought iron ingots (to see the nuggets). I *was* going to cheat in a wrought iron nugget to do "/mt hand" to get the full item name for it to add as a recipe in infitech.zs, but I can't cheat it in, it seems.
Re: iron nuggets to steel
I suspect railcraft is involved:
Code:if (!EnumMachineAlpha.BLAST_FURNACE.isAvaliable()) registerAltSteelFurnaceRecipe();
The RC blast furnace is indeed disabled, which means this bit of code runs:
Code:private static void registerAltSteelFurnaceRecipe() { List<ItemStack> iron = OreDictionary.getOres("nuggetIron"); for (ItemStack nugget : iron) { CraftingPlugin.addFurnaceRecipe(nugget, ItemNugget.getNugget(ItemNugget.EnumNugget.STEEL), 0); } }
The thing is, neither of those files have changed since CovertJaguar submitted them in September of 2014. Still digging...
Also, I'm at work and can't test changes in-game. I'm thinking of enabling the RC blast furnace recipe (and not building it) just to prevent the iron nugget to steel nugget recipe from overtaking the wrought iron nugget smelting recipe.
I directly read the source for those blocks and that list you linked seems to be the same, anything else would've been added by a different mod or pack and isn't supported by default.Of the ones you mentioned, I believe we can only make gold and ludicrite. My concern arises from the fact that I've seen various sources specifying other blocks which aren't in the listed provided, say, here. I could be wrong but I could swear I've seen references to various gem-type blocks being allowed in some packs/configurations.