if (!EnumMachineAlpha.BLAST_FURNACE.isAvaliable())
private static void registerAltSteelFurnaceRecipe() {
List<ItemStack> iron = OreDictionary.getOres("nuggetIron");
for (ItemStack nugget : iron) {
CraftingPlugin.addFurnaceRecipe(nugget, ItemNugget.getNugget(ItemNugget.EnumNugget.STEEL), 0);
Thanks a lot for looking into this, whilst I am busy at workRe: iron nuggets to steel
I suspect railcraft is involved:
Code:if (!EnumMachineAlpha.BLAST_FURNACE.isAvaliable()) registerAltSteelFurnaceRecipe();
The RC blast furnace is indeed disabled, which means this bit of code runs:
Code:private static void registerAltSteelFurnaceRecipe() { List<ItemStack> iron = OreDictionary.getOres("nuggetIron"); for (ItemStack nugget : iron) { CraftingPlugin.addFurnaceRecipe(nugget, ItemNugget.getNugget(ItemNugget.EnumNugget.STEEL), 0); } }
The thing is, neither of those files have changed since CovertJaguar submitted them in September of 2014. Still digging...
Also, I'm at work and can't test changes in-game. I'm thinking of enabling the RC blast furnace recipe (and not building it) just to prevent the iron nugget to steel nugget recipe from overtaking the wrought iron nugget smelting recipe.
This one catches a lot of new players. Do yourself a favour: don't ask on the GT forum because the FAQ specifically covers it (and greg bans people who ask stuff covered in the FAQ)Waited quite awhile before choosing a modpack for 1.7, usually I just take the most popular and add Gregtech to it. Thanks for doing all the hard work for me with Infinitech!
That being said, noob question: Been playing a few days, got an RC iron tank full of steam with solar boilers, But I can't for the life of me figure out how to start my first electrical age machinery. The IC2 Generator requires an RE battery, Which requires an electric assembler. The basic steam turbine requires a magnetizer, ect. What machine did you guys start off with to create that first spark?
Always explore all the NEI tabs when looking for recipes. Many resources in GT have multiple ways to get them, usually with differing material efficiency vs. preconditions.The basic steam turbine requires a magnetizer, ect. What machine did you guys start off with to create that first spark?
Waited quite awhile before choosing a modpack for 1.7, usually I just take the most popular and add Gregtech to it. Thanks for doing all the hard work for me with Infinitech!
That being said, noob question: Been playing a few days, got an RC iron tank full of steam with solar boilers, But I can't for the life of me figure out how to start my first electrical age machinery. The IC2 Generator requires an RE battery, Which requires an electric assembler. The basic steam turbine requires a magnetizer, ect. What machine did you guys start off with to create that first spark?
Edit: Found a recipe for a magnetized iron rod that doesn't require machinery. What machines did you guys use to transition from bronze to electrical ages? I don't have a ton of resources, and would rather spend wisely
Thx Xavion for taking a look. My research suggested the same.I can't check which blocks you can actually make right now but for metals above gold the order goes electrum, platinum, titanium, enderium, ludicrite for metals I believe you can get in this pack, not sure if you can get all the blocks though as mentioned.
If your looking to spend wisely, basic steam turbine and a Basic plate bending machine, there are others that its best to make first but I'll let you figure out that on your own![]()
Yeah, I was discussing this with my partner last night, and whether or not to do so. By my (really crappy) math, each block I replace may increase my energy gains by 60-100 rf/t, given that I'm currently producing 5300 rf/t with approximately 40 gold blocks.@Pyure
AFAIK, Ludricrite is the only upgrade after Gold in this pack. While quite expensive, you don't have to wait until you can replace all of your gold coils. BigReactors code is perfectly happy with different types of coils in the same turbine, i.e. mix and match all you want. My last world, I didn't wait until had 32 Ludricrite blocks. I started upgrading when I had a few Ludricrite blocks.
They are good enough that you will notice a difference even with 1 or a few Ludicrite blocks replacing Gold blocks.
Not at all. Our 1200 eu/t from lame charcoal/steam/rc-turbine is still keeping up with our industrial 99% of the time.BTW, are you using that much RF/t and if so, for what ?
Last world, I maxed out around 2K RF/t steady-state, and 4K RF/t burst when doing AE2 crafting. But, I also wasn't converting RF to EU. I was producing 2K EU/t steady and 4K EU/t burst.
Not at all. Our 1200 eu/t from lame charcoal/steam/rc-turbine is still keeping up with our industrial 99% of the time.
That said, I started producing EV machines last night, which max out at 2048 eu/t (theoretically), so our consumption might start increasing rapidly. I hope. I really want to get some use out of this![]()
Sadly at 4:1 via galacticraft (Energy Storage Clusters) due to issues mentioned a page or two ago. I think this is a bit OP for this pack, but the config options provided by GC don't allow unidirectional conversion rate changes. If we change it to 8:1, we'd be able to get 8RF from every 1 EU in reverse (not that this is a huge deal, maybe we should look into doing that.)Ah, so you're converting to EU ? At 8:1 ?
We all feel your pain. In 2.0.10 of the pack a backup mod is included and runs by defaultMy order for making LV machines:
1. basic steam turbine
2. wire mill
3. plate bending
4. make all the processing machines, macerator, elec furnace, alloy smelter, extractor, centrifuge, thermal centrifuge, electrolyzer, etc. etc. etc.
5. lathe, polarizer
6. assembler
I always make a wire mill before the plate bender but they are really 2a and 2b, you obv need them both ASAP. The lathe and polarizer are more for convenience. I don't think you waste a lot of material if you continue making your metal rods by hand. I wasted a TON more redstone making red alloy ingots by hand (one iron ingot plus 8 redstone dust) before realizing that there's an alloy smelter recipe (one copper ingot and 5 redstone dust I think?). Polarizing rods by hand only takes 4 redstone dust, and you don't need very many of them.
Unfortunately I left my Gregtech Steam Boiler running past full, and when I got back to my base yesterday there was only a gigantic crater. Naturally, the explosion reached just far enough to vaporize my AE drive and the 10 hard drives with all my stuff on them. So I'm taking a break from the game today, hopefully tomorrow the pain will have receded and I can try, try again. Someday I WILL get to medium voltage machines without being a total doofus and destroying all my hard work.
Another thing: At random points (unrelated to ingame activities as I've tried to reproduce it) I get a pulsing, rumbling noise and the screen dims. What mod is this and what purpose does it have? As far as I can tell I've done nothing to "trigger" it. Was quite jarring when I first experienced it, backed into a corner with my sword out lol.