[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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Blood Asp

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You use GT Item or super buffers for that. If you use an screwdriver on the output side, you confige how much they must output per operation.

So you want to disconnect the GT cables? Use a shutter cover to seperate the cable and attach a machine controller on the same block to switch that on/off.


You use GT Item or super buffers for that. If you use an screwdriver on the output side, you confige how much they must output per operation.

So you want to disconnect the GT cables? Use a shutter cover to seperate the cable and attach a machine controller on the same block to switch that on/off.
Chest buffer is unable to keep great amount of piles, super buffer is too expensive. I need something else.

I can separate machine and cable but it wont prevent me from wasting energy stored in Power Junction

Blood Asp

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No other way besides the superbuffer i know of. That one is meant for that so you have to invest that much to automate dust piling. Others do that too.


LPG in PneumaticCraft and LPG in gregtech is not the same. I think it should be convertable or have different names. For example i cant use LPG from PnC for craft Epichlorohydrin

Jason McRay

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
LPG in PneumaticCraft and LPG in gregtech is not the same. I think it should be convertable or have different names. For example i cant use LPG from PnC for craft Epichlorohydrin
the production costs, and machine tiers are completely different. unifiying them or allowing conversion would result in balancing problems. Renaming one or the other is not easy to be done, because both are indeed LPGs. It is the same case as IC2 Biomass and Forestry Biomass.


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2012
Would you make a skyblock gregtech pack? Cant find any

Funny, I thought Greg had made his own version, since that's GregTech for you. Everything in default GregTech can be obtained from raw materials in one way or another, a skyblock would only be facilitating the acquisition of said raw materials.

I very much doubt Jason would make his version of Infitech into a skyblock, as again, what's the point? He wants you to go out into the world and find particular ores then send them down a really complicated processing chain, and build very complicated machines from scratch, and progress through all of the GregTech tiers, if I'm understanding it all correctly.

Hope that helps you a little as to why there's no skyblock version.

Jason already stated his own opinions in this thread somewhere, not sure where, though!

Cheers ...


JoFlash Studios

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Gregtech is extremely dependent on mining resources until late game, and even then I think it's the only way to get things like gemstones. Skyblock Gregtech wouldn't work the way 5u is currently designed.

General Ike

Wow, info on this modpack is scarce to find (Gregtech 5u mid tier+ specifically) so I'm coming back to the source where hopefully someone will know the statistics I'm looking for.

I just made a multismelter with lv energy input and cupronickel heating coils. Each cycle can process 8 items, I know, but it certainly takes longer than one cycle of a basic electric furnace, but I also don't know stats on my electric furnace. So help me, what are the statistics on my multi smelter, and what are the stats on my electric furnace: cycle time, true voltage used. How does this change with heating coil upgrades? (ie: do better heating coils "require" more volts, do they slow down a cycle?) In essence, how does my new multi smelter stack up against my old electric furnace, and hopefully show me the exact statistics to properly compare the two.

Additionally, I also just made a universal macerator. How does it's power consumption work? For example, most pulverization recipes require 2 eu/t as far as I'm concerned, but it's a hv machine, does that mean it consumes 32 eu/t because it's essentially overclocking the "basic" pulverization recipes? (That would explain why cycles are significantly faster than the displayed 20 sec) Would that mean that I can run it on a lv power source? If so, what's the difference between running it on hv power and lv power (other than wire losses)? Many thanks!

Edit: I've also been considering building an oil rig, but. I didn't have quite enough understanding to feel good about it. So I would greatly appreciate if someone with more experience could explain it's functionality for me. for now I'm focusing on lv, but from what I know, you can half your cycle time for quadruple the energy cost. In lv tier, a cycle takes 8 seconds, and you get your raw output equal to the rate randomly assigned to you source, then decrease said source value by 0.001. What is the exact energy required to operate at the lv tier? Is it the entire 32 eu/t and does it require the energy input for the entirety of the cycle? And here's my million dollar question, is the output given at the end of the cycle as a single quantity of fluid? (ie: if the source rate is 80, after 8 seconds of the proper power input, do you get 80 mB of fluid? Or is it some quantity of oil being created throughout the duration of the cycle and if so, is the end sum of that cycle equal to 80 mB? I ask because 8 seconds of 32 eu/t for 80 mB seems incredibly lackluster.

Thanks for reading my wall of questions! If you only know the answers to one or two of my questions, feel free to only answer what you know and hopefully someone else will answer my other questions.

Edit #2: I did not know that the portable scanner existed, I will now attempt to educate myself. Responses are still appreciated.
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General Ike

I believe my oil rig question should be answered, I re-calculated energy and determined that the drilling energy is only 12.3% of the potential energy of the nitro diesel that could be produced WITHOUT a distillation tower (or 24.6% cause gt to bc oil is a 2:1 conversion...). I assume the processing costs also cannot hold a candle to the sheer quantities of stored energy in the fossil fuels (even less so with a distillation tower).

That said, if I've found imbalanced recipes that probably should have been disabled, to where do I report them? I can't check right now but I remember seeing a distillation recipe that converts gt medium (raw) oil to bc oil at a 1:1 ratio. However, gt oil is supposed to be 50% effective when distilled when compared to bc oil (the other recipes do reflect this extra cost, so you shouldn't be able to convert between the two without loss). Also, I remember seeing the recipe for compressed coal chunk to industrial diamond was available for the standard compressor, bypassing the implosion compressor, was that a mistake?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've got a question. Recently restarted a GT playthrough; and this seems to be the area to ask all GT type questions so here it goes:

How do you detect the energy level of GT battery buffers for automation? The energy detector cover is practically useless as it only detects the relatively small internal buffer. I've used computers in the past but there seems like there should be a simpler method. Couldn't get anything with comparators or BC gates unless I missed something.

I'm trying to automate the on/off of a EBF using the tier below it's generators (2 e-hatches, 2 generators, 2 4xbattery buffers). I know I could just bump it up to 4 generators but it just seems like there should be another practical way of detecting the charge in a battery buffer for other circumstances as well... I always just assumed this was exactly what the energy detector did... I'm surprised I've played the game for this long without having to really utilize them.

Blood Asp

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
@General Ike :
The EFurnace is 4EU/t ,128 Ticks per item.
The multismelter is a bit more complex: 512 ticks per process at LV, halved each power Tier.
Item count is depending on coil tier: 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 128, 128 items.
EU/t is also depending on coil tier: 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 32, 16 EU/t for LV, 4x for each higher power Tier. 32/64EU/t at LV means you need 2+ amp.
So multismelter is more efficent, but only if you feed it enough items at once. If it starts for a single item, the efficency is worse.

Yes, universal macerator is simple overclocking. 32EU/t should be right, 1/4 the time compared to LV macerator.

For oil drilling, best read here: https://ftb.gamepedia.com/Oil_Drilling_Rig
The main missunderstanding you seem to have is that Oil produced by the drilling rig is not constant. If you only get 80L per cycle it is not worth it for power. There is another oil field every 6 chunks and there you might be lucky and get 600+L per cycle. With only the single block distillery, light oil should be the best to find. Later with full size oil processing (2+ destillation towers + oil cracker) heavy oil is extremely powerfull.

The industrial diamond in the normal compressor is correct. It should only get disabled if real hard GT is wanted.

@Captain_Oats :
Switch the energy detector with the screwdriver to detect the full storage including batteries.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Switch the energy detector with the screwdriver to detect the full storage including batteries.
UGH. I did, and cycled through to what I believed was the end of the list according to the wiki's I had read. Should have known better; thanks for the prompt reply.

General Ike

Thanks for the help! It makes more sense now. On a similar overclocking line of questioning, if I put an hv hatch on my ebf for the higher tier recipes, would it then overclock my mv recipes?

@General Ike :
For oil drilling, best read here: https://ftb.gamepedia.com/Oil_Drilling_Rig
The main missunderstanding you seem to have is that Oil produced by the drilling rig is not constant. If you only get 80L per cycle it is not worth it for power. There is another oil field every 6 chunks and there you might be lucky and get 600+L per cycle. With only the single block distillery, light oil should be the best to find. Later with full size oil processing (2+ destillation towers + oil cracker) heavy oil is extremely powerfull.

The industrial diamond in the normal compressor is correct. It should only get disabled if real hard GT is wanted.

So basically just trial and error (or seismic prospector) to find a source that produces enough to be valuable? That's logical, because in reality you can't find profitable amounts of oil by setting up a rig in any random spot. Also, why two distillation towers? Is the second distillation tower for processing the cracked fuels?

I thought getting industrial diamonds in a standard compressor was too cheap/a mistake, so I made the whole implosion compressor and processed out 16000L of heavy fuel to get enough toluene for the tnt. I feel pretty stupid :/


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
@General Ike :
For oil drilling, best read here: https://ftb.gamepedia.com/Oil_Drilling_Rig
The main missunderstanding you seem to have is that Oil produced by the drilling rig is not constant. If you only get 80L per cycle it is not worth it for power. There is another oil field every 6 chunks and there you might be lucky and get 600+L per cycle. With only the single block distillery, light oil should be the best to find. Later with full size oil processing (2+ destillation towers + oil cracker) heavy oil is extremely powerfull.

It took me 14 attempts (setup Rig, run for 20 seconds to see what's there, break down Rig and move to another location), but I did finally find a Heavy Oil region with a rather eye-popping 918 mb per pumping operation... and with the way the oilgen works, I have 35 more locations to pump when this locations gets down closer to zero. Pretty phenomenal really, and once you get the Processing of the Heavy Oil automated, it's basically like "free" Nitro-Diesel out the other end... BloodAsp is correct when he says "heavy oil is extremely powerful". Indeed it is. :)

Since the Rig hit a real gusher, the oil will come in way faster than HV Distillation Towers can process it... so for balance, I'm gonna run the Oil Rig at the lowest possible power tier, but try to increase the speed of my Distillation as soon as I can (as soon as I can make Nitro-Diesel fuel in mass quantity and get a couple of Diesel Engines up and running with Oxygen feed of course...

This is the other page related to Oil Drilling & Processing you probably want to keep handy: http://ftb.gamepedia.com/GregTech_5_Unofficial/Oil_Refining
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General Ike

It took me 14 attempts (setup Rig, run for 20 seconds to see what's there, break down Rig and move to another location), but I did finally find a Heavy Oil region with a rather eye-popping 918 mb per pumping operation... and with the way the oilgen works, I have 35 more locations to pump when this locations gets down closer to zero. Pretty phenomenal really, and once you get the Processing of the Heavy Oil automated, it's basically like "free" Nitro-Diesel out the other end... BloodAsp is correct when he says "heavy oil is extremely powerful". Indeed it is. :)

This is the other page related to Oil Drilling & Processing you probably want to keep handy: http://ftb.gamepedia.com/GregTech_5_Unofficial/Oil_Refining

Wow! That's a serious gusher! But it says on the guide that well rates only range from 1-625L per cycle...

I also have been keeping close tabs on all of the guides on gamepedia, but I find that given the technical complexity of many mechanics in Gregtech, I sometimes needs extra help at least to prevent wasting resources by discovering important details myself.


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
It took me 14 attempts (setup Rig, run for 20 seconds to see what's there, break down Rig and move to another location), but I did finally find a Heavy Oil region with a rather eye-popping 918 mb per pumping operation... and with the way the oilgen works, I have 35 more locations to pump when this locations gets down closer to zero. Pretty phenomenal really, and once you get the Processing of the Heavy Oil automated, it's basically like "free" Nitro-Diesel out the other end... BloodAsp is correct when he says "heavy oil is extremely powerful". Indeed it is. :)

Since the Rig hit a real gusher, the oil will come in way faster than HV Distillation Towers can process it... so for balance, I'm gonna run the Oil Rig at the lowest possible power tier, but try to increase the speed of my Distillation as soon as I can (as soon as I can make Nitro-Diesel fuel in mass quantity and get a couple of Diesel Engines up and running with Oxygen feed of course...

This is the other page related to Oil Drilling & Processing you probably want to keep handy: http://ftb.gamepedia.com/GregTech_5_Unofficial/Oil_Refining
I didn't realize that you could move your rig to adjacent chunks in the 6x6 (or w/e) and get the original 918 again. Am I understanding that correctly? I figured drilling one of the chunks would deplete all of them.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wow! That's a serious gusher! But it says on the guide that well rates only range from 1-625L per cycle...

I also have been keeping close tabs on all of the guides on gamepedia, but I find that given the technical complexity of many mechanics in Gregtech, I sometimes needs extra help at least to prevent wasting resources by discovering important details myself.

Yeah take my words with a grain of salt, I'm not playing Infitech2 but a custom pack which is using a newer version of GT5u than the one currently being used in Infitech2. What applies to my world may not apply to yours. All I know is, every 4 seconds I get another 918 mb (918 L) in my drum and I'm pretty psyched about that. However, I also had something like 748mb Heavy Oil in Infitech2, so I've always felt the 1-625L was incorrect and never understood why they changed it from the old 1-1024L that it used to say.

And yes Pyure, as far as I understand it, each chunk of the 6x6 chunk region will contain identical oil statistics. It definitely worked that way in my old Infitech2 world, and I'm assuming it hasn't changed in this new pack I'm playing... but I won't know until I deplete the chunk I'm in of all its oil... given that I'm running my oil rig at MV tier, I think it's gonna be months before I move it and find out, tho. This is the key sentence on the Oil Drilling Rig Usage wiki page: "Fortunately, each chunk begins with its own base rate. After one chunk is depleted, the Drilling Rig may be moved to another chunk within the 6x6 oil source to resume drilling at the original base rate."
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