The important thing is being able to extract enough steam through the pipes. EnderIO conduits have maximum IO, BUT their throughput depends on viscosity (or whatever) of the fluid. Steam can be very easily compressed so adding more extraction points does help. I do have a world save if you fancy looking at the things: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/jasons-infitech-2-lets-play-world
Thank you very much. I didn't want to say it, but getting your save was my goal all along, so i can learn how to play correctly
@JoFlash Studios okay... but getting things done that way... can i plug like multiple mv->lv transformators and for example blast furnace and pyrolyse oven (so 2 mv machines)? Won't it drain MV batery (even 9x one) almost instantaneously? I really, really need to experiment with all your ingenious ideas in a flat world