[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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It should not have any issues. The only thing I have found, when I was transfering my world from Server to SSP, the GT Oil data has got reset and changed. I am pretty sure the seed remained the same (but cannot really confirm it). But where I got Medium Oil deposite, now is Light Fuel. Oil deposit in my base (which I completely drained out) has oil again...

There is much MUCH simpler solution.
1) Get the items into your drives and have the drives in your inventory
2) Be in NEI cheat mode and SAVE the loadout (the buttons on the left side)
3) Load the new world
4) Load back the loadout.
5) ???
6) Profit :)

You can also stuff your base into Spatial drives... BUT... GT Machines will not retain their info so they will break and will become .name blocks.

btw you think with an evil game breaking mind. i like it. i kinda wish your pack had a few more mods to make it even more interesting. such as some more different magic mods. even though i like blood magic it doesnt seem to me to fit with gregtech the way this pack works. but maybe botania? maybe even immersive engineering as another machine mod? just for more visual machines, rustic looks. (i love multiblocks!) also with the world needing reset ive made an awesome starting spawn base for gregtech uses both mcedit and ae2 drives. it allows me to keep some basics for starting out in a new world after being so far along. well for the whole server. its just steam machines and a special shop system. but it helps nonetheless.
i had a big question... gregtech 6 is out and being worked on. it seems fun. surprised its not in your pack yet? is it because its less stable then the experimental version we are using?

I'm no expert, but it's not like you could just "pop out GregTech 5u" and "pop in GregTech 6" with a snap of the fingers. BloodAsp has done a lot of customization to the GregTech mod for this modpack. It would take a massive amount of work, and we'd lose the "end game" (the fusion reactors) which they've worked so hard to bring us.

I bet if you poll the players of this modpack, most of us would vote to remain on GT5u intead of going to GT6 right now... and I think it would win in a landslide too. If the oregen has changed (and I'm sure it has), then basically we'd ALL have to start over from scratch just so we have the correct ore blocks in our world. No thanks!
1) GT5 and GT6 are incompatible with each other.´
2) GT6 is nowhere near finished.
3) Swapping to GT6 would require more than just new world. All the scripts will need to be rewritten and completely changed.
4) To add it to the pack and make the script changes, I would need to completely learn the mod since its totally something else.
5) No InfiTech 2 will never have GT6, because of reasons above + i dont have time.
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Actually its kinda strange Greg called it version 6. Its a complete rewrite and changes more than GT2->GT5...
- crop -
I would definitely do what you suggest, except I lose all my fluids and stuff. Well, I guess there IS one way to spawn in fluids... via GregTech cells... but at one bucket per cell, I would have to spawn in - and then de-can them all - 20,000 cells of, say, Bio Gas, if I happen to have a full-to-the-top, max-size Railcraft Steel Tank of the stuff in my current world.

It never occurred to me, until reading your solution, that I could combine my own two solutions!! Break down my entire base and put every last item into AE2 drives... then simply use MCEdit to transfer one block from the old world into the new world - the block containing the AE2 drive with the 10 hard drives in it! Brilliant, if I dare say so myself. LOL And yeah... a lot of work too.

I think its time to fork my world, and spend the entire day stuffing everything into AE2. LOL This will be an interesting project, for sure. haha

On second thought... maybe spawning in all my machines is the way to go... such a dilemma. sigh The one option I will never consider is starting over from scratch. That thought just horrifies me, thinking about how much time I've spent getting to the point i'm at.
There are larger than one bucket containers available... and if it's over 256 buckets just spawn in a drum since that is 256 buckets for the steel one... and the drum can be right-click-emptied into a RC tank.
I dunno if I would take with me several hundred thousand buckets when moving a base... I'd probably just take machines and some starter-fuel and then start up a new fuel refinery.

another thought is that you could sum up the fuel-value of your liquids(if it's fuels ofc) then just spawn in batteries with charge close to ~50% of that amount, so it feels less cheaty ;)
So... a year's worth of work (off and on, with a lengthy break in the middle) is sitting in a 10x10 area. Due to space restrictions, I didn't dump my 20-or-so Jabba Barrels worth of assorted items into my AE2 hard drives... but everything else is in there! It only took me one afternoon to do it, too. It took 19 hard drives of storage space (they're all 4k hard drives), I have one drive that is empty but the rest of them are all 63/63 items.

I didn't actually make the move to a new world yet, gonna load up a few random worlds and see which one looks the best for a new starting point. But I'm ready! The biggest problem is the barrels, which means I can't use Jason's easy method, I'll have to use MCEdit and hope that method works properly.
So... a year's worth of work (off and on, with a lengthy break in the middle) is sitting in a 10x10 area. Due to space restrictions, I didn't dump my 20-or-so Jabba Barrels worth of assorted items into my AE2 hard drives... but everything else is in there! It only took me one afternoon to do it, too. It took 19 hard drives of storage space (they're all 4k hard drives), I have one drive that is empty but the rest of them are all 63/63 items.

I didn't actually make the move to a new world yet, gonna load up a few random worlds and see which one looks the best for a new starting point. But I'm ready! The biggest problem is the barrels, which means I can't use Jason's easy method, I'll have to use MCEdit and hope that method works properly.
Honestly you can... 20 barrels (in dolly) + 19 drives = 39. It should fit in your inventory. And even then, you still can "save the loadout to different slots" if the inventory space is not big enough. You can also put the drives into some backpack (like bag of holding) to safe inventory space.
So I still can't figure out how to make pig iron plates for the robes of the stratosphere. Anyone know how to get pig iron?
So I still can't figure out how to make pig iron plates for the robes of the stratosphere. Anyone know how to get pig iron?
Metallum infused crops randomly drop any item that has "iron" in it's oredict entry, that allows access to normally unobtainable variants such as deep iron, shadow iron, and pig iron along with the normal ones like meteoric iron, wrought iron, and iron.
Metallum infused crops randomly drop any item that has "iron" in it's oredict entry, that allows access to normally unobtainable variants such as deep iron, shadow iron, and pig iron along with the normal ones like meteoric iron, wrought iron, and iron.
Nothing like some good old RNG :rolleyes:
Honestly you can... 20 barrels (in dolly) + 19 drives = 39. It should fit in your inventory. And even then, you still can "save the loadout to different slots" if the inventory space is not big enough. You can also put the drives into some backpack (like bag of holding) to safe inventory space.
Out of curiosity...

Am i understanding this correctly? There is a method without MCEdit to keep your "Stuff" or atleast some of your stuff when starting a new world?
Out of curiosity...

Am i understanding this correctly? There is a method without MCEdit to keep your "Stuff" or atleast some of your stuff when starting a new world?
Yes. It should be without any issues if starting new world on the same version, and in theory also even accross versions (to some extend)
Out of curiosity...

Am i understanding this correctly? There is a method without MCEdit to keep your "Stuff" or atleast some of your stuff when starting a new world?

Yeah this seems like it can be horribly abused... but then again, what's the difference? Someone who is gonna "cheat" will find a way. I view my use as entirely legitimate, from a gaming ethics point of view (lol, is there really such a thing?)... it's a way to correct some issues I'm seeing in my old world, allowing me to begin a brand new world without any problems in it (pristine condition), but not have to lose the products of all my hard work (19 hard drives worth of stuff!).

There are other plusses... I was happy with my base except it was too small and not good dimensions to expand easily, so now I get to try again. This time, having a better idea of how things should be organized, I hope to place things more efficient, easier to access, etc.

And another big plus is... it's a brand new world, unexplored. :) Since I do find exploring to be one of the fun parts of the game, I look forward to having to locate and map out ore deposits and create a whole new list of waypoints.

Good idea with the dollies, Jason, I suppose I could spawn in enough dollies for all my barrels, and then just throw them into a trash can when I've successfully transferred them all into my new world. Thanks!
Honestly you can... 20 barrels (in dolly) + 19 drives = 39. It should fit in your inventory. And even then, you still can "save the loadout to different slots" if the inventory space is not big enough. You can also put the drives into some backpack (like bag of holding) to safe inventory space.

I've searched NEI, I see the Cheat Mode button, but I cannot figure out where these "loadouts" are located. I've tried looking for loadouts in both /gamemode 1 and /gamemode 0, and I just don't see them anywhere. They're not in NEI Options, and they're not in the "E" key Inventory screen. Where are they, and how do I access them?
I've searched NEI, I see the Cheat Mode button, but I cannot figure out where these "loadouts" are located. I've tried looking for loadouts in both /gamemode 1 and /gamemode 0, and I just don't see them anywhere. They're not in NEI Options, and they're not in the "E" key Inventory screen. Where are they, and how do I access them?
You must be in NEI cheat mode and you must have permission to use cheats (either be OP on server, or have enabled cheat mode in singleplayer) . its on the left in inventory then
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@Blood Asp or anyone who knows about this.

Could you make an update version of this site?
I've build a massfab / replicator system and it doesn't produce nearly enough uumatter even though I've calculated it before, during and after building it and it should make enough.
Well my plan didn't work. Finally figured out the NEI loadout buttons (thanks to Jason), had to click the GLOBAL button, then unclick the "W" next to NEI Cheat Mode button (don't ask me, I have no clue what I was doing).

But when I unpacked the loadout in my new world, instead of getting all my stuff, it gave me one piece of Ender Zoo "Withering Dust". LOL Someone said it's a problem with how NEI handles NBT data... meh. I'm a player, not a computer programmer. When I have to deal with this technical stuff, I typically fail at it.

Going to plan B, which is MCEdit. Actually, no, I'm going to plan C - quit FTB and go do something else for a while. LOL
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