[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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has anyone problems with Ewy's Workshop workshop tables? i placed 2 in my base (both in the same chunk) and my fps drops from 70+ to 30-40. When i remove them i have 70+ fps again

I have this problem with even one table. I just decided to not use them.

Same here, when I removed my EWY workbench in my SMP base I noticed a definite improvement on playability inside my workshop.
I am hearing more and more ppl having this issue. I would recommend if you are worried about FPS then don't use them until it is fixed (which I can't say when, since @ewyboy is probably busy with other mods for 1.9.x (looking at twitter). Which makes me sad... We switched to it, because it had fixed few crash issues we encountered with VSWE version.

We as pack devs have 3 options:
1) Keep EWYs in, and getting used to FPS drop
2) Getting back to Steve's Workshop, causing crashes
3) Or don't use any of them.
I am hearing more and more ppl having this issue. I would recommend if you are worried about FPS then don't use them until it is fixed (which I can't say when, since @ewyboy is probably busy with other mods for 1.9.x (looking at twitter). Which makes me sad... We switched to it, because it had fixed few crash issues we encountered with VSWE version.

We as pack devs have 3 options:
1) Keep EWYs in, and getting used to FPS drop
2) Getting back to Steve's Workshop, causing crashes
3) Or don't use any of them.
You're doing a fantastic job, I love this pack :)
Personally I'll probably choose not to use EWY at all since I already have issues with good framerate. However you choose to proceed I know it's in the best interest of keeping the pack playable and enjoyable.
I hope you have a lovely midsummer celebrations, if you do that in your country :)
You're doing a fantastic job, I love this pack :)
Personally I'll probably choose not to use EWY at all since I already have issues with good framerate. However you choose to proceed I know it's in the best interest of keeping the pack playable and enjoyable.
I hope you have a lovely midsummer celebrations, if you do that in your country :)
The celebrations would be much enjoyable if the weather waqs not so hot... 30 degrees in shadows is really not pleasant.
How about trying to find out why it happens to some and not all? And also trying to get it fixed? For switching a mod again it is too early.
I tried to take a look, but i dont really know what to look for. It causes chunk updates whenev its placed down: https://github.com/EwyBoy/EwysWorkshop/issues/7
Important is first to test why it does not happen to everyone. Optifine? Resourcepacks? Single or multiplayer? Just placed down, or in use?

That might make the hunt for bugs much easier. At the first look i could not find anything that might be the reason, but i did not check all the code.
Important is first to test why it does not happen to everyone. Optifine? Resourcepacks? Single or multiplayer? Just placed down, or in use?

That might make the hunt for bugs much easier. At the first look i could not find anything that might be the reason, but i did not check all the code.

I'm playing SP, no optifine, Minimalist Technology texture pack, just placed down.

Got something odd going on in my world... looking for any feedback as to what's happening. I moved my base, laid down a floor and began stacking all my Extra Utilities drums from my Distilling... suddenly, as I placed a drum in the line I was making with them, that drum wasn't there. I placed it... but it was gone. I quickly realized the drum WAS there, right where I placed it, because I couldn't walk thru it, something invisible was blocking my path. And yes, I was able to pick the drum up without incident, it was still full of the correct amount of fluid.

Long story short, I soon realized the invisibility is happening within a specific chunk. Place the drum inside that chunk, the drum becomes invisible. Place it one square outside the chunk, and the drum appears normal. What's going on here? This is an old SMP world that I acquired a copy of when the server disbanded a long time ago... but I don't know what was located in this chunk previously, before I razed everything. Given the location however, I do suspect it used to be the chunk where another player had been living. How would that cause Extra Utilities drums to disappear tho?

P.S. rebooting FTB, and even my whole computer changes nothing - this is a permanent problem with this chunk, and with any Extra Utilities drum. Very odd!
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Next question: Let's say I am seeing things in my very old world file, such as the oddity described above, and such as a very large biome near my base suddenly decided to become a "Storage Cell Biome" and change from summer to winter, with snow covering it... it all makes me worry there are some serious issues with this world, and would like to move my entire base and all the stuff I've accumulated into a brand new world created using the most recent version of Infitech 2.

What's the best way to accomplish that? I did download and try using the latest alpha version of MCEdit, however, the new world just crashed to desktop after I dropped the schematic into the new world and then tried to open it in FTB. It would not run at all.

So... either I shouldn't be using the alpha version (I think it's MCEdit v2.0?), perhaps the standard version of MCEdit might be better?

Or... is there a way I could dismember everything in my world, put it all onto my AE2 drives, and then somehow import those AE2 drives into my new world? Then I could just unpack everything (I'd cheat in a quick way to power the AE2 setup temporarily so I could get started) and begin anew.

I fear using MCEdit with Gregtech is just too complex, with all the wiring, conduits, tanks, etc. to just pick up a x,y,z volume and copy it into a new world successfully. So I'm wondering if the AE2 method might work, or if I should keep trying with MCEdit? Thanks for any advice on how to do this sort of thing.
Important is first to test why it does not happen to everyone. Optifine? Resourcepacks? Single or multiplayer? Just placed down, or in use?

That might make the hunt for bugs much easier. At the first look i could not find anything that might be the reason, but i did not check all the code.
My install: Vanilla textures, no optifine or other separately installed mods except for the pack.
World: Playing SMP, placed the bench down with four crafting tables and four storage-upgrades and some stuff inside. Will test some more later to see if I can find some instances where it doesn't cause issued.
I doubt it matters but the server has installed morpheus serverside... but I doubt it changes anything, just noting it for accuracy's sake.
Edit: spelling
Next question: Let's say I am seeing things in my very old world file, such as the oddity described above, and such as a very large biome near my base suddenly decided to become a "Storage Cell Biome" and change from summer to winter, with snow covering it... it all makes me worry there are some serious issues with this world, and would like to move my entire base and all the stuff I've accumulated into a brand new world created using the most recent version of Infitech 2.

What's the best way to accomplish that? I did download and try using the latest alpha version of MCEdit, however, the new world just crashed to desktop after I dropped the schematic into the new world and then tried to open it in FTB. It would not run at all.

So... either I shouldn't be using the alpha version (I think it's MCEdit v2.0?), perhaps the standard version of MCEdit might be better?

Or... is there a way I could dismember everything in my world, put it all onto my AE2 drives, and then somehow import those AE2 drives into my new world? Then I could just unpack everything (I'd cheat in a quick way to power the AE2 setup temporarily so I could get started) and begin anew.

I fear using MCEdit with Gregtech is just too complex, with all the wiring, conduits, tanks, etc. to just pick up a x,y,z volume and copy it into a new world successfully. So I'm wondering if the AE2 method might work, or if I should keep trying with MCEdit? Thanks for any advice on how to do this sort of thing.
One issue with old worlds I've had before is that the seed didn't retain, and as such it received a new seed number when used later on, causing issues like you state, snowy biomes where there wasn't and chunk-borders looking bad and more.
I think the problem with moving stuff from older worlds you are having might be because the items/blocks doesn't have the same id:s any more... but that's just my 5 cents, not to be taken as gospel ;)
If I were you I'd just note down the machines you have, and just spawn them on your new world(up to date world) or just restart the tech-process from zero :)
@Jason McRay I found something that might be a "bug" in the quest for the EBF:
When I was making the coil blocks I was up to 9 in my inventory, but the quest said I had 15... dunno why and it's not a game-breaking issue, just figured you might want a heads-up.
@Jason McRay I found something that might be a "bug" in the quest for the EBF:
When I was making the coil blocks I was up to 9 in my inventory, but the quest said I had 15... dunno why and it's not a game-breaking issue, just figured you might want a heads-up.
Yea... I know about this. When you are crafting stuff the counter for it is bit broken. The solution for it would be to switch these quests to detection instead of crafting. But I am not really bothered by that.
Not too long ago I came across a spreadsheet containing all the data regarding turbine materials, but I can't seem to find it again. Does anyone have the link to it?
One issue with old worlds I've had before is that the seed didn't retain, and as such it received a new seed number when used later on, causing issues like you state, snowy biomes where there wasn't and chunk-borders looking bad and more.
I think the problem with moving stuff from older worlds you are having might be because the items/blocks doesn't have the same id:s any more... but that's just my 5 cents, not to be taken as gospel ;)
If I were you I'd just note down the machines you have, and just spawn them on your new world(up to date world) or just restart the tech-process from zero :)

The world I'm playing IS currently using the most up-to-date version of the modpack... so it shouldn't be a version issue when trying to move all the stuff over... i'm moving from one world to another, but they're both at v3.2.9 of the modpack.

I would definitely do what you suggest, except I lose all my fluids and stuff. Well, I guess there IS one way to spawn in fluids... via GregTech cells... but at one bucket per cell, I would have to spawn in - and then de-can them all - 20,000 cells of, say, Bio Gas, if I happen to have a full-to-the-top, max-size Railcraft Steel Tank of the stuff in my current world.

It never occurred to me, until reading your solution, that I could combine my own two solutions!! Break down my entire base and put every last item into AE2 drives... then simply use MCEdit to transfer one block from the old world into the new world - the block containing the AE2 drive with the 10 hard drives in it! Brilliant, if I dare say so myself. LOL And yeah... a lot of work too.

I think its time to fork my world, and spend the entire day stuffing everything into AE2. LOL This will be an interesting project, for sure. haha

On second thought... maybe spawning in all my machines is the way to go... such a dilemma. sigh The one option I will never consider is starting over from scratch. That thought just horrifies me, thinking about how much time I've spent getting to the point i'm at.
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The world I'm playing IS currently using the most up-to-date version of the modpack... so it shouldn't be a version issue when trying to move all the stuff over... i'm moving from one world to another, but they're both at v3.2.9 of the modpack.
It should not have any issues. The only thing I have found, when I was transfering my world from Server to SSP, the GT Oil data has got reset and changed. I am pretty sure the seed remained the same (but cannot really confirm it). But where I got Medium Oil deposite, now is Light Fuel. Oil deposit in my base (which I completely drained out) has oil again...
It never occurred to me, until reading your solution, that I could combine my own two solutions!! Break down my entire base and put every last item into AE2 drives... then simply use MCEdit to transfer one block from the old world into the new world - the block containing the AE2 drive with the 10 hard drives in it! Brilliant, if I dare say so myself. LOL And yeah... a lot of work too.
There is much MUCH simpler solution.
1) Get the items into your drives and have the drives in your inventory
2) Be in NEI cheat mode and SAVE the loadout (the buttons on the left side)
3) Load the new world
4) Load back the loadout.
5) ???
6) Profit :)

You can also stuff your base into Spatial drives... BUT... GT Machines will not retain their info so they will break and will become .name blocks.
i had a big question... gregtech 6 is out and being worked on. it seems fun. surprised its not in your pack yet? is it because its less stable then the experimental version we are using?