[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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The best way of making fuel with pneumaticraft in my oppinion is to make a passive oil cracker using burning netherrack that surrounds the refinery on all sides. Looks something like this http://prntscr.com/a649xq. Tthis was way back (page 461) when i was starting out my current SP world.
Moreover you crack the diesel into kerosine and then all kerosine into fuel using thermopneumatic processing plants which increases the fuel output by about 50%. Conversion is 80% efficient so you get 0.2*0.8^2+0.3*0.8+0.3 =0,6424 buckets of fuel per bucket of oil. You run the thermopneumatic processing plants with a liquid compressor that you run on LPG which is the part you cant turn into fuel. You have to use some simple redstone controle to make sure that the liquid compressor does not go above 5 bars (ive set it to shut off if it goes above 4 bars). The process also produces a substantial amount of excess LPG fuel.

Moreover this process is rather quick, requires no extra energy and is very easily scalable. A few stacks of iron is easily enough for 3-4 towers. Add the nitro diesel production line and you are looking into a very nice early game power source. Got me all the way to HV at which point i uppgraded my system into a distilation tower setup.
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Only problem with that setup @Joel Falk is that burning netherrack doesn't seem to get the refineries hot enough anymore to provide constant output of fuel types. At least it didn't a week or so ago when I messed around with it. It will produce some fuel, but the temperature stays way down at the lower threshold of what works to crack the oil.

Also, lava no longer really works either to passively heat the refinery. The lava will ramp the heat up very significantly for a short period of time, and then turn to obsidian.

I ended up using a vortex tunnel to heat the refinery, but because I was looking for LPG to make plastics I ended up burning off the kerosene to run the liquid compressor.
Are you sure you set it up right? you have to be extremly carefull not to let it have any air blocks on any side on the refinery or the temperature dropps significantly. It is possible though that it has been changed since i did it some month ago
Is there any way to make Forestry farms faster? Except for Thaumcraft lamp of Growth, I mean.. The OpenBlocks sprinkler doesn't seem to do a thing.

Also, smelting all that crystals to get needed molten glass was a pain in my ass.. But good that its only LV recipe :> Didn't get to MV yet
about forestry farms, I'm pretty sure that they used to work together with IC2 crops, so fully upgraded crops with a forestry farm and tc growthlamp should be really fast... if you still can use crop sticks on them that is...
Are you sure you set it up right? you have to be extremly carefull not to let it have any air blocks on any side on the refinery or the temperature dropps significantly. It is possible though that it has been changed since i did it some month ago

I'll check again later tonight if my mess is still standing. Maybe I allowed an air block by mistake
For an EnderIO farming station (or TC golem farm, or Steve's Carts farm) you could speed it up by planting your crops on enchanted soil (magic bees mod), but since the forestry farm maintains the soil this isn't really an option.

Scale out to max size forestry farm and if that isn't fast enough set up a lamp of growth.

I used this enchanted soil in my mk3 fusion farm. It really doesn't make much difference, adding 1 more lamp of growth show have more impact. Also it's annoying to craft.
I'm starting to suffer steam losses myself, so I'll be looking into IC2 biogas if that's still a thing. I may also add a few more solar boilers, although I find them a bit cheaty in single player. I'll definitely have to increase the size of my RC steam buffer one way or the other.

I have to keep knocking out my pair of solar boilers every few hours or the diminishing returns beats them into the grounds, problem with them is due to that aforementioned diminishing return factor, buffer is 2400 buckets and i cant even run a centrifuge on the buggers without draining the tank ... ok, it dosnt help that i needed to drill a 20-block vertical shaft for daylight to reach them - which is why i only have a pair.

It might even be possible to run with only sulfuric light or heavy fuel and still get some excess. The desulfurisation process should be possible to run on the sulfuric acid you produce and the nitro diesel production could be run on nitro diesel with a fair bit of excess nitro diesel left over. If people are interested i could do the math on such a setup in the google docs to see how viable it is.

Burning light sulfuric fuel cells is viable, but i think after running costs i only have about 5k eu to play with, verses 10.8kish from biogas stills (but id have to make a trek on foot into the nether for bloody blaze rods) - so it might be better to invest in the de-sulfurisation process, that needs a compressor, cells, electrolyzer (to strip hydrogen from water) and a chemical reactor, right?
Methane farming is, from what i can see; a largely manual process, unless i can build those forestry farms in LV (i have found apatite) and then just jimmy up a setup that drums methane - its just the extraction process for that is painfully slow, but again like the fuel cell and biogas process, seems to net a good return these days - whats the required input for those farms these days anyway? do they even run on GT EU?
I have to keep knocking out my pair of solar boilers every few hours or the diminishing returns beats them into the grounds, problem with them is due to that aforementioned diminishing return factor, buffer is 2400 buckets and i cant even run a centrifuge on the buggers without draining the tank ... ok, it dosnt help that i needed to drill a 20-block vertical shaft for daylight to reach them - which is why i only have a pair.
I dont remember anything about the diminishing returns, but I did most of my industry on my 4 solars tbh.

I now have 2 small coal boilers and a high pressure one (due to hqm I believe) that I can use every once in a while when it matters.
Once you are in lv you can do the "cheaty" method...take a battery buffer lv pump and 3 drums in the nether and pump lava...you can get a lot of steam via high pressure lava boilers...you just can't automize the transport...yet
ProjectRed Circuit PLates are not craftable. I forgot to remove the smelting recipe of BP ones so its conflicting. TO fix that add these two lines in the end of bluepower.zs file (located in scripts folder)


recipes.addShapeless(<ProjRed|Core:projectred.core.part>, [<bluepower:stone_tile>]);

Server owners can do this on the server side, and it will by synced to players playing.
Burning light sulfuric fuel cells is viable, but i think after running costs i only have about 5k eu to play with, verses 10.8kish from biogas stills (but id have to make a trek on foot into the nether for bloody blaze rods) - so it might be better to invest in the de-sulfurisation process, that needs a compressor, cells, electrolyzer (to strip hydrogen from water) and a chemical reactor, right?

I'le try and find time to do a short guide on how to make the low tech oil-nitro diesel production line and do a proper calculation on the system to see what machines in the setup are the bottleneck and the overall output of the system. I suspect this would be valuable for a lot of people

Is Gasoline from the pneumaticraft refinery still be possible to turn into nitro diesel Or does it have to be light fuel now?
Gasoline to nitrodisel has lower output now. 80% if i remember right.
Also, many fuel values and processing costs/speeds changed in GT5.09.21.
.22 will also have a new addition.
I just had a really funny idea that im gonna implement with my tree farm that completly skips the solid fuels and instead produce liquid and gaseous fuels. As before the sapplings get turned into biogas but the difference is that now instead the wood gets turned into heavy oil. 16 wood turns into 200 mb of heavy oil in 16 seconds . In my case this is then turned into BC oil with distillery (cause otherwise i would need to rebalance my distilation setup) but heavy oil can be run just as well as long as your distilation process is adapted to it. For every 1 wood per second this would produce 200/16= 12,5 mb of bc oil per second. This means that with 4 pyrolyze ovens running at full speed producing heavy oil (4 wood per second) you could actually run my distilation tower setup nonstop as it requires 50 mb of BC oil per second. But the setup could just as easily be run with just the amount of wood you produce, it would just mean the distilation tower on oil wont run 100% of the time.

The net energy for 1 bucket of oil from the distilation process is about 720k EU and producing the oil from wood is 5*(61440+384)=309120 so the net gain would be about 400k EU per 64 wood. The Energy gain is pretty bad compared to a tunstensteel boiler + turbine setup but most of the energy will be produced from the biogas production which would have a huge excess of energy. Moreover this would give you all the byproducts of oil without having to actually finding it and pump the stuff. It would be completly automated and would require no supervision :)

Also im currently working on the energy balance on the low tech oil system. I havent completed the nitro diesel yet but the balance for producing light fuel is actually extremly good. the desulfurisation line can run on the sulfuric acid that is produced and the process can handle the output of at least 10 or so distilleries. And even with just the energy value of the light fuel it has a net energy gain of about 180 eu/t per distillery.

So you could have 10 distilleries and one desulfurisation line which would net output of more than 1800 eu/tick in fuel value. The efficiency of the process is 229370 EU per BC oil bucket.

If you consider the nitro diesel production line things get really impressive.
You can run a maximum of 5 distilleries on one single nitro diesel line and then the output becomes 466 eu/tick per distillary or a maximum of 2330 eu/ tick per nitro diesel line. Here the efficiency is a net gain of 596673 EU per bucket of BC oil which is not that far off from the distilation tower, especially when we consider only the nitro diesel. The complete distilation tower process (cracking+2x distillation towers) produces 716800 eu worth of nitro diesel per bucket of oil while this process produces 640000 eu worth of nitro diesel or 89,3%.

Also each distillery requires 1 bucket of oil per minute to run non stop so 5 distilleries producing nitro diesel in this way would consume 5 buckets of oil per minute which i think is somewhat managable.
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I just had a really funny idea that im gonna implement with my tree farm that completly skips the solid fuels and instead produce liquid and gaseous fuels. As before the sapplings get turned into biogas but the difference is that now instead the wood gets turned into heavy oil. 16 wood turns into 200 mb of heavy oil in 16 seconds . In my case this is then turned into BC oil with distillery (cause otherwise i would need to rebalance my distilation setup) but heavy oil can be run just as well as long as your distilation process is adapted to it. For every 1 wood per second this would produce 200/16= 12,5 mb of bc oil per second. This means that with 4 pyrolyze ovens running at full speed producing heavy oil (4 wood per second) you could actually run my distilation tower setup nonstop as it requires 50 mb of BC oil per second. But the setup could just as easily be run with just the amount of wood you produce, it would just mean the distilation tower on oil wont run 100% of the time.

The net energy for 1 bucket of oil from the distilation process is about 720k EU and producing the oil from wood is 5*(61440+384)=309120 so the net gain would be about 400k EU per 64 wood. The Energy gain is crappy but most of the energy will be produced from the biogas production which would have a huge excess of energy. Moreover this would give you all the byproducts of oil without having to actually finding and pumping the stuff. IT would be completly automated and would require no supervision :)

Also im currently working on the energy balance on the low tech oil system. I havent completed the nitro diesel yet but the balance for producing light fuel is actually extremly good. the desulfurisation line can run on the sulfuric acid that is produced and the process can handle the output of at least 10 or so distilleries. And even with just the energy value of the light fuel it has a net energy gain of about 180 eu/t per distillery.

So you could have 5 distilleries and one desulfurisation line which would net output of more than 900 eu/tick in fuel value. If you then also run it in the nitro diesel line it should increase by at least 50% more (ile get back on the numbers soon)
sounds sweet, I was thinking about trying out a fuel solution where you farm soybeans, then turn(craft) them into fish and then centrifuge them into 96L methane gas each...
What are the earlier "automatic" farming solutions people can think up? Like, the next step after automatically farming cactus via pistons or something.
What are the earlier "automatic" farming solutions people can think up? Like, the next step after automatically farming cactus via pistons or something.
Steve's Carts, EnderIO Farming Station, Forestry MFE, and best of all: a wither
Just noticed a thing, sapplings cant actually be turned into biochaff, however leaves and apples can. So a farm that could shear leaves would be insanely efficient at producing a biochaff while a regular one wouldnt work at all beyond the small production of apples.

Now here is the funny thing, if you give a farming station a shear it starts producing very nice amounts of sheared leaves while still producing some sappling(it actually produces more leaves than wood :)). So a farming station with an flux infused axe and a dark steel shear would be absolutely insane at producing apples and leaves for biogas with some wood left over you can use for oil or charcoal production. If you also add a small mob farm to get bones you could have an extremly compact high output tree farm rather easy :)

Some random observations:
Unless the biomass production from the canning machine is deactivated you should not need a pyrolyze oven to produce a nice quantity of biomass (sorry dlur100 :p).

I realized ive used a really suboptimal way of producing nitrogen for the nitrogen in the nitro diesel production. Actually using a centrifuge is WAY more efficient than distillery (like 24 times cheaper) and it produces extra oxygen as well.

And i forgot to mention that oil production from wood produces a substantial amount of ashes that can be turned into carbon dust which is actually quite usefull for a number of different things. Titanium and nitro diesel being the most relevant ones for me
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What are the earlier "automatic" farming solutions people can think up? Like, the next step after automatically farming cactus via pistons or something.
As mentioned earlier, I did forestry pretty fast in my game (well.. ~2 weeks into the world, but I play rather slow). All of the stuff needed can be made only with basic machines.
I know this modpack doesn't support removing or "adding" mods. But non the less, at first glance, do you think adding the following would cause any problem?

- SpecialAI (already added, no problem as of yet.)
- Hunger Overhaul
- Spice of life
- A diverse mob adding mod (i don't know which one my friend has in mind.) At first glance in his singleplayer mod it seemed fine.

Reason i ask is because we(my friend and I) played FTB Blood N Bones a while back. But imo it was missing what Infitech has. The "Tech" of Gregtech and a very well balanced way at it too. But even so, in Infitech 2, i'm missing the hardness of the mobs AI from FTB Blood N Bones. So we want to somewhat merge the two for our own private server.I figured i'd ask incase someone else already added those mods and found out they didn't work well with something in Infitech 2. Cause removing is not an option while adding can sometime be ok if it doesn't break the ladder of things.
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