[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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I am trying to not change default GT progression. So if you would like to see change for GT i recommend you putting it in GT issue tracker.

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Was just an idle thought that I had, since I saw that aluminium clusters(TC) could be smelted in the TC infernal furnace a similar expansion of the tech-side could be done with bauxite ore processing... And I've wondered for a while why it's been the same energy cost to produce aluminium from ore as from reprocessing "pre-used" aluminium... since normally the refining of the ore takes ~10 times the energy.

Anyhow, Love the pack, hope you won't get bored of making it :)
Was just an idle thought that I had, since I saw that aluminium clusters(TC) could be smelted in the TC infernal furnace a similar expansion of the tech-side could be done with bauxite ore processing... And I've wondered for a while why it's been the same energy cost to produce aluminium from ore as from reprocessing "pre-used" aluminium... since normally the refining of the ore takes ~10 times the energy.

Anyhow, Love the pack, hope you won't get bored of making it :)
Not quite, you can smelt clusters into ingots with the infernal blast furnace, a combination of the TC infernal furnace and the RC blast furnace added by Witching Gadgets, much as the RC blast furnace however it's not actually obtainable.
Not quite, you can smelt clusters into ingots with the infernal blast furnace, a combination of the TC infernal furnace and the RC blast furnace added by Witching Gadgets, much as the RC blast furnace however it's not actually obtainable.
Ah, I see. well anyhow the TC refining of most ores into clusters yield 3 x ingots for every ore, which is quite a nice boost... not that real world bauxite processing is that pleasing, since it's ~four tons of bauxite per one ton finished aluminium... but then this is minecraft, not real life... real life mining is way more labor intense than MC mining ;)
Making Aluminium more complex and expensive is an bad idea, as it is only the MV Material and allready difficult enough. I made Titanium and Tungsten more complex as they were too simple for later tiers.

Shifting more EU costs from EBF to Electrolyzing would likely be a good idea. The main issue against changing processing of bauxite would be the Aluminium ores. Removing them from worldgen is something I will not do this late anymore.
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yeah, but I was thinking early stage ore processing, since once you're at HV tier(maybe mid to late MV tier even) you could easily afford the special fluids that yield more metals, though I haven't looked into what the net gain of that whole processing line is.
Pretty sure at 3.5 ingots per ore clusters are still a solid option even into HV, the main limitation is you can't get byproducts but if the primary product is what you want then I'm pretty sure they can stay relevant. More likely to apply to ores of some the rarer metals like iridium or uranium, neodymium maybe?
No 1.8 because GT will not happen for that version.

Wasnt the rendering engine for 1.8 an utter clusterfuck anyway?
I heard tell that Terrafirmacraft canned their 1.8 version because of all the coding they would have to do for each microblock in their mod, and every subsequent possible visual iteration of each and every block required another line of code ...

If you refine TC ores into clusters and then pulverize them (HV+ macerator) you should get 4x ingots.

guarantee of three from a cluster with a 50% proc chance of an extra piece, i have to say that its wonderful for early game gold and even more so for cinnabar, which i dont think there is a more effective conversion for the latter either.

if you where planning on making aluminium a harder to process material?

Hang on a second, wouldnt removing aluminium ores screw progression to MV?
Considering that unless you changed the voltages for bauxite processing, you would have to wash a fuckton of crushed bauxite in order to just put a handful of MV machines up, nevermind the fact the requirements of each piston, motor etc.
Unless there is something i've missed t'wixt the changes from 3.1 and 3.2, you needed to first make aluminium to make an electrolyzer to process bauxite.

On the personal side, i'm roughly half way through LV - still havnt cobbled together enough for the EBF, but i'm working on it - my main concern is power.
With the changes to thaumcrafts golems and railcrafts coke ovens, the change in cost of pipes and conduits ... how is everyone else dealing with generating power? i'm still mucking around with different concepts, but automation without enderio is totally alien to me.
And it's difficult to run a handful of LV machines with small boilers ... lol, its going to be impossible to run an EBF on them.
So far, the most hopeful thing i've found is the biogas conversion - but frankly, the ic2 conversion system sucks balls and requires babysitting - so i'm looking at shilling out the resources for distilleries, since even if you factor in the running cost of those you still have about 10k EU to work with and the cost of running the canner is non-consequential due to the conversion ratio being 1:32 (Biomass -> Biogas)
Or is there another option that i'm missing that dosnt revolve around a fully automated thaumcraft tree farm that i need HV to produce?
On the personal side, i'm roughly half way through LV - still havnt cobbled together enough for the EBF, but i'm working on it - my main concern is power.
With the changes to thaumcrafts golems and railcrafts coke ovens, the change in cost of pipes and conduits ... how is everyone else dealing with generating power? i'm still mucking around with different concepts, but automation without enderio is totally alien to me.
And it's difficult to run a handful of LV machines with small boilers ... lol, its going to be impossible to run an EBF on them.
So far, the most hopeful thing i've found is the biogas conversion - but frankly, the ic2 conversion system sucks balls and requires babysitting - so i'm looking at shilling out the resources for distilleries, since even if you factor in the running cost of those you still have about 10k EU to work with and the cost of running the canner is non-consequential due to the conversion ratio being 1:32 (Biomass -> Biogas)
Or is there another option that i'm missing that dosnt revolve around a fully automated thaumcraft tree farm that i need HV to produce?
I'm also partway through LV (bender, polarizer, wiremill, assembler, extruder, liquid canner, solid canner...im missing one).

I'm starting to suffer steam losses myself, so I'll be looking into IC2 biogas if that's still a thing. I may also add a few more solar boilers, although I find them a bit cheaty in single player. I'll definitely have to increase the size of my RC steam buffer one way or the other.

Are we able to make Drums in LV? Probably not, but if I can, I'll probably go get a bunch of oil and start refining it. If I can't, oil is still a silly energy source.
Hang on a second, wouldnt removing aluminium ores screw progression to MV?
Considering that unless you changed the voltages for bauxite processing, you would have to wash a fuckton of crushed bauxite in order to just put a handful of MV machines up, nevermind the fact the requirements of each piston, motor etc.
Unless there is something i've missed t'wixt the changes from 3.1 and 3.2, you needed to first make aluminium to make an electrolyzer to process bauxite.
I was mainly thinking of having a different version of bauxite processing, but as Jason said it won't happen'

Are we able to make Drums in LV? Probably not, but if I can, I'll probably go get a bunch of oil and start refining it. If I can't, oil is still a silly energy source.
Drums require a cauldron a iron pressure plate, a iron ring and six steel plates I believe, afaik it's doable pre-LV tier ;)
Pretty sure at 3.5 ingots per ore clusters are still a solid option even into HV, the main limitation is you can't get byproducts but if the primary product is what you want then I'm pretty sure they can stay relevant. More likely to apply to ores of some the rarer metals like iridium or uranium, neodymium maybe?

Oh well, even at 3.5 ingots per ore cluster it's still worth it to do for some metals. Basically the straight ore types like gold are best suited to this. Iridium ore you would almost always want to run through a HV pulverizer and thermal centrifuge as the Osmium byproduct is worth significantly more than the iridium itself is.

I'm also partway through LV (bender, polarizer, wiremill, assembler, extruder, liquid canner, solid canner...im missing one).

I'm starting to suffer steam losses myself, so I'll be looking into IC2 biogas if that's still a thing. I may also add a few more solar boilers, although I find them a bit cheaty in single player. I'll definitely have to increase the size of my RC steam buffer one way or the other.

Are we able to make Drums in LV? Probably not, but if I can, I'll probably go get a bunch of oil and start refining it. If I can't, oil is still a silly energy source.

IC2 Biogas is still a thing and it's a pretty good option depending on how you go at it. You won't get as much power from it as Nitrodiesel, but of course Nitrodiesel requires quite a bit more processing to acquire than biogas does. Plus biogas can be run directly in a large GT turbine when you're ready to push past HV.

You can make drums in LV just fine. And even if you couldn't you can make OpenBlocks liquid tanks quite inexpensively, albeit they don't store as much as drums.

Pretty sure at the LV stage you might also be able to build pneumaticcraft refineries and process oil that way. The LPG can run in gas turbines just like IC2 biogas. You can crack the other fuels down into LPG. It's slow but requires minimal/no power consumption.
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I always used fuel as an early game power source to get going with my first electric blast furnace. To get some starting oil all you should need is a drum and a gas lift from pneumaticraft that you run with a solid fuel compressor. Things have changed a lot since then but i used a pneumaticraft setup to generate a pretty nice amount of fuel. Not sure if it is even possible anymore thought. You could still go the GT route for sure thought.
I havent checked the math but you should get a decent excess of making oil to light sulfuric fuel- light fuel. Especially if you also go throug the trouble to make it into nitro diesel which is all possible in the LV tier.

It might even be possible to run with only sulfuric light or heavy fuel and still get some excess. The desulfurisation process should be possible to run on the sulfuric acid you produce and the nitro diesel production could be run on nitro diesel with a fair bit of excess nitro diesel left over. If people are interested i could do the math on such a setup in the google docs to see how viable it is.

Its a pretty expensive early game investment to get nitro diesel production started but you will use the setup later anyway to produce plastics regardless so it will pay off. Power wise it will also be relevant untill you start moving into the IV tier.

Edit: If pneumaticraft refineries still work as before they are a extremly good way of producing fuel early on.
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Is there any way to make Forestry farms faster? Except for Thaumcraft lamp of Growth, I mean.. The OpenBlocks sprinkler doesn't seem to do a thing.

Also, smelting all that crystals to get needed molten glass was a pain in my ass.. But good that its only LV recipe :> Didn't get to MV yet
Is there any way to make Forestry farms faster? Except for Thaumcraft lamp of Growth, I mean.. The OpenBlocks sprinkler doesn't seem to do a thing.

Also, smelting all that crystals to get needed molten glass was a pain in my ass.. But good that its only LV recipe :> Didn't get to MV yet
I think you're supposed to make them bigger rather than faster :\

I'm surprised openblocks sprinkler didn't do the trick since the plants should all operate on regular growth ticks.
I think you're supposed to make them bigger rather than faster :\

I'm surprised openblocks sprinkler didn't do the trick since the plants should all operate on regular growth ticks.
For openblocks, I'm not 100% sure but I've tested an hour of carrots w/o it, and got ~5 buckets of methane, and then an hour with sprinkler, and only 5 buckets of methane as well..

Allright.. So anyone got experience on how big should multifarm be to run 4x centrifuges of carrots constantly?
Edit: If pneumaticraft refineries still work as before they are a extremly good way of producing fuel early on.

A 4 block high pneumaticcraft refinery produces Diesel, Kerosene, Gasoline, and LPG. You can run the diesel and gasoline it produces in a GT diesel generator. The kerosene it produces works well for running a liquid pneumaticcraft compressor that operates a vortex tunnel to make the refinery go faster. The LPG can be turned into plastic or run in a GT gas turbine.

The Pneumaticraft refinery is pretty slow (depending on how much heat you can afford to throw at it), but it could potentially scale out.
For openblocks, I'm not 100% sure but I've tested an hour of carrots w/o it, and got ~5 buckets of methane, and then an hour with sprinkler, and only 5 buckets of methane as well..

Allright.. So anyone got experience on how big should multifarm be to run 4x centrifuges of carrots constantly?
For an EnderIO farming station (or TC golem farm, or Steve's Carts farm) you could speed it up by planting your crops on enchanted soil (magic bees mod), but since the forestry farm maintains the soil this isn't really an option.

Scale out to max size forestry farm and if that isn't fast enough set up a lamp of growth.
For an EnderIO farming station (or TC golem farm, or Steve's Carts farm) you could speed it up by planting your crops on enchanted soil (magic bees mod), but since the forestry farm maintains the soil this isn't really an option.
Hm. When the farm is not managed, but manual, I don't think it would replace the soil one places. Will test this, thanks.