[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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I know this modpack doesn't support removing or "adding" mods. But non the less, at first glance, do you think adding the following would cause any problem?

- SpecialAI (already added, no problem as of yet.)
- Hunger Overhaul
- Spice of life
- A diverse mob adding mod (i don't know which one my friend has in mind.) At first glance in his singleplayer mod it seemed fine.

Reason i ask is because we(my friend and I) played FTB Blood N Bones a while back. But imo it was missing what Infitech has. The "Tech" of Gregtech and a very well balanced way at it too. But even so, in Infitech 2, i'm missing the hardness of the mobs AI from FTB Blood N Bones. So we want to somewhat merge the two for our own private server.I figured i'd ask incase someone else already added those mods and found out they didn't work well with something in Infitech 2. Cause removing is not an option while adding can sometime be ok if it doesn't break the ladder of things.
Shouldn't be an issue. We've had HO and SoL in the pack before in fact. (I griped until we yanked it out.)
Shouldn't be an issue. We've had HO and SoL in the pack before in fact. (I griped until we yanked it out.)
lol, that's the reason we want it in :p The added difficulty.

Edit: As i mentioned above, Infitech bring the "Tech" difficulty in a very balanced way. But my friend and I lack the "Survival" element. According to him, he found what look to be a promising "mob" mod to add which should bring the "hardcore" survival in conjonction with what Infitech already has to offer :D
I know this modpack doesn't support removing or "adding" mods. But non the less, at first glance, do you think adding the following would cause any problem?

- SpecialAI (already added, no problem as of yet.)
- Hunger Overhaul
- Spice of life
- A diverse mob adding mod (i don't know which one my friend has in mind.) At first glance in his singleplayer mod it seemed fine.

Reason i ask is because we(my friend and I) played FTB Blood N Bones a while back. But imo it was missing what Infitech has. The "Tech" of Gregtech and a very well balanced way at it too. But even so, in Infitech 2, i'm missing the hardness of the mobs AI from FTB Blood N Bones. So we want to somewhat merge the two for our own private server.I figured i'd ask incase someone else already added those mods and found out they didn't work well with something in Infitech 2. Cause removing is not an option while adding can sometime be ok if it doesn't break the ladder of things.
I highly recommend ZombieAwareness; you'll love it, since you like mob danger
Just noticed a thing, sapplings cant actually be turned into biochaff, however leaves and apples can. So a farm that could shear leaves would be insanely efficient at producing a biochaff while a regular one wouldnt work at all beyond the small production of apples.
If you add a compressor and a macerator to your setup, then yes, they can.
The canning machine (ic2) can be used to create biomass, its in one of the hqm book quests - hence my comment about ic2 solid heat gens sucking hard.
Don't see big difference between tps with it or without it. I play SP though, sometimes my gf joins me, but I don't open just a server for
My friend tryed Grimoire form Gaia but we weren't too impressed. It looked promising at first but wasn't what we were looking for. So we went back with an old friend of ours...Lycanite Mobs. That did the trick just right on.

Now...if technology isn't trying to kill you (Hot pipe...exploding gregtech machine...Nuclear explosion...and more...) The zoo outside your house is! Perfect balance ^_^

Edit: Oh and...should you dare run out of power (because after all..that's what Infitech is about right? Overcomming energy difficulty) You better have some battlegear to get some ressources :p
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hence my comment about ic2 solid heat gens sucking hard

Making biogas with ic2 is INSANELY slow. Tried to make a system with it way back in some other modpack and realised i would need a huge array to even produce a bit of power. If you are only going to get biogas for a jetpack it works quite well thought.

The complete system for my oak farm would be 1 compressor, 1 macerator, and 1-2 canning machines and then a lot of distillation tower (to avoid ic2 heat gen) and a few gas turbines. Need to figure out the speed of the canning machine so i can get the ratio between all the machines. It should be 20 second per operation as with most ic2 machines without overclocker upgrades.

Beyond that i would also need a pyrolyze oven to produce heavy oil and a distillery to make it into BC oil that works with my previous 1 cracker, 2 distillation tower setup. Should be a nice challange after i finish up my lava heat exchanger system system :)

While it's not running right now if it works like i hope its gonna be extremly good. I just also figured out to make it a bit more expandable so you could run 6 turbines on 1 heat exchanger. The logistics of sending around even amounts of fluid when it is 40k+ steam per second is a bit technical but think i found a good solution :) The solution requires you to use fluxed electrum rotors though. The output of my planned 4 turbine system will be a wopping 9360 eu/tick by consuming 1.2 buckets of lava per second but could be expanded all the way to 14040 eu/t for a single heat exchanger :)

I can easily keep up with the lava using the endothermic pump system i made earlier which can handle about 10-15 buckets per second and a large railcraft buffer tank. Im also gonna be swimming in tungsten, copper, gold, tin, silver and tantalite after this from centrifuging all that pahoe lava
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Ive build a nice charcoal-powerplant for the tech-rush team on the server. The numbers play out so niecly, it seems intended:
-An ender-io Farming station supplies more than 1 wood per second and enough saplings to power 4 lamps of growth.
-2 Pyrolysis ovens make 1,25 charcoal per second and enough creosote to power a 36-LP RC boiler each (no nitrogen used)
-Each RC boiler drives one MV steam turbine for the pyrolysis oven and an LV one which powers a macerator (for wooden pulp) and gives energy to the farming station.
-Charcoal and wooden pulp (autocrafted into tiny piles) are converted into alumentum. The alchemical boilers for that are powered by a small alumentum farm which uses 4 cokeovens. I cant use the produced alumentum from the pyrolysis charcoal since i need 100% of that. This results in one alumentum every 2 seconds.
-The alumentum is burned in 3 large steel boilers from GT, each one driving a large steam turbine with a large cobalt turbine for a total of 2340 eu/t.
That is very similar to what i first had in mind but with a lower tech implementation. What tier can you get out a farming station, MV tier? That should be the hardest thing to produce of the tings you mention.

Wouldnt it be better to run the creosote in the GT boiler rather than the RC boiler? I don't think it is considered a refined fuel so the efficiency should be much higher. Then the excess alumentum could probably run all the alchemical furnaces and maybe another turbine without needing a second alumentum system.

Running the pyroluse oven, macerator and farming station on the power from the large turbines would also increase the efficiency quite a bit as the RC boiler with turbines have a extremly low efficiency compared to the large boilers with large turbines.

Other than that i think it's an extremly nice setup, would love a picture to get an idea of how large it is :)
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Wouldnt it be better to run the creosote in the GT boiler rather than the RC boiler? I don't think it is considered a refined fuel so the efficiency should be much higher. Then the excess alumentum could probably run all the alchemical furnaces and maybe another turbine without needing a second alumentum system.

The GT boilers in the previous pack version burnt through creosote like it was going out of fashion, it always felt like i got more steam out of the RC boiler running creosote.

Making biogas with ic2 is INSANELY slow.

Yup, and i did stay the hell away from the ic2 fermenter, that thing is just plain wasteful - i've got a little still going running 2x LV distillery and 3x Lv Gas Turbine and at the stage i'm at, every little helps with power output.
It just took a while to level off its own self-sufficiency, what i noticed is that 1 bucket of biomass is a whopping 32 buckets of biogas and even with the various inefficencies and running costs of the system, its still producing plenty of biogas - even if it is a rather small system.
Pyrolase ovens are way beyond my tech level right now, i dont even have an EBF, let alone the gear to set up an EIO auto farm ... though, it may be possible to make a forestry farm in LV - look at the possible uses for quartzite, you will find that it should be usable to make liquid glass (72mb/1 dust) with 30eu/t - i'm glad that someone saw fit to make mining quartzite worth bothering with. (wanders off to one of the many quartzite veins i've found and starts digging)

Also im currently working on the energy balance on the low tech oil system. I havent completed the nitro diesel yet but the balance for producing light fuel is actually extremly good. the desulfurisation line can run on the sulfuric acid that is produced and the process can handle the output of at least 10 or so distilleries. And even with just the energy value of the light fuel it has a net energy gain of about 180 eu/t per distillery.

So you could have 10 distilleries and one desulfurisation line which would net output of more than 1800 eu/tick in fuel value. The efficiency of the process is 229370 EU per BC oil bucket.

How are you converting the oil into BC oil?
I spent about half an hour panning through NEI last night trying to find anything that yielded BC oil.
I haven't tried it in game yet but you can make light oil into bc oil at a 3:1 ratio, raw oil at a 2:1 ratio and heavy oil at a 1:1 in the distillery acording to NEI. The energy content is roughly the same but the more advanced distillery setups that optimize nitro diesel production cant run on all different oils. You should be able to find it if you Shift-R a heavy oil cell and look for recepies in the distillery. Also its the most efficient way when using the low tech solution as oil and raw oil has the highest proportion of light fuel per operation which becomes very important when you can only take out one of the possible products. The light fuel content is very important since its the product steam with the largest energy potential with a fair margain
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The coal powerplant fits in one chunk, it has 3 levels:
This is the boilers and turbines. Fitting that in wasnt that easy since the turbines need extra space on the fan end and a cable on the other end. Thats why the middle turbine show in the other direction, so it shared the cable with one turbine and the air blocks with the other.
The alumentumsetup is messed up since i had to change it several times. At first i tried to run the alchemical furnaces from saplings, but that was to slow, so the now get their won alumentum from the farom on the roof
Here you can see the farm and the extra alumentum plant for the alchemical furnaces.
Ive build a nice charcoal-powerplant for the tech-rush team on the server. The numbers play out so niecly, it seems intended:
-An ender-io Farming station supplies more than 1 wood per second and enough saplings to power 4 lamps of growth.
-2 Pyrolysis ovens make 1,25 charcoal per second and enough creosote to power a 36-LP RC boiler each (no nitrogen used)
-Each RC boiler drives one MV steam turbine for the pyrolysis oven and an LV one which powers a macerator (for wooden pulp) and gives energy to the farming station.
-Charcoal and wooden pulp (autocrafted into tiny piles) are converted into alumentum. The alchemical boilers for that are powered by a small alumentum farm which uses 4 cokeovens. I cant use the produced alumentum from the pyrolysis charcoal since i need 100% of that. This results in one alumentum every 2 seconds.
-The alumentum is burned in 3 large steel boilers from GT, each one driving a large steam turbine with a large cobalt turbine for a total of 2340 eu/t.

What type of axe do you find works best for the Farming Station? Do you set up an autocrafting recipe and use junk ingots, or is there an axe in this modpack that works well with it? :D

Cheers ...

What type of axe do you find works best for the Farming Station? Do you set up an autocrafting recipe and use junk ingots, or is there an axe in this modpack that works well with it? :D

Cheers ...

Blacksteel axe with upgrades was mentioned before
Darksteel axe, empowered and upgraded and unbreaking3 works good if there's a wireless charger for it. Healing axe also works.
Got a question about charcoal. I stopped playing a while ago since maybe around version 3.1.14 and I remember being able to make a coke oven easily. Now it seems I need to make a mixer in order to get the materials for it? Is there any way to make charcoal in the pre-electric days?
The coal powerplant fits in one chunk, it has 3 levels:
View attachment 26698
This is the boilers and turbines. Fitting that in wasnt that easy since the turbines need extra space on the fan end and a cable on the other end. Thats why the middle turbine show in the other direction, so it shared the cable with one turbine and the air blocks with the other.
View attachment 26699
The alumentumsetup is messed up since i had to change it several times. At first i tried to run the alchemical furnaces from saplings, but that was to slow, so the now get their won alumentum from the farom on the roof
View attachment 26702
Here you can see the farm and the extra alumentum plant for the alchemical furnaces.

So as a noob, what kind of pipes/cables are you using in pic 2?
I'm stuck in BC transfer and as awesome as they have been I feel like they're being transitioned away from. Many thanks, cool setups.
