[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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The way it should be thought is actually that you use steam as an indirect media to turn solid fuels or lava into methane. There is large logistical perks to that. One thing is the energy density as steam contains extremly small amounts of energy per volume but the other thing is moving it around. Moving around any amount of energy in the form of steam is extremly difficult on low tech levels so keeping a small setup that produces methane that you store and move around.
Indeed, one bucket of methane per minute in comparison with loads(more than 120 buckets) of steam for the same period...
Another good thing about solid fuels would also produce ashes that you could use to supply the chemical reactor with carbon dust to produce the methane.
Or use sugar into water, carbon and oxygen... if you don't want to use solid fuels for the steam production... and have already passed by the BBF to make steel.
So basically lava/fuel->steam->methane. Gonna calculate the balance on it now but i think i need to consider all the losses in the system to get more accurate results.

A question regarding transmission losses:
How do you consider transmission losses from generators when you have consumers that does not consume the entire package? The way i understood it a LV steam turbine produces a 32 EU package evert tick by consuming 34 EU worth of fuel at an efficiency of X. So if the reactor requires 30 EU does that mean it should skip one tick every 2/32 ticks? Then the total consumtion of a chemical reactor running on steam directly connected with a LV steam turbine should be (30/32 (active time))*34 (actual consumtion)/efficiency = Fuel EU consumtion per tick. And to get that value in steam you multiply it by 2 since 2 steam=1 eu
from what I can tell the LV steam turbine has an internal buffer, once that buffer has 32 less than maximum stored it uses 102L of steam to make 32EU for the internal buffer.
Im thinking of making a calculation to see how much methane can you produce from 1 piece of charcoal in a high pressure coal boiler, something tells me that would actually be a lot more efficient than centrifuging carrots and potatoes. And if you consider it as a system it does actually produce 64,3 EU/t worth of methane that you could easily scale it up to power a electric blast furnace. Only thing is you could also directly produce about the same amount of power using the steam.

SO maybe not worth it for continous use but for power storage, uneven load and fuel distribution it would work really well.

Thinking about this also makes me wonder of the total efficiency of using 16 LV turbines or 4 MV turbines vs the efficiency of using 1 HV turbines when you consider the total efficiency of the system. While the individual LV turbine has a better efficiency i suspect the actuall efficiency is rather close or better for the higher tier generators when you consider the entire system.
I found something out, Jason and the gang has upgraded the efficiency of all the LV-HV GT generators/turbines... so all the old calculations one made needs to be remade for the new efficiency values.

Like this:
LV Steam Turbine:
34EU generation x 2Liters/EU x 3/2 Efficiency = 102L steam per tick
34EU generation x 2Liters/EU x 20/17 Efficiency = 80L steam per tick

Do head from "headcrumbs" mod work as stabilizers in TC Runic Altar?

Afaik yes, they work as stabilizers, but remember you can just make loads of TC candles if you need more stabilizing.
How do I get a vitreum crystal, needed for Runic Matrix from TC?
This took me a while to figure out too. You need to unlock the correct research in the thauminomicon to do it.

I wish I could remember which tab it was. All I recall was that it was on the top-left :\ I'm leaning towards Alchemy or Thaumic Tinkerer.
How do I get a vinteum crystal, needed for Runic Matrix from TC?

This took me a while to figure out too. You need to unlock the correct research in the thauminomicon to do it.

I wish I could remember which tab it was. All I recall was that it was on the top-left :\ I'm leaning towards Alchemy or Thaumic Tinkerer.

Alchemy, next to the railcraft quarry stone research is Vinteums prerequisite research... kinda wished the HQM quest was a bit more helpful in that instance, but that's when you can ask on forums :)
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Alchemy, next to the railcraft quarry stone research is Vinteums prerequisite research... kinda wished the HQM quest was a bit more helpful in that instance, but that's when you can ask on forums :)
Thaumcraft quests are being worked on right @Xavion? :D But you need to understand that priority is balancing, which I think we are getting to the point when we might be able to actuall play the goddamn modpack :D

Ninjas may be able to vanish, but your obligations to Jason will follow you everywhere! :D

Better get those quests done for him ASAP! :D I too want to play this modpack again, but since Jason mentioned swapping BP for PR, I've been taking a break partway through the Easter holidays and have been playing another modpack waiting for 3.2.4 or higher to come out! :D

Cheers ...

And as a celebration for the 10.000 posts on this thread I bring you......
Modpack update v3.2.3 coming live in 20-ish minutes
New Mods:
- ProjectRed

Mods prepared for removal in next update:
- Bluepower (still trying to resolve the issue with removed volcanos; Bluepower items are no longer craftable; All Bluepower items, blocks, GATES and CANVAS BAGS from Bluepower WILL be REMOVED in v3.2.4!).

Mod Updates:
- Buildcraft -> 7.1.16
- BuildCraftCompat -> 7.1.4
- Chisel ->
- Ding -> 1.7.10v2
- EnderCore ->
- Forestry ->
- Galacticraft ->
- GregTech -> 5.09.21
- IndustrialCraft 2 -> 2.2.817
- InfinityCore -> 1.3
- LogisticsPipes ->
- NEIAddons ->
- Railcraft ->
- StorageDrawers -> 1.9.5
- Yampst -> 3.2.3

- Changed few rewards
- Re-ordered and revised some LV quests to lower excessive task requirements and removed a couple of duplicated tasks.
- Added tooltip to reward bags (cannot be seen in quest book, only inventory/NEI)
- Fixed "Ore Annoyance" to ask for tin instead of cassiterite.
- "Magical Steel" quest is now dependant on Magic "Alchemical Dabling"
- Removed from "Magical Steel" need to have crucible, since the dependency already has it.
- "Magical Steel" added info about heating up the crucible

- Nether Star Plate can be made by compressing Nether Star Dust (no longer need to cut block)
- Fixed Iron Bars recipe
- Fixed complexities, moved node transducer, and sorting core to correct tier
- Fix malisis/vanilla door recipe clash (Malisis doors need Framing Saw to craft)
- Fix shunting wire and wire frame recipe
- Fix TC enchantment complexities
- Slightly lower early alchemical fabrication costs
- Fixed Kinesis Pipes crafting consuming integrated circuits
- Plantball fix (saplings and reeds)
- Fixed Letter recipe
- Uranium 238 now spawns also in Pitchblende veins
- Fixed purifying Almandine to give Almandine (Bees)
- Dark Glass from eIO can now be crafted
- Added missing mob drops to FT Hunter's Backpack
- Added Reeds to FT Forester's Backpack
- Lower warded arcana to LV
- Fishing core lowered to early MV from late MV
- Modify naquadah creation
- Disable infused crops (due to them not being obtainable and being crashaholic)
- Fixed burn value of Wood Plank (compressed Pulp)
- Re-enabled vanilla Brewing Stand and moved it to Thaumcraft research
- Vanilla diamond armor is now made from Diamond Plates
- Vanilla diamond tools require File
- EV Magic Generator now made from Europium
- Boosted Warded Glass recipe
- Fixed crafting of Wooden Rings
- Added Centrifuge recipes for Harvestcraft Meats -> Methane
- Added cooking recipe for raw Harvestcraft Meats
- Updated GT OreGen Guide
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Reactions: BMB78
And as a celebration for the 10.000 posts on this thread I bring you......
Modpack update v3.2.3 coming live in 20-ish minutes
New Mods:
- ProjectRed

Mods prepared for removal in next update:
- Bluepower (still trying to resolve the issue with removed volcanos; Bluepower items are no longer craftable; All Bluepower items, blocks, GATES and CANVAS BAGS from Bluepower WILL be REMOVED in v3.2.4!).

Mod Updates:
- Buildcraft -> 7.1.16
- BuildCraftCompat -> 7.1.4
- Chisel ->
- Ding -> 1.7.10v2
- EnderCore ->
- Forestry ->
- Galacticraft ->
- GregTech -> 5.09.21
- IndustrialCraft 2 -> 2.2.817
- InfinityCore -> 1.3
- LogisticsPipes ->
- NEIAddons ->
- Railcraft ->
- StorageDrawers -> 1.9.5
- Yampst -> 3.2.3

- Changed few rewards
- Re-ordered and revised some LV quests to lower excessive task requirements and removed a couple of duplicated tasks.
- Added tooltip to reward bags (cannot be seen in quest book, only inventory/NEI)
- Fixed "Ore Annoyance" to ask for tin instead of cassiterite.
- "Magical Steel" quest is now dependant on Magic "Alchemical Dabling"
- Removed from "Magical Steel" need to have crucible, since the dependency already has it.
- "Magical Steel" added info about heating up the crucible

- Nether Star Plate can be made by compressing Nether Star Dust (no longer need to cut block)
- Fixed Iron Bars recipe
- Fixed complexities, moved node transducer, and sorting core to correct tier
- Fix malisis/vanilla door recipe clash (Malisis doors need Framing Saw to craft)
- Fix shunting wire and wire frame recipe
- Fix TC enchantment complexities
- Slightly lower early alchemical fabrication costs
- Fixed Kinesis Pipes crafting consuming integrated circuits
- Plantball fix (saplings and reeds)
- Fixed Letter recipe
- Uranium 238 now spawns also in Pitchblende veins
- Fixed purifying Almandine to give Almandine (Bees)
- Dark Glass from eIO can now be crafted
- Added missing mob drops to FT Hunter's Backpack
- Added Reeds to FT Forester's Backpack
- Lower warded arcana to LV
- Fishing core lowered to early MV from late MV
- Modify naquadah creation
- Disable infused crops (due to them not being obtainable and being crashaholic)
- Fixed burn value of Wood Plank (compressed Pulp)
- Re-enabled vanilla Brewing Stand and moved it to Thaumcraft research
- Vanilla diamond armor is now made from Diamond Plates
- Vanilla diamond tools require File
- EV Magic Generator now made from Europium
- Boosted Warded Glass recipe
- Fixed crafting of Wooden Rings
- Added Centrifuge recipes for Harvestcraft Meats -> Methane
- Added cooking recipe for raw Harvestcraft Meats
- Updated GT OreGen Guide

Nice! I'm going to come back to try a new start to Infitech, I tried when 3.2 first appeared, but didn't know much about the charcoal conversion so things went slowly, and I didn't get far there. :D

Fresh world start will be okay for me, as BP is not craftable anymore I can safely ignore it knowing what I know! :D

Cheers ...

Did some updates on the fuel refining sheet today.


Added some low tech fuel options such as steam to methane and food to methane. Did both theoretical and practical tests and it seems like with methane production from food you can actually work with a LV setup without the recepie overclocking (as sven said above). In terms of capacity i think solid fuels to methane has a larger potential than food to methane as the throughput was a bit low as expected. (3.5 carrots per second for a net output of about 20 eu/t)

I also added a picture guide on my oil distilation process with raw oil (or BC oil).

Then i did some number crunching on efficiency of transforming LV and MV to HV.
The short story on that is that for gas turbines and diesel generators it is not really worth it (IMO) efficiency wise to transform LV and MV to HV as the difference in total efficiency is less then a few percentage.

For steam turbines there is a significant different with the LV being 75,79% efficiency vs 64,98% of HV. So here there actually might be a point in using LV and MV for higher voltages if you really wanna optimize steam usage
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