[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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About the changed recipes.. Why not add Conduit Facade recipe to either Assembler either Compressor?
Since this thing comes earlier (much earlier) than ME or autocrafting, I'd love to automate it with couple of machines.
Something like that:
var conduitFacade = <EnderIO:itemConduitFacade>
Assembler.addRecipe(conduitFacade, binderComposite * 8, integratedCircuit1 * 0, 300, 4);
(for some reason, this doesn't work).

Also just an idea: it would be incredibly cool to have Void metal tools in GT.
Also just an idea: it would be incredibly cool to have Void metal tools in GT.
Ask @Blood Asp? From the looks of things the material partially exists in the code, or at least something called "DarkThaumium" does and that seems like it was inspired by Void Metal to me.

Also isn't autocrafting super early? I swear the buildcraft autocrafter was really easy to get.
About the changed recipes.. Why not add Conduit Facade recipe to either Assembler either Compressor?
Since this thing comes earlier (much earlier) than ME or autocrafting, I'd love to automate it with couple of machines.
Something like that:
var conduitFacade = <EnderIO:itemConduitFacade>
Assembler.addRecipe(conduitFacade, binderComposite * 8, integratedCircuit1 * 0, 300, 4);
(for some reason, this doesn't work).

Also just an idea: it would be incredibly cool to have Void metal tools in GT.
Reason why it does not work is that you are missing fluid in the script (in this case it would be null)
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Finaly i can log in again, no idea what locked me out.
We are currently testing v3.2 on the official server, is this the right place to ask question about that version?

Edit: Also a question for 3.1: Whats the purpose of Extra Utilitys "pure Love" block? And its "soul of a forgotten deity"? I wasnt able to find info about that, but the first is quite hard to craft and the second has an extremly low chance to drop from a mob (about one in 40 million).
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Finaly i can log in again, no idea what locked me out.
We are currently testing v3.2 on the official server, is this the right place to ask question about that version?
The Public Server is running a test of a "development build" of how 3.2 looks at the moment. Although some things have been completed, some things haven't been implemented yet... we expect bugs, we expect issues, etc. In order to keep from cluttering up these forums with development issues, I recommend keeping questions related to the Public Server version on the Public Server Forums (unless @Jason McRay chooses otherwise, of course).
Im starting to plan my nuclear setup a bit and i was thinking of going really all out this time so i figured id give the gregtech turbines a go. Most likely i will go with a combination of mark 5 nuclear controle iridium reflector designs with regular, mox or thorium depending on what fuels i have

Is there any good summary on the large heat exchanger and high pressure steam turbine somewhere? I checked the wiki but im missing some important parts, for instance do you need a train of turbines for superheated steam (superheated steam to steam to distilled water). Also is the distilled water just outputted from the large turbine or do you need something like the ic2 condenser?
Also what is the best rotors? as i understand it they both have an optimal output but also its own internal efficiency so you will want the best material as long as you can supply enough steam to run it at optimal output. One final thing, i realize i need is something to regulate the flowrates of steam and hot coolant, is there a gregtech block that does that?
Im starting to plan my nuclear setup a bit and i was thinking of going really all out this time so i figured id give the gregtech turbines a go. Most likely i will go with a combination of mark 5 nuclear controle iridium reflector designs with regular, mox or thorium depending on what fuels i have

Cool ! Nuclear is fun :)

I'm not sure if you can make a MOX fluid reactor. It either won't work or else it will be horribly inefficient / too low power. MOX cores need to be hot and stay hot, 80% or so.

Fluid reactor cores, however, need to stay cool, or else they blow up and stuff. Also consider you will need Lutetium for Fusion MkII, which can only be made from depleted Thorium fuel cells, *and* Thorium is super-efficient, Thorium Relfector is a good way to go.

If you don't want to go with Thorium, do a conventional Uranium.

Is there any good summary on the large heat exchanger and high pressure steam turbine somewhere? I checked the wiki but im missing some important parts, for instance do you need a train of turbines for superheated steam (superheated steam to steam to distilled water). Also is the distilled water just outputted from the large turbine or do you need something like the ic2 condenser?
Also what is the best rotors? as i understand it they both have an optimal output but also its own internal efficiency so you will want the best material as long as you can supply enough steam to run it at optimal output. One final thing, i realize i need is something to regulate the flowrates of steam and hot coolant, is there a gregtech block that does that?

A single Heat Exchanger (HE) will power several pairs of High Pressure (HP) and Low Pressure (LP) steam turbines. Indeed, you will (should) be at Mk. I Fusion long before you exhaust the capacity of a single Heat Exchanger.

Starting out, making enough Hot Cooant (HC) to make Super-Heated Steam (SH Steam) is the challenge, especially with Thorium. You will need multiple Thorioum Reflector fluid reactors to make enough HC to meet the SH Steam minimum. If you go with Uranium, it's less. You may only need 1 or 2.

For distilled water, I recommend at least a 256 bucket reserve, i.e. 1 ExUt drum's worth. You can make this using a simple GT 1-block refinery. No need for the multi-block fractional distillation tower. The distilled water is returned from the your normal (low) pressure Large Turbine and should be fed into your Heat Exchanger. The steam/water cycle is thus:

Distilled Water --> HE --> SH Steam --> HP Turbine --> Steam --> LP Turbine --> Distilled Water

The closed loop will be 100% lossless *if* you don't exceed the input buffer of any of the multi-blocks. This is easy to maintain once it's setup, but very hard to tune the 1st time out.

I *highly* recommend using IC2 Fluid Regulators. Yes, they look funny and work funny, but they work. It works for any kind of fluid. You won't need it for the IC2 Hot Coolant and (non-Hot) Coolant. You will *need* to be recycling 100% of that with no flow control through the HE. However, you will need to regulate your SH Steam input into your HP Turbine and possibly your regular Steam input into you LP Turbine.

As for rotors, it depends largely upon your flow rate. Personally, I aim to have a flow rate suitable for Large Tungstensteel Rotors. Those are, IMHO, about the best rotors in terms of flow rate, efficiency, and material availability you can build before the Huge rotors. You need Fusion MkII, IIRC, to make the Huge rotors.

To get *all* of those parts working is a true engineering / plumbing challenge. You have to balance rotor flow rates against SH Steam minimum against reactor design Hot Coolant output, and keep everything from blowing up. Not easy, but quite fun :)
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@Joel Falk
A few misc. tips:

1. Never put an on/off switch on anything other than the reactors.
2. You can swap out a rotor on a Steam Turbine while it's running, but only by hand. It can't be automated AFAIK.
3. You can losslessly repair rotors with an 8192v GT Disassembler + Assembling Machine combo.
4. Have ample Distilled Water and IC2 Coolant reserves and watch them. If they are large enough and you shutdown the reactor before they are exhausted, you are safe. Otherwise, stuff start blowing up.
5. You will probably need to chip your GT Large HE unless you're making massive amounts of Hot Coolant (which you can, just requires a bunch of Hot Coolant).
6. Consider doing a Lava --> HE --> Pahoe Lava setup to get familiar with the HE and Turbines before diving into Fluid Reactors.
Thanks for the info :) Does the superheated steam become steam at a 1:1 ratio?
Ive probably done more nuclear than most so i think ile manage on the way the reactors runs :) From my experience you should never run a 5x5x5 without a failsafe since they are somewhat buggy at times. I've had reactors blow up on me for no good reason several times so these days i dont run 5x5x5 without nuclear controle. At least it has been this way with the ic2 setups anyways due to the steam generator being somewhat buggy
Fluid mox reactors are possible with nuclear controle, at 50+% heat they double their heat output. This is probably the one im gonna use http://prntscr.com/851xtf
Ile probably also use a regular 5x5x5 with uranium (http://prntscr.com/845im0) and one with thorium, ile probably make a new design for the thorium one since ive never made one with nuclear controle in mind.
The temperature of the reactor is regulated with nuclear controle. if all your reactors are nuclear controle you can actually regulate the amount of hot coolant you use, just make sure the reactors are producing more hot coolant than you are using, this way they just turn off for a while to wait for more coolant. Also there is zero risk for explosion :)

The turbines consume a lot less than expexted, a large tungstensteel rotor would need 30000l/s which should be 750 hot coolant/s by my calculation (30000/40) for optimal speed. Considering each one of those reactors produce 1200-1500 hot coolant per tick im gonna require a lot of turbines :S The tungstensteel turbines are very expensive, do they last long? remember people have complained about them breaking quickly. i think ile aim for a bit more than 4500 hot coolant/s which would require 6 turbine trains and produce about 18900eu/t with large tungstensteel rotors i think

Should be able to start once i find myself some tungsten :p This might take a few weeks :)
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Ive done one in creative before and they are quite easy to manage, they operate the same way any other nuclear controle mark 5 fluid reactor. You just let them run between 55-70% heat instead of 10-30% heat (regular). I do think it is necessary to increase the heat capacity of mark 5 mox reactors (both fluid and regular) otherwise they get a bit volatile. the max output i can make produces about 3-3,5k heat per second its active with mox so its not really possible to keep it stable with a max heat capacity of 10k.

Im a bit unsure how to calculate the nominal output of the turbines. Am i correct to assume the fuel value of SH steam is 1 eu/l and steam is 0.5 eu/l. Then the output of a 30000l/s turbine should be 1500eu/t for a HPS and 750 for steam with an additional bonus depending on the rotor? That makes for an insane efficiency considering the heat exchanger should produce SHS at a rate of 40 SHS for every 1 hot colant. Then hot coolant should produce power in a SHS setup in the order of 60 eu*rotor efficiency per liter which is about 4 times more efficient than the ic2 system without taking rotor efficiency into consideration :) Is this correct?
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3. You can losslessly repair rotors with an 8192v GT Disassembler + Assembling Machine combo.

Thank god, do they break if you let them run for to long or do they just become unusable?

Now i just have to get over the fact that 6 trains should need about 1344 tungstensteel, even if i have the raw material this is gonna take a while, think im gonna need to expand the amount of blast furnaces i have :(

I also need to finish my distillation tower and some of the other multiblock structures before i can start this project. I would be surprised if i manage to complete this within one month

Damn i love this modpack! :D
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@Joel Falk
Tungstensteel rotors do indeed last a long time. The only longer-lasting ones are made from material (much) more scarce then Tungstensteel.

I forget if they break and disappear, or whether the durability goes to 0 and you can repair it then. I've honestly never let mine get to 0. If you let them run 24/7, they last at least a few days IRL. I believe the High Pressure turbine's rotor wears out faster than the Low Pressure turbine.

And, it is indeed a huge project, but well worth it. It's very, very cool to tune it and get everything balanced.
@Joel Falk
Don't worry too much about building too many EBFs for Tungestensteel to make rotors. You will need a *lot* of Tungestensteel to make multiblock Processing Arrays for Fusion. If you don't use Processing Arrays, you may kill your client and possibly your server from 200+ GT machine spam.

I've found 4x HV EBFs is too few / too slow. And, 8x HV is a tad overkill. 6x HV EBFs is *probably* the sweet spot.
How did i forget about that little gem :) Whats the best way to convert the lava into pahoe lava--->tungsten? Maybe a large heat exchanger+low pressure steam turbine powering several MV centrifuges?

The rotors should loose durability twice as fast, think i saw on the wiki the amount of durability damage they take is a % of the output and since the high pressure turbine has twice the output..

Also do the large turbines produce gregtech power or ic2 power, i mean it doesnt seem to produce it in even power tiers like 32, 128 etc. So do you need a converter to connect the system to gregtech machines?

What do you power them with? im probably gonna use nitro diesel which seems to last quite well
@Joel Falk
You need to MV Centrifuge lava or pahoe lava. To bootstrap tungsten, I recommend vanilla lava to start with. When you have enough Tungstensteel to make rotors, then make pahoe lava. Pahoe lava is more efficient (faster, i.e. fewer ticks) when centrifuging when compared to normal lava.

And, of course, you get "free power" from your LHE + Turbines setup. Quite a bit free power, actually. Last world, I was making more than enough power to power the bank of MV centrifuges, the EBF for (hot) Tungsten and Tungstensteel, the Vacuum Freezer to process the hot ingots, and all my other LV and MV machines.

I recommend 1x HP Turbine + 1x LP Turbine + 1x LHE once you have enough Tungstensteel to make turbines. The turbine dynamo block outputs GT power. The voltage is dependent upon the dynamo you choose to make. I recommend at least 8192v for the High Pressure and at least 2048v for the low pressure. 8192v can run directly over Platinum cables and directly power a 100% efficient Disassembler .

The only thing that needs power are the MV Centrifuges. I used nitro diesel my last world. It does indeed last quite a while and is trivial to produce once you have a distillation tower setup.
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Might be a mismatch between server and client or else scripts not loading.

I fired up 3.1.23 just now and I'm not seeing any "wooden rod" or "copper wand" in NEI. What version of this pack are you running ?
Might be a mismatch between server and client or else scripts not loading.

I fired up 3.1.23 just now and I'm not seeing any "wooden rod" or "copper wand" in NEI. What version of this pack are you running ?

taken care of.
Posted this in the wrong place and you responded before I had a chance to delete ;