[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A wife that plays infitech? A jewel beyond price.

Last thing I heard from a woman about minecraft was, "You love that computer more than you love me!" First thing in my head was, "Well it never tells me stuff like that." but I wisely did not say it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A wife that plays infitech? A jewel beyond price.

Last thing I heard from a woman about minecraft was, "You love that computer more than you love me!" First thing in my head was, "Well it never tells me stuff like that." but I wisely did not say it.
Isnt that uncommon. Heck my girlfriend gave up on commenting on my computer addiction and just joined :).
Currently playing diablo and infitech with her.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wrought iron bars in an extruder gives regular iron plates. Anyone else see this?

Edit: Extruded with the plate shape...plate. In the rolling machine it's fine.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi everyone! I've just got an electric jetpack and found out that it's flight behavior is like creative one, not an old school ic2 hover that i like. Is there a way i can change it back in some config file?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi everyone! I've just got an electric jetpack and found out that it's flight behavior is like creative one, not an old school ic2 hover that i like. Is there a way i can change it back in some config file?
I don't think you can but the adv electric jetpack (from the gravisuite mod) didn't have the change yet so you can use that for the old hover mode.
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Blood Asp

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wrought iron bars in an extruder gives regular iron plates. Anyone else see this?

Edit: Extruded with the plate shape...plate. In the rolling machine it's fine.
Extruding is hot processing, that changes back stuff like magnetic, annealed and wrought to their original materials. You need to use cold cold process like bending, lathing, ... or change it later if possible.
Hi everyone! I've just got an electric jetpack and found out that it's flight behavior is like creative one, not an old school ic2 hover that i like. Is there a way i can change it back in some config file?
Afaik you can change beween the old and hover mode with the IC2 mode change key. The old mode should still be the default mode, hover mode shiuld be really slow.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey Blood just curious if you'd consider an alternate multiblock boiler to make superheated steam. like a 4x4x5 or something. superheated steam seems kind of underused and would be a great intermediary power system if there was more ways to produce and consume. Also, a neat idea i had was having a Pressure Safety Valve (PSV) for the multiblocks which can explode which is optional or breakers or fuses for electrical which can be sacrificed in a unit upset. the PSV could destroy blocks in a cone away from it and reduce the explosion or something. the breaker or fuse would cap the electrical chain reaction at whatever segment its protecting. Of course these blocks would have to be expensive to maintain balance.

I dunno. haha process technician in me wishing I had either of these after some ... mishaps.

but thanks for maintaining gregtech 5 and thanks to jason and everyone else involved for this modpack its definitely very well balanced and allows for a much longer more rewarding experience!

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is GC ore supposed to spawn on the moon? Running around with the scanner I see 50+ tin/copper everywhere which seems a bit cheaty to be honest. I suppose they are not supposed to spawn? I mean, GT veins still spawn but they simply exist together.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is easily turned off in gc config file so is probably intended. If you can get to the moon tin and copper probably aren't issues for you at that point.
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Jason McRay

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is GC ore supposed to spawn on the moon? Running around with the scanner I see 50+ tin/copper everywhere which seems a bit cheaty to be honest. I suppose they are not supposed to spawn? I mean, GT veins still spawn but they simply exist together.
Hmm, alright just feels strange. It feels out of place, and gives infinite tin and copper :p
Yes it is intended. At that time there was no option to disable world gen on Mars, so I did not see the point in disabling it on Moon... Now that option has been added, but its pointless to change it now... Will be changed however in v3.2


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I go to the asteroids, pick one out, dig a room to start with, put down my chest full of supplies, start working, notice I forgot my barrel of water. Put down the refueler and pad, head back to the overworld, grab my barrel of water, head back to the asteroids.

Only it didn't take me back to the same place. So I'm floating in the asteroids somewhere with my rocket, 3 buckets of fuel, and a barrel of water. All the supplies I brought on the first trip are who knows where. Should have put down a waypoint on the first trip but wasn't thinking I'd be leaving that asteroid any time soon. I flew a search pattern around the 2nd landing but didn't find my stuff.

Jumped into mcedit, ran analyze, yep, my stuff is there. Added a find filter, running it now searching for drum. :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I go to the asteroids, pick one out, dig a room to start with, put down my chest full of supplies, start working, notice I forgot my barrel of water. Put down the refueler and pad, head back to the overworld, grab my barrel of water, head back to the asteroids.

Only it didn't take me back to the same place. So I'm floating in the asteroids somewhere with my rocket, 3 buckets of fuel, and a barrel of water. All the supplies I brought on the first trip are who knows where. Should have put down a waypoint on the first trip but wasn't thinking I'd be leaving that asteroid any time soon. I flew a search pattern around the 2nd landing but didn't find my stuff.

Jumped into mcedit, ran analyze, yep, my stuff is there. Added a find filter, running it now searching for drum. :p

Pretty sure if I went to the the moon, I wouldn't land on the same spot twice. JUST SAYIN'! lol To be honest I'd have assumed it was like spawning the nether and always going back to the same spot when you zone in.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Pretty sure if I went to the the moon, I wouldn't land on the same spot twice. JUST SAYIN'! lol To be honest I'd have assumed it was like spawning the nether and always going back to the same spot when you zone in.

Actually when you go to the Moon or Mars in galacticraft you land in almost exactly the same spot every time. Nothing I've read up to this point gave me any reason to expect the asteroids to be different.

First filter I ran returned coordinates for my fuel drum but teleporting there I found nothing. Trying a different filter now but it seems to be taking much, much longer than the first one.

First entry into asteroids: -2015, -2553
Second entry: -32066, -40723

So, roughly 45k blocks between the two. Would have never found that first landing site in-game.

Ended up using NBTExplorer to check the region files for tile entities to find my first landing.

Be interesting to see what it does on my 3rd trip.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Weird twisto. One thing we've gotten in the habbit of when exploring GC is to always bring a Telepad and coordinate selectors :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Actually when you go to the Moon or Mars in galacticraft you land in almost exactly the same spot every time. Nothing I've read up to this point gave me any reason to expect the asteroids to be different.

First filter I ran returned coordinates for my fuel drum but teleporting there I found nothing. Trying a different filter now but it seems to be taking much, much longer than the first one.

First entry into asteroids: -2015, -2553
Second entry: -32066, -40723

So, roughly 45k blocks between the two. Would have never found that first landing site in-game.

Ended up using NBTExplorer to check the region files for tile entities to find my first landing.

Be interesting to see what it does on my 3rd trip.
Use the launch controller to land always at your base.