There are also speed upgrades for Ender IO conduits.
Well the last time I asked about changed recipes in thaumcraft to make the golem treefarm not totally superior to any other treefarm the answer was no because the recipes inside the thaumanomicon couldn't be changed which would confuse people to much.Is there a chance that the TC "Addon" Kami will be activated and the recipes get customized?
JasonMcRay said:Modifying TC recipes is quite hard to do. Changes will not appear inside Thaumonomicon, I have already tried to do some changes. It would confuse a lot of ppl![]()
I`m "firmly" at HV era. Whats my next step? Reactors?
How do you guys handle world breaking updates on your servers/single player worlds? the 3.1x update destroyed my last world and haven't had the time to start anew again after that. I had hoped that we would get 3.2 soon so i could start anew then and have plenty of time before i encountered that kind of problem again but with 3.2 being pretty far away i was thinking of starting anew now on 3.14.
Is there any way around this issue? For normal servers this is less of a problem but due to the time it takes to get anywhere in this modpack (which i think is a good thing) so by the time i get to the interesting parts (MV-HV+) i usually run into update issues with my server.
Also keeps me away from putting a lot of effort into building nice looking bases as the servers generally don't last that long for me before i run into troubles![]()
I'm starting to ramp up my Naquadah bee production. I've had them going with "perfect" traits in 2 alvearies for a little over a week now. After centrifuging the combs, centrifuging the naquadah dust, packaging the tiny enriched naquadah dusts, running them through a EBF, and putting the hot ingots in the vacuum freezer I now have 3 whole ingots of enriched naquadah. I haven't bothered throwing these in the extruder yet to get bolts, but I should be able to power my base for tens of minutes. Woot!I think you have options. I went with extreme bee breeding and naquadah production to fuel naquadah reactors. I wanted to do fusion, but a key recipe is broken.
I'm not certain what the other options are, although I imagine others will chime in with them.
I'm starting to ramp up my Naquadah bee production. I've had them going with "perfect" traits in 2 alvearies for a little over a week now. After centrifuging the combs, centrifuging the naquadah dust, packaging the tiny enriched naquadah dusts, running them through a EBF, and putting the hot ingots in the vacuum freezer I now have 3 whole ingots of enriched naquadah. I haven't bothered throwing these in the extruder yet to get bolts, but I should be able to power my base for tens of minutes. Woot!
I also had to run some Uranium bees for a while to get the Uranium 235 needed for the rods to build the Naquadah Reactor Mk1. I've got Plutonium bees going also for RTG/MOX
I'll probably ramp it up to 10 alvearies for naquadah bees and see where that gets me. I don't need nearly as many imperial bees now as I'm pretty much done running my Mutagen full time. I now have a level IV jabba barrel full of royal jelly heh.
After my little GregTech inspired base-remodeling yesterday I rebuilt my distillation tower into a dual unit. So I should have biogass for a while. After I got all my power infrastructure back up and running and rebuilt my EBFs (also bigger and better) I built a pile of Radioisotope Thermal Generators, fed them into an MFSU, and placed that connecting into only my AE2 power grid so that if my base ever blows up again I can at least power my AE2 controller and drives.
Next I built reactor chambers (AE2 autocrafting, I love you) and a nuclear reactor. I set up autocrafting for MOX fuel and all of the reactor components required for MOX reactors. Tonight after work I'm going to dig a big hole deep under my base. I'm going to line it with layers of warded blocks. I'm going to build a pile of MFSUs for power storage/transmission. And I'm going to build a MOX reactor without first testing it in CSP.
I'll post pictures of the explosion later.
Maybe I'll start on fusion in a few weeks.
I`m "firmly" at HV era. Whats my next step? Reactors?
Oxygen drums are aquamarine instead of black now, don't freak out when you can't find your black drums.
Uh oh, combs not processing in GT centrifuge and walnuts not working in extractor? Do we go back to Forestry machines for this? No recipe for forestry centrifuge or carpenter in NEI.
Combs aren't processing? Thanks for the heads up! I have a great deal invested in bees! I think I'll wait for the next release....
Oh. Whoops. Thanks for noticing. FT 4changed quite alot so I will make a hotfix update as soon as @Blood Asp will release hotfix for that...Oxygen drums are aquamarine instead of black now, don't freak out when you can't find your black drums.
Uh oh, combs not processing in GT centrifuge and walnuts not working in extractor? Do we go back to Forestry machines for this? No recipe for forestry centrifuge or carpenter in NEI.
Regarding the Bbliowoods addon for forestry. Its not comming back and the mod will get removed in one of the future updates. So keep an eye on the changlogs (because when the mod will be gone, corresponding blocks will be gone and with them all items stored in them). You will still be able to make Bibliocraft items from Forestry wood by using Paneler machine (it currently doesnt support FT4, but should eventually).Oh and I guess I should add.... If you have any Bibliocraft tool racks and other stuffz made from forestrry wood... good for you... But they are no longer craftable because of the forestry change
No idea if its comming back, since i read that Nuchaz is not going to update Bibliowoods addons (but i might be mistaken)