[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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1) Infinite water definitely turned off. For balance reasons: otherwise you can (duh) create magical water simply by placing two blocks of water down. Forever. And feed an entire steam system with that.

2) Yes, you're right, its freaking annoying having messed up water. I hate it, but its still way preferable to easy-mode infinite water. If you can manage to place your water in just the right spot, it will fix itself.

I was placing dirt/sand down wherever I'd picked up water just to stop the flow. Not so bad once you get an Ender IO resevoir later on, but for the early game a railcraft tank is probably the way to go.

EDIT: ninja'd

EDIt double ninja'd!
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BTW This is probably the nicest, most helpful modpack thread I've come across. It's very refreshing (and very necessary, hehe).
For sure. When I first played InfiTech2 last year I was ready to quit within 15 minutes because it was so frustrating. I found this thread and people answered all my dumb questions kindly and quickly. Now I'm playing InfiTech2 all over again having just started a few weeks ago!
What I really need to do is read all 316 pages of this thread before asking my questions because I'm quite certain most of them will already have been asked, and answered. But that's no easy task!

There must be so many little tips that really improve the experience - for instance, I just discovered the Bibliocraft Shelf which allows me to put my GT tools on the wall and get them out of my inventory.

Water is the least of my worries - right now I need coal in the worst way but can't find any. I decided to make charcoal instead, but from the recipe list in NEI it appears that only a coke oven will make charcoal (until I get to the Arc Furnace, at which point I surely won't be worried about charcoal anymore LOL)... oh the joys of a GT modpack. hahaha Love it.
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The pack does require a bit of patience, yep :)

As a rule of thumb, I always suggest the following: instead of asking "why the hell is X so freaking annoying?", ask "how the hell can I make X less freaking annoying?" There's usually a solution to that.
What I really need to do is read all 316 pages of this thread before asking my questions because I'm quite certain most of them will already have been asked, and answered. But that's no easy task!

There must be so many little tips that really improve the experience - for instance, I just discovered the Bibliocraft Shelf which allows me to put my GT tools on the wall and get them out of my inventory.

Water is the least of my worries - right now I need coal in the worst way but can't find any. I decided to make charcoal instead, but from the recipe list in NEI it appears that only a coke oven will make charcoal (until I get to the Arc Furnace, at which point I surely won't be worried about charcoal anymore LOL)... oh the joys of a GT modpack. hahaha Love it.
I don't believe in people avoiding duplicate questions. Its a forum and its impossible to search for what you want efficiently.

Ask your questions. Frankly, a lot of us benefit from hearing old solutions re-told, and I often learn new things.

For instance....bibliocraft shelf + gt tools? What? Can you show screenshots of that?
I don't believe in people avoiding duplicate questions. Its a forum and its impossible to search for what you want efficiently.

Ask your questions. Frankly, a lot of us benefit from hearing old solutions re-told, and I often learn new things.

For instance....bibliocraft shelf + gt tools? What? Can you show screenshots of that?

Also, things do change when updates come around - what used to be possible might not be now.

One tip I found very useful early on was using sap from rubber trees for torches.
Water is the least of my worries - right now I need coal in the worst way but can't find any. I decided to make charcoal instead, but from the recipe list in NEI it appears that only a coke oven will make charcoal (until I get to the Arc Furnace, at which point I surely won't be worried about charcoal anymore LOL)... oh the joys of a GT modpack. hahaha Love it.

Coke ovens are almost unavoidable. Fortunately, their recipe hasn't been nerfed. It's still just bricks and sand, which aren't too rare. And, wood still burns in vanilla cobblestone furnaces to turn clay into bricks. You can early-game automate them with hoppers and either break/re-build to get rid of the creosote, or else void it using a BC Redstone Pump, a wooden pipe, and a BC void pipe. You can indeed burn the creosote, but I don't consider RC Liquid Boilers to be super-early-game. The liquid fireboxes are quite a bit above brick and sand in terms of resources.

And, if you're somewhat lucky, you spawn might be near some mountains with exposed coal, or else you have a ravine or hill with coal. Coal is not super-rare. You can safely burn the lignite. You *may* want to save the coal proper to make diamonds. Diamonds *are* very rare in this pack and remain rare the entire game unless you do bees, IC2 crops, or else have same way of making mass amounts of coal. I've made *way* more diamonds compressing coal than by finding diamonds proper.
Re: Friendly Forum

All of us were new to GT at some point and new to this pack at some point. This is not an easy pack by any means and @Jason McRay is also not trying to make it the most popular pack ever, just the *best* pack for the right people : us ! It's a focused pack that accomplishes its core mission well, which is (IMHO) : Bring as much additional content to GT Unnofficial as possible, without breaking the core experience of GT.

The end result is a *very* long-lasting world with tons of content to explore and rarely only 1 way to achieve something. There's tons of ways to mine, but none of them (IMHO) clearly outshine the other for every situation. So, we get on this forums and exchange ideas and experiences so we can learn from each other :-)
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Ask your questions. Frankly, a lot of us benefit from hearing old solutions re-told, and I often learn new things.

For instance....bibliocraft shelf + gt tools? What? Can you show screenshots of that?

No screenshot, but the shelf is just one wood plank plus 6 half slabs to make... check it out! I used to put my GT tools into a chest but the shelf is just a simple right-click to pop out whichever tool you need at the moment. A slight bit easier than always opening a chest to grab my tools.

I played GT5 before, I kinda sorta know the drill for early game... but it seems my spawn location isn't really ideal because the surrounding areas are basically flat. Hilly terrain is so much better for GT because it exposes some of the rock where you might be able to get a peek at, say, a valuable Tin vein or a Coal seam... And I know mountains are important because I'll eventually need that Tetrahedrite Ore found way up high... I am a bit concerned now that my base location may not be very ideal. Moving a long distance is always a chore since it will be a long while before I am flying around the world like a boss. LOL

I found a huge deposit of Lignite coal blocks, but I didn't think it was feasible to use Lignite since it's only like 20% of the fuel value that coal is. I always pickaxe my ore blocks, but perhaps I should be GT hammering the Lignite instead? Maybe that will give me a use-able fuel source at the expense of wearing down my hammer? Gonna have to experiment a bit I guess since Lignite is all the fuel I've discovered so far. Maybe its a good thing I'm not wasting coal right now, due to the diamond issue.
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No screenshot, but the shelf is just one wood plank plus 6 half slabs to make... check it out! I used to put my GT tools into a chest but the shelf is just a simple right-click to pop out whichever tool you need at the moment. A slight bit easier than always opening a chest to grab my tools.

I played GT5 before, I kinda sorta know the drill for early game... but it seems my spawn location isn't really ideal because the surrounding areas are basically flat. Hilly terrain is so much better for GT because it exposes some of the rock where you might be able to get a peek at, say, a valuable Tin vein or a Coal seam... And I know mountains are important because I'll eventually need that Tetrahedrite Ore found way up high... I am a bit concerned now that my base location may not be very ideal. Moving a long distance is always a chore since it will be a long while before I am flying around the world like a boss. LOL

I found a huge deposit of Lignite coal blocks, but I didn't think it was feasible to use Lignite since it's only like 20% of the fuel value that coal is. I always pickaxe my ore blocks, but perhaps I should be GT hammering the Lignite instead? Maybe that will give me a use-able fuel source at the expense of wearing down my hammer? Gonna have to experiment a bit I guess since Lignite is all the fuel I've discovered so far. Maybe its a good thing I'm not wasting coal right now, due to the diamond issue.
Sounds like you already have a grip on how to find those rock-exposed veins :)

I never found the diamonds thing to be a big deal: I always have more diamonds than I know what to do with. Whether you're using a SAG mill or the sifting machines, its easy to extract several diamonds per ore.

That said, industrial diamonds are another animal altogether. They're annoying to make and iirc require coal dust, and lots of it.
Water is the least of my worries - right now I need coal in the worst way but can't find any. I decided to make charcoal instead, but from the recipe list in NEI it appears that only a coke oven will make charcoal (until I get to the Arc Furnace, at which point I surely won't be worried about charcoal anymore LOL)... oh the joys of a GT modpack. hahaha Love it.

Don't forget to look into Thaumcraft. It's possible to generate charcoal from logs with TC and you can automate it. It does not produce creosote as a side effect like coke ovens. TC is also great for early steel production instead of or in addition to the bronze blast furnace. TC also gives you a way to automate tree farms, probably the best way right now even. Make sure you start a tree farm early, even if it's just manual and be sure to include plenty of rubber trees for sap collection.

No screenshot, but the shelf is just one wood plank plus 6 half slabs to make... check it out! I used to put my GT tools into a chest but the shelf is just a simple right-click to pop out whichever tool you need at the moment. A slight bit easier than always opening a chest to grab my tools.

I played GT5 before, I kinda sorta know the drill for early game... but it seems my spawn location isn't really ideal because the surrounding areas are basically flat. Hilly terrain is so much better for GT because it exposes some of the rock where you might be able to get a peek at, say, a valuable Tin vein or a Coal seam... And I know mountains are important because I'll eventually need that Tetrahedrite Ore found way up high... I am a bit concerned now that my base location may not be very ideal. Moving a long distance is always a chore since it will be a long while before I am flying around the world like a boss. LOL

I found a huge deposit of Lignite coal blocks, but I didn't think it was feasible to use Lignite since it's only like 20% of the fuel value that coal is. I always pickaxe my ore blocks, but perhaps I should be GT hammering the Lignite instead? Maybe that will give me a use-able fuel source at the expense of wearing down my hammer? Gonna have to experiment a bit I guess since Lignite is all the fuel I've discovered so far. Maybe its a good thing I'm not wasting coal right now, due to the diamond issue.

Also look into things like the Production Table, Project Table, and Forestry Workbench. I find them to be even more useful than a vanilla crafting table with the bibliotech shelf full of tools.

I usually find a suitable base location before I start building anything decent or before I have a pot to piss in. That way when I invariably die trying to find a cool base 4,000m from spawn it doesn't really matter since I probably didn't lose anything important anyways.

I just burned wood (and sapplings) in my furnaces until I could get charcoal production up and running. Right now I've got most of the Thauminomicon unlocked and am starting to build my first EBF and I only just mined my first coal ore (for industrial diamonds) on purpose because I wanted to make a rock breaker to automate cobblestone production now that I'm using an enchanted silk touch pick most of the time.
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Also look into things like the Production Table, Project Table, and Forestry Workbench. I find them to be even more useful than a vanilla crafting table with the bibliotech shelf full of tools.
Forestry workbench ftw :)

I wanted to make a rock breaker to automate cobblestone production now that I'm using an enchanted silk touch pick most of the time.
Why using silk touch outta curiosity?
Forestry workbench ftw :)

Why using silk touch outta curiosity?
I love the Forestry workbench for making repetitive components. I build all my motors, machine hulls, pistons, fans, and such there. Then I grab those items and step over to a Project Table where I have all my GT tools and assemble it into the machine.

Some parts luck of the draw on the enchantment table (too lazy to spam books for perfection at the time) and some parts I wanted a lot of stone blocks to make bricks without having to smelt them. I'll probably redo another pick on the osmotic enchanter soon and make it my primary. Should last me until I can build a drill and nano suit with the thaumatic restorer. Also with the thaumcraft shards it's possible to generate slivers and increase usage for some recipes if you silk touch the ore.
It has been mentioned numerous times already. In SP all of it works fine. On servers, its not getting synced, and will not get synced until MT is fixed. If you want you can grab the old Minetweaker, ModTweaker and GTTweaker from previous version with scripts and replace them. I am not doing any hotfix update until weekend.

edit: and by hotfix i mean doing exactly what I said above. Will revert it all back.

ahhh ok the ball is at the MineTweaker's team... okok now i understand ... you cannot do anything so i 'am sorry.... well... i will try to tell my players to understood the situation
I love the Forestry workbench for making repetitive components. I build all my motors, machine hulls, pistons, fans, and such there. Then I grab those items and step over to a Project Table where I have all my GT tools and assemble it into the machine.

I like to use the X.A.C.T Crafter, because the crafter considers adjacend chest as his inventory space. My whole crafting materials are stored in gold chests next to this crafter. Extremly usefull.
How nicely does it play with GT tools? (hammers, screwdrivers, etc)
Pretty well i would say... It was bit broken at the start, but since I am playing with XACT a lot in my LP world, I was bothering Mr. @UniversalLP with issues. Of course with NEI and certain components (motors, conveyors and stuff) it is wonky - same as the autocrafting with Logistics Pipes. You need to put the components into the grid manually, otherwise crafter will not detect them.

What I am finding also usefull with XACT is the XACT pad, aka Handheld Crafting Table. I am using it for making dusts from Tiny piles :)