[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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You can sustain both Mk II reactions:

lithium-aluminium - clay dust. You can duplicate clay with TC.
beryllium-deuterium (I'm going with that recipe, almost ready to switch the reactor to Mk II) - deuterium is self-explanatory. Beryllium - enderman farm, and processing the pearls into molten beryllium. Isn't that hard, but you need a good mobfarm for that. I'll post screenshots when I'm done with Mk II.

I still haven't started on the thorium reactors though :/ Would the designs you and Dark posted way earlier still work well? Or is there some better design? How many reactors should I make? I have over 10k thorium.

Ah, nice. Good to know. And, yeah, I forgot about Beryllium from Ender Pearls. I have a great Ender Pearl farm already. I think I'll do the Berrlyium + Deuterium recipe. Seems slightly more "legit" for the fuels, assuming you can grok Ender Pearls...whatever those are in RL, heh.

Regarding the Lutetium, any design will work, but the ones that use more rods at a time will produce Lutetium faster, so go with the at least a 5x quad-core design. The key is automation. And, build several of those. It's taken me a couple of weeks with 4 Thorium reactors running pretty much 24/7 to make 400-ish Lutetium.

But, if you're at Mk II, you may have enough power to brute-force Replicate (UU-Matter) up enough Lutetium with a simpler setup than building an array of Thorium reactors with all their little components in the reactor itself.
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Europium : achieved !


My 1st attempt sputtered out. I had enough LuV Energy Hatches (need the max. of 16) to start it, but I hadn't hooked all of them up. Apparently, the Fusion Reactor draws from all of them, or at least enough of the ones I hadn't attached power cables to to drain it. The 2nd time, I made sure all Energy Hatches had power cables :)

It's going to take a while to run through all this Neodymium : about 150,000mB Neo / (16 mB per 64 ticks) / (20 ticks per sec) / (3600 secs per hour) = 8.3 hours

In terms of raw EU, that's roughly 25K EU/t * 20 t/s * 3600 h/s * 52 hours = 14.94B EE

I hope I have enough Helium Plasma to sustain it all. At 4M / 1,000mB of Helium Plasma, I need:

14.94EU / 4K EU/mB = 3.75M mB of Helium Plasma.

I have ~19M mB of Helium Plasma...so YES :-)

But, how much Europium do I *really* need, after all ? The only recipes I find of great interest are:
  • Fusion MkII Computer
  • Energy Orb Cluster
  • Quantum Tank
  • Quantum Chest
  • Plasma Generator Mk II
Of those, I really only need the 1st two, and only 1 of the 1st and maybe....64 or so of the Energy Orb Cluster....tops.

EDIT : Fixed my math after it ran overnight and finished making over 1K Europium, to my pleasant surprised. I fixed my match and confirmed I only needed 8.3 hours.
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Just out of curiosity, how do you guys usually go about with mining in gregtech? I'm currently doing mining tunnels at specifik heights in the middle of every second chunk to find the veins i'm looking for. What systems do you use early game/late game?
Just out of curiosity, how do you guys usually go about with mining in gregtech? I'm currently doing mining tunnels at specifik heights in the middle of every second chunk to find the veins i'm looking for. What systems do you use early game/late game?
Do you mean exploratory mining (trying to find stuff) or excavations (trying to clear out the stuff you've found)?

For exploratory: A popular method in the earlier game is "core sampling": Go to the middle of a chunk and drill straight down and see if you can find anything. Then move 3 chunks north/east/south/west and try again.

There's apparently strong evidence to suggest that once you find the middle of one vein, any other veins will always be X * 3 chunks away from that one. They're always spaced exactly three chunks apart or not there at all.

(Someone needs to confirm the number is three cuz I forget)

Later game, its debatable. I find a IC2 mining laser is pretty good for exploring. Later-tier Gregtech drills are also amazing if you can drill at just the right angle: you'll drill stone in a 2x1 tunnel as fast as you can run forward.

For excavation: Arcane bores are extremely popular. I've also had good success using a swarm of pneumaticcraft drones, although they're a bit of a pain to reprogram.
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For Excavation i use an overclocked diamond drill, enchanted with efficency. First i use it to dig out the 3 lower levels of the vein, then i run aounrd in that empty space pointing the drill up.
For Excavation i use an overclocked diamond drill, enchanted with efficency. First i use it to dig out the 3 lower levels of the vein, then i run aounrd in that empty space pointing the drill up.
Actually I forgot about the drill: this is probably one of the fastest ways to clear out an ore vein, even if it is manual work, unless you're comparing to a whole bunch of arcane bores.

I do it differently than you: I start at the top and work down. What sucks is that the veins are 7 blocks tall instead of 6 though, so I have to do it in 3 passes.
Excavation: IC2 Advanced miner with mini ME system and chunkloader. Right on top of the vein center. 6 blocks mine a whole vein in about 1h. Traveling with 5-6 of these i could mine 24veins in 4h.
As another data point, the people on my server are also getting the recipes not synching from the server to the client, random recipes, such as the forestry machine box whatever-it-was-called is showing as 8 ingots to them, where it looks as a GT recipe to me with plates and such... They sent me a picture as proof as well...

EDIT: 3.1.8 FTB Launcher for them.
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yes, there is a problem with recipes showing in NEI and i hope somebody looks into this issue because several items are not craftable on our server..
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On which height do you build your ender quarrys? If its higher it will often mine air, but also some of the higher veins...
Excavation: IC2 Advanced miner with mini ME system and chunkloader. Right on top of the vein center. 6 blocks mine a whole vein in about 1h. Traveling with 5-6 of these i could mine 24veins in 4h.
You prefer this over Ender Quarry? What is your preferred method to power the advanced miner?
You prefer this over Ender Quarry? What is your preferred method to power the advanced miner?
The Quarry mines the whole world while the IC2 miner can be set to only filter out GT Ores. So if you place it directly on the vein it is even much faster and cheaper.
I power it with batteries. 4x EV BatBuffer with 40mio EU is enough for about 3 veins.
Which weapon U prefer? Melee and range versions?
I can't go out of 20 damage on any weapon.
I found that thaum bow gives 20-23 damage.
Which weapon U prefer? Melee and range versions?
I can't go out of 20 damage on any weapon.
I found that thaum bow gives 20-23 damage.
My favourite is the Bone Bow form thaumcraft, enchanted with punch, fire, infinity. As for melee, i am using The Ender (from enderIO) also fully enchanted and added eIO bonuses. It is great sword even for travelling/blink.
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Which weapon U prefer? Melee and range versions?
I can't go out of 20 damage on any weapon.
I found that thaum bow gives 20-23 damage.
Chainsaw. Enough damage for a fight from time to time and an extra weapon would fill an inventory slot.