[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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This one's handy, I didn't know there was a way to farm quicksilver.
As I said I'm less sure of that, you'd want to double check in-game as I'm just going off hazy memories and the file which just has the metadata and internal item name. For quicksilver/mercury results you'd want to double check which thaumcraft ore has a metadata of 4 and which resource has a metadata of 3, I think at least one of those is quicksilver or cinnabar. The ore is from permutatio by the way, you can get either one of those ore or 4 copper ingots, note due to how it works the actual chance should be 1 in n+1 of ore where n is the amount of oredicted copper ingots as it adds a separate loot chance for everything oredicted as copper ingots although with GT auto-oredict it will just mean a higher chance of getting copper ingots. I think there is only a few versions though, IC2, Forestry, GT, Railcraft and anything else?
Let them eat cake !
Indeed, never figured out a real use for cake here except food though. And the golden apples it gives only occur 50% of the time so averages out to the same amount of gold as lucrum.
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Well I just tried it (version .26) and the second hatch outputs normal steam or nothing at all.
Good news, that's the second point in the loop.
  • for every 1 mB of superheated steam that is consumed by the HP Turbine, 1 mB of regular steam should be created.
That means you can pump the output directly into a regular Steam Turbine for another 50% power (and distilled water).

So if your first turbine is generating 600eu/t, you'll get 900eu/t total between the two.

For clarity, the High Pressure Steam Turbine does not generate water, just "Low Pressure" steam.
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@Aiwendil and co., see pics

1) Setup: LHE, HP Turbine (Bottom Right), Turbine (Bottom Left).
a) The Front-most face for the LHE is the output. The output splits into both turbines because its not going to produce 100% superheated steam (when you begin sending it hot coolant, it will almost certainly generate a bit of regular steam first)
b) The HP turbine outputs steam into the regular Turbine
c) The regular turbine outputs distilled water into the side of the LHE.
d) The BC tanks full of distilled water aren't actually being used at all. I ended up using cells.

2) I've put 8 buckets of distilled water into the LHE. While running, that level fluctuates. I saw it get down to 7988 at one point, while running at around 40% efficiency.

3) After I shut off the hot coolant, and let the remaining steam get processed....we get back to exactly 8000mB of distilled water.
Closed loop.

Important note about the closed loop: If a hatch cannot accept any more liquid/steam, it gets voided. This is particularly annoying when you initially turn on the LHE, and steam flies to your turbines, and those turbines aren't turned on yet. They automatically shut down when they're not receiving steam.

Important note 2: I just added a second input hatch to my turbines, and because they can hold an awful lot of steam themselves, they managed to deplete the distilled water (with expected results), so watch out for that via fluid regulators.
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All that talk about turbines piqued my interest and I just did what I thought it was possible to do.
Remember that screenshot with two turbines facing backwards to each other to save on casings?
Not only you can do that, but you can mix a HP turbine together with a "LP" turbine, and share the output and input hatches of them, so when the HP turbine outputs regular steam on an output hatch, you can use a pump cover to send it to an input hatch which the LP turbine consumes.
All that talk about turbines piqued my interest and I just did what I thought it was possible to do.
Remember that screenshot with two turbines facing backwards to each other to save on casings?
Not only you can do that, but you can mix a HP turbine together with a "LP" turbine, and share the output and input hatches of them, so when the HP turbine outputs regular steam on an output hatch, you can use a pump cover to send it to an input hatch which the LP turbine consumes.
This should be perfectly safe to do too efficiency-wise, because the LP turbine should always be consuming the same amount of steam as the HP. You only need to regulate flow to the HP.
Here some pictures of my fluid nuclear reactor.

My reactor chamber

I have 2 nuclear reactors :)
I'm using this thorium reactor design
My reactors are producing together around 1570 eu/t with the superheated steam method
This is my hot coolant to EU conversion tower.
Left and right is mirrored and independant of each other so each reactor has its own.


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For those interested in nuclear power i just made a pretty long thread on the IC2 forum about the subject. There are several good gregtech designs there that could be usefull for people here. Think there is still quite some potential for improvement on gregtech design so feel free to suggest your best gregtech build.


On another topic: Any time estimate on the change to the uranium ore gen. Don't wanna start my new world untill it is fixed:)
For those interested in nuclear power i just made a pretty long thread on the IC2 forum about the subject. There are several good gregtech designs there that could be usefull for people here. Think there is still quite some potential for improvement on gregtech design so feel free to suggest your best gregtech build.


On another topic: Any time estimate on the change to the uranium ore gen. Don't wanna start my new world untill it is fixed:)
You're blackpalt? Neato :)
Well I've run into yet another thing that has stumped me: how do I get oxygen into a galacticraft oxygen compressor? I've tried ender io fluid conduits, gregtech pipes and buildcraft pipes, but none of these will connect to the blue oxygen input side on the compressor (or any other side). The galacticraft oxygen pipes will connect to the side, but won't connect to any other pipe or conduit. I can't directly eject from a machine into it either.

Presumably there is some way of using my oxygen in the compressor? Or do I need a Galacticraft oxygen collector to get a separate type of oxygen?
Well I've run into yet another thing that has stumped me: how do I get oxygen into a galacticraft oxygen compressor? I've tried ender io fluid conduits, gregtech pipes and buildcraft pipes, but none of these will connect to the blue oxygen input side on the compressor (or any other side). The galacticraft oxygen pipes will connect to the side, but won't connect to any other pipe or conduit. I can't directly eject from a machine into it either.

Presumably there is some way of using my oxygen in the compressor? Or do I need a Galacticraft oxygen collector to get a separate type of oxygen?
The gas liquifier can accept gt oxygen and turn it into galacticraft oxygen but the oxygen collector is still the best way.
For those interested in nuclear power i just made a pretty long thread on the IC2 forum about the subject. There are several good gregtech designs there that could be usefull for people here. Think there is still quite some potential for improvement on gregtech design so feel free to suggest your best gregtech build.


On another topic: Any time estimate on the change to the uranium ore gen. Don't wanna start my new world untill it is fixed:)
So if you are Blackpalt then I have to say that this rule is useless
5. Should be easy to automate, this means no mixing of fuel rods

You can easily automate different fuel rods with the gregtech regulator OR with the logisticspipe supplier pipe (with placement upgrade).
I'm mostly aiming for easy to use designs that does not rely to much on other mods than ic2. I should mention that even without that rule not much would change. Pretty much all the best designs happen to be single type designs. You do have a point thought so i think i might just add mixed designs as bonus when they are actually better.
I know AE2 meteor worldgen is disabled, is there any source of sky stone blocks (asteroid dimension maybe)? I see you can breed magic bees for it but you require a block of sky stone present for that mutation to occur. I guess you could use the mutagen machine to force the mutation to get around the normal requirement.