[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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BTW has anyone really got deep into Opencomputers yet? I'm finding some difficulty with the default configs for recipes, specifically the printed circuit board. Any sulfuric acid cell I make comes out as an IHL cell, which is unusable in the recipe. Also the raw circuit board you smelt requres Lateritic Soil from Geologica, which isn't something I've got enabled.
I haven't headed that way yet so I can't comment on the sulfuric acid cell, I can say though that NEI tells me the raw circuit board is made from a block of clay, green dye, and cutting wire in a shapeless recipe.
Right, the GC Refinery makes the same fuel as the BC refinery. Rocket fuel is EnderIO only. The problem with the GC fuel containers is that they can't be filled/emptied correctly with most mods.

Yeah, I don't even bother with the GC containers except for Oxygen, which I need to wear on my back.

For the fuel, I used ExUt drums and piped fuel in and out using eIO fluid conduits. One drum will hold enough fuel for many launches.
I'm in the process of breeding Mahoes now in my "greenhouse". Would crossing Blue Mahou with Sugar Maple be a good start? It appears Sugar Maple has the highest biomass rating of any non hybrid.

Blue Mahoe has the best sappiness in this pack, i.e. the best biomass rating per sapling. You will be net positive with Blue Mahoe if you do everything else right.

The problem with straight Blue Mahoe is the trees take forever to mature (hint : try breeding in some Apple Oak maturity), they are relatively small (hint : try breeding in some Jungle height), and they don't drop many saplings (I think one of the trees it takes to get Mahoe will give you High saplings).

If you want to step it up further, breed some Grapefruits and put them in a Forestry manual 'orchard' farm. You'll have to use a Forestry circuit, Forestry soldering irons, and tubes to do this.
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Blue Mahoe has the best sappiness in this pack, i.e. the best biomass rating per sapling. You will be net positive with Blue Mahoe if you do everything else right.

The problem with straight Blue Mahoe is the trees take forever to mature (hint : try breeding in some Apple Oak maturity), they are relatively small (hint : try breeding in some Jungle height), and they don't drop many saplings (I think one of the trees it takes to get Mahoe will give you High saplings).

If you want to step it up further, breed some Grapefruits and put them in a Forestry manual 'orchard' farm. You'll have to use a Forestry circuit, Forestry soldering irons, and tubes to do this.
Sweet thanks. I've made it to teak trees so far. I don't think getting some Apple Oak maturity in there will be difficult. I built a fully enclosed glass arboreum with just 2 trees and some apiaries in it in a loaded chunk that is separated off from any other loaded chunks by a 2 chunk border so that I could get purity of breeding. When I achieve a new tree breed I remove all the bees from the arboreum and put in new bees to pollinate.

I still get apple oak pollen in there somehow. I might just make a mutagen yet :( I've heard about the grapefruits being great for biofuel also, but I'm a long ways off from those. I was so confused when I first started this process due to Plenty of Biomes/Harvestcraft trees and their incompatibility with Forestry. I was at first very excited when I found grapefruit trees in the wild, only to discover the harvestcraft stuff doesn't work for all this process.

I did finally make some progress on bee breeding. I've finally got a steady strain of tin bees and finally got a couple of copper drones I can work with. I've really struggled with copper :( Demonic and Austere bees are a go. I guess one of my next steps is to get off my rear and end work on Rurals. I'm not really sure where I'm going with all this or what my goal is, but oil seems like a reasonable near-term goal with rare metals and maybe radioactives being a long-term goal. I was thinking about going for some of the eIO alloys through bees, but with my pigman farm redesign I'm pulling in a stack of gold ingots per day now.

Speaking of pigmen, is there any auto-crafting solution that might let me combine two broken swords/armor into one good one? It's odd because I can macerate a 23/24 gold sword if I manually insert it into a macerator, but the damaged swords won't feed in through hoppers or eIO conduits.
Speaking of pigmen, is there any auto-crafting solution that might let me combine two broken swords/armor into one good one? It's odd because I can macerate a 23/24 gold sword if I manually insert it into a macerator, but the damaged swords won't feed in through hoppers or eIO conduits.

I'd also love some pointers on this as well; I have a mob summoning farm summoning three pigmen every minute or so to be slaughtered by my guard golems and a gather golem to pick up the drops which get fed to the macerater input chest, where they remain because they don't get auto-fed in. I hadn't made the connection between damaged and undamaged swords, however! Makes me wonder if I could set up a golem to throw damaged swords into the thaumic restorer, and THEN drop them into the macerater input chest....
I'd also love some pointers on this as well; I have a mob summoning farm summoning three pigmen every minute or so to be slaughtered by my guard golems and a gather golem to pick up the drops which get fed to the macerater input chest, where they remain because they don't get auto-fed in. I hadn't made the connection between damaged and undamaged swords, however! Makes me wonder if I could set up a golem to throw damaged swords into the thaumic restorer, and THEN drop them into the macerater input chest....

A golem may be able to insert them directly into a macerator also. Might be an issue with the version we're on though. See if you can put a damaged sword directly into the macerator. If you can, a golem may be able to as well.
A golem may be able to insert them directly into a macerator also. Might be an issue with the version we're on though. See if you can put a damaged sword directly into the macerator. If you can, a golem may be able to as well.
That was one of the initial things I tried--I attempted to use a golem to insert swords into the macerater, but sadly, it didn't work--I tried empty, fill and use golems; none could do the trick.
A golem may be able to insert them directly into a macerator also. Might be an issue with the version we're on though. See if you can put a damaged sword directly into the macerator. If you can, a golem may be able to as well.

BTW, you CAN stick a damaged golden sword into the macerater; I occasionally try to clear out the sword queue by doing this manually--it produces two golden dust which is then fed into a production table to be smelted, and then whisked away to storage.

EDIT: Another thing that occurred to me to simply feed golden swords into the alchemical furnace for the lucrum essentia, and then duplicate golden nuggets with 2 lucrum and 1 metallum; its not nearly as efficient as macerating & smelting it, however. Also, setting up that process just sounds like a pain
Demonic and Austere bees are a go.

If you have Demonic, you have Glowstone and Lava. You can centrifuge lava in an MV centrifuge to get gold, copper, tin, and tungsten. You don't have to let your centrifuges run all the time, but let them run overnight and you'll be doing good for those metals.

Speaking of pigmen, is there any auto-crafting solution that might let me combine two broken swords/armor into one good one? It's odd because I can macerate a 23/24 gold sword if I manually insert it into a macerator, but the damaged swords won't feed in through hoppers or eIO conduits.

You'll need either repair those or else use an auto-crafter that ignores NBT data. I don't know of one off the top of my head.
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Got exited today because I finnaly have steel to do a bending machine and get some EU. But now that I half throguh the crafting of the Basic Steam turbine I see that a lot of redstone is needed to craft this.
Is there a *easy* way to find some? Are there Veins of redstone? Or just strafe mining at y<20 and get lucky?
Got exited today because I finnaly have steel to do a bending machine and get some EU. But now that I half throguh the crafting of the Basic Steam turbine I see that a lot of redstone is needed to craft this.
Is there a *easy* way to find some? Are there Veins of redstone? Or just strafe mining at y<20 and get lucky?

There are indeed Redstone veins. They are relatively easy to find in the Nether, and harder to find in the Overworld. Finding Redstone in the Overworld is about as frustrating/long as finding Tin.

Do you have flight yet ?
Got boots of traveling with this I´m ok in nether I will explore :) thx!
Also already got the flight reserach in TC but I still have to do something against the instability.
20 candels are not enoguh I worry.
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Will I ever stop breeding bees that can only survive in the nether yet are diurnal? That is the question.
Got boots of traveling with this I´m ok in nether I will explore :) thx!
Also already got the flight reserach in TC but I still have to do something against the instability.
20 candels are not enoguh I worry.
For the "Dangerous" instability, a infuser should need i believe 80+? (but no more than 100) candles to be perfectly stable, ill append a screenshot of the subfloor for my crafter when im actually online :P
Got boots of traveling with this I´m ok in nether I will explore :) thx!
Also already got the flight reserach in TC but I still have to do something against the instability.
20 candels are not enoguh I worry.

I've got a 17x17 stability setup under the floor of my infusion altar; nothing but candles and mob heads. Works perfectly, and even with the "dangerous" level infusions I have zero problems! Although as Tyriael_Soban mentions, you probably don't need that many--I just went crazy with crafting the candles.
Just transferred over my essentia from my jars to an ME network--its nice compacting that horrendous setup into just a few blocks.
Just transferred over my essentia from my jars to an ME network--its nice compacting that horrendous setup into just a few blocks.
Nice! What's the interface from the almbelics and such look like? How do you spit essentia back into an alchemical construct?
Will I ever stop breeding bees that can only survive in the nether yet are diurnal? That is the question.

Yes !!

Here's what I do:

1. Enable Binnie's for the Acclimitizer
2. Stick Max. Fert. Princess and Drone (ex. Wintry or Majestic) into Acclimitizer with Ice Blocks, water wax capsules, and lava wax capsules, and let run
3. Stick back in with just sand and let run
4. Take finished Princess and Drone and breed until you have Temp and Humid Both5/Both5.
5. Breed in other handy traits like Faster/Fastest Production (Aer Bees), Cave/Rain/Nocturnal/Diurnal (Rocky), and Shortest Life (Cultivated)
6. Make a ton of Princesses of some species that doesn't have any further mutations
7. Take 1 Nether-loving drone and breed with Princess from step 6.
8. Take hybrid and breed with another pure Princess from step 6.
9. Repeat until you have hybrid with all desired traits
10. Breed hybrid princess and hybrid drone until you have pure Princess and Drones of Nether-loving species (from step 7)

I only have to cycle steps 8 and 9 about 4 or 5 times. Step 10 takes another 4 to 5 times. I use Oblivion Frames if available. Otherwise, I use Necrotic Frames (use Thauminomicon recipe, not NEI recipe).
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Yes !!

Here's what I do:

1. Enable Binnie's for the Acclimitizer
2. Stick Max. Fert. Princess and Drone (ex. Wintry or Majestic) into Acclimitizer with Ice Blocks, water wax capsules, and lava wax capsules, and let run
3. Stick back in with just sand and let run
4. Take finished Princess and Drone and breed until you have Temp and Humid Both5/Both5.
5. Breed in other handy traits like Faster/Fastest Production (Aer Bees), Cave/Rain/Nocturnal/Diurnal (Rocky), and Shortest Life (Cultivated)
6. Make a ton of Princesses of some species that doesn't have any further mutations
7. Take 1 Nether-loving drone and breed with Princess from step 6.
8. Take hybrid and breed with another pure Princess from step 6.
9. Repeat until you have hybrid with all desired traits
10. Breed hybrid princess and hybrid drone until you have pure Princess and Drones of Nether-loving species (from step 7)

I only have to cycle steps 8 and 9 about 4 or 5 times. Step 10 takes another 4 to 5 times. I use Oblivion Frames if available. Otherwise, I use Necrotic Frames (use Thauminomicon recipe, not NEI recipe).
Miguk, you'll never guess what i'm tinkering with lately. I'm breeding fish in mariculture.

There's absolutely no good reason for this; they're not super useful as far as I can tell, but I've always wanted to look into it and I thought you'd find it amusing that the Anti-Drone would be playing with breeding.
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