It will break the HQM unfortunately, and possibly introduce minor balance quibbles.Can we update GTu for Infitech or will it break everything?
It will break the HQM unfortunately, and possibly introduce minor balance quibbles.Can we update GTu for Infitech or will it break everything?
Damn it's been a while but I remember making that, and yes that should still be fully accurate, we shouldn't have changed any of the recipes in there. That's actually pretty decent as a guide, only thing really missing is the researches. Enhanced Galgador is definitely one of the most complicated and annoying things in the pack to get though.Hi Guys, apologies for jumping in here, but have a quick question - I noticed the recipe flow someone kindly put together by Xavion, I'm running Infitech 2 (V.3.2.21) and am looking at a Steve's Carts mining piece, which requires the Galgadorian Drill. Looking at the flow, can I take it that if I follow this start to finish I should end up with Galgadorian Metal?
I ask as I'm A: a noob, and B: some way off making the majority of what is on the list, but would love to give it a shot, but in would hate to get 75% way through and find out something has been removed or I'm unable to finish!
Thanks in advance and thanks for the recipe flow, helps newish players like me out immensely.
I have built the drilling rig, but I think it is working slower than advertised. It is taking 8 seconds per cycle, but the book says it should take 4 with an MV energy hatch. I have also looked at the current source code, which seems to say it should take
(1280 / 2^minTier) / 2^tier ticks per cycle.
minTier is always 2, and tier is the actual voltage tier, where 0=8EU/ULV, 1=32EU/LV, 2=128EU/MV
So in my case with one MV energy hatch, we have 1280 / 4 / 4 = 80 ticks per cycle, i.e. 4 seconds.
My machine is powered directly by an MV diesel generator that is burning one bucket of light fuel (256kEU) in 2 minutes, i.e. it is burning at about 128 EU/t.
Has anyone else encountered this issue? What is the exact version of GT in the pack so I can check the source for that too?
Has anyone got a world download (or 5) with end-game machines? Unfortunately life has taken over and I don't have time to get there myself, but I would love to explore some worlds that have built the fusion reactor, and more or less finished everything in the pack.
Has anyone got a world download (or 5) with end-game machines? Unfortunately life has taken over and I don't have time to get there myself, but I would love to explore some worlds that have built the fusion reactor, and more or less finished everything in the pack.