[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think I have post-traumatic stress disorder now, I'm literally paralyzed and can't get myself to work on my electrical circuits. I'm certain to have nightmares tonight about this as well... sigh. What a day. LOL

Perhaps my best course of action is a personal resolution never to use GT transformers ever again... even if it means more complex and less efficient power circuitry (since in the bass ackwards world of GregTech electricity, higher power output generators equals less efficient generators). LOL
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Well ti seems the forum is on fire, so many post on so little time, people are busy , or the opposite of it.

have no clue how to to get a GT machine to auto-output into an adjacent GT machine.
Maybe press the orange button on the machine GUI? and you need to screw the output to make accept input if that is what you are trying to do.

Sorry about the explosion, it can happens, i also one time placed a machine thought everything was fine , them a connection i did not saw, and boom, process line lost.
Power lines and buffer works pretty well, the battery on slot can only emit a single amp, and as the machine is not getting a full amp every time from power line, it will deplete rather quick. Using power lines with a tier above your machines and transforming down in a buffer is the best course, as there is little loss and maximum power available to work, there is something called power discharge and batteries suffer the most from it, so using the battery slot to power your machine, you are actually increase the loss of power, i use it as an emergency power.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well ti seems the forum is on fire, so many post on so little time, people are busy , or the opposite of it.

Maybe press the orange button on the machine GUI? and you need to screw the output to make accept input if that is what you are trying to do.

Sorry about the explosion, it can happens, i also one time placed a machine thought everything was fine , them a connection i did not saw, and boom, process line lost.
Power lines and buffer works pretty well, the battery on slot can only emit a single amp, and as the machine is not getting a full amp every time from power line, it will deplete rather quick. Using power lines with a tier above your machines and transforming down in a buffer is the best course, as there is little loss and maximum power available to work, there is something called power discharge and batteries suffer the most from it, so using the battery slot to power your machine, you are actually increase the loss of power, i use it as an emergency power.

Good advice, thanks. So when you say "screw the output", you obviously mean take the GT Screwdriver and change the mode, just like when I'm working with shutters... and by "output", you must mean that the mysterious square shape on the back of all the GT machines is an output? I always wondered what that was!!!!

This is what happens when you use the "easy mode" to move stuff around (and I'm talking about the Ender IO conduits). With those, I can pretty much attach to any side, I've never had to worry about which side is the "output" side. The only restriction is that I can't use the front side of the machine, and I can't pull items out of the machine thru the top side. Otherwise I can slap an output conduit anywhere without worrying about which way the dot (the square thing) is facing.

What I do is line up all my GT machines in a row, and I put my power cable on the back side of the machines.... blocking that output side I guess. But since I do all my work by hand, manually, it never really bothers me that I have no "official" output side. If I have to automate, I output thru the bottom.

So if I were to try and use GT Item Pipes with that "output side", it would make a mess of my preferred base design. I'd have to put my power cables somewhere else (underneath) and I couldn't stack my machines like I do now. That's why I don't bother. I really like my base the way I have it setup. It would be difficult if not impossible to change my preferences at this point.
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there is something called power discharge and batteries suffer the most from it, so using the battery slot to power your machine, you are actually increase the loss of power, i use it as an emergency power.

To be precise, the power loss from discharging a battery is worse when it is in a battery buffer than when it is in a machine. Each time a battery is discharged, one EU per voltage tier of the battery is lost. This happens no matter where the battery is. But when the battery is in a battery buffer, there is a second layer of power loss when the buffer emits power to a cable. This is the same power loss suffered by all transformers and generators: 2 ^ (tier), or 2 EU for LV, 4 EU for MV, 8 EU for HV, and so on. (This is why an LV Steam Turbine actually consumes 102 steam and produces 34 EU, even though it only emits 32 EU.)

So for a LV battery in a machine, it will discharge 33 EU and add 32 EU to the machine's buffer, but only if the machine needs it. But for an LV battery in a battery buffer, it will discharge 35 EU from the battery, add 34 EU to the battery buffer's buffer, then discharge 34 EU from that buffer and send a 32 EU amp out of the battery buffer's output side (where it will be even further reduced by cable losses).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
To be precise, the power loss from discharging a battery is worse when it is in a battery buffer than when it is in a machine. Each time a battery is discharged, one EU per voltage tier of the battery is lost. This happens no matter where the battery is. But when the battery is in a battery buffer, there is a second layer of power loss when the buffer emits power to a cable. This is the same power loss suffered by all transformers and generators: 2 ^ (tier), or 2 EU for LV, 4 EU for MV, 8 EU for HV, and so on. (This is why an LV Steam Turbine actually consumes 102 steam and produces 34 EU, even though it only emits 32 EU.)

So for a LV battery in a machine, it will discharge 33 EU and add 32 EU to the machine's buffer, but only if the machine needs it. But for an LV battery in a battery buffer, it will discharge 35 EU from the battery, add 34 EU to the battery buffer's buffer, then discharge 34 EU from that buffer and send a 32 EU amp out of the battery buffer's output side (where it will be even further reduced by cable losses).

So then my idea of having a power setup for my machines with 4-6 lengths of cable alternating with Battery Buffer Boxes was a terrible idea because each time a power packet goes thru a Buffer, it's incurring an extra cost? For hours and hours, day after day, these little costs must add up to a huge cost. At the very end of my workshop, the power reaching those machines has gone thru 3 Buffer Boxes on its journey.

Can you explain an optimal setup for, say, a workshop filled with MV machines? Is it better to make a power grid of electrified cable (let's say 4x4 for 16 machines) and put a machine at every junction? The worst setup possible must be having all your machines in a row with the last machine in line the furthest from the power source and going thru so many lengths of cable it's not even funny... But where should the Buffer Boxes go, aren't they sort of like Redstone Repeaters, in the sense they boost the EU/t back up to the full value for the power tier?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think I have post-traumatic stress disorder now, I'm literally paralyzed and can't get myself to work on my electrical circuits. I'm certain to have nightmares tonight about this as well... sigh. What a day. LOL

Perhaps my best course of action is a personal resolution never to use GT transformers ever again... even if it means more complex and less efficient power circuitry (since in the bass ackwards world of GregTech electricity, higher power output generators equals less efficient generators). LOL

There was a player on my server that was playing with a live transformer that was on his main power line that went to all his machines. He accidentally inverted cause a massive explosion that literally took out his whole base. He had all of his resources in barrels and they were destroyed as well. The only thing that remained was a bit of a steel tank and his bronze age machines. We didnt see that player return for quite some time, but they did come back and hit the grind again. I was impressed, especially after he made a full recovery


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Saplings have no real use in this pack? They make Biomass in a Forestry Fermenter, but no thanks, I'm already making Industrial Biomass. I guess I can burn em as a fuel, or maybe Recycle them for a few pieces of scrap, not sure why I'd need to do that tho (until I reach UUmatter stage).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There was a player on my server that was playing with a live transformer that was on his main power line that went to all his machines. He accidentally inverted cause a massive explosion that literally took out his whole base. He had all of his resources in barrels and they were destroyed as well. The only thing that remained was a bit of a steel tank and his bronze age machines. We didnt see that player return for quite some time, but they did come back and hit the grind again. I was impressed, especially after he made a full recovery

Yeah, when a major disaster suddenly takes all your fun away, its a mix of emotions, sadness and anger mostly. But I joked that there was also a small bit of the happy emotion... such as "Good, maybe now I can quit this game that takes up all my time and reclaim my life!"

Except you know I didn't mean it. :D
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Sven "flamestrider"

Good advice, thanks. So when you say "screw the output", you obviously mean take the GT Screwdriver and change the mode, just like when I'm working with shutters... and by "output", you must mean that the mysterious square shape on the back of all the GT machines is an output? I always wondered what that was!!!!
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So if I were to try and use GT Item Pipes with that "output side", it would make a mess of my preferred base design. I'd have to put my power cables somewhere else (underneath) and I couldn't stack my machines like I do now. That's why I don't bother. I really like my base the way I have it setup. It would be difficult if not impossible to change my preferences at this point.
The output on all GT machines can be wrenched to any side, except the front face, so you could wrench it to the under- or over-side then adjust it with a screwdriver to choose if you want the output to accept input as well...

It's how I make simple and compact unbottling additions on my systems. (LPG Centrifuging) Like placing a centrifuge and fluid unbottler next to eachother, using a screwdriver on the outputs to accept input, then wrenching the outputs against the other machine, add in electrical wires and then hooking up a pump on the fluid unbottler to pump out the LPG into pipes that go towards my turbines. (This last pump isn't necessary if you use conduits for fluid transport ofc.)


Quest "Better steam storage" doesn't accept iron tank walls and valves even after clicking manual detect, but gauges accepted without problems


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So if I were to try and use GT Item Pipes with that "output side", it would make a mess of my preferred base design. I'd have to put my power cables somewhere else (underneath) and I couldn't stack my machines like I do now. That's why I don't bother. I really like my base the way I have it setup. It would be difficult if not impossible to change my preferences at this point.

i see, i would like a pic to see that design of yours, later on the pack you can use thaumcraft to stack things more than ever.

To be precise, the power loss from discharging a battery is worse when it is in a battery buffer than when it is in a machine.

the logic seems correct but there is a missing info, the battery buffer only get powers from battery if its internal buffer drops below a certain % , so if the power of the grid is enough to keep it full, it never actually cause discharge of batteries , while the batteries keep the amperage up and bring the packet back up.

So then my idea of having a power setup for my machines with 4-6 lengths of cable alternating with Battery Buffer Boxes was a terrible idea because each time a power packet goes thru a Buffer, it's incurring an extra cost?

no because of the above.

Is it better to make a power grid of electrified cable (let's say 4x4 for 16 machines) and put a machine at every junction?

well it would be best to put the most power hungry machine closest to energy source and the least one can be away from it, since the lower waits more to request a amp than the hungry ones.

He accidentally inverted cause a massive explosion that literally took out his whole base.

there is a way to avoid the frying amp of destruction when a machine explode , but when that happens on energy giver , it is inevitable to lose everything.
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Sven "flamestrider"

I had no problem getting the reward for this quest, only a few days ago. So I wonder if you did something wrong...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
When I'm using my GT Electric Wrench to take apart a multiblock structure, why does the wrench sometimes seem to get stuck in an endless loop? It just sits there making noise but it doesn't break the block. Sometimes I can wrench for 10 seconds and the block won't break, other times the block will break almost instantly. It seems random. Why is this happening?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Why does the Oil Cracking Unit have 2 Input Hatches? Is that so we can load it with both Light Fuel and Heavy Fuel at the same time? The Hatch placement is odd tho - can they be moved elsewhere in their "rings"? Can the Input Hatch on the far left be swapped with the Output Hatch on the far right? The book makes it seem like you can't swap them.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
One hatch is for the addition of steam or hydrogen for increased power or output efficiency. I believe this is stated in the questbook.

Oh yes that's right, thanks! That's why I ask questions first and build later. :)

Can the Oil Cracker Hatches be swapped sides, or is it fixed? Naturally my setup wants input on the right and output on the left, which is opposite of what the book says. Also, I'd like the energy savings but getting steam from my tank to the Cracker is gonna be messy and I hate messy piping.