[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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Are mobs necessary for progression?
I had to turn them off because mobs + lag is OP combo. They always kill me when the game freezes so I stand nearly no chance if I don't kill them before they can see me.

Sven "flamestrider"

whether there are plans for porting to 1.10?
well, I'm not developing this pack but my guess is that we atleast need to wait for both Gregtech and Thaumcraft to get 1.10 versions before this pack can begin for 1.10 ;)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The pack plays just fine the way it is, and every v1.10 pack I've played feels incomplete. I'd ask your question again next decade, say in 2020. Until then, play v1.7.10 with Infitech2, don't worry and be happy. :D
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi there, am i the only one who got problems to get biogas in to the LV- Basic Gas Turbine.?

I just got to the same step. I have a barrel full of Bio Chaff (lol yes that's 64 stacks of it, a lot of AFK'ing while compressing/macerating my wheat) and I just made my first bit of Bio Gas.

I stopped, only because I'm not sure if I can just pump the Bio Gas into a Basic Gas Turbine using my Fluid Conduits right from the Distillery, or if I have to put it into Empty Cells and use those in the Basic Gas Turbine.

NEI shows the Gas Turbine recipe as the Bio Gas being inside an Empty Cell, but that might just be how NEI shows it. If I recall (this is my second play-thru but I never used Gas last time), you can pump the Bio Gas directly into the Basic Gas Turbine just like you can pump steam fluid directly into the Basic Steam Turbine. You might be restricted to just the top and bottom of the Turbine for fluid access, I'm wondering if perhaps you tried to put the Bio Gas in thru the side of the Turbine?

But since I wasn't sure, and since I was due for a break, I shut my game down once I reached this point. Glad you asked the question, hopefully when somebody gives the right answer, I'll fire the game back up and get to it.

The one thing I noticed during testing of my Bio Gas processing setup is... holy cow is that Distillery SLOW. Geez. There's a bunch of posts a few pages back which talks about having "30 Distilleries running" and now I can understand why... ouch. Is this all really worth the time and effort spent on it? I sure hope Bio Gas is a step up from Steam, but so far it seems like a lot of work and trouble, for an unknown benefit.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just got to the same step. I have a barrel full of Bio Chaff (lol yes that's 64 stacks of it, a lot of AFK'ing while compressing/macerating my wheat) and I just made my first bit of Bio Gas.

I stopped, only because I'm not sure if I can just pump the Bio Gas into a Basic Gas Turbine using my Fluid Conduits right from the Distillery, or if I have to put it into Empty Cells and use those in the Basic Gas Turbine.

NEI shows the Gas Turbine recipe as the Bio Gas being inside an Empty Cell, but that might just be how NEI shows it. If I recall (this is my second play-thru but I never used Gas last time), you can pump the Bio Gas directly into the Basic Gas Turbine just like you can pump steam fluid directly into the Basic Steam Turbine. You might be restricted to just the top and bottom of the Turbine for fluid access, I'm wondering if perhaps you tried to put the Bio Gas in thru the side of the Turbine?

But since I wasn't sure, and since I was due for a break, I shut my game down once I reached this point. Glad you asked the question, hopefully when somebody gives the right answer, I'll fire the game back up and get to it.

The one thing I noticed during testing of my Bio Gas processing setup is... holy cow is that Distillery SLOW. Geez. There's a bunch of posts a few pages back which talks about having "30 Distilleries running" and now I can understand why... ouch. Is this all really worth the time and effort spent on it? I sure hope Bio Gas is a step up from Steam, but so far it seems like a lot of work and trouble, for an unknown benefit.

I hope with a pyrolyse oven it will be fast enaugh.

Im not able do pump more then 740 ml into the turbine, even with pipes or conduits. Tomorow i will try the cells.Thanks for the hint.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, I set up an Advanced Miner II and it's producing crushed ore despite not putting down mining pipes, and the types of ore are from quite distant ore deposits. Is this thing working like an Ender Quarry? I expected it to work more like a Gregtech Pump, where it places mining pipes downwards and mines nearby ores or even extends the pipe sideways to mine everything.

Edit: Sigh, yep. That's how it works. It starts from the NW corner of the 96x96 mining area and just kinda teleports stuff into the output bus. It starts at the height of the controller block, not below it.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anybody else getting all sorts of "Lua error - cannot allocate memory" errors on this page? I swear I should have been named Murphy, because if anything can go wrong, it usually does. sigh


I couldn't remember the 6 tools to fix the Hatch if you paid me a million bucks. That's why we have wiki pages, right? sigh again And yes I know there's a book in-game that lists the tools, but the formatting for those books has always been messed up ever since I've been playing InfiTech2 and those books are unreadable (the Maintenance pages are unreadable). It's the sort of thing I'd never bother to report (cause it's so minor), but I bet I'm not alone with the problem.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In short. No there will be no PORT to 1.10

v1.10 sucks anyways, or at least the mod selection for v1.10 sucks IMO And since a lot of the old-timer mod developers seem to be moving on in life... I don't see it getting any better.

I think we will look back upon the v1.7.10 Minecraft days as the "peak" of the game. It's pretty much the point where Notch sold his baby to a big faceless nameless Mega-Corporation, which is always the beginning of the end. Always. It was fun while it lasted tho... and thanks to great modpacks like this one, the fun will (hopefully) never end (until I'm dead and gone)!

Jason McRay

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wait...I've been gone a while and now I see a GT 5.10 - is that not a port to MC 1.10? What is it actually? I can't seem to find a changelog for it.
You are correct. GT 5.10 is port of GT5.09 to MC 1.10. And I am saying that there will be no port of Infitech 2 to 1.10, because... Why? There is literally no reason to just port IT2 to 1.10.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi there,

i did try anything to put biogas in a LV basic gas turbine, and it wont work or accept it. Is this intended or just a bug, am i the only one with this problem ?


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
Hi there,

i did try anything to put biogas in a LV basic gas turbine, and it wont work or accept it. Is this intended or just a bug, am i the only one with this problem ?
Does it work in a Diesel engine by any chance? Biogas may not actually be a "gas". Which sounds silly except that in North America, gas (gasoline, petrol) is a liquid, not a gas.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I was trying this to because of the word gasoline :p it wont , and i realized that the pyrolyse oven just do biomass and no biogas so i have to build a distilation tower.

Every other fuel is working fine and i can use biogas in a semifluid generator, but i like to stick to gregys machines so spamming some semifluid generators isn't what i wannted.

Maybe i have to wait 4 a update


Every other fuel is working fine and i can use biogas in a semifluid generator, but i like to stick to gregys machines so spamming some semifluid generators isn't what i wannted.
well you found the problem, for some reason you got ic2 biogas instead of gt biogas, that is why you cant place it inside the gas turbine, different fuels. To fix you might need to use a fluid canning machine to move from one to another.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
well you found the problem, for some reason you got ic2 biogas instead of gt biogas, that is why you cant place it inside the gas turbine, different fuels. To fix you might need to use a fluid canning machine to move from one to another.

I tried this right now, but it seems its not the problem nor the solution but thanks anyway for the help. I got a little step forward and where able to let 1000 ml into the basic gas turbine but she refuses to make energy with it, so i tried the diesel generator again but there is no chance it would accept biogas . So im not able to figure out how to make energy out of biogas with gregtech generators, so i think i will switch to methan and just use as much centrifuges as i need until im going to build a gasturbine and give it another try.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I tried this right now, but it seems its not the problem nor the solution but thanks anyway for the help. I got a little step forward and where able to let 1000 ml into the basic gas turbine but she refuses to make energy with it, so i tried the diesel generator again but there is no chance it would accept biogas . So im not able to figure out how to make energy out of biogas with gregtech generators, so i think i will switch to methan and just use as much centrifuges as i need until im going to build a gasturbine and give it another try.

The gt gas turbines were definitely working with ic2 biogas (from the ic2 fermenter) before the gt pollution update.


In the pic, there's a turbo gas turbine on the left and on the right you can see two (of four) basics. They're both using the biogas in the tank above.

Something could have changed since then of course.

I know this is not likely the problem, but I've mixed up the steam and gas turbines before :(

Sven "flamestrider"

Anybody else getting all sorts of "Lua error - cannot allocate memory" errors on this page? I swear I should have been named Murphy, because if anything can go wrong, it usually does. sigh


I couldn't remember the 6 tools to fix the Hatch if you paid me a million bucks. That's why we have wiki pages, right? sigh again And yes I know there's a book in-game that lists the tools, but the formatting for those books has always been messed up ever since I've been playing InfiTech2 and those books are unreadable (the Maintenance pages are unreadable). It's the sort of thing I'd never bother to report (cause it's so minor), but I bet I'm not alone with the problem.

No errors for me, but then I'm recently gotten a new machine so I don't have anything in the background that might be causing the error for you ;)

I work around not remembering the tools, just bring the eight ones used to make the hatch and a charged soldering iron... since the maintenance-hatch doesn't take durability from the wrong tools it's just easier for me when I forget which tools I need to bring. After all, it's not that often you need to set up a new multi-block machine.