Sven "flamestrider"
Early game the easiest obsidian-breakers are diamonds, either from small ore or from ocean-biome-geodes("vanilla" ore in them), or cobalt... if you like exploring a lot you might also have run into enough irridium to make a early T3 pickaxe.I'll try this soon
Now I'm about to craft my first steam turbine. The next machines will consume quite a bit of rubber, which can only be crafted with sulfur dust at this point. I've read the nether offers alot of sulfur, so I plan to build a portal. To get the necessary obsidian, I need a tier 3 pickaxe. I went hunting for small diamond ores, even found a couple, but all dropped as diamond dust. Is there any way to make a diamond out of the dust without an implosion compressor? Or which material can be used to make a tier 3 pickaxe at this progression? They all seem pretty exotic :/
You can also make ind.diamonds in a normal compressor if you have access to obsidian...
I'm sure I'm forgetting some options early on but at least you have some for thought