I hope it's okay to ask this sort of question here.
A few friends and I want to play a tech modpack together. Some of us would like to try Gregtech and have the hard-mode experience it offers, while others prefer the easier approach of other techmods (e.g. Thermal Expansion). So I'm trying to find a solution that appelas to everyone (if possible).
I already gave a modified Infinity Evolved pack a try (added GT5u and Rotary/Electri/Reactorcraft manually), but ran into some problems with ore generation. Instead of forcing GT into Infinity I figured it might make more sense to add extra mods to a pack which is built around (the more complex) GT experience.
So I ask myself if it would be possible to install the following extra mods with Infitech 2, without any game-breaking issues? I'm aware that the overall balance would be messed up, but which path to choose is up to the player. For me the most important part is the functionallity of each mod itself. It would be very disappointing to encounter some major problems after I put alot of time in the game.
I'd like to add these mods:
Thermal Expansion (requires Thermal Foundation)
Rotary/Electri/Reactorcraft (requires Dragon API)
Hope you can help me, could'nt find much reagrding the topic.
My first thought is that you can't without breaking something... given how heavily this pack modifies all the mods inside it.
If some of your people think GT5u is too hard they really shouldn't try this pack... cause it's harder ;P
I think Thermal Expansion should be easy to add in... though why you want it in this pack I dunno... what does it do that isn't already in the pack?
Computercraft... well, we already have OpenComputers in the pack but they do talk to each-other.
I was looking into making a "GREG" pack, meaning Gregtech, Reika, Ewing, Greg's SG a while back... so I know that "vanilla" GT works pretty well with Reikas mods but tbh trying to insert them into this pack will take a lot of work and might not be worth it since it might cause your intended server to be way to overtasked to have smooth gameplay for your peeps.
So I'm trying to find a solution that appelas to everyone (if possible). <- not really feasible for this pack... since Infitech start outs with the somewhat hard GT experience and makes it more difficult.
I'm not saying you can't do it, I'd just counsel you not to give yourself too much work

With the Reika mods added into this pack it's going to take so much work to get a smooth mod-interaction, since this pack is streamlined along the GT core.
-edit- changed a word that made it more readable