[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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Were those chunk adjacent to the World Anchor? If not, then it would probably be caused by something else. I recall Bibliocraft having 1 decoration (can't remeber which one though) keeping chunk loaded by just having it placed in the world. So that is why i don't put the blame specifically on the Anchor itself but rather wonder as to the cause.
EnderIO Fluid Conduits are known to load cchunks they are travelling through if at least one conduit in line is chunkloaded.
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I can not believe what little info is on the web about greg thaumcraft aspects.. I spent almost 2 hours trying to find a source of stronito (except schematics) and i found nothing. Plsease help :|
I can not believe what little info is on the web about greg thaumcraft aspects.. I spent almost 2 hours trying to find a source of stronito (except schematics) and i found nothing. Plsease help :|
Best way to find out is to look into the source code:

And yes. only Empty schematic has strontio (well also McGuffium and Alumite and Manyullyn, but those two are only in if there is Tinkers)
MAJOR DISCOVERY!!! It's name is LPG!! So I was sitting in my base doing nothing, thinking about my Large Gas Turbine fail. Then I was looking at my huge overflow of Refinery gas. So my initial idea was to make a huge methane buffer and then burn it. But refinery gas also produces LPG and I didn't wanted to void all my LPG, so i hit uses for LPG cell, and what do u know, LPG can burn in gas turbines. This was a surprise for me because if u hit uses in NEI for LPG gas it does not show it can burn in gas turbine, only LPG CELL does. Ok, so i put some LPG in a gas turbine and it burns sooo much longer!! Now i can sustain 3 Large gas turbines with thamium and HSS-S rotors ( around 8000EU/t) with only one Oil Rig wich runs on HV and gets 285 raw oil per cycle and the oil tank is filling up, wow... Oil is a real powerhouse, similar to the Large Heat Exchanger.. Maybe even better if u find huge oil sources!!

Yep. LPG is pretty sweet. The processing chain from light oil is very minimal and easy to setup. It can be run from the methane it produces alone with lots to spare. Leaves all that sweet LPG for what ever use you desire. A much better use of light oil than plastic production IMHO.
Yep. LPG is pretty sweet. The processing chain from light oil is very minimal and easy to setup. It can be run from the methane it produces alone with lots to spare. Leaves all that sweet LPG for what ever use you desire. A much better use of light oil than plastic production IMHO.
Without oil i can't imagine how you can upgrade your fusion reactor, or make orb clusters.. So far, i used more than 60 stacks of plastic sheets, huge amounts of ruby and redstone dust (yay Adv Miner) just for the circuits part of the fusion coils. Also, with little automation I now have around 15k industrial TNT wich i will never use, but it's nice to have them :D By the way, is there any difference in energy density of plasma? Right now i'm only making helium plasma, since i can it's the easiest way. I just wonder if there is a way better plasma source..:D
I hope it's okay to ask this sort of question here.
A few friends and I want to play a tech modpack together. Some of us would like to try Gregtech and have the hard-mode experience it offers, while others prefer the easier approach of other techmods (e.g. Thermal Expansion). So I'm trying to find a solution that appelas to everyone (if possible).
I already gave a modified Infinity Evolved pack a try (added GT5u and Rotary/Electri/Reactorcraft manually), but ran into some problems with ore generation. Instead of forcing GT into Infinity I figured it might make more sense to add extra mods to a pack which is built around (the more complex) GT experience.
So I ask myself if it would be possible to install the following extra mods with Infitech 2, without any game-breaking issues? I'm aware that the overall balance would be messed up, but which path to choose is up to the player. For me the most important part is the functionallity of each mod itself. It would be very disappointing to encounter some major problems after I put alot of time in the game.

I'd like to add these mods:

Thermal Expansion (requires Thermal Foundation)
Rotary/Electri/Reactorcraft (requires Dragon API)

Hope you can help me, could'nt find much reagrding the topic.
Without oil i can't imagine how you can upgrade your fusion reactor, or make orb clusters.. So far, i used more than 60 stacks of plastic sheets, huge amounts of ruby and redstone dust (yay Adv Miner) just for the circuits part of the fusion coils. Also, with little automation I now have around 15k industrial TNT wich i will never use, but it's nice to have them :D By the way, is there any difference in energy density of plasma? Right now i'm only making helium plasma, since i can it's the easiest way. I just wonder if there is a way better plasma source..:D

Oh making plastic from oil is definitely necessary. However, till you get a distillation tower going light oil is a horrible source. They conversion of light oil to sulfuric napthalam is very poor... Better to use the light oil for energy production and use a heavier oil type for plastic production.
I hope it's okay to ask this sort of question here.
A few friends and I want to play a tech modpack together. Some of us would like to try Gregtech and have the hard-mode experience it offers, while others prefer the easier approach of other techmods (e.g. Thermal Expansion). So I'm trying to find a solution that appelas to everyone (if possible).
I already gave a modified Infinity Evolved pack a try (added GT5u and Rotary/Electri/Reactorcraft manually), but ran into some problems with ore generation. Instead of forcing GT into Infinity I figured it might make more sense to add extra mods to a pack which is built around (the more complex) GT experience.
So I ask myself if it would be possible to install the following extra mods with Infitech 2, without any game-breaking issues? I'm aware that the overall balance would be messed up, but which path to choose is up to the player. For me the most important part is the functionallity of each mod itself. It would be very disappointing to encounter some major problems after I put alot of time in the game.

I'd like to add these mods:

Thermal Expansion (requires Thermal Foundation)
Rotary/Electri/Reactorcraft (requires Dragon API)

Hope you can help me, could'nt find much reagrding the topic.
My first thought is that you can't without breaking something... given how heavily this pack modifies all the mods inside it.
If some of your people think GT5u is too hard they really shouldn't try this pack... cause it's harder ;P
I think Thermal Expansion should be easy to add in... though why you want it in this pack I dunno... what does it do that isn't already in the pack?
Computercraft... well, we already have OpenComputers in the pack but they do talk to each-other.

I was looking into making a "GREG" pack, meaning Gregtech, Reika, Ewing, Greg's SG a while back... so I know that "vanilla" GT works pretty well with Reikas mods but tbh trying to insert them into this pack will take a lot of work and might not be worth it since it might cause your intended server to be way to overtasked to have smooth gameplay for your peeps.

So I'm trying to find a solution that appelas to everyone (if possible). <- not really feasible for this pack... since Infitech start outs with the somewhat hard GT experience and makes it more difficult. :)

I'm not saying you can't do it, I'd just counsel you not to give yourself too much work :) With the Reika mods added into this pack it's going to take so much work to get a smooth mod-interaction, since this pack is streamlined along the GT core.

-edit- changed a word that made it more readable
Thanks for your opinion ;)

I think Thermal Expansion should be easy to add in... though why you want it in this pack I dunno... what does it do that isn't already in the pack?
Probably nothing. I thought TE might be good for those who don't want to play the hard way, easy machine construction for ore and wood processing etc.
ComputerCraft because it offers the mining turtles, which we used alot in Tech World 2 before everyone had the quarries :D

With the Reika mods added into this pack it's going to take so much work to get a smooth mod-interaction
If I just drop them in what might happen? Will it break the functionality of other mods? I don't necessarily need a "smooth mod-interaction" as in combining machines in one production chain for example. It would be okay if both mods could function on their own, in their own technological environment.

A little off the topic, but what would be your recommendation if I want to have a tech-heavy Minecraft experience, which is as diverse as possible with all the cool stuff available?

Thanks again!
You only "need" to mine until you get a Adv. Miner II. Or if you play multiplayer with willing slave- ahem I mean good friends ;)

It is busy season for me and the people I play with on a server(my server is our build engine), so was lookin for something like this, that I can just run in the background,,,
Thanks for your opinion ;)
A little off the topic, but what would be your recommendation if I want to have a tech-heavy Minecraft experience, which is as diverse as possible with all the cool stuff available?
Thanks again!
I just couldn't help myself...

Simple answer: Play Infitech 2 :D
If I just drop them in what might happen? Will it break the functionality of other mods? I don't necessarily need a "smooth mod-interaction" as in combining machines in one production chain for example. It would be okay if both mods could function on their own, in their own technological environment.

A little off the topic, but what would be your recommendation if I want to have a tech-heavy Minecraft experience, which is as diverse as possible with all the cool stuff available?

Thanks again!
What might happen? Probably you'll get loads of ID conflicts and it will be "impossible" to play until you've resolved them. Depending on which mod loads first there is a definite chance of breakage.

On recommendations: what @MarcNemesis said, this pack is fantastic, the devs are active and we have an active vocal player-base which can be asked questions about issues and the like... With HQM in this pack it's also a little more GT-beginner friendly than most packs that have GT in it... it is a bit harder and/or grindier than most techpacks out there... I'd warmly recommend it to anyone whom has played Terrafirmacraft and want to play a pack with massive amounts of tech-mods... After all you won't know if your friends will like this pack without testing it, at least if they don't dislike playing with Gregtech.
Hi everyone,
i really this modpack, and would also like to play it on a server with my friends. So I rent a server on nitrado.net, and with enough RAM I could even start the server with the Modpack, but everytime I want to join, my client crashes. I uploaded the crashlog. Does anybody know, what the reason is?
Thanks for any help.


Hi everyone,
i really this modpack, and would also like to play it on a server with my friends. So I rent a server on nitrado.net, and with enough RAM I could even start the server with the Modpack, but everytime I want to join, my client crashes. I uploaded the crashlog. Does anybody know, what the reason is?
Thanks for any help.
Could be incorrect pack version. Make sure you have both the same (if you were downloading the server from the main menu, both latest and recommended pack version links to the old one, so use FTB Launcher to grab the server files).
If you are sure you have same versions for both Server and Client, then please post here also FML log from the server.
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I had the same issue with the server files Nitrado provides. I think there might be on old plugin or a corrupted file. I downloaded the Infitech2 server files and replaced all .jars, which solved the problem.

I'm really enjoying this pack, is there any good Gregtech guide out there? I could only find a short beginners guide, which hasn't too much depth. FTB wiki doesn't have too much either...
For starters, is it possible to get iron from magnetite with manual processing or steam machines? Only way I found is to crush the ore twice, clean it in the cauldron and smelt the dust into 3 iron nuggets. Seems to be a waste ;)
Same question for Tetrahedrite. I need alot of copper :)
For starters, is it possible to get iron from magnetite with manual processing or steam machines? Only way I found is to crush the ore twice, clean it in the cauldron and smelt the dust into 3 iron nuggets. Seems to be a waste ;)
Same question for Tetrahedrite. I need alot of copper :)

Tetra you can smelt directly into a copper ingot, or macerate + hammer + smelt into two copper ingots.

It's possible to get decent amount of iron from magnetite but not without more advanced machinery and with questionable levels of "worth it". If you find yourself needing a bunch of oxygen I could see doing it, but otherwise the best iron are limonite veins (everything but the malachite) and chalcopyrite veins (the pyrite and the iron ore). Using NEI to determine the best ore processing for your needs/tech level is very important.

As far as guides, asking questions (particularly in this thread) is the best way to learn GT my opinion. Following the HQM book, trying things out, and then asking when you're stumped why something isn't working is what I would recommend. Also a creative world. It took me several hours of googling and creative testing to feel like I knew enough about GT pipes to use them comfortably.
Natural gas to LPG seems like best way to go for stress-free energy production. I created both raw oil --> nitro-diesel and natural gas --> LPG refinery lines, and differences can be summed in this picture:

LPG needs only 6-7 machines + transportation, with oil you must at least double that. I used Jason's tank cart setup from his let's play to move fuels around, and different pipes in process itself. It's true that oil is more versatile as it is needed for later game materials, like poly-somethingsomething etc, but so is LPG. Creating both refining lines seems must to advance from LV era.

If you are at same position as I am (late MV/early HV era), I cannot recommend using logistic pipes enough. They are cheap-ish way of making everything work in the background. Auto-crafting especially benefits from logistic pipes, and setting them up saves space. Example below:

It is a great feeling to notice that that specific, time-consuming and tedious-to-make part of the next cool machine can be created by just giving a command and waiting. Even though LP:s are "poor man's enderIO", like ZboubTheWise mentioned, they are usable in times I consider core of this mod (early to mid electric era).

I'm really enjoying this pack, is there any good Gregtech guide out there? I could only find a short beginners guide, which hasn't too much depth. FTB wiki doesn't have too much either...
For starters, is it possible to get iron from magnetite with manual processing or steam machines? Only way I found is to crush the ore twice, clean it in the cauldron and smelt the dust into 3 iron nuggets. Seems to be a waste ;)
Same question for Tetrahedrite. I need alot of copper :)

Just in case you haven't seen this page ... http://ftb.gamepedia.com/GregTech_5_Unofficial.

By the way, you might find some actual iron ore 'in between' the magnetite vein. Most of the veins I've seen it's gold that's 'in-between' but always worth a poke around, especially if you haven't found iron elsewhere yet.