[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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When i charge my world, it back me on the title screen.
Someone know how too resolve that ? i lost 2 party like that.


Blood Asp

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'll try that soon, thanks. I also overlooked that I need molten glas for the recipe, so no wonder that it wouldn't work :)
However, I always have trouble understanding the energy system. The recipe needs 32 EU voltage and 1 Amp current netting an electric power (P=V*I=32 EU * 1 1/t) of 32 EU/t. Losses are applied to the voltage (package size) like in real physics as I undertand. A package loses x EU per block of voltage. In case of a 2x Tin-cable 1 EU/block. If I connect my battery buffer with one 2x Tin-cable to the assembler, why would that work? The voltage should drop to 31 EU at the machine or not? But the recipe would still work? Therefore the voltage of the recipe must not be met to carry it out, only the power requirement which can be achieved with higher current?
Second question:
If I put 16 batteries in a LV battery buffer, that buffer would be able to emit 16 amps. If I connect a machine which needs only one amp, would the other 15 amps be wasted during operation or would the buffer only emit what is needed by the consumers like in the real world?
Your beginning math about loss is correct. 32V at 1amp emitted over one 1x tin cable would reach the machine at 31V 1amp. Most LV recipes are <30EU/t so make it possible to supply them with one amp. But! all machines can accept 1 amp more than their nominal usage, so at last 2 amps. Machines have an internal buffer, usually 40 ticks worth of energy. The energy transferred is only as much this buffer has free space. So for example the buffer is at 3960/4000EU, 1x 32EU are send, 31EU reach and fill up to 3991/4000. But should it be 3920/4000, then 32V 2amp are send, 31V 2amp reach and fill up to 3982/4000. The actually transferred amps are always the smaller value of max amp output or amps requested by machines. So a 16x bat buffer most the time only outputs as much as the connected machines request from it.
hey guys, I'm starting bee breeding and I have a few questions:

- I'm trying to get neighsayer bees and I wonder if biome locked mutations can occur in ExtrabiomesXL equivalent? my base is in a meadow biome, can I get mutations that require plains in a meadow?

- as binnie's isn't in the pack ( :( ) what are the good frames to use? I know necrotic reduces life cycles but which one is good for mutation? (also do I have to start using thaumcraft or can I play without it? the thaumic restorer looks really interesting with oblivion frames)

- how bad is it to add binnie's mod in infitech 2? I really like this mod ;)
- Extrabiomes equivalent biomes should work. At last when i did it there was no issue. Might be some exceptions but who knows...
- Most the time what to use is decided by what you can actually make. And currently not sure what it there in IT2 to use.
-To add binnies, you need also to add the binnie patcher mod. Binnie's not updating to current forestry versions was the reason why it was kicked from IT2. It was there before. But as there are custom bees added for all GT materials even without Binnie's, there is no real reason to add that mod.

When i charge my world, it back me on the title screen.
Someone know how too resolve that ? i lost 2 party like that.

Look into your log files ore crash logs what exactly happens. Most the time the reason is written in there. Just telling us about beeing thrown back to titel screen could be hundreds of reasons.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I need some advice, I'm planning to build a large multi fluid reactor - heat exchanger - multi turbine setup. If I've done my math (and please correct anything I've gotten badly wrong) right putting 4000 hot coolant per second through the heat exchanger makes 160000 super heated steam now? I think I'll need something like 8 super heated steam + 8 steam turbines (21000 flow rotors) to consume this. Where I'm stuck is how to move that much fluid out of the heat exchanger fast enough and into the turbines?
Ender fluid conduits appear to have a limit per connection of 6000/sec and per network of 24000/sec; they seem out of the question for this volume of heated steam, but should work for the hot/cold coolants and distilled water.
Any suggestions how to move that much steam with limited connections on the heat exchanger?
All I can think up right now is experimenting with transvector interfaces to virtually place the turbines directly against the output hatches of the heat exchanger and using fluid regulator covers to move the fluid from hatch to hatch? (Though I've never used the regulators, they are labeled as configurable, are they tunable the same way the ic2 regulator is?)

I figured I'd share what I managed to find as a solution to my large build, bit of a wall of text incoming but the tl/dr version is using p2p tunnels and fuzzy bus/emitters I was able to completely automate reactors/turbines to produce 23k+ eu/tick.

I wanted to base my build using HSS-S large turbines and running the heat exchanger at 100% efficiency.
You need 4000 or more hot coolant per second to run at 100% efficiency, I chose 4200 hot coolant to evenly fill the turbine requirement.
4200 hot coolant at 100% efficiency makes 168000 super heated steam, divided by the 21000 per turbine is exactly 8 turbines at 100% of their efficiency.

For reference the HSS-S super heated steam large turbines each use 21000 fluid per second (1050 fluid/tick) and the Steam large turbines each use 42000 fluid per second (2100 fluid/tick)

The heat exchanger provides 168000 HP steam per second (8400 fluid/tick) which I produce by feeding hot coolant through an ic2 fluid regulator set to 210 hot coolant/tick.

The part I really struggled with was how to move 8400 fluid/tick evenly to my 8 turbines.
I ended up using a combination of ic2 fluid regulators and p2p fluid tunnels (the thing to keep in mind with these are they are 1 input, many output tunnels with as far as I can tell unlimited throughput, and also that output hatches auto eject into configured fluid tunnels)
On each HP turbine input hatch I placed a single gregtech fluid pipe. Both the hatch and pipe need to be large enough to contain the 21000 fluid/second.
On each fluid pipe I attached two ic2 regulators (because the max transfer of a regulator is 1000 fluid/tick and I needed 1050...) with each of them set to move 525 fluid/tick.
Then I connect the output of the heat exchanger to the input p2p tunnel and 16 output p2p tunnels on all those regulators and link the tunnels up using the memory card)
Moving steam output from HP turbine into the steam turbine is easy. I had the turbines placed one black apart with a single gregtech fluid pipe between them. Again this pipe, input and output hatches need to be large enough to transfer the 42000 steam per second but they export and input automatically.
The distilled water output from the steam turbines needs to go back to the heat exchanger, this is a many to one connection so a p2p tunnel wasn't ideal and the fluid volumes are small for water so I just used ender fluid conduits.

Below are my notes for automating my reactors (I have one mox heating tower (8 fuel rods, 16 coolant cells) and four cooling towers (4 coolant cells each)) very closely based on Blood asps gallery in his reply to my request.

The cooling tower controls are easy:
hot/cold coolant simply pump in out always, I used ender fluid conduits.
extract cooled coolant cells using fuzzy import bus 100% cell split at 25% comparison
insert heated coolant cells using fuzzy export bus 0% cell split at 25% comparison

My controls for the heating tower are more complicated as you need to maintain core temperature and not mix up the slots where fuel rods and coolant cells go:
First to turn the reactor on I had the following requirements:
-contains all 8 fuel rods (mainly for efficiency) (use fuzzy emitter, match any fuel rods >=8)
-contains all 16 coolant cells (import otherwise core temp will increase) (fuzzy emitter, 100% cell split 25% >=16)
-does not contain coolant cells which are hot enough to remove (again to avoid core temperature increase when these are removed) (fuzzy emitter 0% cell split 25% >=1)
-remote monitor has not triggered as too hot (after manually heating the core to 50%+ core temp, I set the monitor to emit trigger when just 1 temperature above current core temp)
-override switch is off (manual shut off is useful)
Combine the above and feed into reactor redstone port; I used buildcraft gates/pipe wire (I preferred these as they were more compact by using gold gates you can detect redstone on gate side only but projectred logic gates would work)

Input/output control:
-always remove depleted fuel rods (either item conduit or import bus)
-instantly add new fuel rods using gregtech regulator (configured to insert to slots 19,20,24,25,28,29,33,34 in my setup)
-add new coolant cells only if there are 8 fuel cells (this is what prevents mixing up your slots for rods/coolant) (fuzzy/redstone export bus 100% cell split 75% and fuzzy emitter match any fuel rod >=8)
-remove hot coolant cells when level emitter detects them (edit: ended up adding a repeater between the emitter and bus with ~1 second delay to make sure this prevents core heating, must turn off reactor before pulling coolant cells) (fuzzy/redstone import bus 0% cell split 75% and fuzzy emitter 0% cell split 25% levels >=1)

What do I get for all of this? The full output of the HSS-S turbines is 1470 eu/tick at 16 of them turning that is 23520 eu/tick (less a bit of transformer/cable loss)
As long as I can supply uranium 238 the setup can run constantly (well every 4? days I remove the turbine items and dissassmble(insane voltage version for no loss) and reassemble them for repairs - without this having to reproduce all that HSS-S metal would have made me reject this build altogether)

(As for the U238 I have that automated using mana bean farms and alchemy)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
- Most the time what to use is decided by what you can actually make.

I can't make anything right now but I need objectives to aim for :p I'll check the wikis for magic bees I never really played with the magic frame because binnie's were easier to produce and I think more effectives.

I'm well aware of the patcher thing for binnie's mods, I had the official forum thread open for weeks waiting for a fix so I could update forestry, I'm not looking for the bees it adds as they are all covered in the pack but I find the machines more intersting to play with compared to gendustry ones. I supose the genetics machines recipes were gregified like gendustry, do you think I can copy the recipes used in previous versions in minetweaker? I've never done that so I don't know how much time it would take.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've noticed a small annoyance and was wondering if i was alone with this problem.

- When using a basic Jetpack (30k EU), the hover mode activation/disable function is instant.
- I've just switched to an Advanced Electric Jetpack (3mil EU) and the same hover function has a small delay where i have to keep the jump control held for a fraction of a second longer for the hover mode to activate/disable (Only seems to happen on multiplayer.)

I.e: WIth basic jetpack, i'd be able to press jump + hover key simutlaneously. While with the Adv. Electric Jetpack, i have to press the jump, hold it for maybe 2/10 of a second and then press the hover key while still holding the jump key.

Did anyone else experience this tiny "twitch"?


I'm starting to get a few of the components going but just wanted to know if anyone knows a 'better' way to get the polytetrafluoroethylene than this:

my last video cover all the processing for it, using my setup, i turn oil into light fuel (because it gives a good amount of it) then crack it with hydrogen so i almost double the initial amount, and cracked light fuel to refinery gas is a good ratio IMO. with just a small sample i made all the polytetraToungletwist to make the vacuum. After you get the disttilation tower, you gets even more.

I don't have a complete understanding I'm afraid, but I'm not sure you can get around a 32EU/t recipe without some loss, unless you butt the machine right up against an LV generator or battery buffer. The generator will output 32EU/t.

Looking here (http://ftb.gamepedia.com/GregTech_5/Electricity) it says machines can accept 2 or 3 amps, so if you have a 2x wire then 2 packets (of LV say) can arrive at the machine and even with the cable loss, the recipe will work. I imagine the difference between the '2 packets minus loss' and the recipe requirement is wasted, yes. Not 100% on that though.

it is more simple than it seems , the machine request an amp of power, when there is enough space for it on the internal buffer, so the amount of amp vary with use , things bellow the max amp size almost create some period where instead of 2 only 1 amp is request, but yeah, the only way to inject a full amp is having the battery source direct on the machine. But i warn you and all, even without loss on transmission there is discharge loss, so 1k on battery dont means 1k on the machine. all gt5 vanilla machine (maybe not arc furnaces) can request up to 4 amp (because more would be a higher voltage than the machine itself), but that is not true to mass fab.

I've noticed a small annoyance and was wondering if i was alone with this problem.

well different mod, different time when created. IC2 changed some stuff on the electric jetpack while gravity suit use a more outdated code for it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
my last video cover all the processing for it, using my setup, i turn oil into light fuel (because it gives a good amount of it) then crack it with hydrogen so i almost double the initial amount, and cracked light fuel to refinery gas is a good ratio IMO. with just a small sample i made all the polytetraToungletwist to make the vacuum. After you get the disttilation tower, you gets even more.

Yes, thanks, I watched that. I hadn't included cracking in my list as I'm not able to build the oil cracker at the moment (not enough stainless steel yet).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
quick question guys, I put down my miner II for the first time and I don't understand how the mining pipes works, with my oil drill it goes down to bedrock then pump but my miner only put 1 mining pipe down and I already have some ores in the output, any infos on this?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The advanced miner 2 searches up to 48 blocks away from it for ores on the same height the mining pipe is currently at. Once all ores on that height are mined it will go down.
Out of curiosity about this... If half those chunk are not loaded, will it stay there until it has mined all the ore after the chunk have loaded or will it go down has if it finished that layer?

If the latter is true and it goes down, will it detect that it has ore left to mine higher up and mine then anyhow?


Hey Jason, Great work on the pack, I am enjoying it a lot. I don't think I have ever played with such a deep, well thought-out pack. Love the interactions between everything, it makes it feel like it's just one huge mod :)
I have 4 mod suggestions you might like/find fitting:

- GT++: Extends the technical parts of GT a lot and adds a lot of interaction, seems very promising in general https://github.com/draknyte1/GTplusplus/wiki/Features
- Cooking for Blockheads: Goes well with Pam's Harvestcraft and fits the style of the pack a bit better than the furniture mod and makes food less of a "just combine raw items" thing.
- DualHotbars: Just for how incredibly handy it is when you have a lot of tools with you ^^
- ArchitectureCraft: So we can make even better looking bases :D

I hope you find some of them interesting


I hadn't included cracking in my list as I'm not able to build the oil cracker at the moment (not enough stainless steel yet).
yeah without the cracking idk if making light fuel is a good idea, making sufuric gas might be better.. or the same thing, it is kind of difficult to know unless you write down the number, because there is alot of tabs.

can I change the energy hatch to a higher tier?
i believe it goes without saying, higher voltage shorter cycles (except disassembling ) .


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I know it's GT related but i figured i'd mention it here in case @Jason McRay and his team can do something about it.

So here goes: I've noticed that Precision Lens can be set as a cover. Wouldn't it be nice if you could "socket" them as Cover on Precision Laser machine and they would act as if they were in the machine itself. This would enable us to use more than one lens at the same time and instead of having to switch the Lens each time you want to use the P.Laser or avoid us from having to make one P.Laser for each lens.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Okay. I'm officially stumped. I'm midway through the LV tier, and I've gotten tired of trumping back and forth from the Nether to mine Sulfur for rubber. I noticed that Pyrite, of which I have bucketloads, can be electrolyzed into iron and sulfur. Now, the electrolyzer recipe requires 60 eu/t. LV voltage is 32. As I understand, LV machines can accept up to 2 amps. 2 amps of 32 = 64, which should be able to power that recipe, yes? However, no matter how I try and hook it up to my charged 4-slot battery buffer, it doesn't seem to want to run the recipe. What am I doing wrong?


I may be wrong, but I represent this so that how much amps machine will use is define in a recipe. Some recipes indicate specifically that you need power it by 2 or 3 amps, but most of recipes doesnt have this option and that mean that you need power it by 1 amp, in case of pyrite 1 amp of 128v. (if this recipe doesnt require more than 1 amp, cant run game now to check).