[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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Hey @Jason McRay , since you are going to adopt Gendustry, i have one suggestion for you.
Adopt Beyond Reality custom gendustry bees (http://www.beyondrealitypack.com/bees-flow/).

I've talked to Dominance (the BR guy) and he said it would be fine, if you give him the credits and such.
He said that you should talk to him on IRC (#beyondreality @ esper.net) though.
I already was thinking about it. Will talk to Dominance probably tomorrow
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This is good news! The extra bees are nice plus the tin change....well....I already manipulated that to spawn at ylvl 50 before worldgen upon server start lol. Im not usually one for tweeking the world gen but I had to fix it.....Stibnite might still be tough for some if that doesnt change.
This is good news! The extra bees are nice plus the tin change....well....I already manipulated that to spawn at ylvl 50 before worldgen upon server start lol. Im not usually one for tweeking the world gen but I had to fix it.....Stibnite might still be tough for some if that doesnt change.
I have no problem hunting for mountains for tin.. this could be fun actually.. except that tin isn't actually more likely to be found in mountain blocks i think, more like it is just there you CAN find it.. that makes it extremely rare, because first it must be in a casserite vein chunk.. then it must ALSO be on a mountain-like biome, so it is more conditional than other ores, therefor much less likely to occur.

If cassiterite was say... 3 times more likely to be found in mountain blocks compared to other blocks you wouldn't have to hunt for like 20 mountain biomes before finding tin.. maybe only 3-6 mountains which seems reasonable to me.

I guess you could just make tin spawn more frequently and it would have the same effect as tin can only spawn in high locations.

Because that high location is abnormal it will balance itself out and tin will remain somewhat rare, even with increased spawn.

In my opinion i believe this could be more desirable than hunting randomly for tin underground like all the other ores but tin underground or more tin in mountains both methods work.
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Yeah I agree with you. The buomes in XBiomes are huge compared to BoP, in my experience. So finding mountains in the first place was dumb.
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A crashed hard drive and I'm starting a new world... No normal swamps to be seen but I've found some slime seeds. Thing is, I can't get them to spawn slimes. The config for PneumaticCraft has plant effects set to false but supposedly bonemeal is still supposed to work. Has this been nerfed via MineTweak or some other means? It does the animation as if it's about to spawn and just keeps looping never stopping.
A crashed hard drive and I'm starting a new world... No normal swamps to be seen but I've found some slime seeds. Thing is, I can't get them to spawn slimes. The config for PneumaticCraft has plant effects set to false but supposedly bonemeal is still supposed to work. Has this been nerfed via MineTweak or some other means? It does the animation as if it's about to spawn and just keeps looping never stopping.
Just to say a reason why their spreading by theselves was disabled - we have encountered from just 2-3 plants => over 4 chunks covered over time.
They should still work with bonemeal (as config opútion implies), but for some reason they aren't. I made a bug report to Minemaarten.
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If you are running Cauldron server set finiteWater=false in CodeChickenCore.cfg and disable infinite water in cauldron.yml or you will not be able to start the server.

fig opútion imp
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If you are running Cauldron server set finiteWater=false in CodeChickenCore.cfg and disable infinite water in cauldron.yml or you will not be able to start the server.

Hopefully I'll be able to look at this tonight and get this working on my cauldron test server :)

If it all goes ok I can start tearing other exploits and other possible bugs or common issues like this .

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While we're on the subject, I need a banner for an enjin website relating to the infitech2 pack. Thanks to @jason_mcray for suggesting it I really like the domain name GregRage.net so I'd like the banner in some way to include this, the infinity symbol and a planet (relating to the galactic craft part of the pack).

I was thinking maybe a red theme for the rage part and a red strange planet/ mars but your the (future) designer so I'll leave that up to who ever :D

This is an awesome opportunity for someone who's doing college/university work in graphics or photography as you work (if chosen) will be displayed on a public website, awesome for coursework or project work. Please reply here and message me if interested :D

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How to submit an energy to fermenter?
squeezer normally connects with wires, fermenter and distillery - no
In my opinion, BoP seems to like making biomes that are VERY tall. Because of that, there are more suitable biomes for tin to spawn at. Tin is of course a pain nonetheless to actually find, due to a very stone-like ore color, but cassiterite (THAT IS A WORD SPELL CHECK, YOU'RE JUST IGNORANT!) is easier to see (but just barely).
There are other things to consider as well people. For instance... alternative tin producing methods: We've got bees, crops, and Thaumcraft. (As fun as they were) bees were sort of BS in a way. Completely luck based, and finicky creatures. Recalling from prior experience with GT crops, Tine (the tin crop) is/was a fairly easy crop to obtain, though I feel like I might have lucked out a little getting it.

Nonetheless, there are two VERY important things to know when it comes to crop-breeding. Crops are tiered and have keywords, and when it comes to breeding mutations, they favor breeding either up a tier, or (a lot less rarely) down to 2 tiers (using any of the parents as a reference). At any moment, your crops could mutate into something completely unexpected, different and off the charts, but you should at least be smart and NOT try to rely on blind luck...

Keywords are the 2nd. When you analyze your crops, these were usually the first thing you find out about your crops. Keywords are important. The parent crops have this thing with mutating into crops that share keywords with them.

According to the Gregtech crops list here http://wiki.feed-the-beast.com/Crops_(GregTech), the keywords of Tine are as follow: Shiny, Metal, Pine, Tin, Bush.
There are no crops that share Pine and Tin, but there are a few crops that share Shiny and Metal and Bush. First off, to help increase your chances of getting into metal crops... you're going to actually need a metal crop. Argentia is a T7 silver reed plant, Plumbilia is a T6 lead reed plant. Argentia shares more keywords with Tine and Coppon (Coppon shares 3 keywords with Tine, while being only 1 Tier above Tine. It made more sense for me to get to Tine this way, especially with the whole Copper/Tin thing that apparently exists.)
So, this all being said, you're best bet to get into metal crops is Plumbilia. Considering keywords and Tiers, Reeds & Netherwarts should offer you a fairly decent chance at getting it, or better yet, Netherwards with Stickreed. You get to eliminate a few tiers of plants. Breed Plumbilia with itself to get a decent chance for Argentia. If you've been doing additional crop breeding before, and own a Slimeplant, try breeding that with Argentia for a decent chance at Coppon (which is T6, I might be wrong about plants being open to breeding down 2 levels of tiers.) End with Coppon with a Slime Plant (again, if you own one. I feel mutations happen more often when you breed with different plants.) That should likely be the best path to getting Tine.

On another note (did I mention this?), deep core bees underground are a thing. Someone at one point found glowstone bees near the bottom of the overworld. Well, I recently found redstone bees (thank you Pickaxe of the Core), who had vanilla redstone ore around them. Because I had an Excavation Foci with a few Treasure enchantments on it, I obtained a ton of redstone dust. So I can at least use it on batteries and magnetic rods, and not feel like I'll be wasting it. Especially since I have a ton of Gregtech redstone ore as backup when I start getting the machines to process them properly.
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Do eIO conduits not connect ?

If those don't connect, try ExUt energy transfer nodes.

never played with eIO or ExUt) Well, it's time to try, thank you)

hmmm.. connected energy conduits for testing, then removed, and noticed that the wires are connected from the IC
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@Jason McRay has stated he has a strong desire to add IC2 Nuclear Control in an update.
Yup that is correct. Next update will have it.

Also with that I want to apologize for no pack updates for 2 weeks. Reason is simple: Making a quite big update, and waiting for Railcraft to get updated to RF API, so we have no "MJ leftovers" :) CovertJaguar tweeted that the update should be out later this week.
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Also little headsup warning: Binnie Mods are not supporting BC 6.1+ versions (which will be in the next update) yet :(
So Binnies machines will not be able to be powered since there are no MJ generators anymore
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