[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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Because it's not just 192 EU/t, the arc furnace needs 96EU/t but as it takes 3 amps it works with an LV machine for example. An MV machine can only supply up to 128V and gelled toluene in a chemical reactor requires 192V, so even if theoretically you could get the EU in it doesn't matter as the EU can't be used at a high enough voltage to perform the recipe.

Note there is a fluid solidifier recipe for gelled toluene that works at LV levels of voltage, more expensive on the toluene front though.
I see what you mean, for example... most recipes in the Electric Blast Furnace are Unspecified on both Voltage and Ampere but has a "working" EU/t, how one satisfies that requirement is immaterial since the important thing is only that the EU/t is sustained... While a recipe requiring, for example, 44EU 1A at a working amount of 44EU/t cannot be satisfied by a LV power setup/machine and also a machine like the Arc furnace, that requires 3A, needs 3Amp current even if you could supply enough voltage to satisfy the working EU/t need...

I wonder why I havn't had this issue sooner... I guess I just "overbuild" most systems before running them and have not tried streamlining my setups as much before :)
You can still feed it sufficient power with only MV machines by up-converting power with the MV transformer if you really want to.
yeah, but I can't reclaim the toluene already inside a MV chemical reactor... unfortunately.
Oh, yeah, that stuff's gone :)
I wish more machines had the "switch tank" functionality of the IC2 solid/fluid canner, that things awesome.
or could use a circuit, modified with a screwdriver, to pump out the input tank... in effect reversing the machine. (this would work for all GT machines, not just those with both input and output tanks...)
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The backup worked, im back in bussiness :) thanks for the help in fixing it!
Got an idea to vastly improve my more advanced oil setup. Currently its consuming a tremendous amount of hydrogen as it requires this for both desulfurisation and the cracking unit. Currently this is supplied by electrolyzing water which is extremly energy consuming (3x running nonstop more or less). However i just realised i could replace this in the setup by electrolyzing the methane gas i get from the natural gas production. They actually increased this amount by a LOT for all the different oil types so it is a significant amount. Since im not actively using it i have just been voiding it. The good part about this approach is that you decrease the amount of energy needed for processing, produce large amount of excess hydrogen (which is also needed for tungsten production) and also get carbon dust for the nitro diesel production. So basically it makes the entire setup completly self sufficient. You don't have to add anything to make it work. Since the update more or less destroyed all my piping im probably gonna rebuild the entire destillary tower setup now and use this new method instead of the old one. Think i might remake calculations for all of it as well since ive improved the calculations a bit since the first time around.

Also i realise that i should add oil sand to the Low tech nitro diesel production line. The oilsand is actually a lot better early game for gathering oil than the liquid variety as it is rather hard to move large amounts of liquid oil early game. However moving a few stacks of oilsand is easy bussiness :) So each block of oilsand is actually potentially 612.5 mb of nitro diesel with a fuel value of 320k EU. I dare say i find it unlikely you can find any physical item in the world that has a higher net energy gain per item with such abundance :) With this in mind im gonna add the centrifuging of oilsand as a part of the low tech distillation process.

Also the desulfurisation line is actually easily automated with only ender io conduits in this case since you only have to consider 1 chemical reactor for processing sulfuric fuels, just need an electrolyzer for hydrogen, some canning machines to debottle oxygen and bottle hydrogen and two chemical reactors and some conduits and it should be possible to automate without much problem. And you will get oxygen to the blast furnace as an added bonus!

Edit: updated the document and with the oilsand the centrifuge becomes the speed restricting factor and after that its the distillery. However it is very easily scaleable. just add more distilleries and centrifuges. Even with just 1 centrifuge and one distillery+desulfurisation line and nitro diesel line you could still easily run 2 electric blast furnaces with energy to spare and it would consume 1 oilsand every 50 seconds. That is very little work for a lot of energy if you can be bothered to set up the nitro diesel production (which only requires LV machines) :) The only thing you need to add is 1 carbon dust every 32 oil sand blocks :)

Also sorry for wall of text :P
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I looked into Nitrogen a bit more, If you use a Vacuum Freezer to make liquid air and then refine that in a centrifuge you get a lot more "bonus" output in the form of 11'000L Oxygen, 1'000L Argon, and 1'000L Noble Gases, per freezer cycle. it's only slightly more expensive than the "raw" air in the centrifuge version (with vacuum freezer it's 326EU with only centrifuge it's 269EU) for the nitrodiesel processing line... and you don't lose any significant time either, So it's a way to combine more resource gain for a tiny bit of extra cost once you can make a vacuum freezer.

Sorry about the late answer :p
That is a good point if you have any use for those liquids. Otherwise you will just have to add more storage just for the sake of it and in this case i would need something like 2-3 new railcraft tanks to store the fluids. Also you would have to ad 3-4 auxillary machines to automate the process so the nitrogen line doesnt eat cells, however those are fairly cheap compared to the multiblock :)

I spent about 3 hours rebuilding the advanced distillation process so that it now processes the methane gas into hydrogen with excess instead of electrolyzing water. I like this aproach in terms of realism as that is how hydrogen is usually produced in real life for other chemical processes like ammonia. I also rebalanced the energy usage since it outputs so much more methane gas than before so the entire hydrogen and nitro diesel line runs on mostly methane and some LPG.

i haven't completly debugged the system yet as there is a tremendous amount of stuff that needs to be checked but i think its mostly doing what it is supposed to. Takes a while for it to reach stable production as well as many machines need to build up a buffer initially.
The new setup looks a lot better than the old one as a put a lot of effort in trying to not make a mess of the piping :p. I'le add a picture once its completly up and running :)

Also the new buff to the cracker and heavy oil makes it so i almost bathe in products like toluene. When you have drums and drums of toluene it's not really worth going through the trouble to make the more efficient production line as 1 drum of toluene can be turned into 40 stacks of the solid variety. Now i just have to set up a nitration mixture setup so i can produce endless quantities of industrial tnt :). Thankfully the oil setup procuces all the products i need for the industrial tnt production as i can get both oxygen, nitrogen and sulfuric acid from the process to make the nitration mixture.
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Is it just me, or is anyone else having a tough time finding iron? I wanted to build a steel Railcraft boiler, simply because that seems to be the one ingot type I can find in loot chests. Hang the efficiency, or lack thereof, if I'm just not finding iron in caving or mining expeditions I may have to just go with what I can get. This does mean a lot of common recipes requiring iron will drive me to either make an Iron Golem farm or to make a mob spawner just to get loot at a slow, inefficient rate, that contains a small return of iron items.

Previously to I was finding iron on the surface in small amounts in Extreme Hills biomes and wherever Tin/Cassiterite veins spawned, in small quantities. Or deep underground at about the height Limonite spawns in it's various colors. I'm not finding either of those veins, either. I would go after an Ender Quarry but that is so expensive in terms of getting one it's not worth it because it contains too much of an iron cost in components needed for machines to make other components to set it up. I keep getting myself stuck in a catch-22 situation here, I need raw materials to go into machines that will make getting large amounts of raw materials trivially simple in comparison to the methods I'm currently using.

Maybe i just suck at finding GregTech ore veins, but I would appreciate it if there was some low-tech way Jason could implement so that finding ores is even a little easier.

Cheers ...

Iron = Magnetite(magnetite and gold veins), Yellow/Brown Limonite/Banded Iron(Limonite Veins), Banded Iron/Pyrite(in Copper veins), Pyrite(Slufur Veins).
And all these vein types are far from rare...

Basicly, searching for veins is: digg every 3x3 chunks stight down(2x1 hole so you do not fall to death) and save found vein type. After that block up again, move 3 chunks, repeat.
Remember as well worst comes to worst you can transmute iron freely from any other metal at a 1:1 ratio.
Iron = Magnetite(magnetite and gold veins), Yellow/Brown Limonite/Banded Iron(Limonite Veins), Banded Iron/Pyrite(in Copper veins), Pyrite(Slufur Veins).
And all these vein types are far from rare...

Basicly, searching for veins is: digg every 3x3 chunks stight down(2x1 hole so you do not fall to death) and save found vein type. After that block up again, move 3 chunks, repeat.

That would be a lot easier to do if I didn't have to take into account the amount of red/black granite I might have to dig through. They're not easily broken unless you have a pick of the appropriate level. One reason I go hunting for loot is the chance to get any Iridium Ore or Dark Iron ingots to get something that will dig through these two types of stone.

I seemed to have some success digging up Swamp Biomes in previous versions, they seem to contain the Limonite more often than any other biome. Don't know why but I remember coming across heaps of it whilst digging for Aqua Shards from Thaumcraft in earlier versions.

I may have to do more extensive digging operations. That means finding a reliable supply of tools that will dig through that colored granite at least until I can get to either a Mining Laser or Vajra and associated charging equipment, both of which are similar in operation and digging level is at max with these two types of IC2 item.

Cheers ...

Most of the iron veins also has pure iron ore in them and not in a gregtech ore form. For instance you have iron and copper ore in the bottom layers of chalcopyrite/pyrite veins which can be made into clusters for a higher gain if you use thaumcraft. Just dig around in a straight line in the middle of chunks around height 25 and you should soon run into one of the varieties of iron as you can found sorts of common iron ore down at that height. The gregtech varieties of the ores cant be processed in the absolute early game but can still be smelte directly into an iron bar which works untill you get your first steam macerators going.
Remember as well worst comes to worst you can transmute iron freely from any other metal at a 1:1 ratio.

Heh, I thought Jason heavily gated transmutation research in Thaumcraft? How hard is it to actually get to metal transmutation anyway?

Cheers ...

Most of the iron veins also has pure iron ore in them and not in a gregtech ore form. For instance you have iron and copper ore in the bottom layers of chalcopyrite/pyrite veins which can be made into clusters for a higher gain if you use thaumcraft. Just dig around in a straight line in the middle of chunks around height 25 and you should soon run into one of the varieties of iron as you can found sorts of common iron ore down at that height. The gregtech varieties of the ores cant be processed in the absolute early game but can still be smelte directly into an iron bar which works untill you get your first steam macerators going.
Actually in the 3.2 update we added support for GT ores to Thaumcraft clusters, including a few of the higher purity alternates such as brown limonite producing iron clusters or sphalerite giving zinc clusters, molybdenite gives molybdenum clusters and so on. They're also all compatible with the macerator/pulverizer for even higher gains. Highest available now is Cassiterite which can give up to 8 tin per ore iirc.


Heh, I thought Jason heavily gated transmutation research in Thaumcraft? How hard is it to actually get to metal transmutation anyway?
Yeah I didn't really gate TC researches, the wand needs a compressor before you can craft it but the researches for them and transmutations are as easy as ever really after that. You should be able to do it as normal once you've got the wand.

Although steel is a bit harder and a ton of new researches have been added with transmuting and fabricating different metals the normally available ones have the same structure iirc.
Actually in the 3.2 update we added support for GT ores to Thaumcraft clusters, including a few of the higher purity alternates such as brown limonite producing iron clusters or sphalerite giving zinc clusters, molybdenite gives molybdenum clusters and so on. They're also all compatible with the macerator/pulverizer for even higher gains. Highest available now is Cassiterite which can give up to 8 tin per ore iirc.


Yeah I didn't really gate TC researches, the wand needs a compressor before you can craft it but the researches for them and transmutations are as easy as ever really after that. You should be able to do it as normal once you've got the wand.

Although steel is a bit harder and a ton of new researches have been added with transmuting and fabricating different metals the normally available ones have the same structure iirc.

Okay, I might give that a shot then. I do have a few options then. By the way, I actually noticed quite a few magnetite veins around, but I never noticed the smelting to iron showing up when I checked them as usual. Maybe I'm blinded by the complexity of this modpack or something so it's probably just me.

Cheers ...

Wow, i might need to add a proper thaumcraft refining line for metals that i need in large quantities but are not interested in the byproducts. Although that is mostly covered now by all the metals i get from the centrifuging of pahoe lava. Maybe its time to give the ore refining system of mine some love now that i can produce really huge amounts of energy with the turbines. Running 4 universal macerators, 2 thermal centrigues, 4 centrifuges and 4 ore washers at LV right now and its a bit slow. Also i could propably add all the other machines such as sieve and for dissolving ores in nitric acid to get some osmium byproducts.
Started up a new world and really getting into the GT mindset again. Really enjoying the HQM side of things, though. So far it's helped me not go off too far from the beaten path. Thanks again to Jason of course, but also thanks to everyone else who contributes.

I don't think I understand the Bronze Age repeatable hand-in requests though. Are they 'bragging rights' quests or do they become actually useful later on?

Okay, I might give that a shot then. I do have a few options then. By the way, I actually noticed quite a few magnetite veins around, but I never noticed the smelting to iron showing up when I checked them as usual. Maybe I'm blinded by the complexity of this modpack or something so it's probably just me.

Cheers ...


As far as I know you're right, Magnetite won't smelt directly into iron. But you can either find 'iron' magnetite veins or 'gold' magnetite veins where iron/gold is found inbetween. The iron is very hard to see from afar so it's always worth a closer look (although it is mining level 2, so flint/stone pickaxe won't work).
Wow, i might need to add a proper thaumcraft refining line for metals that i need in large quantities but are not interested in the byproducts. Although that is mostly covered now by all the metals i get from the centrifuging of pahoe lava. Maybe its time to give the ore refining system of mine some love now that i can produce really huge amounts of energy with the turbines. Running 4 universal macerators, 2 thermal centrigues, 4 centrifuges and 4 ore washers at LV right now and its a bit slow. Also i could propably add all the other machines such as sieve and for dissolving ores in nitric acid to get some osmium byproducts.

Not sure at what point you are at, but putting the washers and thermal centrifuge inside a processing array is really useful, since it is very efficient in terms of power and space. I currently have 16 washers + 32 centrifuges and it burns through 2x ender quarry produce at a ridiculous rate.
time for another question, why would I use a thermal centrifuge? isn't it the same output than directly macerate the washed ore and putting it in a normal centrifuge? is it faster?
Not sure at what point you are at, but putting the washers and thermal centrifuge inside a processing array is really useful, since it is very efficient in terms of power and space. I currently have 16 washers + 32 centrifuges and it burns through 2x ender quarry produce at a ridiculous rate.

Thermal centrifuges are a lot faster afaik(20 seconds versus 98 seconds(the centrifuge recipe for gold is 78 seconds at least)) but I just checked and the normal centrifuge way has higher output, perhaps I should change my array from thermal centrifuges to just centrifuges :P, although to keep up I'll need a lot of arrays.