The backup worked, im back in bussiness

thanks for the help in fixing it!
Got an idea to vastly improve my more advanced oil setup. Currently its consuming a tremendous amount of hydrogen as it requires this for both desulfurisation and the cracking unit. Currently this is supplied by electrolyzing water which is extremly energy consuming (3x running nonstop more or less). However i just realised i could replace this in the setup by electrolyzing the methane gas i get from the natural gas production. They actually increased this amount by a LOT for all the different oil types so it is a significant amount. Since im not actively using it i have just been voiding it. The good part about this approach is that you decrease the amount of energy needed for processing, produce large amount of excess hydrogen (which is also needed for tungsten production) and also get carbon dust for the nitro diesel production. So basically it makes the entire setup completly self sufficient. You don't have to add anything to make it work. Since the update more or less destroyed all my piping im probably gonna rebuild the entire destillary tower setup now and use this new method instead of the old one. Think i might remake calculations for all of it as well since ive improved the calculations a bit since the first time around.
Also i realise that i should add oil sand to the Low tech nitro diesel production line. The oilsand is actually a lot better early game for gathering oil than the liquid variety as it is rather hard to move large amounts of liquid oil early game. However moving a few stacks of oilsand is easy bussiness

So each block of oilsand is actually potentially 612.5 mb of nitro diesel with a fuel value of 320k EU. I dare say i find it unlikely you can find any physical item in the world that has a higher net energy gain per item with such abundance

With this in mind im gonna add the centrifuging of oilsand as a part of the low tech distillation process.
Also the desulfurisation line is actually easily automated with only ender io conduits in this case since you only have to consider 1 chemical reactor for processing sulfuric fuels, just need an electrolyzer for hydrogen, some canning machines to debottle oxygen and bottle hydrogen and two chemical reactors and some conduits and it should be possible to automate without much problem. And you will get oxygen to the blast furnace as an added bonus!
Edit: updated the document and with the oilsand the centrifuge becomes the speed restricting factor and after that its the distillery. However it is very easily scaleable. just add more distilleries and centrifuges. Even with just 1 centrifuge and one distillery+desulfurisation line and nitro diesel line you could still easily run 2 electric blast furnaces with energy to spare and it would consume 1 oilsand every 50 seconds. That is very little work for a lot of energy if you can be bothered to set up the nitro diesel production (which only requires LV machines)

The only thing you need to add is 1 carbon dust every 32 oil sand blocks
Also sorry for wall of text