Thaumcraft has the dislocation focus which lets you move nearly any block or tile entity, spawner said can be moved with it. The transvector dislocator probably works, framez might as well. Not sure of a more techy solution then framez though, I presume that the ended IO broken spawners are not what you want.
They sure aren't what I want. I was actually looking at diamond plates in this modpack, if Jason can see how to do the recipe in the correct machine, he could make the diamond dolly enabled but require it be made from Diamond Plates that would be made in the Cutting Machine from GregTech. It would fit with the GregTech progression through the machinery tiers, it's not like I require it early on in the game, anyway. I might get around to Thaumcraft, but being that it's made more difficult now, I'm not sure if I'll like getting to the Dislocation Focus.
It's a little confusing, though, looking at the Diamond Plate recipe it says it requires a Cutting Saw, but there are no such items in this modpack nor are there such machines in GregTech, just the aforementioned Cutting Machine.
To make matters worse there are other similarly named GregTech machines. I believe, as long as it requires a fluid as input, for cooling purposes, like the way real-life diamond cutting machines operate, then it should be feasible for Jason to adjust the recipe for it to suit his modpack.

Cheers ...