[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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Thaumcraft has the dislocation focus which lets you move nearly any block or tile entity, spawner said can be moved with it. The transvector dislocator probably works, framez might as well. Not sure of a more techy solution then framez though, I presume that the ended IO broken spawners are not what you want.

They sure aren't what I want. I was actually looking at diamond plates in this modpack, if Jason can see how to do the recipe in the correct machine, he could make the diamond dolly enabled but require it be made from Diamond Plates that would be made in the Cutting Machine from GregTech. It would fit with the GregTech progression through the machinery tiers, it's not like I require it early on in the game, anyway. I might get around to Thaumcraft, but being that it's made more difficult now, I'm not sure if I'll like getting to the Dislocation Focus.

It's a little confusing, though, looking at the Diamond Plate recipe it says it requires a Cutting Saw, but there are no such items in this modpack nor are there such machines in GregTech, just the aforementioned Cutting Machine.

To make matters worse there are other similarly named GregTech machines. I believe, as long as it requires a fluid as input, for cooling purposes, like the way real-life diamond cutting machines operate, then it should be feasible for Jason to adjust the recipe for it to suit his modpack. :D

Cheers ...

New turbine materials from high tier alloys, looks like tungstensteel is not the best anymore. Will probably add something into the google docs in the future to see what materials are the best.

Lots of whining regarding the viability of fuels in the EV and IV tier which can be summed upp into these suggestions:
Power from lava in EV and IV is grossly overpowered and should be nerfed or dissabled. (lava->large exchanger ->SHS large turbine setup)
Solid fuels is overpowered and should be gated through the distilation process to be viable in the EV and IV tier. (wood (renewable)->heavy oil->Liquid refined fuels->Large boiler->Large turbine)
The nerf of liquid refined fuels in the large boilers should be removed so it's viable fuel in the EV and IV tier. (oil (non renewable)->Liquid refined fuels->Large boiler->Large turbine)
Nuclear is fine :)
Lava OP because of LHE? That one is less efficient than the Bronze age lava boiler. Also, how do you supply ~1 Bucket of lava per sec? Even a IV pump in the nether would need to be replaced after 2-3 hours?
Solid fuels op: Yes, i agree. Planned Pollution will be a try to prevend spamming of solid fuel power gen.
Nerfed liquid fuels? I made processing more complex, but also rised the EU output per pumped bucket oil. So it should be higher tier, but more efficient than before.
The GT oil drilling rig should also allow near unlimited oil. Something like once a week you need to move them a few chunks.
Ender thermic pump from ender io with a dimensional transiever can easily pump 5-10 buckets per second and they should not have to be moved that often (at 100rf/tick). The ender thermic pump has a pretty decent range so it should be able to pump quite a lot before it has to be moved. It should take at least a couple of hours. If you have a large railcraft tank as a buffer you have about 3 hours to move it before it runs out of fuel with your example of 1 bucket per second. I do see how it is rather balanced without Ender io so maybe removing the ender thermic pump is a nice option to balance it.
On the efficiency they are actually comparable:
The high pressure lava boiler produces about 300k steam which has a fuel value of 150k eu. The heat exchanger only produces 160k steam or 80k SHS which in would have a base energy content of 240k steam or 120k EU (80k+80k/2) so they are rather close in efficiency.
But if you also add the efficiency of the rotor you actually get a comparable or better efficiency with the large heat exchanger. 1 bucket of lava actually produces 168k EU in a SHS setup with efficiency 140% turbines. Ofc you could also run high pressure lava boiler in a turbine to increase its output the same way but then we also have to consider the scaling factor as you would need 100 high pressure lava boilers to produce 30k steam/s. This is only 187.5 mb worth of pumping lava.
So your example of 1 bucket of lava per second (which as i mentioned is not hard to achieve in this modpack) would produce 168k eu per second or 8400 eu/t. That is equivalent to 2 max size 5x5x5 nuclear reactors produced from a few blocks. All you would need is a lava buffer and move the pump every now and then. The big lava lakes in the nether contain tens of thousands of buckets of lava which are easily available with the ender thermic pump and a dimensional transiever. This would also produce an enourmous amount of tin, copper, gold, tungstate among other things. And really there is nothing stopping you for running with even higher amounts of lava per second as a single large heat exchanger can take up to 2b of lava per second. So yes i think it is very broken.

Regarding the liquid fuels i need to know how you actually calculate how much steam is produced from them to really know. However some things can be said from what we already know.

The problem is the output of the oil system distilation system, not necessarily the efficiency you process the oil. At most the raw energy content from the distilation process is 1800 eu/tick (with oil) without taking efficiency into consideration. For arguments say lets say that the total energy efficiency is 50% using a boiler+large turbine combo that would mean you would need at least 10 of the distilation process i had above to produce 1 amp of IV continously. For heavy or light oil that would be 20! of those setups.

So for them to be viable to produce any amount of energy continously you would actually need to increase the power output from the distilation setups or vastly increase the efficiency compared to their net fuel value. I dont really think it is an option to make more than maybe 2-4 distilation systems (i mean 1 of them is 3 multiblocks and 15-20 ish single blocks). If you wanted to run 1 amp of IV continously with oil each setup would need to produce 4500 eu/tick per setup which would need the boiler+large turbine to increase the current efficiency by about 300%. I dont think we reach that when according to the tooltip it reduces the efficiency by 75%.

So basically the way i see it for liquid refined fuels to be viable in IV a single distilation processing line like the one above would need to have a net energy output of 3000-4500 eu/tick taking efficiency into consideration. Then you would need 2-3 of those setups to produce 1 amp of IV. So either you can increase the throughput of the system so that it produces fuel faster or the efficiency in the boiler+turbine setup needs to be much much higher. Or a combination of both.

For comparison the reason the solid fuel system is viable is since the output of a single tree farm is rather high. A decent sized tree farm that produces lets say 1.25 wood per second that is turned into alumentum (60% energy increase 6400/2.5 *1600 charcoal) would produce 1.25*1.6*48000= 96 k steam/s or 3360 eu/tick with tungstensteel boilers+ tungstensteel large rotors. A 1.25 wood/s tree farm is a lot easier to pull of than the liquid fuel process and most likely produces many times the power output.
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For comparison the reason the solid fuel system is viable is since the output of a single tree farm is rather high. A decent sized tree farm that produces lets say 1.25 wood per second that is turned into alumentum (60% energy increase 6400/2.5 *1600 charcoal) would produce 1.25*1.6*48000= 96 k steam/s or 3360 eu/tick with tungstensteel boilers+ tungstensteel large rotors. A 1.25 wood/s tree farm is a lot easier to pull of than the liquid fuel process and most likely produces many times the power output.
Tree farms like the one you're describing are one of the reasons I've always wanted to implement pollution; to prevent people from creating fusion-level power from wood/charcoal. Its kind of insane. ( I don't have any specific comments on anything else you described)
Is there any way of finding out how the efficiency of liquid fuels in large boilers work? Maybe the GT5 u developer or a config or something. It's hard to say something definetly when you are only speculation and since the boilers have a warmup period it is rather difficult to make a accurate test to see how much it produces.
Is there any way of finding out how the efficiency of liquid fuels in large boilers work? Maybe the GT5 u developer or a config or something. It's hard to say something definetly when you are only speculation and since the boilers have a warmup period it is rather difficult to make a accurate test to see how much it produces.
The code is open source if you want to take a look at it directly.
I'd be careful about removing the Enderthermic pump as it's one of the few (if not only) lava pumping solution that doesn't cause machine or server lag due to flowing lava recalculations. Other than that I generally agree that it should be fusion > 5x5x5 reactors > reactors > liquid fuels > solid fuels > lava
I'd be careful about removing the Enderthermic pump as it's one of the few (if not only) lava pumping solution that doesn't cause machine or server lag due to flowing lava recalculations. Other than that I generally agree that it should be fusion > 5x5x5 reactors > reactors > liquid fuels > solid fuels > lava
Just you know: The GT pumps are lagfree. They do no block update after pumping to prevent lava from flowing.
I actually think that it would more balanced and in line with the rest of the modpack if the only way to pump large amounts of lava would be through gregtech. Right now there is very little reason to use the gregtech pumps at all really. Especially the endothermic pump vastly outperforms all other pumps both in terms of power consumtion and ease to set up

It's nice to know that a few other people share my concern regarding the balance between different fuel sources :) I will probably try a variety of fuel systems as i really enjoy making them so i will probably test most of them during this playthrough. I need to research the new turbines thought so i know what material i will need for my turbine setups so thats whats up next. Maybe ile make a solid fuel tungstensteel boiler setup just to see how difficult it is to actually set up and see how it performs. Also need to figure out the efficiency of liquid fuels so that would be a good opportunity to test that out as well. Good times :)

I just realised another viable energy source for IV would be to use a distillation tower setup with aggricultural fuels to produce biogas that you run in a large gas turbine. I also changed my document to reflect different efficiencies in using the fuel by separeted the power required and power output of the system. The net gain is actually different when you consider if the efficiency is higher or lower than 100%. With a 140% gas turbine the net output of a biogas distilation tower would be 1066*1.4=1492 eu/t and the running cost would be roughly 500 eu/t so the net gain would be almost 1000 eu/tick per distilation tower. That setup is actually very easy as well and would only require a decent sized potato farm or something similar.

Similarly i think a natural gas based system could be really high in output if you build it for higher output with several chemical reactors and electrolyzers to run LPG and methane in large gas turbines. The setup breaks even with sulfuric acid so you could easily scale this system up a lot to produce a very large amount of methane and LPG while it running on its own byproductc. If you have a good natural gas source you could easily produce IV level power as 500mb/s of biogas should be roughly 2000 eu /tick worth of LPG and Methane in a large gas turbine.
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Just you know: The GT pumps are lagfree. They do no block update after pumping to prevent lava from flowing.

That's as may be, but if anything causes Minecraft to do a block update in a chunk containing a GT pump, it could still cause lag while that chunk is being updated. Also, if most people chunk load their pumps like they should, wouldn't lag be caused anyway by Minecraft having to do a block update every time a source block in a loaded chunk is removed?

If the lava pool is large enough the pump might start pumping from blocks outside the loaded range, which might alleviate the problem. But if not, then some part of the running program still has to update the lava source blocks and this in and of itself could still contribute to lag caused by lava source blocks being removed.

Cheers ...


amadornes said:
I lost most of my interest in working on it a long time ago while I was working on rewriting it completely. It just... felt wrong... Even if things were messy in everybody's code, I felt horrible for rewriting it so I silently stopped working on it. It had been a while since anybody else had shown any signs of wanting to work on it so I didn't bother telling them. The IRC channel then remained quiet for weeks and when I saw asie's Charset, which added the wires and the gates, as well as his own version of the tubes I thought that updating to 1.8 wasn't really worth it and instead focused on getting MCMultiPart (the new multipart API) ready for public use.
From what I know, MineMaarten got quite busy with school stuff as well as maintaining PneumaticCraft, and the same for K4, but with Hydraulicraft. Q... I still don't know...
If I've missed a part of the story or derped somewhere, be sure to correct me, but I just wanted to let everyone know what happened from MY point of view. I'm not saying the rest quit development and then I stopped, it's just that they were too busy to work on so many projects and they had to set priorities, and so did I.
Quetzi said:
As Amadornes has said, consider it a dead project. Everyone involved has pretty much gotten way too busy to continue with it. I'd love to be able to split machines and tubes off on its own but I'm insanely busy this year (and lack the skill for it). I think it's development prompted some other mods to rethink their approaches and change as a result, so it hasn't been a complete waste.
just a heads-up
I guess better to do it when the worlds are fresh, and not overly explored....

3.2.3 will have BP removed, we will switch back to PrRed.

Ok little change of plans... 3.2.4 will have it removed, so we can give players more time to swap and prepare!
3.2.3 will contain both mods (PrRed and BP, with already changed few recipes)
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I just updated to 3.2.2 and my game crashes each time I try to learn a GT transmutation recipe, any idea why?

Edit: Actually a lot of the recipes in the thaumonomicon crashes me now ( unknown recipes ) such as advanced brewing, pyrotheum, farmland...
Crash logs please, and do you play on a server?
Yes i do play on a server, I don't have a crash log just says " A fatal error has occurred, this connection is terminated ". It does say that research note has been added to my inventory then crash, and when I log back in there's no research note.
Well.. if you can get to the moon, you should have access to the Seismic Prospector... So just run around with it for few minutes, do some prospecting and then come back and check the results