[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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Haven't touched any spawn rules. So as long some mod did not changed it... it is the same as it was before.
Strange, I was leaping around swampland the whole night. No slimes at all) will try another swampland

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Wops, saw that the refined liquid fuels have 1/4 the fuel value in the tungstensteel boiler, guess thats not an option after all for burning nitro diesel after all:p Also i saw you can make wood into heavy oil in the pyrolyze oven. 16 logs is 200 heavy for a total of 61440 so the net energy value of the systems would be 69497 (4342 eu/log) eu per operation. You would need 3 pyrolyse ovens to keep upp with the distilation tower

This process is a lot less efficient than the steam route thought as each log would produce 32-48k steam which produces waaaaaay more power with with all the available turbines :P
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I'm about to update to 3.2 but then I saw this:
- Disabled IC2 power storages
That means no more Batboxes, CESU, etc, right? So RC turbines are useless now since we can't transform ic2 into gt anymore?
I'm about to update to 3.2 but then I saw this:
- Disabled IC2 power storages
That means no more Batboxes, CESU, etc, right? So RC turbines are useless now since we can't transform ic2 into gt anymore?
You can transform from any IC2 block that stores and emits power, which includes the transformers. (Also, my recollection is that the transformers don't "transform" when they do this, they act more like a bridge. YMMV)
You can transform from any IC2 block that stores and emits power, which includes the transformers. (Also, my recollection is that the transformers don't "transform" when they do this, they act more like a bridge. YMMV)
So this should work, right?
Rc turbine -> Gt LV Transformer -> Inverted Gt LV Transformer -> MV Battery buffer?
Worth noting that in your scenario, the transformations are the least of your problems. I thought we disabled the RC Turbine itself, or at the very least gated it way farther back.
(I'll miss it, that thing was a million times better than the GT turbines....but that was the problem)
One of the things I like least about disabling the IC2 power storage blocks (other than losing the clever way to losslessly transmit power) is that my IC2 reactor design for burning through as much thorium as possible is a little more difficult to set up now maybe.

Previously I'd do a long row of single chamber reactors and then run a chain of CESUs behind them all feeding into each other, which then output into an MFSU to charge up lapotron crystals.

I'm guessing now I would need to put an IC2 transformer behind each individual reactor chamber and point them back into a GT transformer which then goes into a GT cable and transmits power to a GT battery buffer? It's a lot less clean. Shame we couldn't have just made it impossible to automate withdrawal of batteries from the IC2 power storage blocks instead.
My oil distillation process is finally done :) Pipes everywhere :)

As it was quite difficult maybe ile add a picture guide on how to make it in the google docs document
Very nice, although it makes me nervous when I see you have no walls on your base. I've accidentally built too close to the edge of a wall-free base design and POOOF! the next rainstorm.
Very nice, although it makes me nervous when I see you have no walls on your base. I've accidentally built too close to the edge of a wall-free base design and POOOF! the next rainstorm.
Tell me about it, I lost my first EBF this way...
Very nice, although it makes me nervous when I see you have no walls on your base. I've accidentally built too close to the edge of a wall-free base design and POOOF! the next rainstorm.

I've had accidents.... major ones, The sound of rain brings a feeling of dread deep into the core of my being. However i am way to lazy to build wall as i tend to focus 100 % on the energy systems im building and nothing on building the base around it :). This is actually a lot cleaner than how i usually build :p I mean, i have proper roof and floor now at least :D

I'm a bit curious how the math behind the large boiler work. How do you actually calculate the amount of steam that gets produced. The only example ive seen is with charcoal which uses tics of burning time. So we can from that say that for every 1 tic of burning time in a fuel it will produce 48000/1600= 30 steam based on the information from charcoal (or 20 in a bronze boiler). But a lot of the fuel does not actually have a energy value based on burn time but in EU. So how does that convert into steam? is it 2 steam for every 1 EU in fuel value? And how does that relate to the efficiency of the boilers? Would be interesting to know how much steam is produced in a tungstensteel boiler from 1 bucket of nitro diesel for instance.

Long text, read TLDR if lazy

I saw a lot of new materials for turbines have been added that looked really interesting. By my initial look it seemed like a lot of cool alloyed steels that is something that i have really enjoyed but sadly hasn't seen much practical use (blue steel says hello). As im soon to get into large turbines i will probably share all my findings in my google docs if people are interested. However that will be next week since i wont be able to play over easter. Big thumbs up :)

I feel that it is a bit sad that they nerfed the combustion of refined fuels in the boilers as it promotes low tech burning of solid fuels before high tech burning of liquid fuels that promotes a lot more interesting mechanics (if it is as inefficient as i think it is). I mean burning charcoal or alumentium that is a super low tech system and it looks like it's a way more efficient than burning the way more advanced liquid fuels. To me it sounds it should be the other way around. I think it would make more sense that you could uppgrade your non renewable MV-HV liquid fuel processing system to produce higher voltages with boilers and large turbines rather than using the solid fuels.

Now you can just make a golem tree farm and a MV pyrolyse oven and you are actually set all the way to IV fuel wise. The output of this system is actually very high as a pyrolyse oven produces 1 charcoal every 1.25 seconds and some creosote which can run a tunstensteel boiler nonstop. That in turn produces 40k steam/s which in a good low pressure turbine would produce 1400 eu/tick with a 140% turbine at your voltage of choice. An even more efficient setup would be to turn that charcoal into alumentum which increases the fuel value of the same setup by 60%. Then you could run 3 turbines on 2 pyrolyse ovens which would require roughly 1.6 wood per second which is not that hard to achieve with a tree farm. It would produce about the same power as a maxed out nuclear reactor with a large heat exchanger SHS setup.

So in short I'm a little bit sad that this awesome complex oil distillation process ive set upp now will soon be completly obsolete now that i move above the HV tier as i cant produce power above the HV tier with a decent efficiency. And scaling up by building more of the above setups to produce 1 amps of IV power is not really an option. Instead the incentive is to do a simple tree farm setup or pump nether lava with a large turbine setup. I was really excited about building a tungstensteel boiler setup run on liquid fuels untill i saw the 75% efficiency reduction of refined liquid fuels which i think is really really sad thing. I cannot make sense why is it not the other way around with a 75% reduced efficiency on solid fuel rather than refined liquid fuels.

In my oppinion the usefullnes of the different fuel production systems should be Nuclear>liquid refined fuels>solid fuels>lava in terms of output. Now for EV and IV its more like Lava=nuclear>solid fuels>liquid fuels. I think it would be much more balanced if solid fuels would have to be refined into liquid fuels (with pyrolyse oven distillation setup) to make it viable in higher voltage tiers (it would require a boost in output thought). Lava should be nerfed even more heavily as not only is it the easiest fuel to set up and automate. But it also has an output on par with the much more advanced nuclear system. Moreover it also produces a lot of resources by centrifuging pahoe lava (even rare resources such as tungsten). I think centrifuging lava is somewhat balanced as you have to use a lot of resources to produce those resources. It could be a bit more expensive thought as it is for moving from 2096V tier into IV tier so by that time you should have plenty of energy. however i think using lava in the large heat exchanger should be disabled entirely for balance reason. The complexity of that system versus the output just does not make sense when compared to the other fuels.

New turbine materials from high tier alloys, looks like tungstensteel is not the best anymore. Will probably add something into the google docs in the future to see what materials are the best.

Lots of whining regarding the viability of fuels in the EV and IV tier which can be summed upp into these suggestions:
Power from lava in EV and IV is grossly overpowered and should be nerfed or dissabled. (lava->large exchanger ->SHS large turbine setup)
Solid fuels is overpowered and should be gated through the distilation process to be viable in the EV and IV tier. (wood (renewable)->heavy oil->Liquid refined fuels->Large boiler->Large turbine)
The nerf of liquid refined fuels in the large boilers should be removed so it's viable fuel in the EV and IV tier. (oil (non renewable)->Liquid refined fuels->Large boiler->Large turbine)
Nuclear is fine :)
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Hooray!!! Earned !!!
Now the plants have grown completely through relevant block underneath it.


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With all that said in mind i'm still not entirely sure how much power you can produce from say 1 bucket of nitro fuel with a boiler->boiler->turbine setup so i might just be dead wrong. Althought it feels likely considering they changed the efficiency of liquid refined fuels from 80% to 25% in the large boilers. The point about the lava still stands regardless.
Is there an alternative to the Diamond Dolly to move mob spawners? I would like to move any spawners I find at my new base location but I want to keep the spawners for some types, mainly because I don't like breaking a spawner unless I absolutely have to.

Cheers ...

Is there an alternative to the Diamond Dolly to move mob spawners? I would like to move any spawners I find at my new base location but I want to keep the spawners for some types, mainly because I don't like breaking a spawner unless I absolutely have to.

Cheers ...

Thaumcraft has the dislocation focus which lets you move nearly any block or tile entity, spawner said can be moved with it. The transvector dislocator probably works, framez might as well. Not sure of a more techy solution then framez though, I presume that the ended IO broken spawners are not what you want.